Subject: Iomega 2Tb drive problem [Incident: 140625-000127]

Hi Andrew,
I logged query about our NAS's drive problem on 25/06/2014 and have not receive any reply yet from your support team; Can you please look into this. 
The Incident No: 140625-000127.

Hi there,
I have been unable to create Dump file from the Device (NAS).
The procedure followed:
(With all 4drive)
1) Login to your StorCenter as administrator and change the URL to /diagnostics.html
2) Choose the option "Support Files" and click on "Create a dump file".
3) Please download the dump file you have just generated and send me a copy of the dump-XXXXXXXXXX.tar.gz archive as attachment by simply responding to this email.
I also took out drives (No. 4&3 ) reported as missing on the 'system status' and the procedure above was repeated, but still doesn't create the dump file. 
Can you please provide me with additional information on how to create the dump file.

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    Are the receivers older as well? It sounds like it could be an issue with them. I was having similar issues with a directv receiver with built in disk and try replaced it. Do you have another drive you can connect to it for testing? See if it replicates on another drive. You could also connect the drives to a computer and see if they need to be de-fragmented or reformatted?
    As for the one disk, if you are unable to access the data or drive then you will need to take it to a data recovery service. In the future, we always recommend having a back up of important data.

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    The problem is that your drive is PC-formatted. It must be Mac-formatted.
    Disk Utility Help: Erasing a disk or volume
    In step 4, DO choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    WARNING: All your currect files will be erased.

  • Iomega Hard Drive Problem

    Hi I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post on as i have an issue with an external drive if i am in the wrong place could someone point me in the right direction please
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    Any ideas anyone
    Thank You

    Ok Time is getting a bit tight now i kind of need some files from this hard drive this week.
    In disk utility under erase tab there is a security options button here i get a pop up window with 4 options on there now the first option is,
    Don't Erase Data
    Erases directory information so that data is no longer accessible. The data is left unchanged on disk until its disk space is required & is written over. Data is potentially recoverable until then. This option is the quickest but least secure.
    From what i can gather if i check this & perform an erase i can recover the data afterwards as long as i don't overwrite anything.
    My question now is if i perform the erase how can i recover my data is this something i can perform myself or will i need to take it to someone to do this for me.
    Any Help guys Please

  • Firewire 800 and Iomega 2Tb External Drive

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    I have reformatted and remounted the Iomega twice but it has unmounted itself again.
    I rotate three external drives as Time Machine back ups.  The other drives are USB Freecom and Seagate 1Tb drives.  They continue to work perfectly. 
    Because the Iomega has also given problems when connected by USB, I suspect it is the cause of the problem.
    I would hope that we have reached the stage in home computing when we can buy a device, plug it in and it works, without having to waste time problem solving.
    Can any one suggest anything else I can check?

    Thanks Nick.  The Iomega is the only external drive with which I have experienced any problems so I guess I wasted my money and will need to try another brand.

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    It sounds like you have a SCSI Disk Adapter for SCSI Disk Mode instead of the SCSI System Adapter for adding external SCSI Devices. The HDI-30 SCSI Disk Adapter will have 30 pins or the adapter will have a small switch for 'disk' or 'system'. A standard HDI-30 SCSI System Adapter will have 29 pins; the 30th pin forces the computer into SCSI Disk Mode.
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    Here is a good article on SCSI devices; please read it carefully, especially the part where all devices must be powered off when making any changes to the SCSI chain.

