Static discharge to my Mac

For quite some time, I have been having problems with static electricity and my MacBook Pro, particularly in the winter. My computer sits on a desk connected to a powered USB hub and the power cord. The surface of the desk is wood and insulated. I sit in an office chair with roller wheels that travel on a plastic floor mat (protects parque floor). I use more than one computer and typically roll about 5' to the other computer or to a filing cabinet. When I do this, I pick up static and upon touching my MacBook Pro there is a static discharge. It is not painful or otherwise harmful but it usually disrupts my USB connections and often stops any Time Machine backups if they are in progress. Unlike some others who have reported this situation, my computer generally continues to function normally.
Here is what I know. Chair wheels on plastic floor mats build up static with a relatively short movement. I also get static discharges to lamps and to my other computer. Touching anything grounded discharges this jolt so if I touch something else first, it does not discharge to my Mac. I often lick my fingers and touch the metal shade on a grounded desk lamp and that does the trick. Some have advised to be sure you use a grounded plug for your Mac but the power block does not come with a ground and I am not sure it would matter anyway with the magnetic connector.
I have also had some success with grounding the Mac directly. I found that if I put an aluminum ruller under the back of the case, it tends to disapate heat and prevents the fan from running too much. I connected a grounded wrist strap to this ruler by cutting off the strap and using a pop rivit to connect it to the ruler. The wrist strap has an end with just a grounding prong that plugs into a standard power cord. It does not prevent the static discharge but it seems to reduce its effect on my other devices. I suspect that the static disapates to the grounding cord instead of the USB hub.

Camera Roll photos are transferred as described in iOS: Import personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
If you have photos that were placed onto the iPhone by using iTunes to sync them from a computer, it is assumed that the originals are on a computer and that is the best source to retrieve them. If they are on the phone and are no longer on a computer for some reason, you will need a 3rd party utility such as or you could email them to yourself. There may be quality loss from the originals.

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    Hi, L!
    Ron and Andy's advice is very good. You should condition yourself to touch "ground" before touching your Mac (or any other electronic devices you have at home, like stereos, an iPod, etc.). You can cut down on the potential for static buildup by using a humidifier and by using an anti static spray on your carpets. At your desk, one of those vinyl desk mats will help if your chair's on a carpet The static wrist strap is a good idea... you don't necessarily have to wear it, just plug the end in, place it somewhere convenient, and touch it before you touch your Mac. Alternatively, if you have metal duplex outlet or light switch covers, you could touch them to release a static charge to ground as well.
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    ip.addr =
    # Network mask,used with static IP configuration only
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    # Network gateway,used with static IP configuration only
    ip.gateway =
    # DNS server,used with static IP configuration only
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    Both have been restored,
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