SSH multiple ports?

I'm looking for a way to increase ssh security in my home data server, since it is connected to the internet. Right now I only have two users allowed to SHH into the server, one sudoer for administrative purposes and one chrooted for SFTP use, and both are using ssh RSA keys (password login is disabled).
Is there a way to :
1) Each user only be accessible through a specific port?
2) Disable SFTP protocol for the admin user?
I've though that it might be possible by running multiple sshd instances, but I doubt that is even possible.

joaocandre wrote:1) Each user only be accessible through a specific port?
This is called "security by obscurity" and doesn't really help anything. It only introduces more vectors for configuration management errors.
2) Disable SFTP protocol for the admin user?
Same as above, as long as you have root access reachable, it doesn't make sense to disable it in other instances, the attack vector is the same and if the attacker can break one, he can also break the other.
I've though that it might be possible by running multiple sshd instances, but I doubt that is even possible.
This is easily possible and quite common. The use case, however, usually isn't security but something practical - like having sshd listen on other well-known ports to fool some firewalls or proxies or having a backup sshd available when experimenting with the primary one. You can run an ssh daemon as user as well. This would add someting to the security if configured properly.
Last edited by mr.MikyMaus (2015-03-18 16:47:21)

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                                                             Masks/Values    Masks/values
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    Note: Allocation of TCAM entries per feature uses
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    UDP: 1433, 1434
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    echo off
    for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (server.txt) do call :vk %%a
    portqry -n %1 -e 1434 -q -p udp
    if errorlevel = 2 goto filtered_1434
    if errorlevel = 1 goto failed_1434
    if errorlevel = 0 goto success_1434
    goto 135
    Echo %1 udp Port 1434 is listening or filtered
    goto 135
    Echo %1 udp Port 1434 is not listening
    Goto 135
    Echo %1 udp Port 1434 is listening
    goto 135
    portqry -n %1 -e 135 -q -p tcp
    if errorlevel = 2 goto filtered_135
    if errorlevel = 1 goto failed_135
    if errorlevel = 0 goto success_135
    goto 445
    Echo %1 tcp Port 135 is listening or filtered
    goto 445
    Echo %1 tcp Port 135 is not listening
    Goto 445
    Echo %1 tcp Port 135 is listening
    goto 445
    portqry -n %1 -e 445 -q -p tcp
    if errorlevel = 2 goto filtered_445
    if errorlevel = 1 goto failed_445
    if errorlevel = 0 goto success_445
    goto 1433_tcp
    Echo %1 tcp Port 445 is listening or filtered
    goto 1433_tcp
    Echo %1 tcp Port 445 is not listening
    Goto 1433_tcp
    Echo %1 tcp Port 445 is listening
    goto 1433_tcp
    portqry -n %1 -e 1433 -q -p tcp
    if errorlevel = 2 goto filtered_1433_tcp
    if errorlevel = 1 goto failed_1433_tcp
    if errorlevel = 0 goto success_1433_tcp
    goto 1434_tcp
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1433 is listening or filtered
    goto 1434_tcp
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1433 is not listening
    Goto 1434_tcp
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1433 is listening
    goto 1434_tcp
    portqry -n %1 -e 1434 -q -p tcp
    if errorlevel = 2 goto filtered_1434_tcp
    if errorlevel = 1 goto failed_1434_tcp
    if errorlevel = 0 goto success_1434_tcp
    goto 1024
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1434 is listening or filtered
    goto 1024
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1434 is not listening
    Goto 1024
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1434 is listening
    goto 1024
    portqry -n %1 -e 1024 -q -p tcp
    if errorlevel = 2 goto filtered_1024
    if errorlevel = 1 goto failed_1024
    if errorlevel = 0 goto success_1024
    goto 1040
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1024 is listening or filtered
    goto 1040
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1024 is not listening
    Goto 1040
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1024 is listening
    goto 1040
    portqry -n %1 -e 1040 -q -p tcp
    if errorlevel = 2 goto filtered_1040
    if errorlevel = 1 goto failed_1040
    if errorlevel = 0 goto success_1040
    goto 1433
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1040 is listening or filtered
    goto 1433
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1040 is not listening
    Goto 1433
    Echo %1 tcp Port 1040 is listening
    goto 1433
    portqry -n %1 -e 1433 -q -p udp
    if errorlevel = 2 goto filtered_1433
    if errorlevel = 1 goto failed_1433
    if errorlevel = 0 goto success_1433
    goto end
    Echo %1 udp Port 1433 is listening or filtered
    goto end
    Echo %1 udp Port 1433 is not listening
    Goto end
    Echo %1 udp Port 1433 is listening
    goto end

    For what it's worth, I wrote a PowerShell script that does something like this a while back.

