Suddenly lost system and all video sound

Hi all,
I am using a HP, Model, Quad core machine with Windows Vista Home premium as operating system. I suddenly lost all system sounds. Further investigation revealed that I can hear MP3s and sound from video games but I cannot hear sounds from youtube or any video website, I cannot hear audio from videos on my computer and there is no sound when trying to listen cds or watch dvds. Additionally, the front green audio port no longer recognises when my speakers are plugged in. I also tested my head phones and I cannot hear any audio what so ever. I have the RealTek HD Audio Manager installed and I used it to test my speakers and I could hear the test sound from the speakers. I checked all volume settings and they are set to max. I hope I described my problem as clearly as possible. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Gangrene,
Try reinstalling your audio driver:
Also, watch this HP Support video on resolving sound problems to see if there are any other steps that will help.
Let us know how it goes. HP employee just trying to help where I can, but not speaking on behalf of HP.

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    Kevin is suggesting that you store the projects you create while working through his book in a folder called RoboHelpProjects. It is not where you have to store every project you ever create.That is for the purposes of his book.
    RoboHelp initially defaults to My RoboHelp Projects but it's up to you whether you do. Generally on the forums we advise against that as  it is part of your profile and can result in excessively long path names in a few cases. Generally where authors create file names that are so long they almost serve as the content.
    Projects always have a root folder, call them Project 1 and Project 2 for this purpose. You can have those folders directly off your C drive (or other local partition) or within in a parent folder as above.
    Now to what you can and cannot do. You can delete a whole project by selecting Project 1 or Project 2 in Windows Explorer. Obviously if you delete the parent folder you will delete all your projects within.
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    Go to the Edit -> Preferences-> Playback
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    Hello Brian Delaney,
    It sounds like you are trying to send emails but for some reason, thousands show activity. I would start by re indexing the mailbox to help troubleshoot the issue:
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    2.In ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData, delete any file that begins with “Envelope Index,” such as Envelope Index or Envelope Index-shm.To show your home Library folder, hold down the Option key, then in the Finder choose Go > Library.
    3.Open Mail.Mail creates new Envelope Index files. This process may take a few minutes, depending on how many messages Mail is reindexing.
    Mail (Mavericks): Reindex messages
    If the issue persists, I would next remove the account, restart the computer, and re add the account:
    1.Choose Mail > Preferences, then click Accounts.
    2.Select an account, then click Remove.
    Mail (Mavericks): Remove mail accounts
    Removing an Exchange or IMAP account doesn’t permanently delete the account’s mailboxes and messages because they’re stored on the mail server. To retrieve the account’s mailboxes and messages from the server, add the account again in Mail.
    To add the account again, click the  rather than the  as described above and retest the issue.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

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    I agree with you about the volume on the phone itself. (I have 3Gs). It needs to be louder. I also wear hearing aids. However I do think there may be something wrong with your phone because when I connect my earbuds (Klipsh) I get very good volume through them. In fact at full volume it's way too loud. I would push for a replacement phone.
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    It is pretty short so here is the entire text:
    A purplish or other colored flare, haze, or spot is imaged from out-of-scene bright light sources during still image or video capture.
    Most small cameras, including those in every generation of iPhone, may exhibit some form of flare at the edge of the frame when capturing an image with out-of-scene light sources. This can happen when a light source is positioned at an angle (usually just outside the field of view) so that it causes a reflection off the surfaces inside the camera module and onto the camera sensor. Moving the camera slightly to change the position at which the bright light is entering the lens, or shielding the lens with your hand, should minimize or eliminate the effect.
    Which is exactly what eelw wrote.
    No one on Apple Support Communities has authority to speak on behalf of Apple, unless their avatar is accompanied by this Apple image:
    ... identifying themselves as Apple employees.

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    CSOUND is correct. 
    Get a copy of Data Rescue 4 by PROSOFT.
    I have used older versions in the past with some success.
    However, if this is a hardware failure of the hard drive, no data recovery software would be able to recover much data.
    I lost the magnetic heads to a laptop drive many years ago and nothing worked. 
    Of course the computer would not boot either.
    Be sure to read the directions before loading any software including Data Rescue. 
    You want to avoid using that machine so data that you want is not overwritten. 
    Good luck.
    After doing this, be sure to get a pair of external hard drives.
    Use one for time machine.
    Use the other for a SuperDuper bootable back up. 
    Finally, sign up for an internet back up service such as Crash Plan.
    With three backup schemes, your data should be preserved for many years.
    If one mechanically fails the other backup should work.
    If your computer systems and hard drives are destroyed by a fire or stolen, the internet backup will save you.

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    I have included some screen shots to illustrate the problem below. If you have any questions please let me know.
    Thanks for your time! I have a looming deadline so your help is much appreciated.

    Thanks for your replies everyone. Sounds like cut and paste is not an option. Wow, I didn't realise how much trouble I'd be causing for myself by having different parts of the show in different projects.
    I am reluctant to export the project then import it into another project, because I do not want to lose quality through compression as Ann suggests.I don't know what you  mean, Ann, when you say "Dont think CS4 could import single sequence (forgot)."? Jim, I'm also unsure what you mean when you say "That's what UT is for"?
    However, I went to File/Import/Import Entire Project, and imported the project this way. Then I dragged the little folder icon that appeared in the top left hand corner of the screen onto the timeline. However, when I did this, a few problems occured. Firstly, the original project had footage and audio on many different tracks, but when I imported the project nearly all of the video and audio was on to the one track. Secondly, instead of going for 10 minutes, the imported footage went for a few hours. Thirdly, the sound and images were all out of sync. I have included two images to illustrate this problem:
    Above is the original project. As you can see, I have audio and video on many different tracks, and lots of cuts.
    This is what the project looked like after I had imported it into another project. Nearly everything is on one track, the footage goes for a few hours now (instead of 10 minutes) and the video and sound are all out of sink.
    Then I tried File/Import/Import Selected Sequence. The only sequence I had the option of importing was Sequence 1. I did this, then dragged the folder icon onto the timeline, and I had a similar problem to before. Everything on one track, footage out of sync and going for a few hours.
    Is there a way to import a project and maintain all of the editing (the cuts, the multiple tracks, etc.) as they are in the original? I have spent many hours editing both the footage and the opening credits, so I really don't want to lose all this work when I import one into the other. The good thing about copy and paste is that it maintains all of the original cuts and editing. Shame it is so unreliable.
    Thanks heaps for all your help!

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