Stairstepping in thermocouple data with TC-2095/SCXI 1102c

Here's my setup:
32 K-type thermocouples (mixture of grounded sheathed and ungrounded exposed tip)
TC-2095 rack mount thermocouple connector block
SCXI 1102c module
I am having an issue of stairstepping in the thermocouple data I am getting.  The system seems to be sampling at the 500-1000 Hz sampling rate because noise and gentle sloping is recorded in the tc data in between the major jumps in temperature.  The stairsteps generally occur at 1 or 2 Hz.  The only thing I modified on the hardware was swapping in the 10 Mohm resistor packs into the tc-2095 to prevent a grounding issue from ruining the readings from our grounded thermocouples.  Any thoughts on how to fix the stairstepping?

Did this work without the10Mohm resistor pack?? Did this ever work?  
You say you have grounded thermocouples---what are they grounded to?  Can you expand on this setup.
How did you configure the dip switches on the TC-2095 for each thermocouple? I'm referencing the settings mentioned in table1 of the tc-2095 specifications sheet.  This is found on page 5-6 of thespecs manual:
Can you attach a screenshot of the data that you are seeing so that I can inspect it.  Also what sampling rates are you specifying?  how are you programing this (Labwindows/labview?? etc... )
Please post back with this info so we can work to resolve this issue thank u
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    Go to Solution.

    Hi RALoo, 
    The 1102C has a lowpass filter with a cutoff at 10kHz, so you will not be able to filter in hardware with your current setup.  
    Your first option would be to use a software filter.  LabVIEW has several functions which accomplish this. More information on this can be found here:
    The second option would be to change to SCXI 1102 cards as you suggested.  The lowpass filter of the 1102 has a selectable cutoff frequency at 2 Hz, which will stop the 400 and 60Hz noise from affecting your readings.
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    It sounds as though you may have two separate problems. One is the timing of readings and file updates and the other is what you are calling "unstable" readings.
    Please provide some numerical values for the "unstable" readings. What do you mean by "exponentially high or low values?"  Obviously you expect the values to change when you touch the thermocouple. If the readings are way out of range (much different from your finger temperature), the problem is likely in hardware and should be corrected there, if possible, rather than trying to "filter it out" later. Filters tend to not be good ways to handle impulse-like interference. The transient response of the filter is excited by the impulse and you have to wait for it to die out. 
    Please post some data which shows one or more fo the instabilities, along with your estimate of wht the actual temperatures should have been.
    There are many ways to address the timing issues. First, define both the slowest and the fastest frequencies from which you will alow the user to select for temperature readings. You indicated that one reading every 5 seconds is the slowest. What is the fastest? How many options wil the user have between those limits? What else does the system do besides the temperature measurements? Will the user change the rate while the program is running or only before starting the acquisition?

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    This is most probably a result of multiple factor that make the measurement imperfect:
    - You're not using signal conditioning, so your resolution is definitely very reduced. Any temperature drift in the board could cause a big difference in the reading. I recommend you run your vi for approximately half an hour, unplug the accessory and perform a self calibration. This will have the board at the operational temperature you're expecting and will give you the best results.
    -I personally would recommend using a different sensor type (RTD or Thermistor) as the CJC source, in order to obtain an accurate measurement, otherwise you have a bit of a "chicken and egg" problem, because you're using thermocouple 2 as the CJC for thermocouple 1, but what are you using as the CJC source of thermocouple 2?
    - Are both your thermocouples of the same type and manufacturer? Due to the nature of the thermocouple itself, you can find slight variations between thermocouples from different vendors, due to the purity of the metals used. While this would usually be almost impossible to detect, it might be driving your voltage just enough to be in the next detectable voltage step (again, due to the reduced resolution).
    - I've worked with temperature sensors for a while, and I'd still recommend that you try some sort of signal conditioning in order to increase your accuracy. Even a small amplifier and a passive lowpass filter will do great. I know you said you don't have SCXI, but if you want some lower cost ready to use applications you might consider looking at the SCC Carriers and modules we have.
    I hope these suggestions help. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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    The LabVIEW "instrument drivers" are helpful in that they abstract away sending specific commands to your instrumentation. Underlying these "drivers" are calls to the VISA library. These calls write commands and read responses from your HP Instrument.
    If this "scan list" functionality is not provided with the instrument driver, it still may be possible. Please review your instrument's manual - specifically the pages that deal with command formatting. There may be an instruction that you can issue with a VISA Write that will tell the HP unit to return one data set containing all 12 measurements. That data can then be retrieved with a VISA Read (given your instrument has had enough time to compile results after the write has been issued).
    If yo
    u're using LabVIEW 7 Express you can use the Instrument I/O Assistant to quickly generate a VI that will send a command, read the response, and parse the results into the 12 readings. (called Query & Parse)
    I hope this helps. Happy programming!
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    PS. Great screen name!

