Substitute string

I have a string 'Specification for client' embeded in row of a column in a table. I want to remove this string and replace it with nothing. The string is same for all the rows.
Tries translate function but no success.
Please advise.

You should use the 'replace' function. See below
woodward@ODDS1> select * from test1;
Test Rec 1 Specification for client Test Rec 1
Test Rec 2 Specification for client Test Rec 1
This IS Spec Rec 3 Specification for client Test Rec 1
woodward@ODDS1> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
  1* update test1 set col1 = replace(col1, 'Specification for client', null)
woodward@ODDS1> /
3 rows updated.
woodward@ODDS1> select * from test1;
Test Rec 1  Test Rec 1
Test Rec 2  Test Rec 1
This IS Spec Rec 3  Test Rec 1Hope that helps
Best wishes

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    Depends. If the substitute string is the same length, than RandomAccessFile can be use affectively. Otherwise, read in the old file and write out the new one with the changes, then delete the old one.
    Regex is avail and is used indirectly via String methods such as replaceAll, etc.
    Refer to and java.lang.string.

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    I think this should work...
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    int k=toBeSearched.indexOf(text1);
    return toBeSearched.substring(0,k-1)+text2+toBeSearched.substring(k+text1.length, toBeSearched.length);
    }I haven't tested this out, so I may be off by a char or two here or there... It finds the indexOf text1, then takes everything before it, adds text2, and everything after text2.
    I think the reason why the code you've posted doesn't work is that you're creating a new String with the left side, then setting it equal to text2. The code doesn't "remember" that the substring was taken from the original string.

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    PROCEDURE set_atendimento(
    p_id_chamado_atendimento IN chamado_atendimento.id_chamado_atendimento%TYPE,
    p_id_chamado IN chamado_atendimento.id_chamado%TYPE,
    p_informacao IN chamado_atendimento.informacao%TYPE,
    p_datahora_inicio IN chamado_atendimento.datahora_inicio%TYPE,
    p_datahora_fim IN chamado_atendimento.datahora_fim%TYPE,
    p_hora_inicio IN VARCHAR2,
    p_hora_fim IN VARCHAR2
    v_inicio DATE;
    v_fim DATE;
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    v_fim := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(p_datahora_fim || p_hora_fim), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
    informacao = UPPER(p_informacao)
    id_chamado_atendimento = p_id_chamado_atendimento;
    (id_chamado_atendimento, id_chamado, id_operador, datahora_inicio, datahora_fim, informacao)
    (SEQ_CHAMADO_ATENDIMENTO.nextval, p_id_chamado, pkg_operador.get_id_operador, v_inicio, v_fim, UPPER(p_informacao));
    END IF;
    that is the JAVASCRIPT
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
    showOn: 'button',
    buttonImage: '/i/themes/fwsac/includes/jquery/images/calendario.gif',
    buttonImageOnly: true,
    closeText: 'Fechar',
    prevText: '<Anterior',
    nextText: 'Pr&oacute;ximo>',
    currentText: 'Hoje',
    monthNames: ['Janeiro','Fevereiro','Mar&ccedil;o','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro'],
    monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez'],
    dayNames: ['Domingo','Segunda-feira','Ter&ccedil;a-feira','Quarta-feira','Quinta-feira','Sexta-feira','Sabado'],
    dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab'],
    dayNamesMin: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab'],
    dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
    firstDay: 0,
    isRTL: false,
    showAnim: 'slide'
    $('#P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO , #P5004_DATAHORA_FIM').datepicker({ beforeShow: fdateRange });
    function fdateRange(input){
    return {
    minDate: ( == "P5004_DATAHORA_FIM" ? $("#P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO").datepicker("getDate") : null),
    maxDate: ( == "P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO" ? $("#P5004_DATAHORA_FIM").datepicker("getDate") : null)
    what i must change to get the 4 numbers of the year and all numbers of the time and conca " || " with the date??
    can someone help with this, pls??

