Static Text in flash 8 disappears

Here's a weird one for you. I have a site built in flash 8
with some static
text in there. It's in Verdana, no Kern set on it and is
Anti-Aliased for
animation, whilst this appears to work on every test machine
and clients
machines we've had reports from 2 users that the Static text
doesn't appear
at all. None of the text is sitting under masks or any other
object, the
dynamic text appears to be displaying just fine. They've
installed the
latest flash version and are running on IE6.
I've searched through google groups and have found a couple
of things that
sound similar but it appears that they just changed the text
to use the
device fonts. I really don't want to have to do that if I can
help it,
especially as this in theory should be working. Anyone else
had a problem
like this, is there a bug in Flash for certain

Hey Tom,
No, I understand what you're saying. Originally, I did embed
the non-system font and used it on all of my static text. It worked
great for me in both IE and Firefox, both local and live. However,
my clients weren't getting any text at all and I have no idea why
(they tried it on both IE and Firefox). I'm not sure what the
differences in our browsers are as they are the same versions.
Maybe they have special settings set up?
As an experiment, I'm going through and changing my static
text from the embedded font to a system font. I did one section of
the site, made it live, and asked the client to test and see if
they could see text. They said they could. So, for some reason
their browsers aren't liking the original embedded font I used. As
I said in an earlier post, I know my original font embed worked
because I tested it on a computer that didn't have the font
installed. So, I don't know where the problem lies for the client.
The client has an important meeting in 2 weeks and needs to
present what I've made so far. So, until I can figure out what's
going on with the client's browsers, I'm opting to change the font
over to a system font and do away with the embedded font for the
time being.
However, you said:
If the text field is static, you need do nothing more than
choose a non-device font.
Do you mean I don't need to embed a font for static

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    Hey Tom,
    No, I understand what you're saying. Originally, I did embed
    the non-system font and used it on all of my static text. It worked
    great for me in both IE and Firefox, both local and live. However,
    my clients weren't getting any text at all and I have no idea why
    (they tried it on both IE and Firefox). I'm not sure what the
    differences in our browsers are as they are the same versions.
    Maybe they have special settings set up?
    As an experiment, I'm going through and changing my static
    text from the embedded font to a system font. I did one section of
    the site, made it live, and asked the client to test and see if
    they could see text. They said they could. So, for some reason
    their browsers aren't liking the original embedded font I used. As
    I said in an earlier post, I know my original font embed worked
    because I tested it on a computer that didn't have the font
    installed. So, I don't know where the problem lies for the client.
    The client has an important meeting in 2 weeks and needs to
    present what I've made so far. So, until I can figure out what's
    going on with the client's browsers, I'm opting to change the font
    over to a system font and do away with the embedded font for the
    time being.
    However, you said:
    If the text field is static, you need do nothing more than
    choose a non-device font.
    Do you mean I don't need to embed a font for static

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    thx for answers...
    Font Name                 Bytes        Characters   
    Klavika-Regular                4555     ,-./0123789:@BCKNPVZabdefghijklmnoprstuvy
    NeoTech                        6738     ,.ACDEFIKLMNOPRSTUVZabcdefghijlmnopqrstuv
    there they are...
    font: NeoTech

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    The text may have a glow filter applied to it.  Check the filters section of the Properties panel to see if anything is being applied.  I assuming you're editing someone else's work and not your own, otherwise, you'd probably know if it has one.
    Can you show a picture of it (use the camera icon to insert it in your post)?

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    HELP! Is there a setting I need to change?
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    Below are the code:
    package font;
    import java.text.AttributedString;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer;
    import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DrawParagraphDemo extends JPanel {
        public DrawParagraphDemo() {
            this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,500));
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event-dispatching thread.
        private static void createAndShowGUI() {
            //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
            //Create and set up the window.
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("Demo");
            //Create and set up the content pane.
            DrawParagraphDemo demo = new DrawParagraphDemo();
            //Display the window.
            demo.drawParagraph((Graphics2D) demo.getGraphics(), "One line of test string", 400);
        public void drawParagraph(Graphics2D g, String paragraph, float width) {
            LineBreakMeasurer linebreaker = new LineBreakMeasurer(
                new AttributedString(paragraph).getIterator(), g.getFontRenderContext());
            float y = 0.0f;
            while (linebreaker.getPosition() < paragraph.length()) {
                TextLayout tl = linebreaker.nextLayout(width);
                y += tl.getAscent();
                tl.draw(g, 0, y);
                y += tl.getDescent() + tl.getLeading();
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
            //creating and showing this application's GUI.
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

