Sub Layers don't look crisp

I'm having difficulty with sub layers. I'm not getting a crisp enough sub layer on my DVD menu's.
What is the best method for creating a sub menu in photoshop?

Here's a plug-in ,designed by Chris Lanke, for Photoshop which I've been using alot lately. In fact, I'll be using it for all my overlays/subs. from now on.
It's a filter which "smooths" antialiased text before your export out of photoshop. Using the black, blue and green highlight color settings in the inspector you can make those edges look great. I did some work for a documentary that needed palm tree leaves as buttons and it really worked out great.
BTW..this site has alot of cool tools as well.

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    The scaler used in Muse currently can produce less than optimal results when scaling images, especially downsizing. We reccomend that you scale your images in program they were created with and import the assets at the correct size into Muse.
    The next version of Muse will feature an enhanced scaling algorithm that should help with downsizing clarity issues, but the best workflow is always to bring in assets as optimized for your layout as possible.

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    >Perhaps I should render to an uncompressed AVI file?
    Well, you better... DV AVI is evil. Unless you really cannot avoid DV, always render to some uncompressed or only mildly compressed format. Premiere and otehr editing suites handle the conversion to DV/HDV way better than you ever could hope to achieve in AE. Also make sure you adjusted your levels correctly. A lot of DV "blurriness" is simply caused by illegal colors which crap out the transcoder.

  • Relative Stacking order of Sub Layers and items

    I want to get the items in a layer sorted in their stacking order (including any sub-layers).
    For example:
    Layer 1
       item A
       Layer 1a
       Group B
       item C
    In the example above, I would get back an array like this:
    [item A, layer 1a, Group B, item C]
    Of course, you'd think this is a simple enough thing given that zOrderPosition is freely available:
    function getChildrenInStackingOrder(layer){
        var sublayers=layer.layers;
        var pageItems=layer.pageItems;
        var result=new Array ();
        var size=sublayers.length+pageItems.length;
        for(var i=0;i<sublayers.length;i++){
           result[sublayers[i].zOrderPosition]=sublayers[i];  <<<----------- ERROR
        for(var i=0;i<pageItems.length;i++){
        return result;
    My problem is that AI CS4 throws up at the line marked above with a message "Internal Error 1200". I'm guessing that it's illegal to get the zOrderPosition of a sublayer.  Any thoughts?
    PS. Do any Adobe engineers read this forum at all? Seems like there's a lot of internal documentation that could help in answering some of our questions.

    This is a BUG.  Bugs exist in any software. But when a company allows its users to waste hours and hours trying to figure out what they're doing wrong, only to find it's a bug that Adobe didn't bother to document prominently in their user guides, it borders on cruel. And it will continue to happen to others.
    Illustrator's scripting documentation clearly says that zOrderPosition is available (read-only, which is fine) for all PageItem and Layer objects. The fact that it is relative to the parent group or layer is totally OK; it's good, in fact. Or it would be, if it wasn't useless because it is broken. "Internal Error" ? ngngn..
    Some of the replies here point to possible workarounds using Document.pageItems, it's unforgiveable that such a workaround is necessary, but here is another, similar trick. It relies on an interesting (undocumented) aspect of how selections behave: If you select a bunch of objects in any order and then iterate through Document.selection, it turns out that the objects in the selection array have been sorted into proper z-order for you.
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var layer = doc.activeLayer; // select your parent layer before running this
    // Convert a collection to a regular JS Array, so we can use concat()
    function toArray(coll) {
        var arr = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < coll.length; ++i) {
        return arr;
    // Get all the objects in a layer and its descendent layers
    function getAllPageItems(layer) {
         var items = toArray(layer.pageItems);
         for each (var sublayer in toArray(layer.layers)) {
              items = items.concat(getAllPageItems(sublayer));
         return items;
    var items = getAllPageItems(layer);
    // Some items here will not be in z-order.
    for each (var item in items) {
    // Select everything in the active layer:
    doc.selection = items;
    //Notice that the objects have been resorted into z-order in doc.selection:
    for each (item in doc.selection) {
    Of course if you want to preserve the original layers without flattening, you'll have to do some additional, ridiculous stuff. But, hope this helps someone.
    Anyone out there who looks at this and thinks "What an idiot, doesn't this guy know you can just do 'x' .." PLEASE correct me, and be as disparaging as you want. I will still thank you.

  • HT201272 I have recently picked up an Apple TV. When I go to the movies tab, there are less movies available there than there are in my i-Tunes account. I've done some looking around at questions from others, but haven't found an answer that works for me.

