Subtitle turn blur after render

anyone know how to fix blurred subtitle after rendering? It looks great as i create it but then turned blurry as soon as i render the sequence to export.

no, i dont think it's the case, it's less than 62% and in title safe area. From the FCP Manual they also admit the prob of blur titles because of this interlacing stuff. But how do u guys face that? Do u just put up with it? I tried all safe advices from FCP (certain fonts, bigger than 25, bold, opacity 90%, etc) but my titles aint "better looking" enuf.
anyone guarantee better lookin titles using other text generators?

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    pic:  720x480
    codec: dvsd dvc/dy
    I appreciate any help you can give

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    From: Bill Hunt <[email protected]>
    To: Mid Century Modern <[email protected]>
    Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:07 PM
    Subject: File size extremely high for .avi after render PE 9
    Re: File size extremely high for .avi after render PE 9 created by Bill Hunt in Premiere Elements - View the full discussion
    For the use of Track Matte Keying, with say a Gaussian Blur, or maybe Moasic Effect, if you have not altered the In & Out Points, then just dragging the Asset to both Video 1 and Video 2 will work fine. If you HAVE adjusted the In & Out Points, you can just click-drag from the Source Monitor, where you set those In & Out Points, and all is good. The Copy/Paste is just another way to do it.
    As you are doing an "overlay," the output File Size will not be affected in any way. You are also limiting the Blur, or Effect on Video 2 to just the area "exposed" by the Track Matte, so the pixel count will not be altered.
    As Steve points out, the output CODEC in the AVI will determine the output File Size. File Size is basically determined by the Timeline's Duration and by the Bit-Rate of the output file. With DV-AVI, that Bit-Rate is pretty well set, and your Timeline determines the Duration. At ~ 13GB/hour, a DV-AVI will be pretty large, but that is the nature of the beast. Also, and as Steve points out, if you are going to do additional editing, and will be Importing that file into a New Project, DV-AVI is about as good, as it gets.
    Good luck,
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  • Max number of caracters in subtitles in Encore? Trying to avoid "Subtitle too complex to render"

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    And now we are at it:
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    Well, just in case anyone else is stuck with the same problem and comes across this old string: After several tests I have come up with this solution that works for me - and perhaps for others too:
    Notice that the subtitle borders are set differently than the default settings. The settings I use keeps the subtitle string just inside the outer safe area border where as the default settings are inside the inner safe area border and thus resulting in shorter subtitle lines.
    You can choose a different typeface and size if you like. These matters doesn't seem to have much influence on the "_too complex_" issue.
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    Thank you,

    Hi Hunt,
    After I wrote you this morning, I tried again to work with the Animated Film Menu.  I was able to eliminate the white problem by making the audio track playing the same length as the Film Menu Animation which was 16 sec.
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    That’s the latest update for now,
    ...hope this helps to eventually resolve this problem.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    Ignore the reset and when it says place the iPod in recovery mode
    Place the iPod in recovery mode using one of these programs:
    For PC
    RecBoot: Easy Way to Put iPhone into Recovery Mode
    If necessary:
    Download QTMLClient.dll & iTunesMobileDevice.dll for RecBoot
    RecBoot tip
    RecBoot may have problems on 64X windows, then try:       
    Tenorshare ReiBoot – Enter & Exit iPhone, iPad, iPod Recovery Mode with a Single Click
    For MAC or PC       
    The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella
    Installs blootware on PC too
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable              
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

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    Hello ole-gunnar,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    If your iPhone is unresponsive after updating your iOS version, then I'd like you to please follow the troubleshooting below.
    If you see a black screen
    You might need to charge your device before it can turn on. Plug in your device and let it charge for at least 10 minutes (20 minutes for iPad), then try turning it on. 
    You should see a battery icon while your device is charging. If you continue to see a black screen, reset your device. If your device doesn't respond when you press buttons
    Your device might not return to the Home screen when you press the Home button, wake from sleep when you press the Sleep/Wake button, slide to unlock or power off, or it might appear frozen. Try these steps:
    Restart your device.
    If it still doesn't respond, or if it doesn't turn back on, reset your device.
    If your device gets stuck during startup
    When starting up, you might see the Apple logo or a red or blue screen for a long time, or your device might restart again. Try these steps:
    Make sure that you have iTunes 12 or later on your computer.
    Put your device in recovery mode.
    When you get the option to restore or update, select Update. This will reinstall iOS without erasing your data.
    Get more help
    If you still need help after trying the steps above, contact Apple Support. 
    If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond or doesn't turn on - Apple Support
    Alex H.

