Summit open/Glassfish ESB Brussels (Belgium) 4-5 october 2010

Hello all,
After few weeks working on the idea of an OpenESB event, we can confirm that an OpenESB summit will take place in Brussels (Belgium) October 2010 the 4th and 5th.
The two day summit will include topics such as:
- OpenESB community governance
- Product roadmap, runtimes and related technologies
- ESB development and deployment
- Field Use Cases / Experiences
- Open-source projects, business models, and trends
- Breakout sessions and hands on labs
- Panel discussions
- And more ...
Have your say during the two days summit, exploring and exchanging ideas on the future direction of OpenESB. Come together with fellow project owners, architects, designers, developers and technologists to pave the way forward and establish the Community's guiding principles and OpenESB
This event can be an opportunity for you to meet OpenESB experts, architects, designers, developers, technologists, end users and to have your word on the future of the project.
In order to allow the summit access to as many people as possible, the summit access will be free to the delegates as well. However in return, we could accept only the firsts that will be registered. The number of place is limited. Registration can be found here
Call for Paper
Take the opportunity to be an 'anchor' speaker. If you want to share your project experience on JBI, Open/Glassfish-ESB or Java CAPS, please send us a 150 word abstract to the email [email protected] along with your name and company name. This is a great chance to establish dialogs and exchange best-practices on OpenESB. All your papers are welcome. Contact us at [email protected]
Call for paper can be found here :
Sponsor invitation
The summit is free for the delegates. this means that we need sponsors to organise it. From 350€, be one of our sponsors if :
 -You deliver consulting, training or development on Open ESB, you want to make your services known to the community and the end-users.
- You are an Open ESB  user, you want to influence the future of the project and give durability to the community
- You are interested to support one of the best ESB open source projects.
Contact us at [email protected]  
Sponsor invitation can be found here:
Help to make this event a sucess, be involved. Thanks for your feedback and your support

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  • Summit openESB Brussels (Belgium) 4-5 October 2010

    Hello all,
    After few weeks working on the idea of an OpenESB event, we can confirm that an OpenESB summit will take place in Brussels (Belgium) October 2010the 4th and 5th.
    The two day summit will include topics such as:
    - OpenESB community governance
    - Product roadmap, runtimes and related technologies
    - ESB development and deployment
    - Field Use Cases / Experiences
    - Open-source projects, business models, and trends
    - Breakout sessions and hands on labs
    - Panel discussions
    - And more ...
    Have your say during the two days summit, exploring and exchanging ideas on the future direction of OpenESB. Come together with fellow project owners, architects, designers, developers and technologists to pave the way forward and establish the Community's guiding principles and OpenESB
    This event can be an opportunity for you to meet OpenESB experts, architects, designers, developers, technologists, end users and to have your word on the future of the project.
    In order to allow the summit access to as many people as possible, the summit access will be free to the delegates as well. However in return, we could accept only the firsts that will be registered. The number of place is limited. Registration can be found here
    Call for Paper
    Take the opportunity to be an 'anchor' speaker. If you want to share your project experience on JBI, Open/Glassfish-ESB or Java CAPS, please send us a 150 word abstract to the email [email protected] along with your name and company name. This is a great chance to establish dialogs and exchange best-practices on OpenESB. All your papers are welcome. Contact us at [email protected]
    Call for paper can be found here :
    Sponsor invitation
    The summit is free for the delegates. this means that we need sponsors to organise it. From 350€, be one of our sponsors if :
     -You deliver consulting, training or development on Open ESB, you want to make your services known to the community and the end-users.
    - You are an Open ESB  user, you want to influence the future of the project and give durability to the community
    - You are interested to support one of the best ESB open source projects.
    Contact us at [email protected]  
    Sponsor invitation can be found here:
    Help to make this event a sucess, be involved. Thanks for your feedback and your support

  • Seminar Glassfish/Open ESN, Java CAPS Brussels 4-5 october 2010

    Hello all,
    We are happy to inform you that a Glassfish/Open ESB / Java CAPS Seminar will take place in Brussels (Belgium) Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th of October 2010. A web site dedicated to the seminar will be accessible soon then we will provide you with more detail.
    But from now on, I can give you the main objectives approved by the seminar organisers:
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    The seminar is organised for the community, be involved and help us to do it. Feel free to send us ideas, propositions and comments. Very soon we will call for papers.  
    Of course we are searching sponsors for the seminar.  We propose a sponsoring for a very affordable price. In being a sponsor, you promote your company, your skill on Glassfish/Open ESB, Java CAPS and moreover support the community.  
    Contact: [email protected]
    Thanks for your feedback
    Paul Perez

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    Then glassfish instance is either not configured yet or installed somewhere else. Try looking under your user's home directory like C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\glassfish\domains\domain1\logs

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    I forgot to put a "*;*" at the end of LoginModule entry
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    SisInvWebClient { required;
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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • Saving/Opening documents to SharePoint 2013 from within Office 2010 applications