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    Biggles Lamb wrote:
    Chill out guys, getting personal will never ever change another persons view, right or wrong, they are entitled to them .
    The pros and cons of to CC or not to CC have been done to death
    Its a fact the CC model will work for some, especially newbies and small businesses.
    The risks associated with the CC model have been well documented.
    For long term users of CS perpetuals its generally a large hike up in cost compared to the upgrade system.
    Then there are the....... Adobe can rot it hell...... group who will never subscribe
    To each their own, you do the math to suit your cashflow whatever that is and then make an informed decision
    To those on the CC model, I'd like to offer some practical not allow automatic updates.........make regular backups............develop an exit strategy of alternatives for when you can no longer afford the subscription costs............never ever assume that the Adobe update is bug free
    Enjoy your cloud
    Thank you for that post, and the advice. I just happen to be one of those who it does work for. I've been around long enough to know that CC isn't going to work for everyone(the large publishing/radio/web company I work for isn't upgrading to CC because of the costs involved). But it does for me as I potentially venture out into the full-time freelancing world and away from the more structured big office environment. I can't make decisions based on what is best for anyone else, or what will hurt or help Adobe. Just what affects me, and that's all.

  • Why do my photos get blurry when they are enlarged to full screen from the disc I burn, or played on the t.v.?  I set the burn on the highest quality.  The photos don't look blurry when enlarged from iphoto on the computer.

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    DVD is as standard - only interlaced SD-Video (as on old CRT-TVs) and can never be any better than this.
    This is less than a quarter of Your Mac screen resolution.
    That's one part of Why You can see High res. on Your Mac - and not on DVD.
    Next part is what program is used to make the SlideShow.
    If You use iMovie'08 or 09 or 11 - to make it - it too degrades the final result as non of them can deliver interlaced SD-Video to iDVD but only half (every second line in the picture)
    I use
    • iMovie HD6 or
    • FinalCut (any version) or
    • FotoMagico™
    As they all delivers 100% of what iDVD or Toast™ or DVD Studio Pro or Whatever needs.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Is there a way to color layers and sub layers in Fireworks?

    Hello all,
    I'm trying to find a way to colorize the layers and sub layers in the layer panel in Fireworks CS5.5, like you can in Photoshop. I work in a small web design company doing GUI design and when I pass the files on to the developers they are asking for easier ways to sort the content of various layers and sublayers at a glance. In Photoshop you can apply a color to a layer or group in the layrs panel and that works great for an internal labeling scheme. Is there anything like this built into Fireworks or are there any add-ons from a 3rd party etc. that would allow this? It wold save a lot of trouble and time for us. I can't find anything anywhere about it, but it may be that my search terminology is poor. I'm not sure how you would word a search for this kind of feature. I keep getting information about applying colors to shapes etc rather than colorzing the labeling of layers panel itself.
    Thanks in advance for any help or information!

    Thanks for the information,
    I was relatively certain there wasn't a native way to do this. I was hoping maybe someone had created a plug-in but as you say, I could see where it would be very difficult to modify the internal workings of the software like that.
    I went ahead and put in a feature request per the link you provided... maybe someday that will do some good haha! I use sublayers and pages currently and have on a few occasions used states. I have a few options that are open to me if it were just me doing the work but I work with a couple developers and they know how to get around in Fireworks enough to make a slice and select needed objetcs (as long as I group complex shapes and mult-tier effects) but that is about all they do and are willing to know about "design" software lol! They like the sublayers because I think it's similar in behavior to the database and coding software they use. I have convinced them of the beauty of pages for alternate colors and versions of the same site but that is about as far as they are willing to go right now.
    They want to mainly be able to quickly turn off specific text and certain effect layers as needed so they can sort slicing faster and see where the desired objects and layers are at a glance. We've been using sub layers to break things up between these components but they aren't as happy with that because it still means often having to read the names on the layers palette and when you have an extensive project with many items in the layers panel, it gets hard to read at times. It also addes even more folders to sort through becuase of the high level of specicifity. It's not a deal breaker, just a way to speed up the workflow and keep tension down haha! The onion method sounds interesting but I'll have to demo it first and see how easy it is to fool with hiding various combinations... you know how "coders" can be sometimes
    Thanks for the input! Here's to hoping Adobe thinks this feature is worth it in the future! Can't see where it would be terribly difficult to add!

