Strange Booting Problems

I've just bought an MSI KT3 Ultra2 M/B.  I have it all installed OK running with an AMD Athlon XP PR1700 processor, 256Mb DDR PC2100 Memory, XFX Geforce 4MX 440 AGP Graphics card.
The first time I powered the machine on the screen came up OK and asked me to press F1 to enter setup or F2 to resume.  I entered the BIOS to set the system time and then saved changes and exited the BIOS.  The machine then attempted to reboot but  there was no screen displayed.  The machine then just remained with a blank screen and there were no POST beeps.  The D Bracket displays that it's initializing the Floppy Drive Controller, but it remains in this state forever.  The only way to get back into the bios is to do a hard reset via the jumper but then once you leave the bios the system then remains with a blank screen.
Has anyone got any ideas??
Best  regards

Originally posted by badogidon
i have the same pb  X(  , so if someone found an answer, i would be pleased. .
everytime i reset the cmos , i  got the message CMOS WRONG , if i change any setting after saving the screen hang black .
What settings did you change?
Just do "Load BIOS Setup Default" and (if you have 133Mhz FSB CPU) set CPU FSB to 133Mhz.

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    Disconnect hard & optical drives........
    Power up system.
    Do you still have freeze on post? (Start up)
    I would also concur with Bas, 300w psu no go.
    Intel P4 478 2.4 and above Northwood processors are very power hungry. You would be advise to look for PSU with at least 24amps on the +12V rail....... (Enermax 465 and some 365's or the new Corsair VX 450)

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    Congratulations firewire....   

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    If you do not have any OS 9.2 or earlier old Apple applications, you won't
    need that OS installed into the computer; now that you have confirmed a
    correct Firmware Update has been installed into the computer already.
    Oh, by doing the 'erase & install' the previous OS 9 install would be wiped;
    as would be the important (for OS 9 boot) OS 9 Drivers. The drivers are
    usually available in install options from the OS X install disc, in initial setup.
    Sorry, I no longer have an install disc for any full version of OS 9.2 anymore;
    and mistakenly gave a nice one away with a complete computer deal to a
    friend's buddy, for a fantastic price. Although they haven't used it, it is not
    available to get it back either! Such is the luck of being nice to the clueless.
    The older OS 9.2 full installer would allow new installs and then the last step
    would probably be a download to make the final grade of 9.2.2. Somewhere
    I have a special OS 8.6 full install tech disc; that's good for older beige Macs.
    An 'erase and install' probably would be adequate to install another working
    system; sometimes, it is best to use the disk utility on the booted OS X install
    disc and see if there is an option there to secure-erase or overwrite the drive
    with zeros. That may may not have been available in Jaguar 10.2. - I forget.
    {The update steps for Jaguar 10.2 to 10.2.8 and whatever other updates are
    there at the Support web site downloads page; or if you have an internet
    access, the Software Update in the system should find them for you. There
    may (or may not) be newer Flash player versions, and maybe a few OK
    browsers still available for download which could work OK in Jaguar. Most
    of those won't work well even in Panther 10.3.9. They do have older version
    browsers in the browser home pages, and should list what they work with.}
    If the hard disk drive is making odd noises, you probably should replace it with
    a new ATA/IDE (PATA) type of drive; within specs to match what the iMac G3
    supports; since a noise means something mechanical is wearing out. They can
    also wear out and not make a clicking or grinding noise. A tiny whirl and a bit
    of read/write noise, barely audible, would be the better sound. The iMac G3 has
    no fans, so when it is correctly running and healthy, only the optical drive and
    an occasional very slight to no noise, would be normal.
    Other World Computing may have a replacement hard disk drive; they have a
    fair degree of parts for a variety of Mac computer models, including RAM. To
    get into the computer may require some take-apart skills, to replace parts or
    upgrade a drive; or replace the clock battery.
    Perhaps one of the techie users in this forum can suggest something else to
    check or do with the computer, if they happen across this thread. I'm not sure
    what else to suggest at this point. A newer OS X version would be better, too.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    Yea the reason it starts disk checking is because on the first "cold" boot into windows it gets to the part of the boot process where the windows is loaded then it starts loading software. Somewhere during this process it just reboots for no reason. It never finishes the boot process. This is what causes the disk checking. The weird thing is it does not do this every time. Yes when windows finally shuts down it shuts down normally. I have the same boot camp setup on my mac pro and everything works. I am beginning to think something is wrong with my macbook pro hardware wise.
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  • Strange boot problems

    Hi guys,
    I got a really strange problem with my board:
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    thx in advance

    hi xinu,
    try reducing ht from 5 to 4
    may help.
    this unfortunately seems to be a relatively common problem see Neo 2 platinum no post fans run power off there are also similar threads yu can find.

