Strange characters iTunes lion

So, this is what iTunes looks like in Lion. No Lucida issue that I know of. Any suggestions? When installing, I unchecked Chinese fonts, etc. but noticed they were installed anyway.

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  • When i print a pdf from preview it prints strange characters - it looks fine on screen

    when i print a pdf from preview it prints strange characters - it looks fine on screen

    You can also try opening the PDF with preview, then doing a copy and paste to TextEdit and printing from there.
    Adobe makes it easier, but you do have software to accomplish this.
    Only download Adobe reader from this site, to avoid "fakes/spoofs/malware" that will cause damage to your machine.
    Hope this helps

  • Pages document turned to gibberish-strange characters in rectangles. Can't read underlying text (still there)

    I use a Pages document (password protected) as a frequent reference. It is 22 pages of text. Suddenly most text was replaced with strange characters, each encased in a little rectangle, so document was unreadable. Selecting a section of text, I could right-click and see that underlying text was still there, just not readable onscreen. Style was "Normal*." I don't know what the " * " means. I selected all and changed style to "Heading 9" on the list. All text reappeared, so my data is ok - for now (though not formatted as I want it). I can't trust Pages, however, and don't know what caused the problem or how to avoid it.
    Note that the style now shows "Heading 9*". I don't know why the " * ". I tried selecting all and making "Normal" the global style, but the strange characters wouldn't budge. Switching back to Normal brings back gibberish.
    Some text is Verdana; I just noticed that changing font also got rid of gibberish. Changing back to Verdana brought back gibberish.
    Note that not every line of text was changed to gibberish; some were just fine.
    Other Pages documents are fine - right now. I notice that there are asterisks in Style in other text documents.
    I'm an experienced computer user, new to Pages in the fall when it came with my MacBook Air. In this document, format isn't all that important, but I can imagine where this would be a huge disaster for other types of documents.
    Any help in figuring out what's going on most appreciated.

    Tom -
    "That sounds like Apple's Last Resort font, which gets used when for some reason the app forgets about the font being used.  Use Fontbook to make sure you don't have duplicate Verdanas on your machine.  Also try cleaning your font caches with Onyx or by doing a safe boot"
    Wow! Who would have guessed! Thank you for the advice; Fontbook revealed a number of duplicate fonts - ot Verdana, interestingly enough -  which I have now resolved. I then switched all text to Trebuchet MS, and everything reverted to normal. I can live with Trebuchet.
    This problem appeared on the same day (before or after I wasn't sure) I installed MS Office. Could this have caused the problem?
    Thanks for your prompt reply, explanation and solutions.