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    Based on this info, the guy there deduced (fairly reasonably I suppose) that the problem must be my hard drive, and replacing my hard drive should solve this. So  bought a
    Seagate Momentus 7200.4 500 GB,Internal,7200 RPM,6.35 cm (2.5").
    The equipment I now have to try and get my MacBook to work:
    - An iMac 2.7 Ghz i5 (8gb Ram) running Mac OSX 10.7.5
    - A replacement hard drive for the MacBook (Seagate Momentus)
    - A SATA HArd drive USB docking station
    - A 500gb iOmega Hard drive with Firewire 800 cables
    - The 2 original install disks for Tiger that came with the MacBook Pro
    - A working .dmg of retail snow leopard
    What I have tried so far:
    I have formatted the replacement hard drive correctly (GUID) for Mac OSX. If I turn the macbook pro on with the new hard drive in, a folder icon with a question mark in it flashes in the middle of the screen... If I put in the original install disk, it starts to read it (apple logo and spinning wheel) and then eventually kernel panics. When I hold option on start up, the 'Mac OSX Install Disk 1" is the only option available (the cd/dvd drive must be working if it recognises the disk here i assume?) but when I select it, it spins for a bit, then kernel panics.
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    This seems to be because my newish iMac/OSX wont let me boot any OSX installer CD/firewire or otherwise, other than the original operating system for the iMac.
    I thought this wouldn't matter, as I would be able to run the installer when I plugged the iOmega into my MacBook pro. The problem I now have is that the Macbook wont recogninise the iOmega when it is connected by firewire. It will only recognise it when connected by USB, but when I try and run the installer, it spins for a while then kernel panics. I believe this is because MacBook pros of this age will only run OSX Install/bootable through firewire.
    So... hardware wise, could this be anything other than a problem with the hard drive? As we know the MacBook pro will boot from an external drive...
    If anyone has actually managed to read this far into this incredibly boring, waffling description of my problem, I am already grateful, and if anyone can give any help or advice at all regarding this, I will be eternally in your debt....
    Thank you

    I have a 2007 15" MacBook Pro (MacBook Pro 15/2.2/2GB/120GB)
    The MacBook Pro 3,1
    So I bought a Seagate Momentus 7200.4 500 GB,Internal,7200 RPM,6.35 cm (2.5").
    Right the standard hard drive (not the XT which is a hybrid and can be problematic)
    a folder icon with a question mark in it flashes in the middle of the screen...
    That's the firmware telling you it can't find the/a bootable OS.
    The 2 original install disks for Tiger that came with the MacBook Pro
    If I put in the original install disk, it starts to read it (apple logo and spinning wheel) and then eventually kernel panics
    but when I select it, it spins for a bit, then kernel panics.
    Your machines firmware was updated, it will only now boot from 10.6 either on a bootable USB thumb drive or via the white 10.6.3 retail disks you can get by calling Apple by phone.
    This seems to be because my newish iMac/OSX wont let me boot any OSX installer CD/firewire or otherwise, other than the original operating system for the iMac.
    True. If the iMac could boot from the 10.6.3 disk, then you could install 10.6.3 via Firewire Target Disk Mode onto the other Mac if for instance the Superdrive didn't work.
    MacBook pros of this age will only run OSX Install/bootable through firewire.
    Just order the 10.6.3 white retail disk from Apple via phone, forget 10.4 and 10.5 as they are not getting updates anyway.
    However you can extract iLife from the 10.4/10.5 machine specific disks using Pacifist from CharlesSoft.
    Follow these install instructions
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6

  • I cannot copy files from Macbook to Iomega hard drive

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    for the Macbook?

    If you want to use the drive exclusively on your Mac - and not a Mac and PC - open Disk Utility (Applications>Utilities folder), click on the drive to be erase, and format it as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" with a single GUID partition and give it a new name. It should only take a minute or so (depending on the size of the drive) to format.
    Call back if you have any problems.

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    Tim, welcome to the forum.
    Do you have two hard drives connected when attempting to boot from the 2TB drive?  If so, I suggest disconnecting the the second hard drive to see if that helps.  Also, if you haven't done so, updating to XP SP3 may help.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

  • Restoring iTunes files after hard drive problems

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    I also have numerous duplications, which I eventually removed from itunes but I know the majority of which will return if I drag my music folder across.
    This will be a hige taks again to remove the duplications.
    I want to use this unfortunate incident to my advantage though and now have a clear out of my unwanted files and keep my iTunes nicely organised.
    I also lost my playlists, which is a major pain.
    By looking at the support threads it seems that I can use my ipod to put my library back as it should be. Will this also replace my downloaded songs? My other issue is that some of my iTunes downloads, downloaded with some problems, which are obviously on my ipod. How do I go about getting the songs repaired?
    Thanks for any help.

