Submitting a Second Folio in a Subscription App

I need some guidance regarding the steps necessary to submit the second issue of a multi-folio iTunes subscription app. The issue has been published in the folio producer, but I'm unsure of what needs to be done in the app builder and/or the iOS portal. Do I need to create a new App ID or mobileprovision files? I've reviewed the Adobe iOS Publishing Companion Guide, but don't see much information regarding subsequent issues. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Is the new folio free or retail?
If it's a folio for a free subscription, you just need to publish it as Public and Free, and it will show up in your app library for users to download.
If it's a retail folio, you need to go into iTunes Connect and create an in-app purchase (non-consummable) for that individual folio. When you create the folio, you'll specify a product ID (such as "com.publisher.musicmag.february2013"). Submit the in-app purchase to Apple. In Folio Producer, publish the folio as Public and Retail, and specify the exact same Product ID you entered in iTunes Connect. The folio won't show up in your live app until Apple approves the in-app purchases and it's cleared for sale. Once Apple approves, it might take a couple of hours for the new folio to show up.

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    Testing the developer app requires a sandbox environment user credentials instead of the actual Apple ID used to download live apps. For details on setting up test users. go here iTunes Connect Developer Guide: Setting Up User Accounts

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    The term "Product ID" can be confusing because a Product ID can refer to the app itself or to a "product" within the app such as a folio or subscription. In this case, when you publish a folio, the Product ID refers to a product within the app, so you need to distinguish it from other products (folios). That's a long way of telling you to use a different Product ID for each new issue you publish. If you specify the same Product ID for different folios, the viewer will treat them as renditions, and display only one of them. We recommend using the "" format, such as "com.sportspub.climbingtoday.201406" for the June issue.
    If you publish the second folio as Free and Public using a different Product ID, it should appear right away in your app. (For retail issues, it can take longer for Apple to process the in-app purchase.)

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    I belive, you can not.
    I tried to do so. Apple demanded the paid subscriptoin content to be present in review process.
    I ended up to produce 2 folios.
    You can not argue with Apple.

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    product ID issue 2 = com.magnusmedia.magname.02
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    Short answer: Yes, use a different Product ID for each folio (or for each set of folio renditions).
    Longer answer: It's confusing that there are three different types of Apple Product IDs:
    (1) the app Product ID, which you can ignore
    (2) subscription duration Product IDs for a paid app or a single Product ID for a free subscription app
    (3) a Product ID for each retail folio
    When you're setting up a free subscription app, you don't need to use iTunes to create a Product ID for individual folios, because your folios are free. You just need to set up a free subscription Product ID in iTunes Connect and specify that Product ID in the DPS App Builder. On the Adobe side, you use a different Product ID for different folios you publish, such as com.publisher.publication.2012October and com.publisher.publication.2012November.  If you're creating renditions, you use the same Product ID for the different renditions and different Product IDs for different sets of renditions.

  • Free Subscription App with free issues equals empty Viewer?

    Starting to sandbox our Newsstand issue, but the issue is not showing up in the viewer?
    Professional DPS Account with Admin/production and development access using CS6
    Here are my steps:
    Created a preview issue (folio #1)
    This is Free and Public
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    Free Subscription
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    Click on Subscription tile
    Empty Viewer
    thanks in advance.

    I'm not quite following. I have the app created and ready in iTunes Connect--it is a "multi-folio with iTunes subscription" and is enabled for Newsstand. The free subscription product ID in App Builder matches the Apple ID in iTunes Connect.
    We wish to launch the app with an older issue (folio) and we'll publish the current issue in the coming days. All of the issues that will be available in this app will be free. And we would obviously like the users to be notified when a new issue is available.
    Do I not need an in-app purchase for this older issue--the one that will be available immediately? As I have it now, in iTunes Connect, I click on the "manage in-app purchases" and I have this first, older issue that is ready to submit. And in the "manage newsstand" section I don't have any issues.
    Is this correct?

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    Free subscriptions should be Public/Free, not Retail.
    It doesn't matter which order you publish the folios and create the .ipa for testing. When you publish the folios as Free and Public, they should appear in your testing app if (A) you specified the shared secret, (B) published the folios as Public/Free, (C) set up your renditions/folios correctly, and (D) specified the free subscription Product ID created in iTunes Connect in the DPS App Builder.
    When you set up renditions for a subscription app, the Folio Name, Product ID, and Publication Date values need to be the same for all renditions, and different for each set of renditions. Specify the Publication Date values by choosing from the calendar picker.
    Yes, the iTunes URL becomes available when you publish the app.


