Strange CS4 GUI problem

If I go full screen with an image and come back to windowed view the top menu bar that contains the hand, view,rotate, arrange documents and screen mode items is lost and replaced with that part of the full screen image that was in that location. There is no way of recovering the menu bar, which is still invisibly active, unless CS4 is restarted.
Otherwise CS4 is not working too bad except for the trailing images following window movements, jerky rotate and the fact that Topaz adjust throws out of memory messages unless Photoshop memory is reduced to 700Mb.
seperate scratch disk
Cache at 8 levels
Wacom Intuos 3 with latest driver
nVidia 8600GT with latest drivers

New associated problem that might give a clue.
I also use Capture NX2 which works fine but slow. Say I have both NX2 and CS4 open and in CS4 view an image in full screen mode then return to normal view. If I then switch to NX2 I find that some of the adjustment panels are corrupt and still contain parts of the screen image from CS4.
There seems to be no way of getting rid of the corruption except by restarting NX2. The corrupt panels still seem to be functional although their controls are invisible.
There may be other programs that use OpenGL that are corrupted in this way by CS4 full screen mode. I just haven't found them yet.
BTW Adam, disabling the couple of 3rd party plugins I have installed had nil effect.

Similar Messages

  • CS5/CS4 GUI User Interface Design

    I have always been very unimpressed with the user interface design on Adobe CS4.  It's riddled with problems and changes that make no sense and offer no advantages.
    For example, there is no longer a normal Windows title bar in many of the CS4 apps.  This makes it much more difficult to maximize/restore applications since normally a Windows user could simply throw the mouse to the top edge of the screen and double click the title bar.  In fact, doing this with CS4 apps has ZERO function (it doesn't do anything).  One would think that by moving the menu commands to the top bar of the window chrome, Adobe would make these menus accessible from the top-most edge of the screen in order to increase usability.  Unfortunately this is not so and clicking the top most edge of a maximized window does nothing.
    Two other very important parts of an application user interface are the upper left and upper right corners.  Normally when a Windows application is maximized, throwing your pointer to the upper right corner and clicking will close the application.  Throwing the pointer to the upper left corner and clicking will reveal the application window menu.  This happens in ALL applications... EXCEPT for Adobe CS4 programs.  These two extremely important application window command locations have been completely disabled in Adobe CS4 apps. Clicking the upper most corner pixels in a maximized Adobe CS4 app does nothing.
    Then there's the tabbed document window interface.  If you float a document window and maximize that, normally you would expect it to become maximized within the application window as it should.  Au contraire, in Adobe CS4, the document window maximizes itself ON TOP OF the application window, thus obscuring and disabling any access to the application window's tools/commands.  I did report that as a bug during beta, but obviously it was ignored.  Seems kind of obvious to me that the fact that a user could accidentally make the entire application completely unusable by maximizing a document window might be a problem.
    It still alludes me as to why Adobe changed the CS4 user interface to something that breaks so many Windows UI conventions.  Adobe CS3 was a practically perfect user interface design on Windows.  It was very customizable, all of the normal Windows functions were properly in place.
    What's the deal with the change?
    I thought maybe the file menu was moved in place of the title bar in order to make more room for other UI elements, but it's actually pretty much the same size as the old file menu title bar combination in CS3.
    With all these changes and with all the functionality losses, what exactly have we gained in the CS4 GUI?  Seriously, I'm asking.
    Anyway, I hope Adobe starts reading the Windows User Experience Guidelines ( and brings CS5 back to the way a Windows application should behave.  Proper theme adherence would be nice too.
    Which brings me to Windows 7.  I love love love the way Windows 7 groups application document previews in one taskbar icon and allows aero-peek for open windows.  Adobe CS 4 obviously does not support this since it does not have normal document windows.  I hope CS5 does because it is a great feature.  I also hope Adobe CS5 implements the Windows 7 jumplists and maybe even a more touch/multi-touch friendly interface.  I've become pretty good at processing photos in Bridge using the touchscreen, and it's very cool, but it could use some improvements.
    For an example of great user interface design, has anyone tried Office 2010 on Windows 7 yet? 2009-keynote/
    The faded transparent title bar and tabbed ribbon interface is absolutely gorgeous.

