Subscribe to forum/topic

AFAIK on other forums notification for subscribed topics/forums are sent ones for every topic/forum untill a subscribed user gets there. Meaning when you're subscribed to a topic and it gets 10 new posts you'll get only one notification and after you login to the forum and gets to the topic your status is cleaned and again you'll get a notification about all future posts (but only ONE).
I'm subscribed to a forum and got 6 notifications about 6 posts to the same topic. Though I suppose some people read forums from email I'd suggest to make this behaviour optional, namly, send notification about every single post or send a notification only about a first post.

Hi Roman,
I like your suggestion. We put it on the unfortunate long list of improvements ideas and will work it in as soon as we can.
Best, Mark.

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    Last edited by karol (2009-11-22 01:46:27)

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    Annoying for users, huh?
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    +09-Jul-2007 09:12 by: Alex Zachopoulos+
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    *"This topic has been archived - replies are not allowed"*
    Why? It's an unresolved problem, it's recent, so why halt further discussion?
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    What do you think, folks?

    It hadn't been posted to in over two years. Threads which haven't been modified for a few months are made read-only by the board software itself without any host action.
    it's recent
    No, it's not. Check the date on it.
    Is this censorship?

  • Deploy MDBs in Different WL Instances Subscribed to Same Topic

              Let's say I have MDBs X, Y, and Z, each needing to be deployed to a different Weblogic
              server. All need to subscribe to the same Topic. How is this done? Specifically,
              how is the Topic configured and how are the MBDs deployed?
              Jim Goodwin

    For your reading enjoyment, I'm posting some of my
              internal notes on durable subscriber MDB's. This consolidates
              newsgroup information in one place.
              Jim Goodwin wrote:
              > "Jim Goodwin" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >>Let's say I have MDBs X, Y, and Z, each needing to be deployed to a different
              >>server. All need to subscribe to the same Topic. How is this done? Specifically,
              >>how is the Topic configured and how are the MBDs deployed?
              >>Jim Goodwin
              > Bah! Nevermind. I found the information I was looking for in other threads.
              A durable topic subscriber MDB uses its name to generate its client-id.
              Since JMS enforces uniqueness on this client-id, this means that if a durable
              subscriber MDB is deployed to multiple servers only one server will be able
              to connect. Some applications want a different behavior where
              each MDB pool on each server gets its own durable subscription.
              The MDB durable subscription id, which must be unique on its topic, comes from:
              1) <jms-client-id>MyClientID</jms-client-id>
              (the weblogic dtd)
              2) if (1) is not set then the client-id
              comes from the ejb name.
              The durable subscription is uniquely identified within a cluster by a
              combination of "connection-id" and "subscription-id". Only one active
              connection may use a particular "connection-id" within a WebLogic cluster.
              The connection id comes from:
              1) The "ClientId" attribute configured on the WebLogic connection factory.
              This defaults to null. Note that if the ClientId is set on a connection
              factory, only one connection created by the factory
              may be active at a time.
              2) If (1) is not set, then, as with the subscriber-id,
              the connection-id is derived from jms-client-id descriptor attribute:
              (the weblogic dtd)
              3) If (1) and (2) are not set, then, as with the subscriber-id,
              the connection-id is derived from the ejb name.
              A) Create a custom connection-factory for each server:
              1) configure "JNDIName" to the same value across all servers
              ("myMDBCF" in this example)
              2) configure "ClientId" to a unique value per server
              3) enable "UserTransactionsEnabled"
              4) enable "XAConnectionFactoryEnabled"
              5) set "AcknowledgePolicy" to "ACKNOWLEDGE_PREVIOUS"
              6) target the CF at a single WebLogic server
              (Number 5 is required for non-transactional topic MDBs)
              B) In the MDB's weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor, set the MDB's connection
              factory to the JNDI name of the custom connection factories configured in
              (A). Optionally, also specify the subscriber-id via the jms-client-id
              C) Target the application at the same servers that have the custom connection
              factories targeted at them.
              1) If the MDB is moved from one server to another, the MDB's corresponding
              connection-factory must be moved with it.
              2) This work-around will not work if the destination is not in the same
              cluster as the MDB. (The MDB can not use the local connection factory, which
              contains the connection-id, as connection factories do not work unless they
              are in the same cluster as the destination.)
              3) This work-around will not work for non-WebLogic JMS topics.

  • Durable subscribe to distributed topic

              The documentation states:
              Note:      Durable subscribers (DurableTopicSubscriber) cannot be created for distributed topics. However, you can still create a durable subscription on distributed topic member and the other topic members will forward the messages to the topic member that has the durable subscription.
              1. What is the technical reason that prevents durable subscribers to be created for distributed topics?
              2. If we create a durable subscriber to individual members of the distributed topic, what are the failover characteristics?
              a. If there is a durable subscriber to one of the physical members of the distributed topic, what happens if the server hosting the physical member dies? Lets assume we have a 2 node cluster
              b. Are the messages persisted until the server comes up or does the durable subscriber automatically migrate to the other server?
              Thanks in advance!
              Vish Tigadi

    Hi there,
              1 - The technical requirement is to ensure that the durable subscription exists "exactly once" within the clustered destination - planned for a future release.
              2 and 2a - Durable subscriptions fail-over with their host destination.
              2b - JMS servers can automatically fail-over using "whole server" migration (as of version 9.0) per the doc, or manually fail-over using "service migration" (as of version 7.0?). In the next upcoming release (now available as a "tech preview"), we've added support for automatic service migration of JMS servers.