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    log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
    '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
    '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
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    Then, I want to visit M1 outside (in the campus) .  Unfortunately, I can do nothing with the router R1. But I have a router R2 whose framework is OpenWrt and its IP 222.xx.xx.xx can be visited by anyone who has logged into the campus network.
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    Description=AutoSSH service for local port 80 forwarded to 222.xx.xx.xx:80
    # place this in /etc/systemd/system/, than enable this.
    Environment="AUTOSSH_GATETIME=0" "AUTOSSH_POLL=60" "AUTOSSH_LOGFILE=/var/log/nginxssh.log"
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -M 22000 -NR 222.xx.xx.xx:808:localhost:808 -NR 222.xx.xx.xx:80:localhost:80 -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -p xxxx [email protected] -i /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa
    Yeah, It works! BUT BUT when someone visits 222.xx.xx.xx, I lost the  the client ip in nginx log file. That would always be, why? - - [27/Apr/2015:00:34:07 +0800] "GET /static/mathjax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "http://222.xx.xx.xx:808/url/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0" "-"
    After ``ssh -R Port forwarding``,  client ip is lost?
    If so,  what should I use to replace ``ssh -R``?
    Last edited by limser (2015-05-04 12:39:18)

    It seems there is a port forwarding configuration trouble with you modem.
    When you access from the WAN or from the LAN, you don't enter in you modem the same way, so the behavior is different.
    It seems that the port 22 of your modem is not directly forwarded to your server. The modem itself asks you a login/password. The key-pair authentification is between laptop and server. The modem itself is not recognized during this authentification.
    Don't touch your ssh-config. It's OK since it was working for monthes before you change your modem.

  • ACE: a class-map with multiple ports... what about the probe/serverfarm?

    Hello Gilles,
    One question about something I was not able to find in the documentation.
    Lets say I have one class-map which includes 2 ports (in this case https and 5061).
    Can I associate this class-map to just 1 generic serverfarm and probe for both ports or I have to specify 2 serverfarms/rservers/probes?
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    The same way is valid for the generic probe.  ACE module is able to probe both ports based on the class-map?
    Thanks and have a great day!!
    probe tcp PROBE_GENERIC_TCP
      description This probe works for all TCP services by inheriting the VIP port.
      interval 15
      faildetect 2
      passdetect interval 15
      passdetect count 2
      open 2
    rserver host SERVER1_ACCESS
      ip address <1AC>
    rserver host SERVER2_ACCESS
      ip address <2AC>
    serverfarm host ACCESS-SFARM
      rserver SERVER1_ACCESS
      rserver SERVER2_ACCESS
    class-map match-any OCS_L4ACCESS
      2 match virtual-address x.x.x.176 tcp eq https
      2 match virtual-address x.x.x.176 tcp eq 5061
    policy-map type loadbalance first-match OCS_L4ACCESS
      class class-default
        sticky-serverfarm ACCESS_STICKY
    policy-map multi-match POLICY
    class OCS_L4ACCESS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy OCS_L4ACCESS
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply active
    connection advanced-options OCS_VIPTIMEOUT
    nat dynamic XXX vlan 503

    Even if you use the 4710 appliance or expect the inheritance in the module software, it's worth considering if this is really what you want. If you keep multiple ports in the L3/L4 class-map you can't handle the services independently. You will have a common serverfarm for both https and 5061. If https service stops on one rserver, the ACE will place that rserver (and not that service) in out-of-operation state and it won't receive any 5061 traffic either. (You have the fail-on-all probe option but I wouldn't say it's a better choice. In that case, https traffic would be sent to the rserver even if https port is closed as long as there is at least one working service on it.) That's why I prefer a separate class-map and separate serverfarm for each service. (They can contain the same rservers, no need to duplicate.) BUT if the software supports probe port inheritance, you can benefit from it even in this scenario: serverfarm-443 and serverfarm-5061 can both use your PROBE_GENERIC_TCP.

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    I assume that you are referring to the Ethernet Switch Module in the 3845. If so it should support SPAN. Here is a SPAN configurations guide:

  • Multiple Ports in WSDL

    WSDL apparently supports more than one 'Port' definition within
    a Service defintion.
    I am wondering whether this would be possible at all in WL6.1, using wsgen ? Basically,
    I have a couple of session beans that
    I want to expose as webservices, thru a single WSDL file. Each bean would become
    a distinct PortType and ultimately Port in the
    WSDL Service definition. However, it looks like the wsgen tool
    cannot do this. Am I (hopefully!) wrong ?
    Also, the WL client-side examples show the following code to
    access a webservice:
    Trader service = (Trader)context.lookup(<webservice_uri>);
    If the <webservice_uri> has multiple Ports (and PortTypes), that
    say, correspond to multiple beans, how would the above resolve
    to the right bean ?