    I agree with your comments! So well said!
    And there are other issues, too -- by the color of the app window, you don't know if the window is active or inactive (focus or not in focus). Titles of panels which are inactive, are dark text over dark background -- hardly readable at all... And many more.
    I really hope Adobe are listening...

  • GUI problem with UNIX


    Hi Vasundhara,
    Try grouping the widgets in to a panel.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: vasundhara [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 9:15 AM
    To: [email protected]; Joseph Mirwald
    Subject: Re: (forte-users) GUI problem with UNIX
    Hi Joseph
    We are using Forte 3.0 M2 on Solaris 5.8 The problem is with the push
    buttons, After we grid the controls and they look intact in the NT
    environment, but when we open the same window in SOlaris the controls are
    far apart.Do you have any idea about this?
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Joseph Mirwald <mailto:[email protected]>
    To: vasundhara <mailto:[email protected]> ;
    [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 10:13 AM
    Subject: Re: (forte-users) GUI problem with UNIX
    Hello vashundara,
    please say which Version of Forte and which kind/version your UNIX OS is.
    There are some problems on AIX V4.3.x (Motif 2.x) and older releasese of
    Forte (up to Forte 3.M.x) and so on and it is necessary to look what it is.
    Maybe it is possible for you to say which widgets are the problem.
    Thanks forward
    Joseph Mirwald
    At 15:25 23.04.01 +0530, vasundhara wrote:
    We are facing a strange problem when we try to port our application from NT
    to UNIX. The problem is that the GUI doesnt come properly. As per my
    knowledge gridding all the controls on the GUI shouldnot create this
    problem, but inspite of this we are facing it. Did anyone comeacross this
    Thanks in advance
    Vasundhara N.C
    Wisor Telecom Pvt Ltd

  • JLabel + GUI problem

    I have a JLabel2 which shows the spanish map. The thing is I do wanna draw lines on my spanish map and save it to as an image file in my desktop . I'm able to draw lines and save my JLabel2(spanish map) as an image in my Desktop. The problem is I'm not able to see any lines that I draw before in my image file. I can see those lines when I do click draw button but I can not see them when I save my file as an image to my desktop.Please help me.This problem killed me for two can see how i converted to icon and how i save it as an image file below.Thank you for your helps from now.
    private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    File file3;
    int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(routemap.this);
    if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
    try {
    File f3 = fc.getSelectedFile();
    ImageIcon icon = (ImageIcon) jLabel2.getIcon();
    BufferedImage buf = new BufferedImage(icon.getImage().getWidth(
    null), icon.getImage().getHeight(null),
    buf.getGraphics().drawImage(icon.getImage(), 0, 0,
    icon.getIconWidth(), icon.getIconHeight(), null);
    ImageIO.write(buf, "jpg", new File(f3.getAbsolutePath()
    + ".jpg"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    I have drawn lines by using draw function as you see below and I can not see those lines without any problem..Lines disapper in the image file when I do save it..Here is the draw button..
    private void jButton5ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    boolean go = true;
    if (OneClicked == false && go == true) {
    jLabel3.setText(jComboBox1.getSelectedItem() + " to ");
    view = jComboBox1.getSelectedItem().toString() + " to ";
    String m = jComboBox1.getSelectedItem().toString();
    int size1 = City.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
    if (City.get(i).equals(m)) {
    OneClicked = true;
    go = false;
    if (OneClicked == true && go == true) {
    jLabel3.setText(view + jComboBox1.getSelectedItem());
    view = "";
    String m = jComboBox1.getSelectedItem().toString();
    int size1 = City.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
    if (City.get(i).equals(m)) {
    Graphics g = jLabel2.getGraphics();
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3));
    System.out.println(Index.size() - 2);
    int m1 = Integer.parseInt(XCoordinate.get(Index
    .get(Index.size() - 2)));
    int n1 = Integer.parseInt(YCoordinate.get(Index
    .get(Index.size() - 2)));
    int m2 = Integer.parseInt(XCoordinate.get(Index
    .get(Index.size() - 1)));
    int n2 = Integer.parseInt(YCoordinate.get(Index
    .get(Index.size() - 1)));
    System.out.println(m1 + " " + n1 + " " + m2 + " " + n2);
    g2.drawLine(m1, n1, m2, n2);
    OneClicked = false;
    System.out.println("index im" + Index);