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12878: When sub-components don' t have a tabIndex and when VideoPlayer instance does, assigned tabIndex to each inner-component to ensure that they appear in the correct tab order with other components on the stage .

    Revision: 12878
    Revision: 12878
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-11 19:07:40 -0800 (Fri, 11 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    When sub-components don't have a tabIndex and when VideoPlayer instance does, assigned tabIndex to each inner-component to ensure that they appear in the correct tab order with other components on the stage.
    QE notes: none
    Doc notes: none
    Bugs: n/a
    Reviewer: Gordon
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: no
    Modified Paths:

    "Michael Caughey" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:413f0af6$1@mail...
    If I'm doing something wrong what is it? Obviously there is something
    different about how I configured my environment a year ago.What happens if you bring down ms02?
    Slava Imeshev

  • Slideshow in iMovie - images w/movement don't look as good as in iPhoto

    I love iPhoto with the Ken Burns effect, but I had problems that when an image would dissolve up, the position would be in an undesirable spot (image might be with a person's head cut off). I tried working around the problem by giving the images very very wide black borders. But this didn't help. Also, when I've burned an iPhoto slideshow to a DVD using iDVD, the image quality fell off (perhaps because TVs aren't as good as my monitor).
    By going to iMovie it was great to get all the controls I wanted, BUT I find the image quality not as good, even on my HD Cinema Display. Is this too be expected? I tried changing the frame rate, but that hasn't helped. I was concerned that it might be because the image file size was too large, but I have ruled that out (I think).
    I created a quicktime movie and still the images don't look nearly as good as they do in iPhoto with Ken Burns effect (so it's not about the movement and my screen resolution and refresh rate - unless iMovies is changing things).
    I would so greatly appreciate any information on this. Whether it is to confirm that, yes - through I photo, slideshow images look better. Or, to say "iMovie slideshow images should look great - you need to change these settings....."
    Thanks so much fo your help, Leo
    Powermac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

    I'm not sure, but maybe you hit on something I'm
    doing wrong. I've not taken any care in how I've
    been getting images into iMovie. I've taken in
    images through the clips section and I've taken it
    through an ALBUM in iPhoto. Are you saying I need to
    have the images in a slide show in iphoto so that I
    can import them from there with Ken Burns on - that
    does something to the images!? Wow.
    Note that the Ken Burns Effect in iPhoto has nothing whatever to do with the Ken Burns Effect in iMovie. Configuring the KBE in iPhoto affects ONLY that iPhoto slideshow or one of its slide, not the iPhoto images you import to iMovie. (Actually, slides in iPhoto slideshow slides are never imported to iMovie, only the images in non-slideshow albums.)
    As photos are imported into iMovie the iMovie KBE is applied to those images using the KBE settings you've configured in iMovie.
    ALSO - I have to be honest - I never knew that Ken
    Burns was customizable! If this is the case, doesn't
    it mean that KB doesn't have too be random. Can't I
    establish start and end points for the whole show and
    it will be repeatable?!
    Yes, making them all the same is possible, but variety is the spice of life, so you probably don't want all slides of the iPhoto slideshow to look the same. I find the random KBE in iPhoto surprisingly effective.
    It's also surprisingly easy to spot the slides where it's probably going to point at someone's shoes or do something that looks ridiculous. Configure those manually.
    I suppose the big draw back of so carefully
    programming a slideshow in iPhoto is that you can't
    save it to a disc.
    Actually, you CAN save it to disk. Export the slideshow to iDVD and iDVD puts a copy of your slideshow — as a MOVIE — in the Movies folder. You can import that movie to iMovie if you want. Or use QuickTime Pro to export it in a compressed format to share with friends.
    But before I give up on iMovie (and the hours and
    hours I've spent in making this show), perhaps I'm
    missing a good way of saving the project. I have
    made an iMovie project which plays in iMovie and is
    labeled as DV-NTSC and I've created a quicktime .mov.
    Is there a better option? You say "The DV is better
    than you see displayed in iMovie". So is there a
    way I should play this DV project in another
    application that would be better?
    You can export the iMovie project to any kind of QuickTime movie you want, large, small or anything in between. High quality, low quality or whatever.
    Thanks so much for your help. This has been great
    You're welcome. Good luck on your project.

  • Why does "double clicking" onto a group expands sub-layers?

    when i have an object that has sub-layers (i am assuming that illustrator creates these automatically), if i accidently double click the object, my layers pallet expands. I have to go back to layers pallet and collapse layer to resume work.