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    P7N SLI Platinum (BIOS 1.3)
    5 Gb Ram (odd I know  )
    Nvidia 9600GT 1Gb RAM
    1.5 Tb hard drive
    LG GH22L DVD-ROM drive
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    I give up - any ideas?

    Quote from: Mike on 20-August-09, 01:30:42
    Pull a drive from one of the other PCs where the disc works and install that one onto this system you're asking about.  Check to ensure that the DVD drive is first boot source.  Try to boot.  You could also do this--as the system boots, tap f11 repeatedly and a boot menu should appear....choose the DVD drive.  Let us know what is going on.
    I tried the F11 tip (thanks very useful) unfortunately it did not work either. I opened the HTPC and disconnected the HD and re-booted, the damn thing did boot from the DVD-ROM then as one would expect when the it is the only drive... What follows is as strange as the original problem - I reconnected the HD and voila the DVD-ROM booted!!! I am installing the OS as I write. Unfortunately I'm still at a loss as to why I had a problem in the first place and I will not know until I complete the installation if it is fixed for good or not.
    Thanks for your help anyways. 

  • Strange Boot problem

    My pb 12" stays powered up pretty much for a week at a time. I woke up yesterday morning to a kernel panic message. An attempt at rebooting yielded a grey apple screen with spinning thingy, followed by the blue screen which typically has the "Mac OSX is starting up" splash. However this blue screen never yielded that splash and simply went black.
    After a few attempts at a normal multiuser boot with all usb, external display, and firewire devices unplugged as well as reseating the airport card, pram zapping, screen refresh, and other boot options the only thing that ended up working was booting into safe mode (shift key held down during powerup). While I was in safe mode, I deleted, the only software that had been recently added before the kernel panic. I also changed the settings back to the defaults in (I had changed them for I then crossed my fingers and clicked reboot.
    Kernel Panic. Reboot into safe mode.....all good...attempt another screen....reboot into safe mode....OK. Hmm wonder where this is failing...try verbose mode, don't really know what I am looking for, but the machine boots OK...what????? Everything is working well, networking ok, airport ok, usb, well my external dvd burner is working fine. Firewire, I can see and use my external firewire drive. Plug in an external monitor and it seems to work just fine.
    Reboot. Leave the external monitor plugged in.
    Black screen.
    Unplug external monitor
    Try again 3 or 4 times, same problem, black screen or kernel panic. Safe Mode works ok, reboot using verbose mode and here we are, typing this question to y'all
    To recap, here is the sequence of events:
    1. Kernel panic
    2. Attempt reboot and get either black screen or kernel panic.
    3. Try Safe Mode and have successful boot, remove new software and reset other changes.
    4. Try and fail to reboot into multiuser mode several times
    5. Boot into Safe Mode, do nothing (no changes) and reboot using verbose mode
    6. Machine boots, add external monitor...success
    7. Attempt normal multiuser reboot, no luck, either black screen or kernel panic
    8. Remove external monitor, boot successfully using safe mode
    9. Restart machine using verbose mode, all good
    So, to sum up, the only way I can successfully boot my machine is to hold down cmd v. This makes no sense to me.
    Any Ideas?

    Have you set up a user login with no startup items? That's essentially what the safe boot does, in addition to some disk maintenance. The fact that a safe start consistently works would point me to your startup items, which is why you might create a new user with nothing associated with it, and log in that way. Could the office program have installed a startup item which didn't go away when you deleted it?