  • Strange characters instead of PDF-file

    when I forward to a servlet called, my browser return a PDF file.
    but when I write the method of the servlet in a bean, called, and I write the rest of the code of the servlet in a jsp file (pdf.jsp, this jsp calls the method in the bean) I only get strange characters returned by my browser and Acrobat Reader doesn't run.
    the code of the servlet
    package be.steppe.cursusdienst.pdf;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import be.steppe.cursusdienst.instellingen.Variabelen;
    import be.steppe.cursusdienst.beans.WinkelWagen;
    import be.steppe.cursusdienst.Product;
    import com.lowagie.text.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*;
    public class Test extends HttpServlet
         public Test()
         public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
              throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
              DocumentException ex = null;
              ByteArrayOutputStream baosPDF = null;
              //HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
              //WinkelWagen ww = (WinkelWagen) req.getAttribute("winkelWagen");
              //Vector vector = new Vector();
              //vector = ww.genereerFormLijst();
                   baosPDF = fix();
                   StringBuffer sbFilename = new StringBuffer();
                   resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=30");
                   StringBuffer sbContentDispValue = new StringBuffer();
                   sbContentDispValue.append("; filename=");
                   ServletOutputStream sos;
                   sos = resp.getOutputStream();
              catch (DocumentException dex)
                   PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();
                             + " caught an exception: "
                             + dex.getClass().getName()
                             + "<br>");
                   if (baosPDF != null)
         protected ByteArrayOutputStream fix() throws DocumentException {
              Document doc = new Document();
              ByteArrayOutputStream baosPDF = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              PdfWriter docWriter = null;
                   docWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, baosPDF);
                   HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter(
                                       new Phrase("BESTELLING     ID:           GEPLAATST DOOR:"),
    /*                for(int i = 0 ; i < vector.size() ; i++) {
    *                doc.add(new Paragraph( ((Product) vector.elementAt(i)).getProductId() ));
                   doc.add(new Paragraph(
                                  "This document was created on "
                                  + new java.util.Date()));
              catch (DocumentException dex)
                   throw dex;
                   if (doc != null)
                   if (docWriter != null)
              if (baosPDF.size() < 1)
                   throw new DocumentException(
                        "document has "
                        + baosPDF.size()
                        + " bytes");          
              return baosPDF;
    }The code of the bean:
    package be.steppe.cursusdienst.beans;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import be.steppe.cursusdienst.Product;
    import be.steppe.cursusdienst.FormProduct;
    import be.steppe.cursusdienst.instellingen.Variabelen;
    import com.lowagie.text.*;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*;
    public class WinkelWagen implements Serializable {
      private Vector producten;
      public WinkelWagen() {
        producten = new Vector();
      public void voegProductToe(Product p) {
      public Vector haalProducten() {
        return producten;
      public void verwijderProduct(int pId) {
        for(int i = 0 ; i < producten.size() ; i++) {
          if(pId == ((Product) (producten.elementAt(i))).getProductId()) {
      public void maakWinkelWagenLeeg() {
      public Vector genereerFormLijst() {
        int aantal = 0;
        Vector lijst = new Vector();
        boolean alInLijst;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < producten.size() ; i++) {
          aantal = 0;
          int prodId;
          alInLijst = false;
          Product p = (Product) producten.elementAt(i);
          prodId = p.getProductId();
          for(int l = 0 ; l < lijst.size() ; l++) {
            if(prodId == ((FormProduct) (lijst.elementAt(l))).getProductId()) {
              alInLijst = true;
          if(!alInLijst) {
            for(int q = 0 ; q < producten.size() ; q++) {
              if(prodId == ((Product) (producten.elementAt(q))).getProductId()) {
            int pId = ((Product) (producten.elementAt(i))).getProductId();
            String tNaam = ((Product) (producten.elementAt(i))).getTypeNaam();
            String tit = ((Product) (producten.elementAt(i))).getTitel();
            String omschr = ((Product) (producten.elementAt(i))).getOmschrijving();
            double pr = ((Product) (producten.elementAt(i))).getPrijs();
            int hoev = ((Product) (producten.elementAt(i))).getStock();
            FormProduct formProduct = new FormProduct(pId,tNaam,tit,omschr,pr,hoev,aantal);
          return lijst;
        public double berekenTotaal() {
          double totaal = 0;
          for(int i = 0 ; i < producten.size() ; i++) {
            Product p = (Product) producten.elementAt(i);
            totaal = totaal + p.getPrijs();
          return totaal;
        public ByteArrayOutputStream fix() throws DocumentException {
             Vector vector = genereerFormLijst();
             Document doc = new Document();
              ByteArrayOutputStream baosPDF = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              PdfWriter docWriter = null;
                   docWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, baosPDF);
                   HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter(
                                       new Phrase("BESTELLING     ID:           GEPLAATST DOOR:"),
                   for(int i = 0 ; i < vector.size() ; i++) {
                   doc.add(new Paragraph( ((FormProduct) vector.elementAt(i)).getProductId() ));
                   doc.add(new Paragraph(
                                  "This document was created on "
                                  + new java.util.Date()));
              catch (DocumentException dex)
                   throw dex;
                   if (doc != null)
                   if (docWriter != null)
              if (baosPDF.size() < 1)
                   throw new DocumentException(
                        "document has "
                        + baosPDF.size()
                        + " bytes");          
              return baosPDF;
    }the code of the JSP-file
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import=""%>
    <%@ page import="be.steppe.cursusdienst.instellingen.Variabelen"%>
    <%@ page import="be.steppe.cursusdienst.beans.WinkelWagen"%>
    <%@ page import="be.steppe.cursusdienst.Product"%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@ page import="com.lowagie.text.*" %>
    <%@ page import="com.lowagie.text.pdf.*" %>
    <jsp:useBean class="WinkelWagen" id="winkelWagen" scope="session" />
    ByteArrayOutputStream baosPDF = null;     
                   baosPDF = winkelWagen.fix();
                   StringBuffer sbFilename = new StringBuffer();
                   response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=30");
                   StringBuffer sbContentDispValue = new StringBuffer();
                   sbContentDispValue.append("; filename=");
                   ServletOutputStream sos;
                   sos = response.getOutputStream();
              catch (DocumentException dex)
                   PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
                             + " caught an exception: "
                             + dex.getClass().getName()
                             + "<br>");
                   if (baosPDF != null)
              </html>can anyone please help me out ...

