Sum of the digits

I am trying to write a method which returns the sum of the digits of any integer number.
public class sumofdigits {
    public static int sumofdigits (int number){
         String numberString = Integer.toString(number); // i have changed integer to string.
         int length = numberString.length();
         for(int i = 0; i<length; i++ ){
              String str = String.valueOf(numberString.charAt(i)); // i have changed the char to string
              int n = Integer.parseInt(str);  // then i have changed the string to integer
              int sum = 0;
              sum = sum + n;
              return sum;     
    public static void main(String[] args) {
}I don't know how to change char to integer so i changed char to string then i move from string to integer...
but it gives missing return statement error... Where am i doing wrong?

Yea i got it ! :)
public class sumofdigits {
    public static int sumofdigits (int number){
         int sum = 0;
         String numberString = Integer.toString(number);
             int length = numberString.length();
         for(int i = 0; i<length; i++ ){
              String str = String.valueOf(numberString.charAt(i));
              int n = Integer.parseInt(str);
              sum = sum + n;
              return sum;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
}Can you tell me how do i change char to integer and integer back to char?

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    Sum-of-the-Years-Digits Method of Depreciation
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    Declining-Balance Method of Depreciation
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    OR You can use following link
    Edited by: ANJIREDDYA on May 8, 2010 12:09 PM
    Edited by: ANJIREDDYA on May 8, 2010 12:10 PM

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    the statement
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    If this is an iPad 1, it won't mirror, but it will still output video from the 30 Pin dock connector.
    If your new TV has a conventional VGA in and stereo inputs you can try this connector.
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    So sorry to hear you're having trouble. I imagine you've already double-checked that you're seating it solidly in the dock connector and have a good, working HDMI cable. I am not sure what you mean in your original post about "powering up" the phone. It might also be some Verizon issue, though I don't know what that might be. Is your AV adaptor the Apple branded one?

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    XXXXXXXX                 10                      20
      Subtotalled                                          20
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    YYYYYYY                 10                      10
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    the question pops up to why you have duplicates in the display table. If you
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    Hard to answer your question without seeing what you are trying to do. Issues like this are often better reported to Oracle support, where they can get a web sesison going and be able to see what you see on your computer. Would be helpful to illustrate exactly what your detail looks like and how you are trying to create your sum. There could be several possible issues that could cause your problem, so all I can do is speculate some. Are you trying to sum one column, or are you creating multiple totals (for multiple columns)? Do you have any rows in the column with a NULL value? NULL values will be a problem when trying to sum up a column. You would need to convert the NUll value to something else, probably a zero. That would be the first thing I would look at. Hope that helps a little bit.
    John Dickey

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    "Error -200022 occurred at Test Panel
    Possible Reason(s):
    Measurements: Resource requested by this task has already been reserved by a different task.
    Device: Dev4
    Terminal: PFI8"
    Instead if I use the counter 0 or counter 1 to generate pulse train I don't encounter the same problem.
    Which resources are used by the counters 2 to 7 from the PCI-6602 board and the counters 0 and 1 do not use?
    Thank in advance for any replies!
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Jordan, thank you for your reply.
    I am sorry but I can not see or run your example, I don't use LabView, I use Visual C++ for developing.
    Here is the code for generating the pulse train:
    GeneratePulseTrain(unsigned long ulCount1, unsigned long ulCount2)
        short nStatus = 0;
        nStatus = DAQmxCreateTask("",&m_taskHandle);
        nStatus = DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanTicks (m_taskHandle, "Dev4/count5", "", NULL, DAQmx_Val_Low, 0.0, ulCount1,ulCount2);
        if( bTriggerMode == true) // if hardware trigger is enabled
            nStatus = DAQmxSetTrigAttribute (m_taskHandle, DAQmx_ArmStartTrig_Type, DAQmx_Val_DigEdge);
            nStatus = DAQmxSetTrigAttribute (m_taskHandle, DAQmx_DigEdge_ArmStartTrig_Edge, DAQmx_Val_Rising);
            nStatus = DAQmxSetTrigAttribute (m_taskHandle, DAQmx_DigEdge_ArmStartTrig_Src,"Dev4/PFI17" );
        //set the internal timebase
        nStatus = DAQmxSetCOCtrTimebaseSrc(m_taskHandle,"Dev4/count5","20MHzTimeBase" );
        nStatus = DAQmxStartTask(m_taskHandle);
        return nStatus;
    And the code where I try to set the digital line:
    SetChannelState(short nState)
        short nStatus = 0;
        uInt8 wrtBuf0[1]={0};
        nStatus = DAQmxCreateTask("",&m_taskHandle);
        // Configure line as output 
        nStatus = DAQmxCreateDOChan (m_taskHandle, "Dev4/port0/line0", "", DAQmx_Val_ChanPerLine);
        nStatus = DAQmxStartTask(m_taskHandle);
        wrtBuf0[0] = nState;
        nStatus =DAQmxWriteDigitalLines (m_taskHandle, 1, 0, 0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber , wrtBuf0, NULL, NULL);
        nStatus = DAQmxWaitUntilTaskDone(m_taskHandle,10);
        nStatus = DAQmxStopTask(m_taskHandle);
        nStatus = DAQmxClearTask(m_taskHandle);
        m_taskHandle = 0;
        return nStatus;      