    If I create a multi-issue app, where the customer just puchases each new folio/issue, can I update that specific app to a multi-issue with iTunes subcription at some point in the future?
    Basically, our publication isn't ready for a subscription model yet but it will be early next year. We want our app to be able to offer a subscription once it is avilable without the customer having to download a new version of the app.
    I assume the workflow would be:
    - submit multi issue viewer app with app description/screenshots specified in iTunes Connect. That gets approved, goes live and runs as required.
    - a month later, we want to introduce a subscription model.
    - I build a multi-issue with iTunes subscription app, update my app description, version and add subs details in iTunes connect and submit that to Apple. That gets approved and the app is updated, now offering a subscription.
    Answer musch appreciated.

    Yes, you can convert a multi-issue app to a subscription app. A subscription app requires push notifications, so you'll make it easier on yourself to add push.
    When you first submit your app, you may want to submit as many in app purchases as you can for pre-approval.
    When you create your App ID, turn off iCloud.
    When you're ready to make the app a subscription app, create your auto renewable subscription durations in iTunes Connect. You'll need to submit a new app version when you submit the in app purchases. In Viewer Builder, create a new viewer -- you can't edit the old viewer.

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    WIth my iphone 4 in ios 6 when i try to view my puchased in the app store app it starts to load and after about 20-25 seconds nothing loads and the app crashes im wondering if its because i have at least 600 apps in there, but it has never happened to be before.

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    We publish a monthly food magazine and will soon publish special "recipe collections" during the same month. (We have Pro account and a multi-folio with iTunes subscription)
    Questions are...
    1. How do I keep the monthly food issue (the parent) always live in the iTunes store (ie. our specific landing page inside the iTunes store) and yet publish these special recipe collections (the child) a few days later?
    2. Won't the most recent issue (parent or child) be the one live on iTunes? I know I can control to publish date for each, but what's the best way to do this?
    3. Plus, what if our marketing team asks me to promote the special recipe collections (the child) on iTunes during a specific time of the month, say the last week of the month?
    Thanks for any insight or best practices.

    Yvonne  -
    By default, no email notifications are sent for any stage that uses the standard "Security" Approver Determinator.  If you want email notifications sent to your 4 BASIS users, I suggest creating a Custom Approver Determinator (CAD) to use instead.  Assuming that it's not for the first stage of your approval workflow, then you could just use an attribute that will always be true... like 'Request Type = New' or whatever applies to your situation.  Just define all 4 of your BASIS users as the approvers for that attribute and then use the CAD in your stage.
    - Rob

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    ı have bought second hand ipad. 17 apps which were downloaded by previous user with his or her apple id are waiting to be updated. I need to update them but when I try, ı can't update them with my own apple id. Device ask me to update with the id and password of previous user. I tried I forgot but this didn't work.  So how can ı have my device forget the previous ID and use my own to update exsisting apps.
    <Email Edited by Host>

    Restore the device to factory settings with iTunes. 
    Then launch the App Store app on the iPad and sign in with your Apple iD and password:

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    "All Newsstand apps must be subscriptions apps—either free or retail. Single-issue viewer apps cannot appear in Newsstand." Adding Digital Publishing Suite apps to Apple Newsstand | Adobe Developer Connection
    If so, do I need to re-create the app within the App Builder to specify that it's going to be for the newstand? Or can I just use my original app & just change the options within iTunesConnect?
    I just wanted confirmation, since I remember talking to Adobe Support saying that I could create subscriptions with the Single Editions (Creative Cloud Subscription).  If I can't create subscriptions, is my only option to go with the Enterprise package?

    You can do what you want with a pro account.

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    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store purchase - - working through iTunes application and iTunes Store interface.
    iTunes Customer Service Contact -

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    I  download radio programmes via Podcast, but have recently found that some episodes play for only 30 seconds and then the whole app quits. This happens even though the whole episode has downloaded. I would be grateful for advice.

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Delete the problem episodes  and redownload.
    - Reset all settings                            
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       

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