Subprojects having Portfolio Items

Can we assign Subproject (to a Project Task) that is already assigned to a Portfolio Item, which in turn is under an Initiative?
We have a scenario wherein we have Initiative (as the upper most umbrella). We have Items under the Initiative, and these items have associated projects along with. Now, to the task of the project, we plan to assign subprojects. What we have not tested (and would like to know) is the system behavior when we assign projects as subproject that already has an Item assigned to it which in turn is assigned to another (or same initiative). How does cost flow and other operations work?

Hi Deepak,
I have not tried in the system the scenario suggested by you. But as per the functionality, it should work perfectly.
An initiative can have multiple items, an iten can be assigned to project in cProjects. And a specific project can have task linked to sub-project.
Have you tried it in the system?

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    1. When creating a portfolio item, there are 2 options:
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    Hi John,
    You can do this by mapping these two fields in DFM attribute synchronization. The item text will then get copied to the project long description field.
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    hi Lashan,
    It is release dependeant, please take a look my notiz I made sometime before:
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    Kind regards,

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    Hi Santhosh;
    First of all, you have to know that the function of Portfolio Status (Item or Decision Point) are "User Status" and in Project Status (Project definition and Phases) are "System Status", you can't configure Portfolio User Status to the Project User Status.
    For Example: I have been setting the Item User Status "Suspended" that are synchronized to the Project System Status "Canceled", and it's worked fine.
    Do this steps:
    1) Maintain DFM Business Transactions -> don't touch this (SAP standard)
    2) Map Business Transactions for Synchronization -> don't touch this (SAP standard)
    3) Map Project / Initiative Business Transaction to DFM Business Transaction -> Here you have to map the source bus transaction to  the DFM bus transaction (are the same).
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    5) Map Portfolio Management Status to DFM Business Transaction -> Here you have to set the old status to the new status (i used to define the Item Status to he DFM Business transaction).
    PPO Item PDCP 185 190 DFM5
    6) Map DFM Business Transaction to Portfolio Management Status -> It's the same as point 5, but in reverse.
    PPO Item PDCP DFM5 190
    Hope this help you.
    Best regards.

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    Hi ,
    1. Create a domain
    2. Create a data element using the domain from step 1.
    3. Create a value table with key fields CLIENT
    and say (any other field ) VALUE (using the data element from step 2) value table is  say ZVALTAB
    4. Activate all
    5. Assign value table to domain from step 1.
    6. Add field  ZZ_VALTAB to include CI_RPM_ITEM_ATT and assign
    value help to this (SE11 -> tab Fields -> Foreign Key Icon)
    Check table ChkTablFld For.key table Foreign Key Field
    save and activate all
    7. populate the value table
    8. check the customizing via
    SAP xApp Resource and Portfolio Management
    >Global Customizing
    >Global Field Settings
    >Define Custom Field Configuration
    => RIH: add field ZZ_VALTAB with service 000000000000009 on Field Configuration.
    In addition add also field ZZ_VALTAB on UI Configuration
    9. Add the field in customizing activity Assign Field to Tab Pages.
    Thereafter the values are shown on the drop down box.

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    HI Cook,
    I have no idea becuase I understood that if it was a authorization problem  you cannot modify the item not you can modify and not save it,
    Could you check the standard webdynpro SE80 --> Package RPM_UI_WD --> Application Configuration --> RPM_ITEM_DETAILS_CFG --> Start configuration --> display --> go to componet configuration :
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    If it is inactive , I suppose you have a problem in your system,
    I hope this can be useful,

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    Hi Lars,
    Normally the graphic view contains a set of screens.
    1) Table - on the left hand side
    2) Graphic - On the right hand side (refer the below screenshot).
    Same concept is with PPM-Project management graphic view also.
    I see this as an java issue in your PC.. Can you try this with a different PC.
    If it does not work in the other PC also, then it is better to raise a OSS message with SAP.
    And one more thing..were you able to solve a different graphic issue in Portfolio structure.
    Re: PPM - Portfolio Structure Graphic

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