Strange DFS behavior -- DFS root looks empty

We're having an odd problem with DFS.
I've got 4 domain controllers running (3 server 2008, 1 server 2003).  The DFS root has existed for a long time and the 2008 servers "grew into" the DFS structure when they were promoted as domain controllers and the older server 2003 DC's were demoted. 
We now have times when clients that map the DFS root as a drive see the mapped drive as empty.  The behavior seems random--some clients are affected, others are not.  I have seen the client behavior on XP, Vista, 7 and server 2003.  When you
go to the domain controllers and look in the DFS management tool, everything looks wonderful.
Any ideas?

In message
<[email protected]>
ppeters86 was claimed to have wrote:
We're having an odd problem with DFS.
I've got 4 domain controllers running (3 server 2008, 1 server 2003).  The DFS root has existed for a long time and the 2008 servers "grew into" the DFS structure when they were promoted as domain controllers and the older server 2003 DC's were
demoted.  We now have times when clients that map the DFS root as a drive see the mapped drive as empty.  The behavior seems random--some clients are affected, others are not.  I have seen the client behavior on XP, Vista, 7 and server 2003. 
When you go to the domain controllers and look in the DFS management tool, everything looks wonderful.
Is your DFS root hosted on a DC and accessible at
\\domainname.example\dfs-root ?
If so, I'd expect that one or more of the DCs doesn't have the DFS root,
so when you access \\domainname.example\dfs-root you don't consistently
get the same list.
Try \\dcname.domainname.example\dfs-root against each of your DCs, check
to see if you get inconsistent results.

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    vQUERY := 'SELECT COUNT (1) FROM ' || iBV_NAME || ' WHERE ' || iPK_FIELD || ' = ' || iPK_VALUE;
    END IF;
    vRESULT := NOT (i = 0);
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    END IF;
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    see your other thread
    Bug in my code or strange memory behavior ?

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    --- Credentials (System) ---
    --- Credentials ----
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    No Access:
    No Access:
    No Access:
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    Your current configuration where things work as you wanted does seem correct to me. You are not using any System Credentials to accomplish the functionality and that's fine.
    Here's some more info to clarify how / why this is working for you and why you had to set "No Access" for the System Credentials:
    The System Credential "Authenticated@..." is going to get assigned to any user that goes through your transfer script. Even if you transfer script assigns no credentials to a user, upon entering iTunes U they will have at least 1 - the "Authenticated@..." credential. Therefore, unless you block access using "No Access", any user that passes through your transfer script is going to be able to access the area in question.
    When you change values for "Unauthenticated@..." or "All@..." you are defining what someone that DOES NOT pass through your transfer script can do. You want both of those to be "No Access" at the top level of your site if you do not want unauthenticated visitors.
    The distinction between "Unauthenticated" and "All" is that "All" applies to all users whether they pass through the transfer script or not.
    Here's another way to remember things:
    User passes through your transfer script, iTunes U automatically assigns:
    User does not pass through your transfer script and instead access your iTunes U site through derivable URL*, they get assigned:
    *The derivable URL for a site is:
      Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Thank you for your post.
    This is a quick note to let you know that we are performing research on this issue.
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Many thanks,

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    Hello Snoopygirl, and welcome to the HP Forums.
    I see you are having cyan ink issues.  I would like to try and assist with that.
    I would recommend performing a power reset. Disconnect the power cord from the printer and the power outlet, then wait 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, plug the printer back in. Ensure you plug the printer directly to a wall outlet. Make sure to bypass any sort of surge protector or power bar.
    I would also recommend following all the steps listed in this document on Troubleshooting Print Quality Issues.
    If these do not work, I would recommend contacting HP directly.  You can utilize this website to learn how to contact HP appropriately, based on your region: Contact HP Worldwide.
    Thank you for posting on the HP Forums.
    Please click “Accept as Solution " if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks" for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP
    "Remember, I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together!" - Red Green.