    I removed the html tags in the jsp-file and now acrobat reader does start.
    but it says the pdf file is damaged and cannot be repaired ...
    any ideas?

  • XSLT transformation format-number into strange characters

    Hi, Experts,
        When I excute following code to translate a string number DEBIT TYPE C(60) into xml, the result has strange characters.
    <xsl:value-of select="format-number(sap:if(string(number(DEBIT))!='NaN',DEBIT,0),'0.0000000000')" />
        If DEBIT is empty, the correct result should be:
    0x3000 0x2E00 (0x3000)*10       = 0.0000000000
        but actually, the result will be following in some cases:
    0x3000 0x2E00 (0x0F77)*10
        in some cases the result will be
    0x3000 0x2E00 (0x2600 0x2300 0x3000 0x3B00)*10
        What I mean in some cases, I ran the same code on different NW system. I also changed the user profile by NW menu System->User Profile->Own Data, the result won't change whether I use American Comma-Dot or European Dot-Comma.
        Can anyone give some advice on the code? Or there is some patch to solve it?
        Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: Davin Wang on Jul 17, 2008 3:15 PM

    Hi Davin,
    do chk the condition it is not correct
    <xsl:value-of select="format-number(sap:if(string(number(DEBIT))!='NaN',DEBIT,0),'0.0000000000')" />
    do chk it

  • Strange characters showing up in Essbase Server pick list

    I have one user, that is logging into her Essbase spreadsheet addin and seeing all kinds of strange characters following each server name in the Server drop down list within the Essbase System Login window.  Any ideas what would cause this?
    What we have found is the Server names and strange characters are showing up in the registry key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hyperion Solutions\Essbase\Login".  Normally you would see something like this in this key:
    (Default)    Reg_SZ    (Value not set)
    Server        Reg_SZ    ServerName1
    Server1      Reg_SZ    ServerName2
    Server2      Reg_SZ    ServerName3
    What is showing now, is the original list of servers, with 10 or so new ones that repeat the server names that were already there followed by strange characters.  There were 10 extra entries in this particular persons drop down list.  We deleted them from the Registry and she was good for a few minutes and then they came back!!  Anybody seen this before?  We are running of the Oracle Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in.  Excel 2010.  Windows 7.  She is also using the In2HypEssbase ribbon, but so are many others, and she is the only one experiencing this problem.

    Sorry, I forgot to mention that we did delete them from the registry and they did disappear from the drop down list.  But a little while later it happened again!  They seem to keep coming back and we don't know why.  Again, she is the only person in the company that has had this issue.  I have had her shutdown everything and reboot her pc with no luck as well, just to make sure there wasn't something quirky going on in the memory of the pc.

  • Acrobat Pro 9.4.6 Printing Strange Characters

    I currently use Acrobat Pro 9.4.6 and when printing to a PDF file it prints strange characters...not at all what I want to be printed. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium. Have others experienced this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. It's interesting that this problem only manifests itself in certain applications. A friend installed a program called CuteWriterPDF and the applications that I was having difficulty with writing PDF files are taken care of perfectly with this small program. It was just an experiment but it worked. This is not a perfect fix as I would prefer a solution from Adobe but at least I'm back up and running.
    Thanks much for taking the time to reply!

  • Strange characters in pdf

    i have a strange problem with "strange characters" (such as "à", "ö" etc). I have to edit pdf files produced with Adobe Acrobat by other people. In some cases, when i try to "copy and paste" text from this file into a "note" (within the same file), the strange characters appear scrambled, such as "Ÿ" instead of "ü", or "Ž" instead of "é".
    I noticed the following:
    1) on the screen, the original text looks correct, but after copying and pasting it into the note-tool (within Acrobat), it looks scrambled. If i paste it into another application (TextEdit or Word), it stays scrambled.
    2) this happens not for all files, but only for some of them. note that all files come from the same source...
    3) The same string of text looks and behaves absolutely fine when i open the pdf file with another application such as Preview.
    4) In Acrobat, i can edit the scrambled notes to make out of an "Š" an "é" - but that is a time consuming way of doing things.
    I think it has something to do with Font availability, or Unicode, or so, but a don't find the right thing to do. And i really need a solution, since editing within Acrobat is part of my money-earning work ...
    Who has a useful hint ???
    Thanks in advance,

    Guessing here, but possibly the others and you aren't set to the same language? - the font codes for the diacriticals may vary between languages?

