Startup disk caused macbook to stop boot

I figured out when it stopped booting up. when I tried to start up with the leopard disk that came with my computer it never would work with the C button held down. i kept trying over and over and the it just stopped altogether and now it will not boot at all no matter what I try.

Hi. Exactly what do you mean by now it won't boot up at all? You say you were trying to boot off the Leopard DVD, why were you doing this. Was there another problem? What happens when you press the power button? Do you see or hear the things described in php or or do you reach a blue screen like is described in
Also, your signature says you're running Mac OS 10.4.10. Is this true or do you have the latest version of Tiger, 10.4.11?
Hope to hear from you soon!
Jeremy A.
Tekserve Intern
As an intern at Tekserve, I may receive financial compensation for my recommendations and links.

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    Hi ..
    You need to free up storage space.
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    Help here >  OS X Tips Where did my Disk Space go?

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    All you need is the Installation DVDs that came in the box.

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    It is possible that one of underlying services required isn't running or configured properly. Here's a little script I wrote to help diagnose issues like this.
    If the output doesn't help you figure it out on your own, paste it back into this thread.
    # Dump state pertaining to the bootp service
    isRunning=`sudo launchctl list | grep bootpd`
    if [ "${isRunning}" == "" ]; then
    echo "bootp service is ${serviceState}\n"
    # Dump state pertaining to the TFTP service
    isRunning=`sudo launchctl list | grep tftp`
    if [ "${isRunning}" == "" ]; then
    echo "TFTP service is ${serviceState}"
    echo "TFTP Service data folder"
    if [ -d "${tftpNetBootPath}" ]; then
              ls -lsa "${tftpNetBootPath}"
    # Dump state pertaining to the HTTP service
    echo "\nHTTP service data folder"
    if [ -d "${httpNetBootPath}" ]; then
              ls -lsa "${httpNetBootPath}"
    # Dump state pertaining to the NFS service
    echo ""
    nfsd status
    if [ -e "${nfsExportsPath}" ]; then
              echo "Contents of ${nfsExportsPath} is:"
              cat "${nfsExportsPath}"
    # Dump state pertaining to the re-promotion data cache
    if [ -e "${savedClientsPath}" ]; then
              echo "\nSaved client share points"
              cat "${savedClientsPath}"
    if [ -e "${savedImagesPath}" ]; then
              echo "\nSaved image share points"
              cat "${savedImagesPath}"

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    Hey afoster1756,
    If you cannot get to actually use your computer, take a look at the article below to look at what could be causing your start up issues. It will have you try starting up in Safe Mode. When you do Safe Mode, it will look similar to how it currently starts up so be patient. If it still behaves the same, then try using Disk Utility to repair your hard drive. To do that you will need to boot to Recovery HD or Internet Recovery to get it loaded up. For more information on how to acomplish this, take a look at the article below to get you going.  
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck
    Take care,
    -Norm G.  

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    You can generally only use newer retail disks than the disks which came with the computer to boot and install operating systems, as well as those which came with the computer to boot and install operating systems. If you are missing the disks which came with your computer, call AppleCare to ask for a replacement.
    This article explains that:
    As for installing operating system updates to your existing system, look here for updates:
    And if you are on dialup, some authorized service centers may let you bring in a CD to burn the updates. Check with the ones in your area.

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    Read >>Posting Guide<<

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    The free Omni DiskSweeper will list your files/folders by order of size.  This will help you track down where the majority of your space is going:

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    Try the fixes here, take it back for a warranty call

  • Boot Camp not showing anymore as a Startup Disk option?

    For months, my internal 1TB had been partitioned 750GB/250GB OS X 10.6/Windows 7, with no problems - I want to use Windows, I either reboot and hold Alt, then choose Windows when the menu comes up, or I go System Preferences > Startup Disk and change it to "Boot Camp".
    A few days ago I shrank the 10.6 partition by 200GB using Disk Utility, then formatted the space as Mac OS Extended and installed the preview of OS X 10.7 Lion (I was invited to try it via the AppleSeed programme).
    Since then, the only options I have in System Prefs > Startup Disk or when holding Alt during boot are 10.6 and 10.7 - Boot Camp seems to have vanished as a choice. If I open Disk Utility, Boot Camp is still there, still 250GB. If I browse the Boot Camp partition in OS X I can see all my Windows files, etc, it just seems to be gone as a bootable option