  • Strange XSLT Behavior: xsl:template match

    Hello I found the following strange XSLT behavior when using xsl:template. I only want to read the content of the element /Source/Surname/Details. Therefore I match this path using xsl:template match.
    What is strange that in the target message also the value of the Element LastName is written at the end. Please see example below. This is just a short example to point out the problem. I have a bigger message structure where I have to match a similar path. How can I avoid the the value of the FullDetails is just written at the end (not even beeing in an element)? I would have expected that the path is only matched once and the instructions then executed without <LastName> beeing even touched.I used XML Spy for this test.
    Here is an example:
    Source message:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <FullDetails> MyLastName </FullDetails>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:fo="">
    <xsl:template match="/Source/Surname">
    <Name><xsl:value-of select="Details"/></Name>
    Target Message
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <PORR xmlns:fo="">
    Edited by: Florian Guppenberger on Oct 8, 2009 4:35 AM
    Edited by: Florian Guppenberger on Oct 8, 2009 4:36 AM
    Edited by: Florian Guppenberger on Oct 8, 2009 4:36 AM
    Edited by: Florian Guppenberger on Oct 8, 2009 4:37 AM

    I am not sure why your XSLT behaving like that,please try this XSL,what i did chnages is Templete match /*,I given exact path in Value of select,.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:fo="">
    <xsl:template match="/*">
    <Name><xsl:value-of select="/Source/Surname/Details"/></Name>

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    First ry the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/ folder (Snow Leopard and Earlier).
    or with Mt. Lion from the User/Library/Containers/
    Data/Library/Caches/ folder
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    NOTE 2:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    If the above doesn't help continue with  the two fixes below in order as needed: 
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #3, followed by #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • Strange ZWSREG behavior

    We are in the middle of a rollout of about 300 new machines. (used sysprep in the image) The first 100 are doing something strange. They boot up get renamed and join the windows domain with their new name, but register with ZEN as the randomly generated Microsoft name. (usually someting like N-398477634379d979) I deleted the workstation object, unreged and rereged the computer, but it always reregisters with the randomly generated name. What gives? I found a TID that said this was fixed by an update on the latest desktop agent, but that I could work around it by deleting the incorrectly named object and waiting for the machine to reboot, However it still registers with the wrong name. Any ideas? Thanks.
    J. Daniel Treadwell

    But these are new computers. They should not have image safe data yet. I tried it, but got the same result.
    Originally Posted by Craig Wilson
    Try running ZISWIN -R when you unregister.
    My guess is that it's pulling the old info from Image Safe Data.
    Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
    Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop
    Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
    Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
    These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.
    "jtreadwell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > We are in the middle of a rollout of about 300 new machines. (used
    > sysprep in the image) The first 100 are doing something strange. They
    > boot up get renamed and join the windows domain with their new name,
    > but register with ZEN as the randomly generated Microsoft name.
    > (usually someting like N-398477634379d979) I deleted the workstation
    > object, unreged and rereged the computer, but it always reregisters
    > with the randomly generated name. What gives? I found a TID that said
    > this was fixed by an update on the latest desktop agent, but that I
    > could work around it by deleting the incorrectly named object and
    > waiting for the machine to reboot, However it still registers with the
    > wrong name. Any ideas? Thanks.
    > J. Daniel Treadwell
    > --
    > jtreadwell
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > jtreadwell's Profile: NOVELL FORUMS - View Profile: jtreadwell
    > View this thread: Strange ZWSREG behavior - NOVELL FORUMS

  • DFS behavior on Server 2008 R2 / Windows backups / missing data

    created a namespace, added a folder, configured full mesh replication between 4 members, everything seemed to work fine (data started replicating to all other members when added to any of them, etc.). Left them for initial replication over our slow link.
    Tonight Windows backup process ran and backed up all the data. DFS process stopped while the backup was running (that's what event viewer shows). After it started again, all the data that wasn't already replicated to other member servers is missing from
    the "primary" one...
    Now whenever i restore that missing data to the original folder, dfs starts syncing and removes it again.. The only way to restart the whole thing is to disable replication to all folders, wipe them, wait for such changes to apply, etc. 
    The server i'm adding data to is Server 2008 R2, other DFS members are Server 2012 R2.
    Why is this happening and how do i fix it?...

    From the behavior, the initial replication is affected before finishing and now it consider the "not-copied data" is "pre-existing data" so it removed them from DFSR folder for avoiding confliction.  
    In current situation, you should pre-seeding the replication data instead of waiting DFSR for finishing it. Enable DFSR later once your pre-seeding job finished.
    To do a pre-seeding, you can use Robocopy to copy files/folders with NTFS permissions to your other 3 servers.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Better looking repost: Strange panel behavior