    Cross-post: [java-forums: jlabel-gui-problem|]
    To the original poster, cross-posting can frustrate anyone who tries to help you only to find out later that the same answer was given hours ago in a cross-posted thread. No one likes wasting their time, especially a volunteer. The polite thing to do would be to not do this, but if you feel that you absolutely must, to at least provide links in both cross-posts to each other.
    edit: all over the dang place: [javaranch: JLabel-GUI|]
    Now this could get folks wanting to not help you ever. Please take care here.
    Edited by: Encephalopathic on Jan 31, 2009 6:34 AM

  • CS4 Crashing Problems - Questions

    Just curious in regards to all of these "CS4 Crashing" problems.
    1) Before updating to Snow leopard, did you people do due diligence by at the very least checking the S.M.A.R.T. status of your drives and do a Permission Repair first BEFORE updating?
    2) Did you make a clone of your working perfectly Leopard disk, or at least do a current (minutes before) Time machine backup?
    3) Did you check first which 3rd party extensions such as those by Unsanity (FontCard), YouControl(Font), Growl, etc. that will NOT play nice with Snow Leopard yet until they are updated (if ever?)... and pre-update delete them?
    4) Did you check to make sure that all of your fonts have been disabled and those that are NOT specifically from Apple, are removed from the User Font folders... and NOT set to load at startup?
    Now after all of that... did ya still "freely" and without a gun to your head, update to Snow Leopard... a brand spankin' new ( OS release and expect absolutely NO bugs: small, large or just inconvenient for the time being?
    And now your whining here?... and complaining to Apple?
    Have any of you considered reverting to your clone of Leo 10.5.8 until certain issues (yours) have been fail-safely fixed?
    For the record, I did a straight-up SL update on a 2.16 CoreDuo MBP, and a 2008 8-core MacPro with NO problems! Everything working fine in 32-bit and 64-bit (MacPro), including even FreeHand under Rosetta.
    NOTE: check your fonts!!! Whenever something crashes here or at any of my clients unexpectedly, font and/or font cache corruption has been the main culprit, now for over 20 years(!)

    DocPixel-BMW wrote:
    Well on one hand, I was guilty of letting out a rant against all of the whiners... on the other I was trying to be a bit helpful.
    Maybe it will cause someone to think before starting another "Adobe or Apple must die or fix this" thread. It grates on the nerves... considering most should "fix" their expectations, upgrade habits, and most of all, the area between their ears first... BEFORE posting.
    Welcome to the common sense club. A club with very few members.

  • I have a strange 3g data problem.

    I have a strange 3g data problem.  At home I have zero 3G connectivity even though all bars are showing and says "3G" and wifi is "Off" ... unless I am on the phone and then magically the 3G data connection works perfectly!!  Does anyone have any idea what is happening?  Also when I bring my phone to my dad's or my friends house the problem disappears!! Is this a hardware or a AT&T network problem? os is 4.3.3
    Also called ATT and they said there was no problem with the network and that it was a hardware issue.  Also restored the phone several times but the problem did not go away.

    OK, no trouble shooting. The first thing I'd attempt is restarting in Safe Mode. If you still don't have luck try doing both a SMC and PRAM reset, it wouldn't hurt to do the SMC reset a couple of times. If still no luck let us know.
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and all peripherals.
    Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.
    Release the power button.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer.
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

  • CS4 Export Problem

    I have an external hard drive to which I export my encoded CS4 video files once I have finished editing.  The problem is that, in doing so, space seems to be used also on my C drive.  I need to find and delete these files on my C drive once my PP project files are rendered to my external drive.  I have looked in temp files but they not there.  Can anyone advise me on this?

    That's done it S.V.  Many thanks!
    Lewis B.
    Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 11:13:53 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: CS4 Export Problem
    I'm a newbie so don't take my word as gospel buuuuttt....
    If you're using Vista you might be making the same mistake as me. Go edit>preferences>media, hover the mouse over the media cache files location (i.e. C:\yadayada) and TYPE that into the bar at the top of the my computer. Don't click through and try and find it, TYPE it like you would an internet address in a web browser.
    Silly Vista.