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    Thank you,

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    Apple Support says this have never ever happened before, and is something that cannot happen. Same with local Apple Repair Facility. They will not replace the laptop and apparently warranty will not cover repairs, which I was advised could be several hundred $$$, though they have no idea what is wrong. Took the MacBook back until I get some answers. Looks like I have a $1300 white plastic doorstop with an Apple logo on it.

  • Screen won't turn on after sleep for newest macbook pro (Feb 26 2011)

    I just bought the 13' Macbook Pro with an 2.7GHz dual-core i7 processor and 500GB of space, the $1500 model. I am having a problem with the screen and I am wondering if I should be worried about it or if anyone else has noticed it. If it continues, I will have to take it into the store and see if I can get it fixed.
    My macbooks screen will not turn on after it falls asleep for a long period of time. The first night I had this computer, it was playing music and I turned the screen brightness all the way down/off and then I fell asleep. The energy settings were set so that the computer would fall asleep after 20 minutes. Pathfinder, F.lux and iTunes were the only application running at the time. When I woke up the next morning, the light on the computer's side indicating it was asleep was slowly fading in and out (as expected). I hit some keys on the keyboard and the keyboards backlighting turned on after a few seconds.
    But the screen did not turn on. I tried adjusting the screen brightness on the keyboard and nothing happened. After a few minutes, I held down the power button and heard the computer turn off. I turned the computer back on, AND THE SCREEN LOOKED VERY STRANGE. I could see part of iTunes fragmented/segmented into 5 or 6 sections across the screen. There were also strange lines going across the screen. It looked kind of like a leftover image of iTunes that could be solved with a screen refresh. I turned off my computer again and turned it back on about two more times, and then the screen would simple just not turn on.
    As I was packing up to go to the Apple Store, I tried one more time to turn my computer on and the screen was working fine. This was yesterday, and for the rest of the day the computer seemed to work fine. However, I don't think I let my computer fall asleep all day yesterday because I was using it so much.
    Basically the same thing happened this morning when I woke up, except to a lesser degree. My computers screen was unresponsive after keyboard input, but I was able to get music to play from my speakers. I restarted it and it seems to be working fine. I didn't see the screen do that weird fragmentation thing this time.
    I think something about the sleep function is interfering with my computer's screen. Or perhaps Pathfinder or F.lux have something to do with it. F.lux, by the way, is a application that turns the screen a dark yellowish at night to help your eyes. But I have friends that use this application and I myself have used it for a while and we have never had this problem. Then again, none of them have a 13 inch with an i7.
    Does anyone know about this problem and have advice that would save me a trip to the Apple store?

    Bad news and good news. The bad news is that it happened again this morning. The good news is that I finally found something interesting in the console log, at the exact second my clock is stuck when the machine is failing to wake from sleep:
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel WaitForStamp: Overflowed waiting for stamp 0x32b5d on Blit ring: called from wait for blt buffer (2D blt)
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel timestamp = 0x32b5c
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel ** Debug info for apparent hang in Blit graphics engine **
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel ring head = 0x000013b0, wrap count = 0x 0
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel ring tail = 0x00001f58 ring control = 0x00003401 enabled, auto report disabled, not waiting, semaphore is waiting, length = 0x004 4KB pages
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel timestamps = 0x32b5c
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel Semaphore register values:
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel VRSYNC: (0x12044) = 0x0
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel BRSYNC: (0x22040) = 0x0
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel RVSYNC: (0x 2040) = 0x0
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel BVSYNC: (0x22044) = 0x0
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel RBSYNC: (0x 2044) = 0x0
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel VBSYNC: (0x12040) = 0x0
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel trying to clear semaphore wait on Blit ring
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel After attempt to clear semaphor wait = 0x00003001 no longer waiting
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel kIPEHR: 0x1800001
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel kINSTDONE: 0xffffffff
    3/10/11 7:33:53 AM kernel kINSTDONE_1: 0x3fffffff
    From when the problem apparently starts (some point in the night while my machine is idle and supposedly asleep) until when I discover it and reboot the machine, I get dozens or hundreds of the above messages. Now somebody just needs to figure out what that means and stop it from happening...