    Well, I am making a game of Deal or No Deal for my Computer Science class, and I have run into what appears to be a random bug in the code or something. I have 5 Panels, with 6 cases on the first four and 2 on the bottom panel. The cases are buttons which send to an action performed, if it is the first click, it runs it through a little series, as such:
    int i=Integer.parseInt(evt.getActionCommand());
    //This part just sets the number aside for later, to be called up at the end of the game
    //This is the slacker way I have of removing the case no matter what panel is clicked
    //The println just lets me see what array index is used
    // This should replace a black image with the case that is first clicked
    //Panels 1-5
    //Main Panel they sit on
    //This is where the Cases SHOULD show up
    // cp= Container for ContentPane
    }Now, in the code, you can see the /*0,6,12,18,24*/ comment, I put this in here, because for some reason, those are the only index's that actually output the case image to caseLabel. For the first click, all of them should. The remove case part works flawlessly, but for some reason, only the first case on every Panel works when outputting it to the Panel.
    incase you can't imaging it...(the index is in parentheses)
    1(0) 2(1) 3(2) 4(3) 5(4) 6(5)
    7(6) 8(7) 9(8) 10(9) 11(10) 12(11)
    13(12) 14(13) 15(14) 16(15) 17(16) 18(17)
    19(18) 20(19) 21(20) 22(21) 23(22) 24(23)
    25(24) 26(25)
    Only the first one in every set works correctly(1(0),7(6),13(12),19(18), and 25(24).
    This is a re-post, I could not find an edit button for my first post, and others said to use code tags, also, I was hurried to finish the post before, so I could not elaborate.
    Basically, the cases are on the 5 Panels, which are all on one big panel. All the extra repaints really don't matter, they are just there to make sure NOTHING slips through, since this bug is annoying me.
    Basically, on the first click of the game, you are choosing 'your case', The case that you hold until the end if you don't take the banker's offer given at certain times. When you click on the case you want(it is a button) it goes to the actionlistener, which checks to make sure it is indeed the first click, then removes that case from the row.
    That part works perfectly, no matter what case is clicked it is removed.
    Now for the problem, like stated above, only the first button on every panel of cases is actually being relocated to a bottom panel, which holds a place for the case to go. Basically, there is a blank image/space there, that gets replaced by the case you pick. I know this 'works' because the first cases in the case panels work correctly, however, the other 21 cases do not go there for some reason.

    Since I don't see an Edit button...
    //The println just lets me see what array index is used
    // This should replace a black image with the case that is first clicked
    //Panels 1-5
    //Main Panel they sit on
    //This is where the Cases SHOULD show up
    caseLabel.repaint();I changed this to:
    Still has the same problem though
    Message was edited by: OP

  • Some strange SAX behavior

    I'm somewhat new to SAX processing. I have a simple program that uses the SAX parser. In testing this code, I've noticed some behavior that I find strange. Can anyone veryify if what I describe is expected behavior?
    1) Parsing an element with no data, like <element></element>. I'm finding that the characters method is still being called when it sees elements like this. Furthermore, when I extract the supposed data using:
    String data = new String(p_buff, p_start, p_length);
    What I get is a newline, '\n'.
    2) SAX appears to drop data when it parses an element that contains an entity. For example, the characters method returns only an "R" when it parses an XML field like:
    Where & is actually the ampersand character, followed by "amp;"
    Are these bugs/features, or is more likely that I'm coding it incorrectly?

    1) Parsing an element with no data, like <element></element>. I'm finding that the characters
    method is still being called when it sees elements like this. Furthermore, when I extract the
    supposed data using:
    String data = new String(p_buff, p_start, rt, p_length);
    What I get is a newline, '\n'.The newline and space characters are called ignorable Whitespace and are passed by a SAX parser by the character() or the ignorableWhitespace() callback methods, that is between the XML's root element start and end tags. Your example <element></element> does not generate any ignorable whitespace, however, so let's look at this as an example (4 spaces before each child tag):
    </root>Here, the ignorable whitespace is:
    a newline after <root> - will be attributed to element <root>
    4 spaces before <child> - will be attributed to element <root>
    a newline after <child> - will be attributed to element <child>
    4 spaces before </child> - will be attributed to element <child>
    a newline after </child> - will be attributed to element <root>
    There are two categories of SAX parsers: validating and non-validating. Validating parsers must report ignorable whitespace through the ignorableWhitespace() callback. Non-validating parsers CAN use the same method OR the character() callback (yours is the latter, apparently).
    2) SAX appears to drop data when it parses an element that contains an entity. For example,
    the characters method returns only an "R" when it parses an XML field like:
    Where & is actually the ampersand character, followed by "amp;"Again, SAX parser implementations have some freedom here as well. A parser CAN report content in one character() callback or can use several callbacks (Xerces, which I use, calls the method 3 times for your example [once for R, once for &, and once for B]). You might want to look at your character() implementation if you only see a callback for R and nothing else, or your parser is faulty (which is unlikely).
    So, relax, everything is normal SAX parser behaviour.