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    Many thanks and best regards,

    After creating open hub press F1 in Application server file name text box from the help window there u Click on Maintain 'Client independent file names and file paths'  then u will be taken to the Implementation guide screen > click on Cross client maintanance of file name > create a logical file path by clicking on new entiries > after creating logical file path now go to Logical file name definition there give your Logical file , name , physical file (ur file name followed by month or year what ever is applicable (press f1 for more info)) , data format (ASC) , application area (BW) and logical path (choose from F4 selection which u have created first), now goto Assignment of  physical path to logical path > give syntax group >physical path is the path u gave at logical file name definition.
    however we have created a logical path file name to identify the file by sys date but ur requirement seems to be of dynamic date of tranaction data...may u can achieve this by creating a variable. U can see the help from F1 that would be of much help to u. All the above steps i have explained will help u create a dynamic logical file.
    hope this helps u to some extent.

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    Can anybody help me in sending the link for How to guide...Extract Data with OPEN HUB to a Logical Filename?
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    check this links...,295582,sid21_gci1224995,00.html
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    My requirement is :
    create table xxinv_item_pei_taginfo(item_id number,
    Organization_id number,
    item varchar2(4000),
    record_type varchar2(4000),
    record_value CLOB,
    State varchar2(4000));
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'USES','fever','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'HOW TO USE','one tablet daily','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'SIDE EFFECTS','XYZ','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'DRUG INTERACTION','ABC','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'OVERDOSE','Go and see doctor','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'NOTES','Take after meal','TX');
    select * from xxinv_item_pei_taginfo;
    Item id Org Id Item Record_type Record_value State
    493991     224     1265-D30     USES     fever     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     HOW TO USE     one tablet daily     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     SIDE EFFECTS     XYZ     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     DRUG INTERACTION     ABC     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     OVERDOSE      Go and see doctor     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     NOTES     Take after meal     TX
    Above is my data
    I have to fetch the record_type from a lookup where I can have any of the record type, sometime USES, HOW TO USE, SIDE EFFECTS and sometimes some other set of record types
    In my report I have to get these record typpes as field name dynamically whichever is available in that lookup and record values against them.
    its a BI Publisher report.
    please suggest

    if you have data in db then you can create xml with needed structure
    and so you can create bip report
    do you have errors or .... ?

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    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
      <item key="AAAAAEUK" value="130" category="A" />
      <item key="AAAACGDC" value="66" category="A" />
      <item key="AAAADNJP" value="56" category="A" />
      <item key="AAAAFWRQ" value="222" category="A" />
      <item key="AAAAGITU" category="B" />
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    Hi Florian,
    What is the source of your csv data?
    If I have a table in excel with empty cells, the data goes into the .csv as nothing so your example would look like
    Item key,value,category
    This reads in just fine in DeskI (shows #EMPTY in the view data, treats it as such in the report).
    So I would look to get the data generated in right way, then DeskI can handle it, no problem.
    If all else fails, just run a search&replace and change ,#EMPTY, to ,,
    BTW if you have an alphanumeric value in a column where DeskI already decided there should be numeric,
    it will read in as 0, that is why the #EMPTY string value got transformed to zero.
    Good luck,

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    ****Dynamic SQL*****
    l_sql:='select NOTE_TEMPLATE_ID '||
    'where TRIM(LEGACY_NOTE_CODE)='''||trim(fp_note_code)||''' '||
    'and TRIM(DISPLAY_VALUE)='''||trim(fp_note_text)||''' ';
    execute immediate l_sql INTO l_note_template_id;
    Because the column DISPLAY_VALUE contains data with single quotes, the resultant SQL is:
    ******PARSED SQL************
    And the problem lies with the single quote between teh characters t and d in the data field for DISPLAY_ITEM. How can I handle this?
    Many thanks,

    I have been reliably informed that if one doesn't enclose char/varchar2 data items in quotes, the right indices may not be usedI am into oracle for past 4 years and for the first time i am hearing this.
    Your reliable source is just wrong. Bind variables are variables that store your value and which are used in SQL. They are the proper way to use values in your SQL. By default all variables in PL/SQL is bind variable.
    When you can do some thing in just straight SQL just do it. Dynamic SQL does not make any sense to me here.