    [Zevoneer's detailed instructions on getting music off an iPod|]
    [Wired's How To: Get Your Music Off of Your iPod|]
    [ ws-mac-os-x>
    I imagine if the files exist on the ipod you can get them transferred over. if they don't exist, they are gone.
    As for the corrupt files you would need to provide more information on the issues.

  • External Firewire Hard Drive Problem

    I have an external Maxtor FW 400 drive with two partitions that I've been using for backups. I've been using it with my iMac. Last night I kept having to force-quit different apps and finally decided to restart. My computer wouldn't shut down all the way and I had to finally use the power button. When I tried to start back up, I couldn't get past the grey screen. I kept having to use the power button to shut down. I disconnected everything but keyboard and mouse and did the reset SMC. I've zapped the PRAM. I couldn't get the disk to mount at all on my iMac. I used the disk utility on the iMac and 4-5 things came up when it did the verify/repair disk. I also did the hardware test and no problems were found.
    I decided to try it with my MBP and finally one partition mounted, but the other didn't. I tried the disk utillity and get errors when I try to verify and repair. I was able to copy some of the files from the partition that mounted onto another drive, but some of the folders are giving me an error.
    I've read some about DiskWarrior. Is that something that might help to repair the disk so I can at least get the files off? I have a copy of Tech Tool Deluxe that I got with AppleCare for an iMac G5, but don't know if that would help or not. Haven't been able to get it to work though. When I try to start up from the CD, I'm pressing C as I start up but it's not doing the CD. I know the version on the CD isn't for Leopard, so that might be why it's not starting up from CD? Does anyone have any suggestions about what might help?
    Also, I guess I may have to purchase another external hard drive. This was a Maxtor about 5 years old. I've had a WD My Book USB also go bad on me, so I've stayed away from those. I have a SimpleTech USB that seems okay so far. I use a Time Capsule for my Time Machine backup. But, I'm creating a lot of video and photo projects so I have some really large projects and fill up a drive fast. They're too big to fit on a DVD. You need backups of your backups. How do y'all manage you big projects?
    Lots of questions. Would love some answers. Thanks!

    So is that iMac G5 working fine with off its internal drive? Only the external is causing this problem?
    The copy Tech Tool Deluxe will boot your iMac G5, but it probably will not boot the MacBook Pro (because it is Intel and that old disc is probably for PowerPC). So if you want to use it, you will have to use the iMac G5 to boot it. It does have a volume repair function.
    Disk Warrior, and the complete Tech Tool Pro, as well as Drive Genius (from Prosoft), are all utilities that can do repairs beyond the capabilities of Disk Utility.
    For external drives, I tend to buy an external enclosure that I like and then look for a good deal on a hard drive to put inside it. I usually buy the enclosure from a company that is focused on Mac users, such as OWC ( and Macally. They (and others) sell empty cases. At this point, I would buy a case that has both USB 2.0 and FireWire connections. As for the hard drive itself, I like using for links to great deals.
    I recently had a need for a large amount of extra storage to use with Time Machine. The cheapest way I could find to add the space I needed was to get 750 GB Western Digital Green SATA drive ($70 deal found through DealMac) and connect it to USB 2.0 using one of these adapters.
    I know I'm wasting the speed capability of a new SATA drive, but USB 2.0 is fast enough for using with Time Machine. It just sits as a bare drive next to my iMac and my FireWire external drive. Because the "green" drive is probably operating at a slower speed, it makes almost no sound and barely gets warm.
    At MacWorld this year, OWC's booth was showing off this device called +Voyager Q+.
    With it, you plug in regular bare SATA hard drive mechanisms like those old Iomega cartridge drives. If you are regularly running short of storage space, you might consider this type of solution as a way to have essentially unlimited storage without the need to have a clutter of external drives, each with its own cable, power cord, and power supply. Just have a safe place to store your archive of SATA hard drives and plug them in as needed.

  • Premiere Pro 2.0 and Windows 7 - Direct Sound Input soundcard driver problem

    My XP machine crashed, I reinstalled Premiere Pro 2.0 with Windows 7, and I got the following error: 'The Currently installed soundcard driver does not support Direct Sound Input. Recording audio is not possible.' The soundcard drivers are updated. Any ideas? Here's what I have: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor  3.40 GHz 8 GB, 64 bit. Thank you for looking.