  • Strange window behavior with CS5

    I have begun experiencing strange behavior with PS CS5. I should begun with the machine configuration: 2.66GHz iMac (8,1) Intel Core Duo with 4GB RAM and OSX 10.6.6, Radeon HD 2600 Pro graphics card. The initial symptom showed up suddenly as an inability to display an image window; that is, I could open PS normally, everything would show up properly, but when I opened an image file of any sort, there would be no image window. Other cues indicated that the file was open; for example, the window menu would show it selected, and the layers palette would show the file's layers.
    It did not seem to matter what type of file was involved: PSD, JPG, TIF, whatever. Occasionally, this behavior would begin during a session. Sometimes it would happen right off the bat. Sometimes, stopping and restarting PS seemed to clean things up; other times, this had no effect. After messing around quite a bit with different permutations and combinations, all I could say was that the problem was random.
    I might add that I've had PS CS5 on this machine pretty much since it was announced, and had not had problems with it before. So this issue came along quite suddenly a couple of weeks ago. This was a little after I'd installed an update for Nik's Viveza 2; and I began to suspect that. Although why Viveza should do such a strange thing was odd, and Viveza was never part of the files I was experiencing issues with. Anyway, I went back to an earlier version of Viveza and the problem persisted.
    Since I run Time Machine, I also went back to versions of the entire PS folder from a month back, and found the same problem. Along the way, I experimented with the files I was using with PS CS4 & CS3, which I also have installed on this machine. These two versions of PS run perfectly well. At least the CS4 version has precisely the same plugins as the CS5 folder, and this seems to discount the potential problem with plugins.
    To be sure about CS5, I completely deactivated, deinstalled, and reinstalled it. The same issues occurred. Now, I have to admit that I let PS run its update process so that I brought it back to the most recent version in this step of my troubleshooting. So, I can't be certain that the issue isn't with some update of CS5.
    I might add that I have been running CS5 in 32-bit mode, for compatibility with certain plugins. This may or may not be an issue, since I have limited experience with running in 64-bit mode. At this point, I should add a bit more about the confusing behavior.
    While messing around with CS5, I also suspected the GPU support, since my problem had to do with windows. When the problem presents itself, the usual cycle through window views that you get by pressing the "F" key seems to get messed up. In particular, the "F" key doesn't work at all. Next, if you use the View menu to select different views, the full screen with menu bar view will often have garbled pixels, while the full screen view will show a blank grey screen. Then, cycling back to a window view will show a window with blank grey contents. This is interesting since the starting point was no window at all; but going into full screen and then back will produce a window with bogus contents.
    Now, the next strange thing, having to do with the GPU, is that CS5 often fails to recognize the Radeon HD 2600 card. Oddly enough, it did originally. And I had it running in Basic mode. However, CS4 does recognize the GPU; and I can set it in any variety of modes: Basic, Normal, and Advanced. This behavior is not consistent at all either; that is, while CS5 almost always now fails to detect the GPU, sometimes it does. As near as I can tell, this failure to detect the card does not depend upon whether I start CS5 in 32-bit or 64-bit mode. OTOH, CS4 always recognizes the GPU.
    Another form of this odd behavior arises if I start CS5 cold, and then just open a new blank window. This almost always works. I get a blank white window, and I can paint on it with a brush, etc. However, if I go ahead at this point and open a file, then the new file takes over the window; and there are no tabs. If I select the original new file, usually labelled "Untitled", the window bar will show the change of filename but the window's contents and the layers palette will continue to show the old file that I had opened. Cycling through views can sometimes get back to the new Untitled file, but just selecting file windows never works.
    Yet another aspect of this messed up window behavior is that the workspace bar, which shows the Bridge, MiniBridge and view icons on the upper left and the various workspace options and CS Live on the upper right, is present but blank. OTOH, the tool bar is always displayed correctly, as is the horizontal bar that shows the various tool options. Likewise, the palettes for the workspace such as layers, swatches, adjustments, and so on, are always correctly displayed on the left.
    My next steps in trying to figure this out will be to ensure that I am running the latest of all plugins so that I can get everything running in 64-bit mode and try this again. However, the single factor that seems consistent in this whole mess is that whenever I do find this odd behavior, the performance preferences window will indicate that CS5 is not detecting the GPU. Whenever this happens, if I open up CS4 and check the same performance preference in it, the GPU is detected. I can have the two preference windows side by side on the screen in fact, CS4 sees the GPU and CS5 does not. The counter-indication is that sometimes CS5 will work properly and the preferences window still shows that the GPU has not been detected. Having said that, I can add that if I have opened up CS5, and it has found the GPU, and I have set it into, say, Basic mode, and then later found CS5 messing up, and I go back and check the performance preferences again, the GPU has always been lost. So, CS5 can mess up windows with or without the GPU detected and active; but when if it started with the GPU present, it will show up as lost after the weird behavior starts.
    To add one more observation, I have had Macs and other computers with failing GPUs. This computer is showing none of the typical signs of that. Every other program seems to be working just fine, and I have a lot of these, many graphics intensive; e.g., Corel Painter 11, Parallels v6 running Windows 7, PS CS4, Lightroom v3, Aperture v3, and so on. It is just CS5 that is messing up.
    I could load up this message with screen shots of all this nonsense, but I'm not sure what that would add to the strange tale, other than I'm not pulling your legs. I am, however, pulling out my own hair.
    As I stated before, this began quite suddenly a couple of weeks ago, early Feb 2011. My best guess as to cause is some combination of incompatible updates between CS5, OSX, and maybe some plugin or other. I found unusual behavior with onOne's FocalPoint v2 last year after Apple updated GPU drivers in some OSX update, and cratered that program. It took onOne a month or two to fix that. I have CS5 on a laptop with the same OSX version, and on that I haven't seen these issues; but then, I haven't been using it as intensely over there. Also, that machine has different CPU and GPU models than this iMac.
    So, to the community: is anybody else starting to see this odd stuff? Am I alone?