  • Power Mac G4 not turning on after clean shutdown, works otherwise.

    My Power Mac G4 does not turn back on after a clean shutdown, but turns on after being disconnected from the power. If I shut it down cleanly (Apple menu -> Shutdown), it shuts down, but then the power button does not work. After unplugging the computer and plugging it back in, the computer is able to power on successfully. I have reset the PRAM and have reseated the PSU connector.
    I am using Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11, but the same problem occurs under Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8. I don't think the operating system really matters with this type of issue though, because the power button literally will not respond until I unplug and replug the computer.
    Any suggestions?
    Jonathan Alfonso’s Power Mac G4
    12/22/13 2:07 PM
        Hardware Overview:
          Machine Name: Power Mac G4
          Machine Model: PowerMac3,6
          CPU Type: PowerPC G4  (3.3)
          Number Of CPUs: 2
          CPU Speed: 1.42 GHz
          L2 Cache (per CPU): 256 KB
          L3 Cache (per CPU): 2 MB
          Memory: 2 GB
          Bus Speed: 167 MHz
          Boot ROM Version: 4.6.0f1
          Serial Number: XB3101EMN1Y
        Internal Modem:
          Type: PPP (PPPSerial)
          Hardware: Modem
          BSD Device Name: modem
              Configuration Method: PPP
              Configuration Method: Automatic
              Proxy Configuration Method: Manual
              ExcludeSimpleHostnames: 0
              FTP Passive Mode: Yes
              Auto Discovery Enabled: No
        Built-in Ethernet:
          Type: Ethernet
          Hardware: Ethernet
          BSD Device Name: en0
              Configuration Method: DHCP
              Configuration Method: Automatic
              FTP Proxy Enabled: No
              FTP Passive Mode: Yes
              Gopher Proxy Enabled: No
              HTTP Proxy Enabled: No
              HTTPS Proxy Enabled: No
              RTSP Proxy Enabled: No
              SOCKS Proxy Enabled: No
              MAC Address: 00:0a:95:9c:64:40
              Media Options:
              Media Subtype: none
        Built-in FireWire:
          Type: FireWire
          Hardware: FireWire
          BSD Device Name: fw0
              Configuration Method: DHCP
              Configuration Method: Automatic
              Proxy Configuration Method: Manual
              ExcludeSimpleHostnames: 0
              FTP Passive Mode: Yes
              Auto Discovery Enabled: No
              MAC Address: 00:0a:95:ff:fe:9c:64:40
              Media Options: Full Duplex
              Media Subtype: autoselect
          Type: AirPort
          Hardware: AirPort
          BSD Device Name: en1
          IPv4 Addresses:
              Configuration Method: DHCP
              Interface Name: en1
              Subnet Masks:
              Configuration Method: Automatic
              Domain Name:
              Server Addresses:
          DHCP Server Responses:
              Domain Name:
              Domain Name Servers:
              Lease Duration (seconds): 0
              DHCP Message Type: 0x05
              Server Identifier:
              Subnet Mask:
              Proxy Configuration Method: Manual
              ExcludeSimpleHostnames: 0
              FTP Passive Mode: Yes
              Auto Discovery Enabled: No
              MAC Address: 00:0d:93:ef:b8:69
              Media Options:
              Media Subtype: autoselect
        System Software Overview:
          System Version: Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S165)
          Kernel Version: Darwin 8.11.0
          Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
          Computer Name: Jonathan Alfonso’s Power Mac G4
          User Name: Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)
        ATA Bus:
            MAXTOR STM3500630A:
              Capacity: 465.76 GB
              Model: MAXTOR STM3500630A
              Revision: 3.AAE
              Serial Number: 9QG5RHPR
              Removable Media: No
              Detachable Drive: No
              BSD Name: disk0
              Protocol: ATA
              Unit Number: 0
              Socket Type: Internal
              OS9 Drivers: No
              S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
                Macintosh HD:
                  Capacity: 465.64 GB
                  Available: 458.51 GB
                  Writable: Yes
                  File System: Journaled HFS+
                  BSD Name: disk0s3
                  Mount Point: /
              Capacity: 186.31 GB
              Model: ST3200822A
              Revision: 3.01
              Serial Number: 3LJ078AZ
              Removable Media: No
              Detachable Drive: No
              BSD Name: disk1
              Protocol: ATA
              Unit Number: 1
              Socket Type: Internal
              OS9 Drivers: No