  • Lenovo laptop u430 Touch - strange UEFI boot problem

    Hello!! I'm Javier from Argentina. I'm having a strange boot problem with my Lenovo u430 Touch and Windows 8.1 x64 configured in UEFI.
    When I power on o restart the laptop It gets stuck at lenovo logo screen and i have to press a key from the keyboard to continue booting on Windows 8.1 x64. This is really annoying.
    No hdd activity.Trying to solve the problem I reset bios to default settings, I updated to last bios available and restored Windows 8.1 with OKR but i have no luck.
    To solve this problem I configured the laptop to use legacy support, but I would that someone can help me to use again my laptop with UEFI bios settings.
    Thanks, I will appreciate your help.Javier     

    Hi Sendhil,
    Welcome to Lenovo Community Forums!
    I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I have private messaged you the details. Please let me know after checking your PM inbox.
    Do post us back for further queries.
    Best Regards
    Shiva Kumar
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Strange boot bug; open firmware not working

    I have a powerbook Alu 15", 1.5Ghz. It runs OS X 10.4.2 with the latest security update. My problem started last Saturday.
    The problem is that my pb will not restart nor boot on its own. The computer makes its usual chime, the hard-disk starts to spin for a few second, and then stops suddenly before anything is displayed on the screen (the display does not even light-up). If I press the option key after or before the chime, and keep it pressed, or the shift key, or the c key, or the t key, or the command-option-p-r key combination, or even the command-option-o-f key combination, the behavior is exactly the same: the disk starts to spin for a few second after the chime, and suddenly halts. The computer appears to shutdown on its own before the boot can even start.
    Here is the strange part: the computer boots normally if I press the command key (this key on its own is not suppose to do anything). It also works if I press the command-s or command-v key combination. No other key combination seem to work.
    Except for this strange boot behavior, the computer works flawlessly. I did not have any kernel panic for at least a year, the computer did not crash recently, everything works fine except for one small detail on which I will come back at the end.
    I've tried to fix the problem by the following actions:
    1) Clean install of Tiger with a new partitioning of the disk; I even zeroed the entire disk. This did not change anything so the problem is probably not OS related.
    2) Reset of the PMU with the four finger salute: shift-control-option-power combination. No effect except that I lost the date/time information. Hence the reset worked.
    3) Tried to reset the PRAM, but the command-option-p-r key combination does not seem to work.
    4) Tried to load the open firmware with command-option-o-f, but this does not work either.
    5) Memory seems ok. I have 1x256M of Apple RAM + 1x1G of RAM bought from OWC. I've had the OWC RAM for about a year without any problem. Anyway, I removed the 1G module and tried to boot on the 256M Apple module alone. Exact same behavior. Then I removed the Apple module and put back the 1G module. Exact same boot behavior. So the problem is not with my RAM, unless both modules have simultaneously developed a malfunction.
    6) Tried to run the Apple hardware tests. However, for my machine, these tests come on the install DVD, in a special hidden volume. To boot on this special volume, one needs to boot with the option key depressed, and to select the boot volume from the open firmware interface. But this does not work on my machine, the computer seems to shut down before this interface can be activated!
    So this problem is very strange. I can live with having to press the command key for booting my machine, but I would sure like to know what is going on here. Is the problem hardware related? Perhaps, but as I said, the machine works flawlessly except for the strange boot behavior.
    Is the problem related to firmware? I think that this is the most probable option. What do you think? Maybe, the firmware got slightly corrupted? Maybe a bit got flipped in the flash memory? Is this possible? I guess so. But, what can I do? Should I contact my friendly local repairman?! I have to admit that this option scares me a little bit for such a strange problem. I would need an Apple engineer with boot related experience/expertise!
    Now, here is a little bit of further information. I don't know if its related, but it is also very strange. I work with a dual screen configuration. Usually, I connect my screen and then I wake up the computer. Last week, I noticed that if I connect my second screen live, the system detects it automatically. I guess this is new to Tiger? Anyway, the strange behavior is that the computer then asks me if I want to sleep, restart or shutdown my pb, as if I had pressed the power button. But I did not press this button when I connected the dvi connector >:-o
    Many thank

    Hi Scott!
    Almost every time the PowerBook woke after sleep, I got the 'Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now...' message.
    I get this message upon wake only rarely, but every time I plug or unplug a display live.
    The strange behaviour was tolerable, so I've lived with it for several months. But then when checking out the PowerBook discussions, I read about the failing lower RAM slot problems, and just out of interest, checked out my System Profiler....
    Ok, so the good news is that my pb may continue to work for several months
    My lower RAM slot appears to be ok for now.
    Interestingly, I'm sure that the start-up problems began when I started using my PowerBook with a 23" Apple Cinema Display (a pink hued one, but that's another on-going saga) - and you too have mentioned that you use an external display, so I wonder if that's part of the cause of our start-up problems.
    Yes, I've noticed the 'Are you sure you want to shut down your computer now...' message just a few days before noticing the strange boot problem (not sure if the machine booted in between). I use ViewSonic displays (one at home and one at the office), and several different projectors in different class rooms. From what I read, it is plausible that there is a link between this problem and the dvi port. Could it be that the boot sequence of mb is affected by a hardware problem on the dvi port? But not when a press the command key?!
    Anyway, my machine is no longer under warranty, so I intend to live with the problem for as long as possible...
    But I've been doing more regular backups since then.
    Best wishes to you and your (almost) new machine!