  • Adobe Reader displaying strange characters

    Hello! I am writing my uni task. For that I downloaded a .pdf document from my university, which has text boxes for me to fill in. I do not know how/with which program this file was created. I first tried dealing with it using the Windows 8 Reader app. Several times, when I switched from the document to the Desktop and back, all my text was converted into strange characters. I started saving the document before switching, and this seemed to solve the problem at first. But then at some point I saved and closed it, and when I opened it the next time, only the box I modified last (with an essay) was converted into strange characters. When I copy it somewhere, the text does not appear. I tried opening the thing with Adobe Reader. It does not convert anything into weird symbols, but the ones from the previous time remain. Is there any way I can get the information back?
    Here's the whole 'strange character' bit:
    ý«†z´y,o/>§™I$2ž|‘M¥8"Žb2;¸[áÔeìb⁄æÉ÷ײݵßScÄ−¹<¹˚ëÞG+VW5²!1°%ZÔ;‘ƒÀ¤|ªł.W‚nb·Ü`ø}=†mû⁄À¦• ¸ßÁºþÜ”ãØˇÂ²ÑrŸ–)·ô†+Ù˘¬ì¶4<Àqc.®ªSG”˛¹„+ö:@€‚Å˝å²M«ÚŸ/E¼¿flüUÌÈü…qªÉ³pÉ2ôù$fiÍævflÓrîsƒr6@_ 8;¢DîuAÑ˙Ô¨ÿ,s<“Ñ·Ü䙟tàZ,Ö½¨#ee˚˛üBwê!MŠU¸Ÿ€¹*øƒN‰×{hø?;Ô·Î'k$;Í÷Qýw~&—ł„Aå”MTì¹⁄¿tË@˘/J ÿóS˝
    çU ió¦(fH€RBRK%nÁ0þ$½Œ‰¢@˛x§{±'QRÕéKŵ«uÌ2>å΂úëoNH¢-c|d‰AOÓÎgS×eGzł⁄Dd¢&łEyþ•½w;;"÷+B‰
    Á ‹rn+8‰|JeÐ˙Š6Âî÷;x^¯~j⁄TÓa¦O˙qé=:*v¬à^!·þá¡®SL=Ìáh)¬øxthj™ŽÁ–½…¬Ü‚łþ ÇÌÌ„¶"KÉ4$ô‰'š−°íŽùÜÑHÜ>o¶y%˛U(Í÷f–wøÙ±⁄[¢ý [Å‚Œ‘ß?˛−dĹ–ï4¾&ôzÚÃSåÁ¡Ëä¡¡DG¡ŁøO7øã|ò‹áï…Q³Ê;˚@w|¤C¡¨ÝôÏŽ´ÎgÙ¿ö—‡óÊ—F¼ñ}¢¡ù¹ê˜Š˜Û›·«íÿ `Qùж×g”˛Ï;–úÍ‹OU'†ah„y’‹èa´ŸÏ°èwP׃—‚
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    The document:
    The box I was talking about is the very last one.
    The Adobe ReaderI started using recently is version XI; the one I used when I started editing the document was Windows 8 Reader app by Microsoft, version 6.2.8516.0.

  • Strange characters

    printer All-in-one Officejet Pro L 7580
    windows  XP
    i get strange characters when printing PDF files , sometimes the whole document and somethimes an part
    when i try to print 1 page a time it often comes out ok but not always

    Hi mamae,
    Looks like your Adobe program needs to be updated or reinstalled. Is this issue only appearing when you try to print PDFs? How about from Word processing programs like MS Word or Excel?
    If you have garbled text characters as well with your other programs, you also need to reinstall the printer drivers on your computer. When this happens on the USB connection, usually I had the cable replaced and that fixes it.
    You can also check this article - Continuous Pages of Strange or Garbled Characters Print in Windows
    Here's the Full Feature SW download for: Windows XP or Windows XP x64
    Hope this works for you!
    * If this post has helped you, the White Kudos star on the left is a great way to say thanks!
    * Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem so other users can benefit as well.