              S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
                Time Machine:
                  Capacity: 185.99 GB
                  Available: 136.84 GB
                  Writable: Yes
                  File System: Journaled HFS+
                  BSD Name: disk1s2
                  Mount Point: /Volumes/Time Machine
        ATA Bus:
            PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-105:
              Capacity: 2.64 GB
              Model: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-105
              Revision: A506
              Serial Number: BLDL034723WL
              Removable Media: Yes
              Detachable Drive: No
              BSD Name: disk2
              Protocol: ATAPI
              Unit Number: 0
              Socket Type: Internal
              OS9 Drivers: No
              S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
                Mac OS X Install DVD:
                  Capacity: 2.64 GB
                  Available: 110.27 MB
                  Media Type: DVD-R
                  Writable: No
                  File System: HFS+
                  BSD Name: disk2s2
                  Mount Point: /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD
    Audio (Built In):
        Built In Sound Card:
          CODEC: Texas Instruments TAS3004
          Sample Rate: 44.1 KHz
          Number of Inputs: 1
          Number of Outputs: 4
              Type: Line Level Input
              Type: Headphones
              Type: Internal Speaker
              Type: External Speaker
              Type: Line Level Output
        Power On Self-Test:
          Last Run: 12/22/13 12:51 PM
          Result: Passed
    Disc Burning:
        PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-105:
          Firmware Revision: A506
          Interconnect: ATAPI
          Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
          Cache: 2000 KB
          Reads DVD: Yes
          CD-Write: -R, -RW
          DVD-Write: -R, -RW
          Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
          Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
          Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
              Media Type: DVD-R
              Blank: No
              Erasable: No
              Overwritable: No
              Appendable: No
        FireWire Bus:
          Maximum Speed: Up to 800 Mb/sec
        ATI Radeon 9000 Pro:
          Chipset Model: ATY,RV250
          Type: Display
          Bus: AGP
          Slot: SLOT-1
          VRAM (Total): 64 MB
          Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
          Device ID: 0x4966
          Revision ID: 0x0000
          ROM Revision: 113-99702-122
            Acer AL2017:
              Resolution: 1400 x 1050 @ 60 Hz
              Depth: 32-bit Color
              Core Image: Not Supported
              Main Display: Yes
              Mirror: Off
              Online: Yes
              Quartz Extreme: Supported
              Rotation: Supported
              Status: No display connected
          Size: 512 MB
          Type: DDR SDRAM
          Speed: PC2700U-25330
          Status: OK
          Size: 512 MB
          Type: DDR SDRAM
          Speed: PC2700U-25330
          Status: OK
          Size: 512 MB
          Type: DDR SDRAM
          Speed: PC2700U-25330
          Status: OK
          Size: 512 MB
          Type: DDR SDRAM
          Speed: PC2700U-25330
          Status: OK
    PCI Cards:
          Type: usb
          Bus: PCI
          Slot: SLOT-5
          Vendor ID: 0x1033
          Device ID: 0x0035
          Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x17c6
          Subsystem ID: 0x0036
          Revision ID: 0x0041
          Type: usb
          Bus: PCI
          Slot: SLOT-5
          Vendor ID: 0x1033
          Device ID: 0x0035
          Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x17c6
          Subsystem ID: 0x0036
          Revision ID: 0x0041
          Bus: PCI
          Slot: SLOT-5
          Vendor ID: 0x1033
          Device ID: 0x00e0
          Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x17c6
          Subsystem ID: 0x00e1
          Revision ID: 0x0002
        System Power Settings:
          AC Power:
              System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
              Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
              Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
              Sleep On Power Button: Yes
              Automatic Restart On Power Loss: Yes
              Wake On AC Change: No
              Wake On LAN: Yes
              Wake On Modem Ring: Yes
        USB Bus:
          Host Controller Location: Built In USB
          Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
          PCI Device ID: 0x0035
          PCI Revision ID: 0x0043
          PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
          Bus Number: 0x3b