    Here's the reason I say that the same plugins exist for both CS4 & CS5. Sometime last year, the internal hard drive on this computer died (as they so often do), and it was replaced under the Apple care warranty. As a consequence, I decided to rebuild the OS and applications from scratch and bring back my user files from backup. I among other things, I reinstalled all of CS4 as well as CS5 (and I had to put CS3 back too for reasons having to do with printing calibration images for Quad Tone RIP). Then, I went to reinstall the plugins that I needed. I use Nik Software, onOne, Portrait Professional and various Topaz plugins. To my recollection, most of these install in PS CS3, CS4, CS5, Aperture, and Lightroom. In short, it is not that I've copied or moved plugin folders from one application folder to another, just that the installers automatically detect the presence of the various applications and put the various plugins into each, as appropriate.
    The only 32-bit plugins that I have that don't fit into this category are from Vincent Versace. He provides special versions of certain Nik plugins (Tonal Contrast, Contrast Only, etc) that function with some Acme Educational extensions for performing B&W conversion, sharpening, blah blah blah. These plugins are only 32-bit and the extensions are only CS5 compatible. I've installed these ones only into CS5; so, you've got me. OTOH, I've had these from Vincent as soon as CS5 was available; and they've worked so far without problems. Perhaps I should just edit the extensions so I could use the latest plugins direct from Nik instead of the Versace special editions...
    I've checked fonts and repaired permissions. I am presently going through the rather tedious process of disabling plugins and extensions to see if anything yields consistent results. The rather random arrival of the strangeness makes ensuring that a change is really having an effect more difficult to validate, as you will appreciate.
    I apologize for my long-winded original post. I add all of the detail so that anyone who'd experienced similar strange behaviors might properly pattern-match what they were seeing. On the one hand, in finding the cause of a problem, you look for what's changed; and theoretically nothing is new. On the other hand, there's always so much changing behind the scenes with automatic updates of this, that, and the other thing that it's impossible to make the claim that nothing's new. 

  • Strange Client Behavior after upgrading to 10g

    Hello Friends !!!!
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    Oracle Database 10g
    Windows 2008 Server SP2
    After upgrading from oracle and Windows 2003 Server I'm facing a strange behavior.
    Many times over the days some machines do not release some table resources even having their status "INACTIVE" and the wait event "SQL *Net message from client" and wait class "IDLE".
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    Have you guys got any tips about this scenario?
    Tks for any advice.

    About the lock queue:
    1. blocking session has an exclusive table lock on VENDEDORES table; this is very rare in application because most of the time not needed: application code should try to avoid to take such kind of lock.
    2. blocked sessions request a row share table lock: it looks like that VENDEDORES table is a child table linked to some parent table with a foreign key constraint and that an index on the child table foreign key is missing (this kind of lock is requested if you DELETE from parent table or update parent table primary key).
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