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    Colin - what kind of import/export operation would that be, which pages are you referring to?

  • Deletion of master data with / without SID

    Hi Experts,
    Client have requested for master data clean up.
    "Several masterdata tables in Production system contain wrong entries. These entries should be cleaned up. The attached Excel contains the keys of the entries to be deleted"
    Steps to be taken:
    1. emptied/deleted content of all the cube.
    2. delete data from master data
    Help required:
    What will be impact of deleting master data with SID when DSO data is not deleted.
    What if i choose without SID option for deletiing master data
    Suresh Kumar

    Hi Suresh,
    Deleting master data is one critical job and ned to be very care ful.
    First try to find out the where used list of that particular IO. delete data from all the CUBEs and DSOs. i don't think without deleting the transaction data from all the objects that you see from where used list, you will be able to delete the maste data.
    System doesn't allow you, it will say "Not all selected data is deleted" Some message of this sort when you try deleting the master data.
    If you are deleting the TD and  master data, why do you need the SID to be spared, delete them too. next time you load the correct master data. the SIDs are again generated.
    Go thru the below thread, this gives you lot if info on MD deletion.
    [Re: SID Tables]

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    Hi ,
    I have a piece of code that displays the succuessive dates from the given date to tilll date with a date interval of 30 days. My requirement goes some thing like this. since the given date is '26-nov-08' the next successive date should be the number of days in nov(30) added to '26-nov-08'. that will be around 26-dec-08. For this date it has to add the number of days in December(31) to '26-dec-08' and that turns out to be '26-jan-09'. and this must go on till date.
    In the below code i have used 30 for the interval of 30 days but the interval has to the last day of the successive date's month( for dec the interval has to 31 and for january the interval has to be 31 and for february 28)
    select to_date('26-nov-08', 'dd-mon-yy') + (level - 1) * 30
    from dual
    connect by level <= trunc((sysdate-to_date('26-nov-08', 'dd-mon-yy'))/30 )Please advice

    hi ,
    the query sent by you is correct and could it be in corporated for this query :
    SELECT TRUNC(inst_due_date) + (LEVEL-1 ) * (ilpa_term_type),iloan_code,LOAN_AMT,FEE_AMT,
    FROM (
    SELECT inst_due_date,sm.iloan_code,LOAN_AMT,
    decode(sm.ilp_term_type, 26 ,14,24,15,12,(select to_number(to_char(last_day(inst_due_date),'dd')) from dual)) as ilpa_term_type
    WHERE sc.iloan_code = sm.iloan_code
    AND sc.inst_num = (SELECT MAX(inst_num) FROM ST_IL_SCHEDULE b WHERE b.iloan_code = sc.iloan_code)
    AND sc.iloan_code =123456789)
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= TRUNC((TRUNC(SYSDATE)-TRUNC(inst_due_date))/(ilpa_term_type) )
    Here we are using the decode concept if ilp_term_type = 26 then 14 but we need to implement the code of adding the number of days to that month in place of this code :
    select to_number(to_char(last_day(inst_due_date),'dd')) from dual:
    Please advice

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    I'm not familiar with My Data Manager but from the name I would think it would tell you what app or apps have used the data and that might help narrow down the problem. If it doesn't have that information, you can go to Settings > Cellular > Use Cellular Data For and that shows usage by each app and if you click on System Services in that list it will also give details of that usage. The numbers are since you last reset the statistics (bottom of that screen). With a little time and detective work you may be able to identify the cause.
    Also, there have been many discussions on various internet forums of AT&T (and other) reporting of the time of data usage not matching the actual time of the use. The usage numbers over a number of days for example are accurate but usage reported at 2AM may actually be a summary of some types of use that happened the previous day.

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