  • Strange sound/sync problem after encoding in CS4

    Hi guys and gals, wonder if anyone can help me out on this one?
    I'm running PPro CS4 on a purpose-built matrox rtx2 system, working mostly from DVCAM.
    I've done a complete edit, cutting various interview soundbites over  music to make a testimonial montage. After doing the complete audio mix,  everything sounds fine and dandy when I preview it after rendering. The  problem occurs when I output the film using AME to a variety of  different formats. Where previously I had precise edits on the timeline,  the audio cuts sound to be a couple of frames out. For example, one cut  occurs just after the line 'ideal product for our needs' and sounds  exactly as it should on the timeline, but on the outputted file it  sounds like he says 'ideal product for our nee...'
    Same thing occasionally happens on music mixes, when I cut to the beat  to use different sections of the backing track and crossfade through, it  sounds fine on the timeline but then after I output the file then cuts  the sound off the beat and the music sounds like it goes slightly out of  time on the transition.
    I've even tried rendering it out as a wav file, but that doesn't work either.
    Is it something I'm doing wrong? I've checked and it's all 48k sound  (and if it was a sample rate issue I assume it would appear on the  timeline as well). Or is it another to add to the long list of problems  we've had with the matrox setup?
    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Could it be that the preview of the timeline is inaccurate as opposed to the outputted file?
    Let's check this out. First, is there a red line above your Clips in the Timeline, just below the Timeline Ruler? If so, hit Enter to Render those Clips for smoothest playback. Note: Audio can need Rendering too. Does this help?
    If not, set the WAB (Work Area Bar) over a small section of the Timeline, though one that exhibits the OOS issue. Export to your desired format/CODEC and test. Do you get OOS in the Export?
    For a bit more on Rendering, see this ARTICLE.
    For a look at the WAB, see below:
    Good luck, and please report,

  • Bridge CS4 causing problem with Explorer

    The following problem occurred after adjusting the Preference settings in Bridge CS4:
    When right clicking on any folder in either the Explorer or on the Desktop the following message is displayed "Windows Explorer has stopped working..."
    This is now the second time, after having created two new User Accounts. While Explorer worked perfectly for a couple of days before adjusing the settings in Birdge, I cannot undo what has caused this problem and am reluctant to setup yet another user account. Also, I can't figure out which setting change might have caused this.
    Is it possible that by adjusting the settings in Bridge it added a shell extension to Windows Explorer?
    Has anyone here encountered a similar problem after adjusting the settings in Bridge?
    Ps. this has also been posted in the Phtoshop forum

    Sorry, did not read your mail before sending the first answer...
    Glad it works again. Remember that OSX is Unix based and does not like
    strange caracters in folder and file names, and no slashes or dot's except
    the dot before a three caracter file extension.

  • Photoshop CS4 Experience, Problems & Questions

    Hi all,
    i just installed my Production Suite Premium on the following System (fresh install, clean System, no other versions of Photoshop):
    Intel E8500 Dualcore
    Nvidia Geforce 9800 GX2 (Driver Version 178.24)
    3 GB RAM
    Windows XP Professionel SP3
    Photoshop has its own Scratchdisk assigned with at least 50 GB free Space.
    I know that the 9800 GX2 is considered to be a "Gaming-Card" but as a freelance artist i work for the game-industry on many occasions and I need a decent gaming hardware to test what I am working on. As far as I know, the card meets all requirements for CS4 and Nvidia tells me, that their GPU's are perfect for CS4. (wasn't a problem with any version before, I use Photoshop AND Nvidia-Cards since Photoshop 4)
    Here are the things that bug me:
    - Photoshop disables the OpenGL Features on random occasions, stating, that it has encountered a problem. This happens either in Two GPU-Mode or One-GPU-Mode.
    There's no obvious reason for any errormessage, because IF Open GL is activated it seems to work pretty good, zooming and rotating works quite well and fast. I noticed, that the problem happens either after saving my file or when i open photoshop.
    - Photoshop crashed on several occasions mostly concerning heavy transforming of multiple layers. It simply didn't respond anymore in the midst of the transormation-process.
    My guess is, that this is also linked to the GPU/Driver. System-Memory is checked, GPU works like a charm in all other applications. CS3 has not once crashed in one year, so i guess it has to do with the changes made in CS4.
    Strange thing is, that even with open GL deactivated, the above written problems occur. I would have thought, that with OpenGL dectivated, Photoshop would somehow become kind of CS3 again, but it seems, there had been to much changes to simply disconnect photoshop from it's new OpenGL interface.
    Apart from these two Problems, Photoshop CS4 is doing ok. It feels kind of sluggish compared to older versions, but that might also change with some new drivers.
    Sad thing is, that the rotate canvas feature and the extended moverange for images, the main reasons why i upgraded to CS4, are only working with
    OpenGL activated. I really hope there will be a fix in the near future.
    There are other questions concerning PS CS4's usability:
    - The Scale-Brush Feature uses alt + right mouse buttons, what seems kind of strange when using a stylus (Even more when using a stylus without buttons like the wacom layout-marker).
    I would prefer another combination of keyboard shortcuts plus stylus movement ctrl + alt for example. so far i have not found a way to remap the keys. Am i missing something? Or is this impossible?
    - Is there a way to get window behavior back the way it was in CS3? The new way of handling windows is ok, but i liked the old one better. If i disable "floating windows docking" there's no way to maximize a window INSIDE the photoshop workspace. The maximize button on top of every window is right now completely useless because it maximizes the window AND gets rid of all the menus and palettes. I don't see why i want to do that.
    That's it. I hope this is useful either for the guys at adobe or for other users. Every new Photoshop-Version has had its problems, i hope that these will just be dealt with like the ones before.
    All the best,