    Hello brugo,
    Try this:
    v_inicio := to_nchar((to_date(p_datahora_inicio || p_hora_inicio , 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
    v_inicio := to_nchar((to_date(p_datahora_fim || p_hora_fim , 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');When I substitute strings: '10/12/2009' for p_datahora_inicio and '22:30:05' for p_hora_inicio, using this format string, I get: 10/12/2009 22:30:05 as a result.
    You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct :)

  • Apex calendar report url problems

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    im just starting out with apex so my apologies if i have missed anything obvious. any help would be appreciated
    regards - Solomon Hill
    Message was edited by:

    I'm not sure exactly how your calendar page works, but the # character cannot appear in URLs except as an named-anchor reference.
    If you can show me your app on, I'll take a closer look.

  • How to set a @age id to an item

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    select "SCID" id,
    "CID" pid,
    "SUBCATEGORY" name,
    'f?p=105:&PAGE_ID.'||"SCID" link,
    null a1,
    null a2
    from "#OWNER#"."CATEGORIES"
    When I click a link on the tree, I will move the page which is set to &PAGE_ID, then I want to set the value of page id to P1_SCID.
    Thanks and regards,

    Sorry for confusing you, Scott,
    I am confusing substitute strings PAGE_ID and APP_PAGE_ID. Is PAGE_ID 'Build-in substitute string' for Oracle HTML DB??? I understand that I can use APP_PAGE_ID to get the value of the current page ID...
    Anyway, what I would like to do is the following:-
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    2. When I click a link on the tree in page 1, I can go to page 13. In this case, I assum that the value of PAGE_ID will be set '13' because of SCID = 13.
    Then, I would like to set the value 13 to other item P1_SCID on page 1, and I also use the value of P1_SCID as the one of new item, P13_SCID on page 13.
    Any suggestions, please.
    Best regards,

  • [Solved] Bash scripting and sed substitution

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    sed '/ā/s/\(.*\)ā\(.*\)/\1a\21/g' temp.txt > temp2.txt
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    # These are the 4 databases containing the strings that are suposed to be replaced
    # This is the data base of output correspondances
    for base in {1..4} # For each database
    for case in {1..6} # For each case
    sed "/${data${base}[$count]}/s/\(.*\)${data${base}[$count]}\(.*\)/\1${data[$case]}\2$base/g" temp.txt > temp2.txt
    let "count+=1" #go to the next case in the database
    cat temp2.txt > temp.txt
    I have a substitution issue in the sed line. In fact I am trying to make a double substitution and it doesn't works.
    Like the first substitution ${data${base}[$count]} make 3 substitutions at a time… but I can't make it to work.
    In that case it would give me, for instance, the string contained in data2[3].
    I hope you understand what i mean. And i'd like to know how to deal with that substitution issue if you have an idea…
    Last edited by jiehong (2010-09-26 07:49:25)

    I've implemented what Procyon told in the part 2 and it's working with a small adaptation, which is great!!
    I've just an issue now because the number will go right after a word but at the end of the ligne… even if words are spaced by a space… like :
    wō wó wǒ wò wo
    become :
    wo wo wo wo wo1234
    my sed ligne is now :
    sed "/$(eval echo \$\{data$base[$count]\})/s/\(.*\)$(eval echo \$\{data$base[$count]\})\(.*\)/\1${data[$case]}\2$base/g" temp.txt > temp2.txt
    Last edited by jiehong (2010-09-25 20:27:57)

  • Automatically displaying date of last page change

    I think I remember seeing this a year or so ago, but I can't find it.
    Is there a way to grab the date that a page was last modified and display that on the page? It seems like there should be and easy way, since the information shows up in the developer reports.
    I have the following query which works in SQL*Plus:
    select max(audit_date) from flows_020000.WWV_FLOW_BUILDER_AUDIT_TRAIL
    where flow_id = 130
    and page_id = 306
    but in a page definition I get an 'insufficient privileges' message.
    I'd to avoid granting select privileges on the table, as I'd then have to remember to redo it with each new version of ApEx as well. And since I can't get the above to work yet, I'm not sure if I could substitute strings like &APP_ID. and &PAGE_ID. into the where clause, so this could just be a Page 0 item instead of hard coding it onto each page.
    Any ideas what I'm missing? (Other than when I purge my logs)
    Bill Ferguson