    Hi i have similar problem and i have followed Camickr's suggestion but it looks like my image was still being painted over here's my code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
    * is a 1.4 application that requires these files:
    *   images/jpgIcon.gif (required by
    *   images/gifIcon.gif (required by
    *   images/tiffIcon.gif (required by
    *   images/pngIcon.png (required by
    public class Asst4 extends JPanel
                                  implements ActionListener {
        static private String newline = "\n";
        private JTextArea log;
        private JFileChooser fc;
         private JPanel display,button;
         JButton load,grey,color;
         private Image image;
         static JComponent newContentPane;
        public Asst4() {
            super(new BorderLayout());
            //Create the log first, because the action listener
            //needs to refer to it.
              display=new JPanel();
              button=new JPanel();
              load=new JButton("Load Image");
              grey=new JButton("Greyscale Image");
              color=new JButton("Color Image");
              //System.out.println("displayable: "+isDisplayable()+" visible: "+isVisible()+" valid: "+isValid());
              //System.out.println("displayable: "+display.isDisplayable()+" visible: "+display.isVisible()+" valid: "+display.isValid());
              button.add(load, BorderLayout.WEST);
              button.add(grey, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              button.add(color, BorderLayout.EAST);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   //Set up the file chooser.
                   if (fc == null) {
                        fc = new JFileChooser();
                        //Add a custom file filter and disable the default
                        //(Accept All) file filter.
                        fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new ImageFilter());
                        //Add custom icons for file types.
                        fc.setFileView(new ImageFileView());
                        //Add the preview pane.
                        fc.setAccessory(new ImagePreview(fc));
                        //Show it.
                   int returnVal = fc.showDialog(Asst4.this,"Load Image");
                   //Process the results.
                   if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                        File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
                        Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                        image = toolkit.getImage(file.getAbsolutePath());
                        MediaTracker mediaTracker = new MediaTracker(this);
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                   } else {
                        System.out.println("Loading cancelled by user." );
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
              super.paintComponent(g); // this paints the background
        private void drawImage(Image image){
              Graphics2D g=(Graphics2D)display.getGraphics();
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event-dispatching thread.
        private static void createAndShowGUI() {
            //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
            //Create and set up the window.
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("Compsci_375_Assignment_4");
            //Create and set up the content pane.
            newContentPane = new Asst4();
            newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
            //Display the window.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
            //creating and showing this application's GUI.
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
    }Can anyone tell me what's going on and also why if i pack the frame my display panel is disappear?
    Thanks a lot

  • How to Edit the Text in Flash?

    Hi there,
    I want to know that how to change the text on the Flash
    I have .Fla and want to edit it with the step by step help.
    Currently, I want to edit the text on the home page.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

    1. click on the text. in the properties panel it will say
    static text, dynamic text or input text.
    2. if it's static text, click on the text tool and click
    inside your text. then edit. if it's not static text, you can do
    the same thing, but the text will be changed by actionscript during
    run-time IF text was originally assigned by actionscript.

  • Can I embed Arabic text in flash?

    1. If so, how can I do this? When I cut and paste an arabic
    text from a notepad or photoshop, all the characters comes out
    2. I believe I can use an external txt or xml file instead.
    But if I do this, would the user be able to get the right
    characters / fonts if they don't have the arabic fonts on their
    thanks in advance.

    About embedding font outlines:
    Let's say I want to use a decorative font - call it
    "Lithograph" (one I commonly use) - to type the word "HELLO" in my
    Flash movie. Flash will embed the outlines of the actual shapes of
    the Lithograph characters H E L and O into the SWF. It treats them
    as actual outlines, not as fonts. That way, even if you don't have
    Lithograph on your system, you will still see "HELLO" in my SWF,
    formatted as Lithograph font. This applies to Static Text only. It
    is done automatically. You do not need to physically embed the font
    yourself. You do not need to convert the letters to shapes.
    Therefore I am GUESSING that the same thing happens when you
    use Arabic: Flash will embed the shapes of those Arabic letters. So
    the end user does not need to have Arabic on their system. Again,
    this applies only to Static Text, not Dynamic or Input text.
    To see whether this is happening, generate a Size Report (in
    the Publish settings), open the Size Report text file, and scroll
    down close to the bottom: it will tell you exactly which letters
    are embedded in the file.

  • Static Text Not Displaying in Vista on modem connection

    I'm very new to Flash. I set up a swf movie on the index page
    which has apparently been working fine. I've seen it on a number of
    different computers and OSs. Yesterday I saw it on a freshly
    installed Vista machine, and all the static text was invisible.
    Dynamic text appeared fine. Colors are websafe #663300 and #cc00ff.
    It was connected by modem, which is the other difference from the
    working versions I've seen. The font is Eras Bold ITC. Any guidance
    is welcome!

    I'm very new to Flash. I set up a swf movie on the index page
    which has apparently been working fine. I've seen it on a number of
    different computers and OSs. Yesterday I saw it on a freshly
    installed Vista machine, and all the static text was invisible.
    Dynamic text appeared fine. Colors are websafe #663300 and #cc00ff.
    It was connected by modem, which is the other difference from the
    working versions I've seen. The font is Eras Bold ITC. Any guidance
    is welcome!

  • Static text is not appearing from the form designer

    We are using Adobe Live Cycle designer 6.0 to design print forms.
    The problem we are facing is, sometimes static text element created on the Body Page of the form does not appear at all(when we open the form designer after creating the Static text element), though we can find the static text in XML Source of the form.
    For example, if a text element is created with text "XYZ" on body page, it is not visible on the body page whereas the XML Source  contains "XYZ" in it.
    What can be the problem ?
    V Joshi.