    Photoshop CS4 does cause crashes. I can vouch for that too. When it happens, the first instinct is almost always to assume that something is wrong with the computer and start from there. Comments to this effect are prominent in many threads. It is also Adobe's prevalent approach. So people experiencing these problems will tend not to post on these forums. Statements like 'because there are only a few posts, a significant number of people are not experiencing [these] problems' are therefore unfounded. There simply has not been time yet for people to resolve potential hardware/system problems.
    In my case, I started experiencing unexplained crashed with CS3 in July (see below) but it was only when Adobe admitted that they could be partly to blame that I posted my experiences (elsewhere) on this forum.
    Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have installed Photoshop CS4 on a newly reformatted HDD containing a fresh clean installation of Windows XP/SP3, fully patched, with everything working hunky dory, and no legacy installations of Photoshop or other CS software to worry about. All the same PS CS4 keeps crashing. The symptoms are unexplained total freeze ups occurring at random. I may get several hours use, sometimes a lot less, before I am forced to reboot and start all over again. Certainly the ability to do any useful work is severely compromised, and yes, the first inclination is to blame the hardware or system installation.
    The thing is I had been chasing a similar, probably related, problem with CS3 (possibly caused by cloning my system drive, see ) while Photoshop was still activated, so I have had several months head start over anyone who may now be experiencing similar problems with CS4. As a result, Dell, whose support has been great throughout, have replaced just about every component under the hood of my PC, certainly everything that could be causing a problem. (GPU, CPU, memory, MB, PSU, disk controller, disk cables...). As a result, I am running a virtually brand new computer. Hardware and system problems have been all but eliminated. I have all the latest drivers for everything. It is virtually a brand new computer!
    Yet PS/CS4 keeps crashing for no reason that can be established. Adobe have given me lots of homework to do to try to find out what affects it or remedies there are. It is all very tedious, but so far, nothing...
    I am coming to the conclusion that there must be something intrinsically wrong with PS/CS4 that makes it incompatible with some systems and software installations, but not necessarily because of any fault with the latter. I have to say that, after initially trying to push me away, Adobe are being very helpful and clearly want (need?) to get to the bottom of this. The trouble is that when the system locks up, it is completely and utterly paralysed, so any diagnostic and error reporting systems are inoperative. This suggests something beneath or beyond Windows, and, if it is not hardware, this points the finger of blame squarely at the activation software, which uses rootkit technology. (Would this be the same on a Mac, I wonder?)
    For the record, my system is a Dell Precision 370 desktop with Dell/Phoenix BIOS A08, 3.2GHz Pentium 4 CPU, Intel 925X chipset, 2MB ECC SDRAM, Nvidia Quadro FX3450 graphics, 2x Seagate 146MB Cheetah 5.5k disks (SCSI) in non-RAID configuration. From the limited experience I have had, it seems perfectly capable of running the software (apart from when it crashes, of course.)