    (Almost) a couple of small typos in the first select statement.
    First, somehow I wound up with two create table lines. Not sure why, but get rid of one. Next, This bit of code didn't have the other DISTINCT in it (I guess somehow I copied the older version, dunno).
    So, here's the correct version:
    SELECT DISTINCT pk_field, short_name workspace, NAME app_name, app_id, page_num, last_change_date, flow_user
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT pk_field, app_id, page_num , lv last_change_date
    FROM (SELECT short_name|| LPAD (NVL (flow_id, 0), 6, 0)
    || LPAD (NVL (page_id, 0), 6, 0) pk_field,
    flow_id app_id, page_id page_num,
    last_value(audit_date) OVER (PARTITION BY flow_id, page_id) AS lv
    FROM flows_020000.wwv_flow_builder_audit_trail c,
    WHERE c.flow_id = flow_id
    AND c.page_id = page_id
    AND security_group_id = provisioning_company_id
                   GROUP BY short_name, flow_id, page_id, security_group_id, audit_date) a
    WHERE page_num IS NOT NULL),
              flows_020000.wwv_flow_builder_audit_trail a,
              flows_020000.wwv_flow_companies c,
              flows_020000.wwv_flow_models m
    WHERE a.flow_id = app_id
    AND page_id = page_num
    AND last_change_date = audit_date
    AND a.security_group_id = c.provisioning_company_id
    AND a.security_group_id = m.security_group_id
    AND short_name = '<your workspace name>'
    Just to be sure, I retested again this morning and this one does grab (and create) the last changed record in the audit trail and stores it into whatever table name you chooes (if you edit it).
    As Vikas said in an earlier post, it best (probably) to do this on each parsing schema, since each parsing schema can have multiple apps associted with it, and it can become a can of works creating a generic schema accessible to all.
    Anyway, after the table is created and populated for each schema, then it's easy to create a page to to handle insert/update/deletes for the future maintainability of the data.
    Personally, I'm leaning towards a variation of the above code associated with a button, to update the information, maybe a drop table followed by the above code? I need to experiment some.
    But, you can create a Page 0 hidden item, I called mine :P0_LAST_CHANGE_DATE, with a SQL source of :
    select TO_CHAR (last_change_date, 'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS') last_change_date
    where app_id = &APP_ID.
    and page_num = &APP_PAGE_ID.
    Then, on each page's footer, I have the statement:
    Page Last Changed: &P0_LAST_CHANGE_DATE.
    Variations of the above can also be used to display who changed it last (the flow_user field).
    Now, each page will display the date of last change (almost) painlessly). I just need to periodically go out and maintain the table. Maybe a scheduled job run each night?
    Somebody want to supply an example of how to do that?
    Bill Ferguson

  • HTML DB Chang column name dynamically

    Can I change the column name dynamically. for instance
    Today run my apply it will display the title of the columns this
    Column title: Wed Thu Fri
    04/22/05 04/23/05 04/24/05
    Data 45 34 34
    54 56 23
    Next week
    Column title: Wed Thu Fri
    05/03/05 05/04/05 05/05/05
    45 34 34
    54 56 23
    The date Change Dynamically?

    Go to your report and open report atributes. There you can choose the options for column names. Click on the pl/sql function and type this in:
    DECLARE v varchar2(20);
    v := to_char(SYSDATE, '')||':'||to_char(SYSDATE+1, '');
    RETURN v;
    This will set the first two columns to the specified dates. You can use this as one option.
    If the case is more complicated than you can do the following:
    1. create a number of items on your page - hidden
    2. compute the items with values once the page is loaded
    3. use item substitute string &ITEM. in the column name, which will use the item value as a name for the column.
    This way you are more flexible since you can use the item values for some columns only and have the other columns hardcoded.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Search and replace in file

    In a file :
    I want to change for example "hello" by "hi".
    What can I do ?

    You'll have to read the file, one line at a time, and call the following method:
    Returns a string with <b>oldStr</b> replaced by <b>newStr</b> as many times as indicated by the parameter <b>inst</b>.
    public static String Substitute(String str1, String oldStr, String newStr, int inst) {
    String tmp=str1;
    int k=oldStr.length();
    for (int i=1;i<=inst;i++) {
    int j=tmp.indexOf(oldStr);
    if (j<0) return tmp;
    return tmp;

  • 2012 R2 Essentials - Client Restore Service installation did not succeed.