    Hi Nikhil,
    I tried using static text from Standard Library and ISR library too. Still the text disappears when i activate the form.
    More inputs on this will be helpful.
    Also, we are using the Form Designer Version 6.0 which is in-built component of NWDS 2.0.16 installation.
    V Joshi.

  • Trying to edit a static text swf file within a master swf

    I decompile the main swf from a website to multiple Static
    text swf's. then decompile desired Static text xx swf to
    static textsd xx conv fla. open in Flach, edit symbols, save
    as older flash, export, get a static text file different
    from the xx file I wanted. I am off track, How Do I edit the
    Static text xx swf and save it back to the original SWF.

    Can you be more precise and use the right words? I didn't
    understood one word of what you trying to do.

  • Static text field line height problem

    When an FLA that was created in OSX is edited on a PC the
    line heights in static text fields are lost. This was a problem in
    earlier versions of flash however it was generally fixable by
    republishing from the platform on which the text was originally
    set. As of CS3 the problem may have gotten worse:
    1. I developed a flash project in OSX CS3. It included many
    static text fields with varying individual line heights.
    2. I sent it to a colleague who was adding some tracking
    tags. He was working on a PC.
    3. He did his bit and sent it back.
    4. In the authoring environment the text looked fine. But
    after republishing, all the static text fields lost their line
    height settings - that is all the lines within any given text field
    inherited the line height of the first line within that text field.
    5. Only text fields that were edited by my colleague were
    affected by this problem. Text fields that weren't edited are fine.
    6. It seems that the only way to get past this problem is to
    actually delete these text fields and create new ones. This would
    take about a week. Republishing doesn't work.
    Any ideas?

    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Kim" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ern9ua$54m$[email protected]..
    >I was missing a div. Sorry for wasting your time. Thanks
    > Murray *ACE* skrev:
    >> <p style="line-height:2.5;">about, <span
    >> href="#article">articles</a></span>,
    blog, css, contact, Copenhagen,
    >> <span class="large"><a
    href="#article">download</a></span>, <span
    >> class="large"><a
    href="#logo">logo</a></span>, design, <span
    >> class="large"><a
    href="#draw">drawings</a></span>, family, freelance,
    >> football, graphics, javascript, monarchy, mysql,
    news, <span
    >> class="smallplus"><a
    href="#article">php</a></span>, portfolio, <span
    >> class="xlarge"><a
    href="#reboot">rebooted</a></span>, redesign,
    >> class="medium"><a
    href="#logo">republic</a></span>, seo, services,
    >> universality, usability, <span
    >> href="#work">websites</a></span>,
    webstandards, <span class="xlarge"><a
    >> href="#work">work</a></span>, xhtml,
    > --
    > Kim
    > ---------------------------

  • Static text as mask doesn't work

    I'm creating a button that uses static text as both content
    and as a
    mask (to create an inner shadow effect). The static text is
    in a
    symbol. It looks perfect in the IDE, but when I test the
    movie or
    publish it, the mask doesn't work. I originally had the text
    in a
    graphic symbol and that caused the mask to be completely
    ignored. I
    changed the symbol to a MovieClip, and that behaves
    differently. The
    mask is no longer ignored, but now the mask layer itself
    appears and
    covers up the other layers.
    I've googled for this problem and have seen many comments
    about it. The
    typical solutions seem to be to convert the text to a symbol
    done) and use static text (already done). Yet it still
    doesn't work.
    I'm using Flash MX 2004.
    Please help. Thanks.

    apply it with actionscript,
    make your text a movieclip and give it a name like "textClip"
    make your mask a movieclip and give it an instance name like
    "textMask" and use this code
    to disable the mask with actionscript use:
    good luck!

  • Text Wrap Options have Disappeared ID CS4

    All the icons in my Text Wrap window have disappeared. The tab/pallet is still there, but empty. The pop out still lists “Show Options” and “Apply to Master Page Only” are still there, but grayed out. Thanks in advance for any help!!

    Should have remembered that one.
    Thanks for the help!
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Wally Flick
    Director Creative Services
    [email protected]
    314-854-0718 (voice)
    847-953-0774 (fax)
    Designer's Corner
    Designer's Blog
    BobLevine <[email protected]>
    02/01/2010 04:55 PM
    Please respond to
    [email protected]
    Walter Flick <[email protected]>
    Text Wrap Options have Disappeared ID CS4

  • The Flash Text and Flash Button options have dissappeared

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    Adobe announced the features they were removing from CS4 a year or so before CS4 launched:
    The ill-conceived Flash buttons and Flash text were among the deprecated features. .html
    Deprecated features
    The following features have been deprecated for Dreamweaver CS4:
    Web services
    Layout mode
    Site Map view
    Java Bean support
    Adobe® Flash elements (Image Viewer)
    Adobe® Flash text and Adobe® Flash buttons
    ASP.NET and JSP server behaviors and recordsets

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