  • InDesign CS4 memory problems

    I have had memory problems with InDesign CS4 (and also with Photoshop CS4) for about a year now. If my file has a lot of pictures (100+) at some stage I get error message "Out of memory" . In the beginning it just have problems with redraw pictures (half of picture stays black), but also export to pdf is halted by same message and printing to file also. No problems in the beginning of large files or with files with text only. At one point InD just has enough and starts to behave like a ... Only solution is to export InD CS4 file as INX and continue to work in CS3 (but it takes a long time to match the text flow because textengine works differently). It's not monitor, because I have changed monitor during this year (from LaCie 22 blue IV to EIZO 27"). It seems that it's not video (NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX, 512 MB) also, because everything functions normally with CS3. I know, that it's not a proper video card for my work, but one likes to play Bioshock sometimes... Something strange happens with Photoshop CS4 also when I work for a long time without shutting down the program. After about editing 60+ pictures Photoshop CS4 begins to slow down (specially with using clone tool).up to impossible to work. You just have to wait while the cursor is dragging itself to right place an picture is redrawing itself. Seems like memory cannot empty itself and gets overloaded when working with CS4. No problems with Photoshop CS3. One cannot notice anything with small files. I can work with CS3 but there are features I would like to use in CS4.
    Have anyone experienced anything similar?
    Win XP SP3
    4GB RAM
    video NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX 512MB with latest drivers
    CS4 and CS3

    Having exactly the same here. 16 Gb of ram in an 8 core 64 bits Vista system. Absolutely no infections on my system. Having great troubles getting my work ouputted.
    I'm making an overview with 50 cards with pictures in them and bevels on the edges, dropshadows. It might be heavy but it is a normal question from my client.
    I don't care if transparency is difficult for Adobe to handle. They shouldn't make it public if it is not properly tested. I am now so far as to make the composition in photoshop ( if that works)
    What I thought was the problem is that I originaly placed indesign files in frames. But there is a great script out there on to convert that in  editable object again. Works great so check that out. But this didn't solve my problem. The effects used in these items are the memory consummers and Adobe is not freeing the memory properly.
    Advise to Adobe: check also to dropshadows feature because this is not scaling up or down with the rest of the effect.
    I'm am writing a realtime 3D renderengine here, if CS5 is not working fine, I might digg in to this one as well, getting a bit tired of waiting for properly working software.
    Jaap Clarenburg
    [email protected]

  • InDesign CS4 install problems on a MAC....HELP!!

    I have ALL versions of InDesign from 1. through to CS5 except for ID CS4. My client wants me to utilize this for a major project we are doing, so there won't be any problem with up/down saving etc. I am using a Macbook Pro and I have a licensed version of CS4 and for whatever reason I can not get it to load. I tried this more than a year ago before CS5 came out....couldn't even get the trial version to work. I have deleted ALL CS3 and CS5 applications and done an Adobe clean suite sweep. Still it takes the registration number and then after spending all the time to upload it says "license is expired". I've never even heard of a license expiring and would wonder, but this is their multi-license copy that several people are using AND it has said that with any copy I've tried to upload. I tried it with the internet off, of course restarting before each time to have a clean trash bin and fresh start. I've tried every way I can think of and it has cost me a whole day of work! I even crossed my fingers and rubbed my lucky luck at all! There must be something in there that's keeping it from being able to load. OH, did I tell you I even set up another user and tried it that way?
    I'm out of options and would appreciate and advice and help.

    I have tried and tried to post on the forums again. Signed in with 2 different names (don't ask!) and still can't get a new topic button. Here is my issue:
    I have a large scale file (several) that I'm working with. It is 60" x 210". The file made in ID is fine, but I am having a hard time making a proofing PDF. Tried Distilling, directly from the app (export), and making them into eps and opening them in Acrobat to create a 4 page file. All ways cropped the files.
    Do you by chance have a tip??? Please?!!
    And I figured out my loading of the application problem. It was so strange and many steps:
    1. Install software
    2. If you get a "licesnse expired" notice the...
    3. Change the date on your computer to Dec. 20, 2008 (it's stated differently in the Adobe info, but the phone support stated this date).
    4. Launch the app or any of the CS apps if you've loaded more.
    5. Go to HELP> Deactivate>Erase my serial number.
    6. Close the program.
    7. Open each application.
    7. Change the date back to today's date on your computer.
    8. The products should all launch correctly!