    OK, the double click in an empty space helps, but I do not find "isolation mode" in my preferences. I'm running Illustrator there another name for isolation mode? (help topic displayed nothing for this term)
    thanks again

  • Don't Look Now Criterion Blu-Ray. Was sent a version from a different country???????

    This is the email I sent customer service. They are refusing to replace it. They admitted the mistake, but it's still not fixed on the website. Can anyone help me get what I ordered?
    This is what Bestbuy should have been shipped to me:
    {removed per forum guidelines}
    This is what Bestbuy shipped me: It's REGION B, which I believe you're not allowed to sell in the USA?
    Sent to customer service via email:
    I finally got my order of "Don't Look Now Blu-Ray" in the mail. It's the wrong Blu-Ray. I was sent a version that's from Germany and doesn't play on US Blu-Ray Players.
    I thought I was purchasing the USA Criterion Edition. I went here;
    You will see it's the Criterion DVD. In this page there is a link to the Blu-Ray release. That is what I ordered.
    When you go to that page;
    I now see there is an additional link to a different Blu-Ray.
    This page has the correct information for the Criterion Blu-Ray release of Don't Look Now, but it's listed under the movie "Every Man For Himself."
    Obviously you guys have serveral things listed very long......
    In summary I need to return the "GERMAN" Blu-Ray you sent me that will not play on "USA" Blu-Ray players and exchange it for the Criterion USA release that I thought I was ordered.
    I hope we agree I shouldn't have to pay any additional fees or return shipping for this mishap.

    Hello pinballmaster, 
    It would certainly be frustrating to receive the incorrect version of a movie you ordered! Through my investigation, it doesn't appear that we even carry the German version of Don't Look Now, making the experience you describe very curious. I sincerely apologize for any hassle that this may have caused you. Furthermore, please know that I've brought the apparent listing error to the appropriate business team's attention for review. 
    I was sadly unable to locate an order matching the information you registered with the forum, so I am sending you a private message to gather further details surrounding this order. You may check your private messages once you've signed into the forum by clicking the envelope icon in the top right corner of the page. 
    Tasha|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Nested tables don't look right in design mode

    When I view with IE or Safari,
    everything looks fine. However, when I open the page in DW 2004,
    the tables don't look correct while in design or code/design mode.
    I've driven myself nuts trying to find out what I can do so
    that it looks correct.
    If I can get it to look right, I can turn daily maintenance
    (text updates mostly) to someone else - however, with the design
    looking so unlike the actual web page, I can't.
    I'm assuming the nested tables, graphic image backgrounds in
    the table data, etc. are driving DW 2004 nuts. I really don't want
    to spring for a new version of DW, so I hope that's not the answer.
    Thanks for the help.

    > The backgrounds won't matter a jot because as they are
    link with a full
    > path url nothing will appear in DW design view locally.
    Will do in DW8/CS3....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Osgood" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fc86fc$ra2$[email protected]..
    > Dougmo2003 wrote:
    >> When I view with IE or
    Safari, everything
    >> looks fine. However, when I open the page in DW
    2004, the tables don't
    >> look correct while in design or code/design mode.
    > What exactly do you mean by 'Dont look correct'? The
    link yu provided
    > looks ok in my DWMX04 design view.
    > Not much styling, as that is mostly provided by the
    background images, but
    > everything seems to be accessible to work on.
    > I have'nt checked any other pages of the site except
    your home page.
    >> I'm assuming the nested tables, graphic image
    backgrounds in the table
    >> data, etc. are driving DW 2004 nuts.
    > The backgrounds won't matter a jot because as they are
    link with a full
    > path url nothing will appear in DW design view locally.

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    No you can't. Renaming grading layers is a features since version 7 a.k.a. CC. Time to upgrade?

  • My sub layers insist on opening my themselves.

    I'm a cartoonist, and I do rather complex vector drawings.  It's no unusual for my work to have hundreds of layers, and those layers have dozens of sub-layers.  When I opens said files, several layers expand to reveal all the sublayers.  I then have to colapse them, one at a time.  Is there a quick way to close all sub layers at once?

    it has been long discussed in this forum, unfortunately no
    the workarounds, either avoid sublayers or move everything under one Mothership Layer then Alt+Click to collapse/expand all sublayers

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    I can't imagine why you would attempt to crearte web layer sub layers.  The web layer is active across all layers on a selected page. As each page has its own web layer, you can create a different slicing template for each page.

Maybe you are looking for

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