    Hi John,
    No, this is not possible using wsgen. However you can manually edit the files
    in a WebLogic Web Services to do this. Actually, the concept of having a single
    Web Service, that exposes methods from multiple EJBs is pretty cool. Really shows
    that distinction between "service interface" and "service implementation" ;-)
    Anyway, the attached zip contains most of the files you would have to manually
    edit, and a sample client.
    Mike Wooten
    "john mani" <[email protected]> wrote:
    WSDL apparently supports more than one 'Port' definition within
    a Service defintion.
    I am wondering whether this would be possible at all in WL6.1, using
    wsgen ? Basically,
    I have a couple of session beans that
    I want to expose as webservices, thru a single WSDL file. Each bean would
    a distinct PortType and ultimately Port in the
    WSDL Service definition. However, it looks like the wsgen tool
    cannot do this. Am I (hopefully!) wrong ?
    Also, the WL client-side examples show the following code to
    access a webservice:
    Trader service = (Trader)context.lookup(<webservice_uri>);
    If the <webservice_uri> has multiple Ports (and PortTypes), that
    say, correspond to multiple beans, how would the above resolve
    to the right bean ?

  • IOS Zone firewall (ZFW) & changing SSH listening port

    I'll have to check into the deetails again but I recall there being a way to change the listening port for SSH.  Not only do you have to configure SSH itself to listen on a new port but I think there was something about making the inbound interface part of a rotary group or something. 
    Anyway, my question is more about how the zone firewall reacts to this.  If I have inspect set for SSH, (or pass) and yet change the default port for it, does the IOS still know to take the configured action on the protocol?  I'll try to test this myself once I have an opportunity but may not be able to for several days, plus if anybody has anything further to add regarding any other implications this port change mgiht have, please share

    Hi Julio,
    You are ever helpful sir Howver, things are not making sense.
    Ok so to take it from the top. So far I have done the following:
    Router(config)#ip ssh port 2340 rotary 1
    Router(config)#line vty 0 123 (123 = max # of vty lines, my actual # is different)
    Router(config-line)#rotary 1
    This of course does not make SSH on port 2340 work from the Internet zone to Self as I have not yet modified the firewall nor done the ip port-map command. It does work from the LAN side to Self since that zone-pair is more forgiving, however, it works on both 22 and 2340 which I thought odd since I thought the ip ssh command changes the SSH server listening port.
    I have not yet permanently set the ip port-map command. However I ran it once and then did a sh ip port-map ssh
    This showed system defined ssh port maps for tcp and udp on 22, and then my user defined one for tcp port 2340. Interesting that the system-defined ones are both UDP and TCP - I thought SSH was TCP only.
    According to the IOS command referendces (for release 15.2), I should not be able to remove the system-defined port map entries as it would give an error. However, I did no ip port-map ssh port tcp 22 and the same for the UDP entry and they disappeared - so now for sh ip port-map ssh I get no results returned. Yet, SSH still works on 22 and 2340.
    Be that as it may, after some further testing I've concluded that with or without use of the ip port-map ssh port tcp 2340 entry, SSH works (from LAN to Self) on either port 22 or 2340. It seems ip port-map has no effect on the SSH server itself (?). Or perhaps PAM is overridden by the ip ssh commands?
    So at that point I decided to stop testing, not doing anything with firewall yet, until I understand things better. So far, the IOS is very confusing in it's behavior.
    Changing the SSH server's listening port via ip ssh command to something other than 22 seems to not actually change anything, it just adds that port in addition to 22.
    Port-application mapping appears to have no effect on the SSH server (I have not tested whether ip ssh overrides PAM or vice versa)
    So far there seems to be no way to actually change port 22 usage - even "deleting" the PAM entry for ssh via 22 has no effect.

  • Listen on multiple ports for smtp?