  • Where are all the forum topics?

    When I am in a forum, I only see a few topics. Where are all
    the topics that have been added? Under this Printed Documentation
    forum, I only see 3 topics.

    Hi there
    On the web pages for the forum is a link to your profile. You
    need to edit your profile to include more than the default number
    of days.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Get MDB to subscribe to JMS topic deployed on different server instance

    Can you do this?
    I have 2 servers.
    I want to Have the MDB deployed to one server subscribe to the JMS topic deployed on the second server.
    This seems like it should be possible. Is it?

    Hi, I have the similar situation.
    On the OC4J1 I have topic (jms/MojTopic) and factory (jms/MojTopicFactory), and my client (on the same OC4J) send some messages on that topic.
    I used this solution because the client can always send messages, regardless of network failure...
    On the OC4J2 I have MDB that is setup like this (orion-ejb-jar.xml):
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <message-driven-deployment name="LogBean"
    I configured jms/MojTopicFactory to the host of OC4J1, but still don't understand why I have to set up jms/MojTopic?
    Ok, this way I can send messages to OC4J1 and OC4J2 pick up that messages, BUT, when I disconnect OC4J2 from the network I get the following error (application.log from OC4J2):
    06/12/27 11:48:35.171 Started
    06/12/27 11:51:34.687 Error in MessageDrivenBean 'LogBean': javax.jms.JMSException: deqMessage
    javax.jms.JMSException: deqMessage
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.make(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.toJMSException(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.TCPJMSRemoteServer.shutdownForce(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.TCPJMSRemoteServer.execute(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSRemoteServer.deqMessage(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindSession.receive(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindSession.getOneMessage(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindMessageConsumer.getOneMessage(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindMessageConsumer.receive(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.MessageDrivenConsumer.receiveMessage(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.MessageDrivenConsumer.processMessages(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Caused by: Connection reset
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSRemoteServer.processFlag(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSRemoteServer.getMessage(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSRemoteServer.access$300(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSRemoteServer$19.getReply(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSRemoteServer.readResponse(
    at com.evermind.server.jms.TCPJMSRemoteServer.execute(
    ... 10 more
    When I connect OC4J2 again, the MDB doesn't pick up those messages, so my mission of 100% sure sending of messages fails :(
    Any help?

  • Possible forum topic?

    Post Author: KJ7
    CA Forum: General Feedback
    I'm relatively new to Crystal Reports - but I work pretty exclusively with CR & a program called ScheduALL - a product of VizuALL which is fairly widely used in the entertainment industry, but also in other areas as well.  (Unfortunately - it uses an older version of Crystal - v. 9 currently... I'm waiting to hear when I can upgrade past 9 to a more current version.)
    I almost never find anything within the search engine for that program, but I wonder if you might get a lot of forum chatter in that regard if you added it as a topic header?
    (Just curious).
    Kara aka KJ7

    Hi Mounia, I don't believe there's a way to do this out of the box. My suggestion would be to create a discussion board for each topic or use a third party solution. I haven't used this particular one, but can vouch for the company's products:
    cameron rautmann

  • I am trying to create a Photobook in LR5, Blurb that partner that prints has lots of sizes but so far I can not find a way to change from the 8x10 default to a larger book.  Also is there a forum topic dedicated to producing a photo book, or to Blurb?

    Header says it all.  Want to change the book size to 12 square or 11x13.  How to do it.  Expect other questions so is there a forum subgroup where questions about photobooks are presented and answered?

    Book Module Basics in Lightroom 4 | Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 | Adobe TV
    Just click the drop-down menu for "Size".  Your options are limited to-

  • How can I mass delete forum topics

    I've tried adding a mark post as spam option and then deleting, but this only deletes the text not the actual topic!

    Either in the Mail application on your Mac, or on the iCloud website: click the top message of those you want to delete, then shift click the bottom message to select everything between them. On your Mac, hit the delete key. In iCloud this may work, or click the dustbin icon.
    Then in Mail hit shift-command-delete to empty the Trash (all accounts) or on the iCloud website click on the cogwheel icon at top right and choose 'Emtpy Trash'. This last is not undoable.

  • Name of this Forum Topic

    Is It Not about time to begin a Discoverer 4i Discussion forum ?

    Do you many fixes ? For new laptops, I normally have to spit those fixes in few batches, and prefer never get computer go to sleep mode.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Recieving messages from this topic even though I am not Subscribed !

    Even though I am not subscribed to this topic, this is sending me 50 messages a day. How do I get rid of it?
    I have already checked my subscription settings.
    If anyone from apple is reading this, I need this resolved please.

    You may be subscribed in the larger category. I'm sure you have checked the "my subscriptions" to the right in this discussion forum. I'm new to this forum and just getting used to it, so I'm not sure if this will help. You would see a "binoculars" avatar next to your subscribed topics. Plus, in the "my subscriptions" page, check the two top choices. You may have "yes" checked for topics that you create AND for topics that you respond to. This will create susbscriptions of which you may not be aware. Again, just some ideas. I"m a "newbie." BF

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