  • T400 Boot problem

    I have a strange boot problem: Whenever I reboot my T400, the machine freezes immediately after loading grub. (it passes the ThinkPad screen fine). I multiboot linux/win7, and this is not a grub problem, since when I boot Win7 the machine freezes somewhere in the windows loader, (the windows logo shows) and when I boot linux it freezes in the linux boot loader, with a blank screen, showing just a blinking underline. The disk seems ok too, since I can go for months having the machine sleep to RAM and resume without problem. It freezes only at boot, and the only way to get past it is to remove the power cable+battery/hold power button and pray. Any ideas for a more permanent solution?

    loko, hello and welcome,
    No answer, just questions:  "whenever" you reboot - as in every time?  And specifically _reboot_ as opposed to cold boot?  Reboot from Win to Win, Lin to LIin, Win to Lin, Lin to Win?  And warm reboot, or full power off, power on reboot?
    When you reboot, is it always from an OS that has been fully shut down and _to_ an OS that has been previously fully shut down?
    I've seen some pretty strange things happen when one reboots a hibernated OS where in the meantime the other OS has touched the file system.  I wouldn't expect grub to care, unless this is grub2 - then who knows?
    Also have seen some pretty strange stuff when warm rebooting from Linux to Windows.  It can leave BIOS in a strange state.  On my desktop, my NIC will be dead until I do a full cold boot - from AC mains off.
    Just tossing *stuff* at the wall here,
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
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  • HP G72 B10SD Boot problems

    Ive got these strange boot problems, when i press the button the laptop starts, 2s after it shuts down immediately without any beeps. This happens 0 - 20 times each time i want to use my laptop, after some cycles the laptop startups as usual and works without any problems. I have tried with and without the adapter and doesn't make any difference.

    Thanks for your awnser! i posted it on the business forums.

  • Cpu socket looks strange-can be cause of boot problem?

    Actual question: can cpu socket like on attached picture cause boot problems?
    (Some pins look strange while I am sure I did not do anything which can cause that)
    (Sorry was not able attach pic, so shared on external site - blame android?)
    I got problem with booting msi g33m motherboard, I tried various ways and was able to boot couple times, but after reboot the problem returns. When disassembly components for nth time, I noticed strange hole in cpu socket, so I wonder if it can be reason for boot problems? Currently fans run in ÷half speed when nothing connected to mb, if I connect gpu or sata drive, fans are pulsing, and led near power button on tower is blinking, but nothing more happens.

     The pin(s) are bent it seems and can be carefully bent back to proper alignment most of the time using tweezers and or tiny jewelers/eyeglass screwdriver.
     Yes the problem you describe can definitely be caused by poor pin contact with the pads on the CPU. Depending on what pins are bent or make poor contact there could be many different kinds of problems. In fact many more on newer ones with memory controller and other controllers in the CPU that used to be in the northbridge chip. If you or a friend, family member can't bend pin(s) back into alignment then possibly you could have a local jeweler or watch repair shop do it for you.

  • K7N2 Delta-L: Strange cold boot problem & solution

    My K7N2 Delta-L has a problem cold booting when the vcore is set in the bios at 1.65v of higher. After a cold boot, you get a blank black screen. I noticed that even if you run at default speeds but set the vcore to 1.65v of higher the problem still occurs. There is no problem rebooting however.
    I found the following solutions:
    1. After you power up and get a blank, hit the reset button.
    2. Don't unplug your PC. My PC is connected to a AVR and after I power down the PC I usually turn the AVR off. If i do this, than the computer will have a booting problem if I try to boot it up 30 minutes later or so. Now if I don't unplug it/power off the AVR than everything is fine.
    I don't understand why it acts the way it does though.
    Does anyone know of any other solutions?

    Have you cleared the cmos. If you do be sure you have the power turned off don't move the cmos jumper with the power on.
    I found that turning off power at power supply and unpluging, than turning on the computer the fans will spin just a little this drains all the power. Clear cmos 2-3 than return to
    1-2 position.
    Than plug the power back in and turn it back on, than try the computer again.

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