    Traditionally, we've provided setup smtp to listen on an additional port to 25 for travellers who find themselves on an ISP which blocks that port. We used a line in like:
    <newportnumber> inet n - y - - smtpdproxywrite unix - - n - 1 proxymap
    This seems to make snow leopard's postfix unhappy. It also doesn't work. I'd be grateful if anybody could tell me:
    * what is or where to look for info on setting up postfix to do multiple ports? I've tried Apple docs and found nothing and only old-style in postfix docs -- though I could be missing something obvious as always.
    * is this the modern and preferred way to get around the blocked port 25 problem or is it better to do some fancy-schmancy port redirection eg at the firewall to map multiple ports on to port 25 for postfix?
    thanks and allbests,

    In the past I've used the following with great success. Add the following line to /etc/postfix/ file:
    2525 inet n - n - - smtpd
    Stop and start the mail service. Then test with telnet to ensure that the port is responding. Sadly, this still appears to be the best way, sans the use of a VPN, to get around ISP blocking.
    Obviously port 25 needs to be open to receive mail. But instead of opening additional port in the firewall, you could drive all users to VPN.
    I just tested the above line in 10.6.1 and it is responding.
    Hope this helps

  • Multiple Port Mapping

    Hey all, I've bounced around here and the knowledge base a bit and couldnt find my answer.
    I have a range of 120 ports that I need to forward to my computer. I've already got everything with static IP and a couple ports working like a top.
    Basiclly I'm wondering if its possible to forward a range of ports instead of having to 120 seperate entries.
    I'm aware of the dmz option but would rather not have it wide open.
    Thanks all!

    You're correct in your analysis and this would have worked. Turns out the telephone adapter, TA, is a router (although ATT Callvantage said it was not). I brought in a local apple dealer's network sensei and he first changed the IP address of the TA to, just outside the range that my APE assigned to my computers and APE's. But, the TA needed multiple ports forwarded, including the range of 10,000 to 11,000. This killed that approach. What was done is that the TA was connected between the APE and the DSL modem. This seems to be working very well.
    The network tech saidn that the lack of ability of the APE to both forward more than 20 ports and no ability to forward a range of ports is a huge drawback. The tech said that he uses a Linksys router for his own personal network.
    I f I didn't use wireless printing and the APE with my iTunes, I'd betempted to can the APE. I am very disappointed in Apple.
    Regards, Axxel

  • Static unicast MAC entry in multiple ports Cat6500VSS

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    My situation is: I've configured a Cluster of Firewalls which exposes a unicast MAC addres for the cluster virtual interface. The situation is that the MAC address is a unicast one, and when the swith sees the MAC from multiple ports, it gets confused and starts doing flooding in all the VLAN.
    The configuration I'm trying to do is for a McAfee Firewall conected to 2 Catalyst 6500 in VSS mode. Here is the article of the firewall vendor with the recommended configuration:
    What i want to do is to configure unicast mirrored mode, and in that mode, I have to run this command on Catalyst 6500 and I can't:
    mac-address-table static 000e.a210.440a GigabitEthernet 1/1/3 GigabitEthernet 2/1/3
    Note that the mac address is a unicast one
    How can I do That? Any help will be appreciated

    There is a fundamental architecture difference between the 2 platforms regarding the internal forwarding of frames. With the 3550 the notification packet is sent after a lookup and the results index can contain more than one entry where as with other architectures the results are limited to a single entry. Basically that is why you can configure an ARP entry to point to different ports on the 3550 versus other platforms.
    Hope that helps.

  • PXI 6511 reading multiple ports in parallel

    I am reading multiple ports in parallel, and it seems to be working fine until I send out data on the MIL STND 1553 bus then the 6511 readings are whacky. Don't know how the 1553 affects the 6511, but am wondering if there is a better way to read the 2 ports in parallel, maybe some of the instability (?) may go away.
    Grasping at straws but figure this is something I can confirm through the community.
    Is there anything obviously wrong (or flakey) about how I am reading these two ports? Is there a better way?
    Message Edited by lmd2 on 03-28-2006 02:18 PM
    Lawrence M. David Jr.
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    cell: 516.819.9711
    [email protected]
    6511 Read ‏122 KB

    this is a very good tip, I didn't know that multiple ports could be input with a comma delimiter.
    the 1553 bus seems to not be an issue (?) but the circuit had a bad IC that was engaged by the 1553 command.
    Anyway I rally appreciate the tip  -   that will come in handy for sure.
    Lawrence M. David Jr.
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    cell: 516.819.9711
    [email protected]

  • Opening multiple ports on Airport Extreme

    I need to open multiple ports on an Airport Extreme to allow for ftps service (about 500 ports). In port forwarding, it appears that I would have to enter 500 entries to do that (e.g. port 4001, 4002, 4003 etc.) Sounds wacky. In other routers (or linux sortware), multiple entries can be entered like "400, 4000-4500". Apple docs don't address this (from what I could find). Is there a syntax for multiple port forwarding?

    Are you using the round 802.11b/g AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) or the square 802.11b/g/n AEBS?
    The round AEBS does not allow you to enter ranges. The only solution for a great number of ports is to use the default host option and send ALL the ports to the designated computer.
    I believe that the square AEBS allows you to enter ranges.

Maybe you are looking for

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