    Thanks! Though I upgraded to solve the problem, this is good to know.
    Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 04:45:42 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Premiere Pro 2.0 and Windows 7 - Direct Sound Input soundcard driver problem
    Re: Premiere Pro 2.0 and Windows 7 - Direct Sound Input soundcard driver problem created by Steve-Italy in Premiere Pro CS4 & Earlier - View the full discussion
    VERY VERY VERY EASY (now, when I solved the problem, not before...!!!)
    Insert Micropone or any jack in Micropone Input or Aux Input, on your sound card or motherboard !
    Steve - Italy
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  • Serious external drive problems after installing Mavericks

    OK, so now I am seeing multiple external drive problems. Here is my setup: A GTech 4TB drive connected to MacBook Pro via Firewire, formatted of 2 partitions of 2TB each (called GT1 and GT2). This is then daisy chained to two WD drives of 2TB each, called WD1 and WD2.
    After installing Mavericks everything worked fine (in fact I have an amazing speed increase). However, after restarting my machine this morning I have the following issues:
    The GTech is now a single partition called MyBook (obviously a hangover from the WD drives. I suspect the WD drive managment software) with NO data files. Interestingly it shows the following USED 1,106,870,272 bytes (1.11 GB on disk). This suggests that one of the partitions has disapeared completely.
    Whilst WD 1 launces ok, WD 2 causes the Finder to relaunch whenever selected, meaning I can't get to the files. I remember having this problem before when I upgraded to SL, and it having something to do with hidden files that needed to be deleted via the terminal. However, I have searched the web and can't find the solution again.
    Given that WD 1 and 2 are my backups of GT 1 and 2, then I now have a situation where I cannot access my primary or backup files for GT 2. Very impressive - not!
    Can anbody remember the hidden file solution for the finder relaunch?
    Can anybody help me get back my GT1 and 2 partitions (as they have the latest work on them)?

    FIrewire & Thunder bolt drives are having issues with Mavericks, avoid same until a fix is issued if you can.
    many are reporting same, there is a firewire fault and TB HD on external HD from LaCie (Seagate) and from WD especially.
    Technicians are looking into it.
    Until there is resolution, consider setting up a USB ext. Time machine HD.
    Until then consider confining Mavericks use with USB HD.
    Ive tested a very long line of USB HD on Mavericks, all seem fine.
    Recommend anyone DO NOT ATTACH any WD MyBook externals (firewire, thunderbolt or otherwise).     
    I dont have same to test, so I dont know if the problem is in the firmware on the SATA bridge or if its a problem with the WD software

  • Time machine and 2TB drive...can t backup

    I have a 2TB drive as main and a 2TB drive as target. Even if there is less than 1TB of data on the original drive, time machine refuses to back up the drive and instead asks for 2.5 TB as a destination drive.
    This is clearly a design problem. The backup target should be relevant to the amount of data to back up and NOT to the size of the original drive. If there is 500Gigs on the original drive and that data reides on a 2TB drive, Time Machine should be able to back that 500Gigs and then when in need of more space either warn that space has to be made or requesting a bigger drive.
    So basically after having spend 2 days copying my data to a single drive I realize that Time machine is not clever enough to dynamically calculate the space needed.
    Or am i doing something wrong? having to clone the drive, replace it with a 1TB and then reclone back is a pain in the sphincter. Please fix this for a future version. If there is the space for at least one backup, one should be able to at least have one copy.

    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Enter the word "Starting" (without the quotes) in the String Matching text field. You should now see log messages with the words "Starting * backup," where * represents any of the words "automatic," "manual," or "standard." Note the timestamp of the last such message that corresponds to a failed backup. Now
    so that all messages are showning, and scroll back in the log to the time you noted. Select the messages timestamped from then until the end of the backup, or the end of the log if that's not clear. Copy them (command-C) to the Clipboard. Paste (command-V) into a reply to this message.
    If all you see are messages that contain the word "Starting," you didn't clear the text field.
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don't post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Some personal information, such as the names of your files, may be included — anonymize before posting.

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