    I have setup the computer backups successfully and I have verified that the workstations are creating the client backups. The issue I have now is trying to setup the Client Restore Service. Initially, it said I was missing the ADK which was expected since
    it was a fresh install so I used the link and it downloaded the ADK for Windows 8.1.
    Now when I try to setup the Client Restore Service in the wizard, after I click on Start it updates the status to "Customizing WinPE images..." and after 5 minutes, I get the following error:
    Client Restore Service installation did not succeed.
    Cannot customize the client restore image.
    The specified image file did not contain a resource section.
    If I click on Start to begin the process again, and I browse to the C:\Windows\Temp folder, I can see the two mounted folders for the customizing process:
    GenBmrWinPETempPath: 8096c353-79cb-4d74-ae8d-3c287fdb735c : which remains empty and removes after failure.
    GenBmrWinPEMountPath: c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327 : mounted WIM with directory structure but removes after failure when it unmounts.
    During the process, I also see the boot.wim in the following folder, "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Server\Data\ClientRestore\8.100.25984_8.100.25984_6.3.9600.16384\0409\sources", with a filesize of 172,644KB.
    the GenBmrState.xml file contains the following information:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><GenBmrJobExecutionInfo xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><Status>Idle</Status><LastStage>CustomizeWinPE</LastStage><OemImagesExist>false</OemImagesExist><AdkReady>true</AdkReady><ImageReady>false</ImageReady><MediaReady>false</MediaReady><WdsImageDeployed>false</WdsImageDeployed><Results><GenBmrJobResultPair><Key>Wds</Key><Value><Failed>true</Failed><Reason>CustomizeImageFailed</Reason><AdditionalErrorCode>0</AdditionalErrorCode><AdditionalErrorMessage>The
    specified image file did not contain a resource section.
    Does anyone know how to fix the "The specified image file did not contain a resource section" error?

    Thank you for your reply! Hopefully answering your questions will provide further input! I did look over the article you linked but that is the same procedure I followed except I receive the error after the ADK is installed and I click on the Start button
    which says it is "Customizing WinPE Images..."
    1. This is a Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials installation from the Essentials media. It is not a role added to another edition of Windows Server 2012 R2.
    2. Yes, I have rebooted many times and the problem still persists.
    3. Yes, the file does exist!
    4. I am copying an excerpt from the log that pretains to the error!
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\system32\en-US\dmdskres.dll.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\dmdskres.dll.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\system32\en-US\dmdskres2.dll.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\dmdskres2.dll.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\system32\en-US\dmocx.dll.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\dmocx.dll.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\system32\en-US\dmutil.dll.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\mmc.dll.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\system32\en-US\dmutil.dll.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\mmc.dll.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\en-US\hh.exe.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\hh.exe.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\system32\en-US\iepeers.dll.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\iepeers.dll.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\system32\en-US\dwwin.exe.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\dwwin.exe.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2249: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Windows\system32\en-US\diskmgmt.msc" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\diskmgmt.msc".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2405: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Program Files\Windows Server\Bin\ClientRestore\en-US\RestoreWizardResources.dll.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\RestoreWizardResources.dll.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2405: GenBmr: Copying "C:\Program Files\Windows Server\Bin\ClientRestore\en-US\WSSDriverSetupResources.dll.mui" to "C:\Windows\TEMP\c32700c9-7391-4caf-9a7e-af420e96d327\Windows\System32\en-US\WSSDriverSetupResources.dll.mui".
    [13336] 140705.213958.2405: GenBmr: Applying cabs.
    [13336] 140705.213958.3499: GenBmr: Applying "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\Amd64\WinPE_OCs\".
    [13336] 140705.213959.9281: GenBmr: Customize WinPE failed: System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: The specified image file did not contain a resource section.
     ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The specified image file did not contain a resource section.
       at System.Management.Automation.MshCommandRuntime.ThrowTerminatingError(ErrorRecord errorRecord)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineBase.Invoke(IEnumerable input)
       at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.PowerShell.PSRuntime.ExecuteCommandPrivate(String command, PSParameterList parameterList)
       at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.PowerShell.PSRuntime.ExecuteCommand(String command, PSParameterList parameterList)
       at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.DataProtection.PCBackup.BackupUtil.GenBmr.Tasks.CustomizeWinPETask.ApplyCabsInternal(IEnumerable`1 cabsToApply, FilePathSubstituter substituter, String mountPath, PSRuntime psRunTime, Boolean multiLang)
       at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.DataProtection.PCBackup.BackupUtil.GenBmr.Tasks.CustomizeWinPETask.ApplyCabs(String mountPath, ImageKind imageKind, IEnumerable`1 serverLanguages)
       at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.DataProtection.PCBackup.BackupUtil.GenBmr.Tasks.CustomizeWinPETask.CustomizeImage(ImageKind imageKind)
    [13336] 140705.213959.9281: Task: In Task CustomizeWinPE: 
    [13336] 140705.213959.9281: TaskManagement: In TaskScheduler.ReportStatus(): Task("CustomizeWinPE") requested the engine stop processing Tasks!  Completed=True, Success=False
    [13336] 140705.213959.9281: GenBmr: Unmounting the image discarding changes.