            Microsoft® Digital Media Pro Keyboard:
              Version: 1.10
              Bus Power (mA): 500
              Speed: Up to 1.5 Mb/sec
              Manufacturer: Microsoft
              Product ID: 0x00b0
              Vendor ID: 0x045e
        USB Bus:
          Host Controller Location: Built In USB
          Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
          PCI Device ID: 0x0035
          PCI Revision ID: 0x0043
          PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
          Bus Number: 0x1b
            Kensington USB/PS2 Wheel Mouse:
              Version: 1.00
              Bus Power (mA): 500
              Speed: Up to 1.5 Mb/sec
              Manufacturer: Kensington
              Product ID: 0x102a
              Vendor ID: 0x047d
        USB Bus:
          Host Controller Location: Expansion Slot
          Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
          PCI Device ID: 0x0035
          PCI Revision ID: 0x0041
          PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
          Bus Number: 0x15
        USB Bus:
          Host Controller Location: Expansion Slot
          Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBOHCI
          PCI Device ID: 0x0035
          PCI Revision ID: 0x0041
          PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
          Bus Number: 0x35
        USB High-Speed Bus:
          Host Controller Location: Expansion Slot
          Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBEHCI
          PCI Device ID: 0x00e0
          PCI Revision ID: 0x0002
          PCI Vendor ID: 0x1033
          Bus Number: 0x55
    AirPort Card:
        AirPort Card Information:
          Wireless Card Type: AirPort Extreme
          Wireless Card Locale: USA
          Wireless Card Firmware Version: 405.1 (
          Current Wireless Network: Alfonso
          Wireless Channel: 3
          Active Location: Yes
            Internal Modem:
              Type: PPP
                  Configuration Method: PPP
                  Configuration Method: Automatic
                  Proxy Configuration Method: 2
                  ExcludeSimpleHostnames: 0
                  FTP Passive Mode: 1
                  Auto Discovery Enabled: 0
                  ACSP Enabled: 0
                  Display Terminal Window: 0
                  Redial Count: 1
                  Redial Enabled: 1
                  Redial Interval: 5
                  Use Terminal Script: 0
                  Dial On Demand: 0
                  Disconnect On Fast User Switch: 1
                  Disconnect On Idle: 1
                  Disconnect On Idle Timer: 600
                  Disconnect On Logout: 1
                  Disconnect On Sleep: 1
                  Idle Reminder: 0
                  Idle Reminder Time: 1800
                  IPCP Compression VJ: 1
                  LCP Echo Enabled: 1
                  LCP Echo Failure: 4
                  LCP Echo Interval: 10
                  Log File: /var/log/ppp.log
                  Verbose Logging: 0
            Built-in Ethernet:
              Type: Ethernet
              BSD Device Name: en0
              Hardware (MAC) Address: 00:0a:95:9c:64:40
                  Configuration Method: DHCP
                  Configuration Method: Automatic
                  Configuration Method: Node
                  FTP Proxy Enabled: 0
                  FTP Passive Mode: 1
                  Gopher Proxy Enabled: 0
                  HTTP Proxy Enabled: 0
                  HTTPS Proxy Enabled: 0
                  RTSP Proxy Enabled: 0
                  SOCKS Proxy Enabled: 0
            Built-in FireWire:
              Type: FireWire
              BSD Device Name: fw0
              Hardware (MAC) Address: 00:0a:95:ff:fe:9c:64:40
                  Configuration Method: DHCP
                  Configuration Method: Automatic
                  Configuration Method: Node
                  Proxy Configuration Method: 2
                  ExcludeSimpleHostnames: 0
                  FTP Passive Mode: 1
                  Auto Discovery Enabled: 0
              Type: IEEE80211
              BSD Device Name: en1
              Hardware (MAC) Address: 00:0d:93:ef:b8:69
                  Configuration Method: DHCP
                  Configuration Method: Automatic
                  Configuration Method: Node
                  Proxy Configuration Method: 2
                  ExcludeSimpleHostnames: 0
                  FTP Passive Mode: 1
                  Auto Discovery Enabled: 0
                  AllowNetCreation: 1
                  JoinMode: Automatic
                  MAC Address: 00:0d:93:ef:b8:69
        Modem Information:
          Modem Model: Dash2
          Interface Type: USB
          Modulation: V.92
          SKU Name: UCJ
          Hardware Version: 1.0F
          Firmware Version: APPLE VERSION 2.6.6
          Driver: InternalUSBModem.kext (v2.6.6)
          Country: B5 (United States, Latin America)