    I have the same problem...  Can do WinClone, not supported on Lion, to get an image backup of W7 partition.  At this point, since I can get to all the data on that partition, I would be more than happy to do an image backup of it, reinstall Windows 7 to get the boot partition to work, then reimage back to that original W7 partition so that I wouldn't have to reinstall and reconfigure all my applications.
    My data is:
    *** Report for internal hard disk ***
    Current GPT partition table:
    #      Start LBA      End LBA  Type
    1             40       409639  EFI System (FAT)
    2         409640    253309143  Mac OS X HFS+
    3      253309144    254578687  Mac OS X Boot
    4      254578688    977104895  Basic Data
    Current MBR partition table:
    # A    Start LBA      End LBA  Type
    1              1       409639  ee  EFI Protective
    2         409640    253309143  af  Mac OS X HFS+
    3      253309144    254578687  ab  Mac OS X Boot
    4      254578688    977104895  07  NTFS/HPFS
    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: Unknown, but bootable
    Partition at LBA 40:
    Boot Code: None (Non-system disk message)
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 1, type EFI System (FAT)
    Partition at LBA 409640:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 2, type Mac OS X HFS+
    Listed in MBR as partition 2, type af  Mac OS X HFS+
    Partition at LBA 253309144:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 3, type Mac OS X Boot
    Listed in MBR as partition 3, type ab  Mac OS X Boot
    Partition at LBA 254578688:
    Boot Code: Windows BOOTMGR (Vista)
    File System: NTFS
    Listed in GPT as partition 4, type Basic Data
    Listed in MBR as partition 4, type 07  NTFS/HPFS

  • Why does Windows 7 not show up in System Preference's "Startup Disk"

    Why does Windows 7, installed via Boot Camp, show up when you hold down the option key when booting but the drive does not show up in System Preferences under the Startup Disk icon.
    As an aside Windows 7 runs perfectly on my MacBook.
    - Mike

    Now I found I'm not alone. My situation is similar but not exactly the same.
    I recently switched from the white MacBook to latest mac mini, tried installing XP Pro not successful for some reasons then tried Win7 (build 7000). On my old macbook this worked perfectly.
    Got win7 updated and picked win7 as startup disk in windows, used that for few days without going back to leopard. On just one occasion I booted with 'alt' key pressed (using a PC keyboard) I have choices of drives so I thought everything was fine. As soon as I booted into leopard I found no win7 partition in system>preference>startup disk, OMG I couldn't boot back to win7 since then. From that point onwards the 'alt' key didn't work for me. Every time only leopard can be booted.
    What can I do now?
    Why it was OK in macbook but didn't work on mini? Is it worth investing on a mac external keyboard just to get the 'option' key?

  • No startup disk for windows in preferences on Mac

    I re-installed Snow Leopard, an already had a Boot Camp partition for WinXP Home SP3. All went fine but...
    There's no startup disk icon in startup disk options on the Mac.
    Sometimes I hold down option key to chose Mac or Windows and it's fine, bit if I boot to windows, the next time it auto boots to windows everytime, even with key held in. I then, in windows, chose boot camp icon in taskbar and chose "restart in Mac OSX" and it does.. Now however it boots to Mac everytime!
    I didn't do a re-install of the boot camp partition, as was all fine installation wise after I did with Snow Leopard.
    Anyone help please

    Still having bother with this, can anyone help please.
    The Windows disk doesnt show up in Mac OS on "startup disk preference", when in windows boot camp, both the Mac OSX and Windows partition show up.
    Sometimes if I boot into Mac, I then cant boot into Windows via the "option key", if I've been in Windows, I cannot get to Mac with option key, have to goto boot camp options and "restart in Mac OSX"
    So something is messed up, can anyone help please? I use Mac and its fine, but kids use Windows, and when I'm not in it doesnt work, so its difficult to explain over phone.
    I have a wireless keyboard and it seems it doesnt switch on when booting up iMac, so the option key isnt detected - again randomly

  • New hard drive won't select as startup disk

    I just installed a new hard drive in my 17" iMac flatpanel. I have it set as master, it comes up in Disk Utility, I erased it... again and when I tried to install from a disk, it told me I couldn't use it as the startup disk and had the stop sign with the exclamation point in it.
    I was able to restore from a working image I had on my ipod, but when I did the restart, I still got the flashing folder.
    Any suggestions would be great!

    Not sure how you got here. This is the discussion area for the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) and wireless networking. Your question has nothing to do with that at all.
    You should post your question in the iMac Flat Panel discussion area.

Maybe you are looking for

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