  • Strange characters when copy/paste from Word

    I have in Word u2018hellou2019 and when I paste it in the Notes of IR and save it, it turns into  018hello 019 so the apostrophes transform into these strange characters.
    I checked with Notepad, Excel and Wordpad and this issue does not occur, only for Word.
    Do you know why this happens ?
    It should be a Word/IE setting as this issue does not occur on a Terminal Server. Only on usersu2019
    Thank you
    Edited by: Mihai Olaru on Nov 1, 2008 2:43 AM

    Hi Shiva,
    Some styles for font of rich text aren't be kept when I copy the content from Word 2013 and paste into a wiki page from SharePoint 2010/2013(even SharePoint 2007 like this
    post) site as same as yours, it looks like a limitation.
    As a workaround, we can publish the Word content as a Blog article in SharePoint site, then copy the content from the blog page to the needed SharePoint page, it will keep the rich text content format, you can have a try.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Fonts displaying in strange characters in Email and Web Browser

    Myself and my creative director (on two different computers) are seeing strange characters in our email clients and web browser. He uses Entourage for Email and I use Thunderbird. We both use Firefox for a web browser.
    This does not happen with every email or with every web page, what could it be?
    View a screenshot here:

    Clear out the font cache files from the hard drive with Font Finagler. Also, if you have the fonts Helvetica Fractions or Times Phonetic on the drive, delete them.

  • Strange characters inserted when I create a PDF

    I am using Acrobat 11, Windows 7, PC.  Someone sent me a Word Document file and when I create a PDF from it, there are questions marks inserted in many places.  The original word doc has charts inserted as "pictures".  This is where the strange characters are occurring.  Regular text is fine.  A colleague created a PDF using an earlier version of Acrobat and it worked fine. 

    I have figured out that I was not creating the PDF correctly (was doing it through Windows instead of Adobe).  Now that I am doing it correctly (using the Adobe tab when I'm in the word doc, then clicking Create Adobe PDF), the chart does not have the questions marks anymore but it is NOT as crisp and clean as it should be.  Text is blurred, lines in chart are faded or missing in some spots.  In the word doc the chart is crisp and clear.
    Of note:  The charts that have been inserted into the document using my Windows 7 PC are fine when PDF'd.  The chart that is in question was I believe created on a Mac.  That shouldn't matter in my book but unfortunately sometimes it does.
    Any help would be much appreciated!

  • Excel shows strange characters over Remote desktop

    Experiencing this weird issue were when I  RDP to my computer , the characters in excel sheet display weird characters
    For instance the letter A looks squished
    When opening the same excel sheet locally, the normal text is displayed.
    Repaired office, looked for updates and nothing seems to fix it.
    All your help will be greatly appreciated.

    First of all.   I did not say we only had the problem with Server 2008 R2.   We DO NOT have any problem at all with Server 2008 R2.   The only problem is when using RDP to run an application on either Server 2003 or Server 2008.  
    That means the original version, the 32-bit version of Server 2008.
    We have just tried various clients.  The clients tried include XP, Win 7 and Win 8.1.   On Win 8.1 the RDP version is 6.3.9600.   On XP the RDP version is 6.0.6001.   I am not sure which RDP was being used on Win 7.
    All of these clients had the same problem that I am posting about.   Strange characters.   They almost look like an incorrect character set.
    The very same application that is giving us problems via RDP was tried by running directly via the LAN and WAN.  When this app is run in this manner everything looks fine and there are no strange character issues.  Just in case anyone wants to
    suggest that we run this app in that manner, forget it!   The reason we run using terminal services is because the performance is way too slow of the WAN link if we try to run direct.  I also want to point out that this app has been running,
    using terminal services for  several years now and there has not been an issue.
    As for screen shots, I'm working on that.

  • Strange characters in WEBI report

    When I run a WEBI report, i see strange characters in the cells. Pls refer to attached screen shot. The output is sometimes displaying correctly and sometimes not.
    I run the query generated by WEBI at the backend, I get the correct results.
    I tried to create a separate report with some of the columns. Even then I get these strange characters.
    Please let me know if you have anything solution on this.
    I use
    BOXI R3.1 SP5

    Hi Shreyas,
    I was interested to see the database output so that I can see what values are coming to report.
    Does the report contain some accentuated characters like Ö,É,ć etc. or some other characters.
    As the issue is not coming with Deski and WRC then it could be an issue with the application server.
    Which application do you use? IIS or Tomcat or some other server?
    Sometimes, the application servers do not support UTF-8 encoding. In case of Tomcat, you can check the server.xml file. You can check knowledge base article on SAP portal.
    Also check if the desired font is added in fontalias.xml.

Maybe you are looking for

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    My application is fairly complex. It is a real world testing applications that simultaneously controls 16 servo motors running various stress testing routines asynchronously and all at the same time. The application includes queues, state machines, s