    Still not sure what Mac you have, but do you have a multimeter?
    You can convert an ATX PSU for use on a G4...
    Hank, have you tested the MDD PSU? 04619.html

  • Mac Mini late 2012 turns on after electrical failure

    Hi. I bought a Mac Mini (late 2012 model) with OS X Mountain Lion in November 2013.
    I upgraded to OS X Mavericks.
    I have not changed any of my Mac's settings. They are all on default settings.
    Under Energy Saver, only "Put hard disks to sleep when possible" and
    "Wake for network access" are checked. Nothing else is checked.
    Nothing is scheduled to turn on.
    What happens is I always put my Mac to sleep when I'm not using it.
    I have my Mac, speakers, cable modem and LCD monitor plugged
    into an expensive name brand 500VA electromechanical voltage regulator
    to prevent power spikes and surges from damaging my computer.
    There are electrical blackouts a few times a month and this happens
    when the Mac is either sleeping or being used.
    The blackouts last about 30 to 45 minutes when they occur.
    When the power comes back on, approximately 5 to 10 minutes later
    the Mac Mini turns on by itself. I hear that familiar startup
    sound from the speaker and then it boots until it reaches the login screen.
    I'm confused why it would turn on by itself.
    I use cable internet but my cable modem was unplugged at the time.
    My internet connection is a wired ethernet connection using a Cisco 2100
    cable modem.
    Barring the paranormal, what would cause it to turn on by itself?
    I'm not using a UPS.. just a voltage regulator (line conditioner).
    Thanks for any help. I appreciate it.

    Hi brody. I turned off printer and screen sharing.
    I have a new problem related to sleep:
    I put my Mac Mini to sleep using the menu and selecting "sleep".
    Mac goes to sleep and you can see the LED on the front of the Mac
    getting brighter and dimmer (as it always does when sleeping, no problem).
    Problem was when I woke up 7 hours later the LED light was off, so
    I thought there was another power failure but there wasn't because
    my cable decoder box will switch from displaying the time to displaying
    channel 1 if there's a power outage and power returns. However, it
    still displayed the time so that meant there was no outage.
    So, I figured it was not a power outage although we sometimes
    get very brief (split-second) "brownouts" or blackouts.. they happen
    so fast so I can't rule out that happening.
    I tried pressing keys on the keyboard and clicking the middle button
    of my Logitech mouse but no go.
    Thinking the Mac had shut itself off, I briefly pushed the power button
    on the back of the Mac.
    Mac woke up with the login screen covered in a white haze with
    |||||||||||||||||||||| at the bottom (like a progress bar).
    That only lasted 15 seconds or so and finally the normal
    login colors appeared and I could type my password.
    So, the Mac was asleep but that behavior disturbed me.
    1.  Why did the LED turn off after being asleep for several hours?
    2.  Why couldn't I wake it from sleep using traditional methods (pushing a key/clicking middle mouse button)?
    3.  Why did the Mac wake up only by pushing the power button on the back?
    4.  What was the reason for the foggy white overlay that appeared when it woke up along
          with a | | | | | | | | progress bar at the bottom of the screen for 15 seconds or so?
    I ran an Apple Hardware Test by booting with the "D" key held down and it passed.
    I also booted into Single User Mode and ran Memtest twice with no errors.
    I really appreciate your help. My Mac is covered under AppleCare but I hope nothing
    is wrong with it. I'd hate to be without my Mac even for a day. heh. :-)

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