  • Strange CS4 behavior

    Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me.  I am running CS4 on a windows xp sp3 with 2 gigs of ram. It has developed a strange problem.  I hope I can explain it so it is understandable.  On the main page it almost seems like there is a double page, like a ghosting effect.   It is especially noticable up on the main taskbar.  Each word such as File, Edit, etc looks almost like there is a strikeout through it.  Over at the top right hand corner if I put my mouse over the x to close or the minimizer button, you can see a second copy of the box superimposed below it.  I have to click on that superimposed one to exit or minimize the window.
    Because I have also developed printing problems, I thought the issue might be driver related.  I have updated my printer(Epson) and graphic (Nvidia) drivers.  When this didn't change anything, I uninstalled CS4 then reinstalled it.  What I thought was very strange was that after the re-installation was complete, I went to reinstall some of my third party plugins and they were already there.  When I clicked on my recently opened images under the file tab, they were there too.  Shouldn't non-adobe plugins and recently used files have disappeared with an uninstall/reinstall?
    My printer problem is weird, also.  I have been printing with photoshop for many years.  What suddenly started to happen is that when I want to print say a 12x18 print on 13x19 paper which I do a lot, all of a sudden my print is not centered anymore and the image has been enlarged to the point of clipping nearly a quarter of the print.  Even though I pick the 13x19 paper size, on the CS print page where the photo shows, it says the size is 19.044x12.985.(?)
    I'm about to tear my hair out.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for either of these problems?
    Thank you!

    Thanks, John.
    I had tried to reset the preferences before, but I didn't get the 
    confirmation dialogue.  I will try to do that manually first. 
    The ghosting occurred before I ever did any uninstall so I don't think an 
    improper un/reinstall is the culprit but, if resetting the preferences
    doesn't  work, I will do the uninstall using the clean script.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
    In a message dated 1/24/2010 6:31:30 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Regarding the ghosting problem it sounds as if you didn't properly 
    uninstall an earlier installation of CS4.
    Adobe always advise  running their Clean Script after removing the
    application from the Control  Panel.
    This  shouldn't be necessary with a properly written installer but it is. 
    But first, try resetting your preferences as described in the FAQ.
    (You  either have to physically delete (or rename) the preference files or,
    if using  the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift method, be sure that you get a
    confirmation  dialog.)
    This resets all settings in Photoshop to factory defaults. 
    If this doesn't help uninstall again, first saving actions,  brushes,
    plug-ins, etc, to a separate location, and run the Clean Script  following the
    instructions on the page.
    Then do a fresh  re-install.
    Regarding the other problem, I would open a separate  thread or things will
    get very confused  here.

  • Stange display with CS4 - Graphic problem

    I installed the trial version of Photoshop CS4. I have, however, a strange problem. All images are displayed like in my uploaded picture. I am sure that my graphic driver has the latest updates, and I have never encountert any problem with my system or with previous versions of Photoshop. What's going on here. My color profile is at default (North Am. General Purposes) and the Color managment is turned off.

    You need to update to Version 11.0.1
    And update you video card drivers.
    Also it looks as if you have the grid turned on.
    Further information that would be helpful would include:
    OS version
    system specs, video card
    scratch disk size

  • Sap gui problem

    hi ,
    i had a gui 7.10 installed on windows7 from last 4 months it is fine with the dev & quality server , but now i am facing a strange problem. when i click log in first time it say's " partner not reached " but after closing that error message when again i click log in it connects .it is like this every time when i try to log in.
    can any one give me the solution.
    thanks in advance
    Edited by: grewal77 on Sep 2, 2010 11:24 AM

    I have mentioned if you have multiple app servers (can be clustered) use ipaddress of the message server instead of host name.
    How ever, problem do not appear to be DNS resolution.
    Did you move to remote office or change office at remote location with VPN connection( or may be Network configuration is changed)? Usually this happens when VPN connection sleeps when there is no packet transfer and establises connection "on demand " ie. when it sees packs transfer.
    Best way to test above possibility is keep pinging continusly with out end for say whole day and try to connect after 5-6 hrs gap as did earlier and you if you did not get same error, issue is with the way VPN tunnel if configured. If proves, report it to Network Management team.

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