  • How can I substitute characters in a string when the same characters are used in both input and output strings

    Hi Numbers users,
    I am trying to get Numbers 2.3 on OS X (10.9.1) to convert  cells containing variable length strings composed of 6 letters, A, B, C, a, b, c into a second string containing the same 6 lettersusing the rule A to c, B to b, and C to a and vice versa, so for example cell A1 might contain string "AcBbCaaB" and I want Numbers to convert this into "cAbBaCCb" in cell B1. I have tried to use the SUBSTITUTE function (nested) without success so far as I end up with the letters either all uppercase or all lowercase. I understand why this is happening and maybe it isn't possible using SUBSTITUTE. Does anyone know if there is another function I can use to do this?
    Thanks, Hugh.

    you can use this method:
    Add a new table, called "Translator", show as the bottom table:
    Enter the data in columns B anc C as shown
    cell A1 contains:
    select cell A1 and fill down
    For the table on top enter your code in column A.  The converted code will be in column B.  Make sure there are enough columns (I went out to column AD):
    D2=MID($A2, COLUMN()−2, 1)
    select D2, copy,
    select cells D2 thru P2, paste
    R2=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(CODE(D2), Translator::$A:$C, 3, 0), "")
    select R2, copy,
    select cells R2 thru AD2, paste
    select B2 thru AD2 and fill down as needed
    You can hide columns C thru AD

  • Substitute a variable name by String ?

    is it possible to substitute a variable name by a String ? if yes then please tell me how :-)

    You might be able to use the Reflection API to get what you want, but every other time this question's been asked the asker really needed to use a HashMap instead...
    Good Luck

  • How can I substitute a string with another string in a file

    I have a file. I have a substitute a keyword with another string in all the occurences of a file. How can I do this?

    I'm gonna give you the benifit of the doubt and assume you didn't mean to double post your question.
    As to substitute a keyword with a string one way is to read in the file and run it through a StreamTokenizer class to break it into words. Pull one word at a time, check it, and stick it into a StringBuffer. Once your done with the file overwrite it with what is in the StringBuffer.
    Another way might be to use the RandomAccessFile class, but I'm not really familiar with that because I hardly ever use it.

  • Quickest way to substitute values in a String...

    I have a string that represents the contents of a html file. I want to substitute all the custom variables (shown as {value} ) in the String with a new value. I am using the Java REGEXP to find the start/end position of all the custom variables that need to be substituted. The start/end position and new value are placed in a Frag object. After all the REGEXP matches have been found i loop through the Frag objects and place the new value into the String (called template in code below)
    String leftSplit = template.substring(0, frag.getStartPos());
    String rightSplit = template.substring(frag.getEndPos(), template.length());
    String template = new StringBuffer(leftSplit).append(frag).append(rightSplit).toString();My query is on the above 3 lines of code. I probably havent done it in the most efficient manner possible. Any suggestions? I expect to substitute about 20 values per file and there could be maybe 100 files that need processing.

    I had a problem similar. For this i created a metod that generate the html code in the String using the variables.
    For example:
    public class HTMLCreator
          private String name;
          private String html;
          public HTMLCreator()
               name = " ";
          public void HTMLCreate()
                html = "<head>" +
                             "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;  charset=iso-8859-1\" /> " +
                             "<title> Hello World HTML</title>" +
                             "</head>" +
                             "<body>" +
                             "Hello World: <strong>" + name +
                             "</strong>" +
                            "</body>" +
                    // You can create the .html file here too
          public String getName()
               return name;
          public void setName(String name)
       = name;
    }Thats it!
    Davi Romero

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