  • How can I import data in to the digital word generator in Multisim?

    How can I import data in to the digital word generator in Multisim?
    I just  received this comment from a friend, a RADAR engineer, who has just down loaded Multisim.  He has been using HP/Agilent software.  He has a work around using a piecewise linear voltage waveform with data imported from Excel but this is not really a good solution.  It would also be helpful to import data from Mathcad or equivalent.
    "I thought I was about to be impressed with MultiSim but it ended only in disappointment. There is a word generator in the simulation instrument panel which can drive the DAC with a waveform and it can have thousands of lines of values. I opened Excel, wrote the formula to generate the time and voltage points for a chirp, converted to DAC values in Hex and then went back to the word generator in MultiSim to load the values only to find that you have to enter each value manually. It doesn’t even allow you to paste in a list of values from a text file. I’m not going to type 5000 values by hand. If you get the chance to give feedback to National Instruments please ask them if the paste option can be added to the word generator. MultiSim is useful in many regards, but in this case, it left me with the impression that it is considerably limited in capability compared to what I’m used to."

    You can load your data automatically in the Multisim word generator. Follow these steps:
    - Save your data file (in excel .xslx ir .csv format) on your computer
    - Change the extension of the file to ".dp"
    - Double-click the word generator in Multisim and click on Set...
    - In the Settings dialog box, click on Load and then Accept
    - This will prompt you to select the .dp file you have on your computer, select it and you're good to go
    However, in Multisim you have the option of creating your own custom simulation analysis and instrument.
    I will try creating the instrument and send it back to you but it might take some time.
    Multisim and LabVIEW are very powerful in test automation, with the custom instruments you create for Multisim you don't need to export your data file into excel from LabVIEW (or MathCAD or other tools) and then reload it into Multisim. The test procedure is automated instead.
    Please check this reference design about automated simulation
    Here is how you can create your own custom measurement tool in Multisim and LabVIEW, but as I mentioned, I will create the word generator and come back to you anyways
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Mahmoud W
    National Instruments

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    Hi, please help me
    I want delete the Digital ID
    when I open the menu "Advanced"----"Security Settings"
    in the dialoge I chose Digital IDs, then Windows Digital IDs
    there is a list and I can see many iterms of digital IDs
    I want delete each of that
    when I chose one of them and click the button "Remove ID"
    the softeware tell me that "Removing a digital ID is only permitted if the ID was created by Adobe reader or acrobat version 8.0 or later "
    what should I do ?

    Hi Koalar2010why,
    I know it's been a long time since you posted your question, but if you are still interested here is what you need to do.
    Launch Internet Explorer
    Select Tools > Internet Options (you can get to Tools either from the menu, the toolbar button or Alt+X)
    Select the Content tab on the Internet Options dialog
    Click the Certificates button in the middle of the Contents panel
    Select the Personal tab on the Certificates dialog (it's usually selected by default)
    --Before continuing I'd recommend exporting the digital IDs to a file in case you ever need to get an old one back again)--
    Highlight one or more digital ID(s) and then click the Remove button
    The next time you launch Acrobat and go back to the Security Settings dialog the digital IDs will be gone.

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    The probable reason you are seeing the behavior you are is due to a reconfiguration of the digital port. The Write to Digital Port VI is setup to configure the entire port, then write to one line (default settings). If you reconfigure the port it will reset all the lines, and then write your new value. You will want to use the iteration input on the Write to Digital Line so you can avoid the reconfiguration issue.
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    line. You can open the Write to Digital Line VI to see how the iteration input effects the execution and configuration of the digital ports.

Maybe you are looking for

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