Stickies and scrolling issue

I am sorry if this in the wrong section. I am not sure if this would go here or not.
I use Stickies on a daily basis, I was using a sanwa mouse with no problems until yesterday when I switched to a mighty mouse. That's where I noticed the problem.
I noticed that after hooking up the mighty mouse I could not scroll anymore in the Stikies program. It scrolls fine in any other program. I then checked the help section of Stickies and noticed that the scrolling function was not even possible with stickies. Now knowing this, I still can not understand why the Sanwa mouse the scrolling feature is possible and if it is possible then why can't it be possible with the mighty mouse. Also as a note, if it it comes up, I did not install any software when I bought the original Sanwa mouse. I just plugged it in and it worked.
Could someone please help me figure out a way to get my mighty mouse to scroll in Stickies. I would hate to have to stop using this program.
Thank you
Powerbook G4 1.5GHz Power PC   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

I too have just run into this same issue. Any geniuses out there who can help?

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    Have you tried resetting the iPad or resetting all settings?
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.
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    <s:Group id="continuousView"
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                private function drawImage():void
          , null, false, true);
          , 0, _bitmapData.width, _bitmapData.height);

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    Check if below hepls
    <article class="single-post">
    By Mohammed
    Abbas on <time datetime="2012-02-28">February 28th, 2012</time>.
    Posted in: Technical
    The most common problem you will find using SharePoint 2010 in Google Chrome is the missing scrollbar. This issue can be easily solved by replacing 1 line of code. Yes,
    ONE line.
    Step 1
    In the Master page, look for this:
    <body scroll=”no” onload=”javascript:_spBodyOnLoadWrapper();”>
    and replace with this:
    <body scroll=”no”>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>$(document).ready(function()
    {if (typeof(_spBodyOnLoadWrapper) != ‘undefined’) {_spBodyOnLoadWrapper();} });</script>
    Step 2
    THAT’S IT. Hopefully the scrollbar should appear
    in Google Chrome.
    You can find dozens of other solutions online, but I found that this one is easy to integrate, and doesn’t cause any other known issues.
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    -- Thanks

    Not sure what's happening with your code, you'll have to post an example that shows this happening to you.
    On OS X 10.6.4 and Flex 3.5, it works as it should.
    I made this as an example and view source is enabled.  I have two VBoxes, one with scrolling disabled and one with it enabled.
    Message was edited by: thebouv (I'm actually on 10.6.4, said 10.6.3 before)

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    to the valid address names (ie Instead Manuel Costa I will put
    [email protected]), so I can use the mail.To property!
    private string GetSenderSMTPAddress(Outlook.MailItem mail)
                   string smtpAddress = "";
                   if (mail.Recipients.Count > 0)
                       string teste = OlMailRecipientType.olTo.ToString();
                       foreach (Outlook.Recipient recip in mail.Recipients)
                           Outlook.AddressEntry entry = recip.AddressEntry;
                           if (entry.Type == "EX")
                               smtpAddress = GetSMTPAddressViaOutlookObjectModel(entry);
                       return smtpAddress;
                       MessageBox.Show("no recipients");
                       return "";
    Thanks anyway Eugene

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    This is what it looks like:
    <!-- Ribbon end -->
    <!-- my custom menu -->
    <div id="s4-workspace">
    Any help?
    Thank you,

    If you look at the page, you will notice that the whole page doesn't scroll by default.  Only the S4-workspace and below scrolls.  This is done through the use of a Javascript.  Your problem is that you have inserted something between the
    div's at the top of the page and the S4-workspace div.  The javascript isn't aware of that and so it's not factoring in that height when it calculates how to scroll the page.  So you can never reach the bottom.
    To fix it you need to either remove the factors that cause the partial page scrolling and scroll the whole page or insert your menu into either the top of the s4-workspace div or one of the other existing div's at the top of the page.  Take a look at
    the following article for a more indepth explanation.
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP

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    Hello, I am having a problem with using the DataGrid class
    and scrolling. In my DataGrid, there is a certain column whose
    renderer factory class includes a custom built dynamically resizing
    text area. As more text is entered in this dynamic text area, it
    resizes vertically to accomidate the new text. I am using this
    component in a custom renderer. As the custom text area resizes, so
    does the renderer itself, and the row in which the renderer is a
    parent shrinks or grows accordingly. My problem is that when I
    scroll through a datagrid whose rows are of differing heights, the
    scroll bar thumb changes size depending on portion of the data grid
    I'm showing. Not only does this look bad, but it also prevents my
    data grid from working as intended. If I could get some feedback on
    a way to fix this problem. I would appreciate it. TIA.

    There isn't any way to "fix" this - the DataGrid is working
    as intended. Scrolling in the list components is item-based, not
    pixel based, so the scrollbar adjusts according to what is visible
    vs what is available. Since itemRenderers are not generated for
    invisible rows there is no way to calculate what size they will be.
    An alternative is to place the DataGrid into a Canvas and
    then set the DataGrid's rowCount to equal the number of records in
    its dataProvider. This will expose all of the rows and created
    itemRenderers for every row. Because the DataGrid is in a
    container, the container will then get a vertical scrollbar.
    The problem with this is that the DataGrid's header will
    scroll out of view and if you have a lot of records, could take
    some time to render. If you like this approach, you can make a
    second DataGrid which sits above the first, has no records, just a
    header while the DataGrid inside of the Canvas has no

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    T track pad stoped working properly it moves and scrolls but doesnt click, its

    Do you mean that the trackpad will not physically click? Or does not register the click.
    Which model Macbook/trackpad do you have?

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