    I was hoping that Office 2010 would work nicely together in terms of saving to and opening documents from SharePoint 2013. Alas, I was disappointed and somewhat surprised to see that opening/saving documents in SharePoint from within Office still
    involves copying, pasting and hacking the URL of the document library in the Save or Open dialogue box. I was fully expecting that Office 2010 would have display some sort of SharePoint navigation so you could view your sites and document libraries in a similar
    way to folders. A mature document management system this ain't!
    Anyone have any advice on how to improve the Open/Save to/from SharePoint experience in Office 2010? I'm open to the idea of Office add-ins whether third party or official Microsoft.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the reply, but that's from within SharePoint, not Office?
    An example scenario: I create a new document or receive a document, I'm in the document, and I want to publish the document to a document library in SharePoint. At the moment I would have to save the document, load up SharePoint, navigate to the document
    library and then go through the upload process.
    I should really be able to, from within Word, select File - Save to SharePoint (say) and then be able to navigate to the document library I want to publish to. Really basic DMS stuff that I'm surprised isn't there!
    Similar thing to opening a document. I should be able to Open from SharePoint, navigate to the document library via some sort of navigation box, and open it.
    Thoughts appreciated.

  • I cannot open a .pdf in an incoming mail (Outlook 2010) with Acrobat Pro XI.  It will only allow "preview".  I have to  copy and paste the .pdf to my desktop and then open it.  What do I do to restore the 2x click in Outlook to open the .pdf?  thank you

    I cannot open a .pdf in an incoming mail (Outlook 2010) with Acrobat Pro XI.  It will only allow "preview".  I have to  copy and paste the .pdf to my desktop and then open it.  What do I do to restore the 2x click in Outlook to open the .pdf?  As of now, I get the following bracket opening on screen when I click on the Acrobat icon for attachment within the email:  Thank you
    Adobe Acrobat has stopped working
    Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.
    -Check online for a solution and close the program
    -Close the program
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:                        APPCRASH
      Application Name:                             Acrobat.exe
      Application Version:                 
      Application Timestamp:                     536b812b
      Fault Module Name:                          Acrobat.dll
      Fault Module Version:              
      Fault Module Timestamp:                  536b80ff
      Exception Code:                                  c0000005
      Exception Offset:                                00cbf281
      OS Version:                                          6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:                                             1033
      Additional Information 1:                  0a9e
      Additional Information 2:                  0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3:                  0a9e
      Additional Information 4:                  0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Read our privacy statement online:
    If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

    Hi Gary,
    I have seen this issue occur with users who have this registry setting missing or have improper permissions.
    When you double click the attachment to launch the pdf it is saved and opened from the temporary folder unless saved specifically to a location.
    If you dont have the below mentioned registry key or improper permissions then attachments fail to open.
    Please  heck if the following reg key exists:
    Value Name: OutlookSecureTempFolder
    If the value exists, and if the value contains a valid path, Outlook 2010 uses that location for its temporary files.
    If the registry value does not exist, or if the value points to an invalid location, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, or Outlook 2003 creates a new subdirectory under the Temporary Internet Files directory and then puts the temporary file in the new subdirectory. The name of the new subdirectory is unknown and is randomly generated, depending on your version of Outlook.
    Please check the following key:
    Note the location for: OutlookSecureTempFolder key
    Check if the same folder exists in the following location and if not create a corresponding folder in the location on C:\Users\<User account name>\Appdata\Local\Software\Microsoft\Windows\......

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    Something is seriously wrong then.  Did you move it?  There are several Library folders.  One of them should be inside your HOME folder.
    If WZZZ suggestion does not work, re-install your OS by using Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo.  When done, repair permissions and restart your computer.

  • Opening and closing balance difference is showing from 2010 to 2011 F.year

    Dear All,
    Opening and closing balance difference is showing for Main Cash(Cash in h)
    End of fiscal year 2010 closing Balance 85,451,909.70
    Opening Balance 2011 is showing as 85,450,909.70  
    Rs 1000 difference is coming.
    Please suggest if any Note is there?

    Somes after year end for audit / management adjustment entries postings done with previous year.
    Execute N no of times Balance carry forward T.Code: FAGLGVTR  until you get your closing balances & opening balances are the same. it is not harm to execute again & again.
    up to 4.7EE for balance transfer you can use T.Code:F.16 from ECC 5 / 6 use tcode for balance transfer FAGLGVTR
    Edited by: viswanatha s on Nov 4, 2011 12:54 PM

  • Open url link in custom workflow. SharepPoint 2010

    Hi, i created custom workflow in Visual studio 2010. I want my workflow opened page of the site. In workflow i using method - Process.strart("http:\\mysite\myform.aspx") try to open the page. But my workflow is completed after his the start.
    Browser does not open the page i have. Can you please tell me how best to do to open up the site url in the workflow code. Thanks.

    I don't think you can.  Workflows run in a background thread on the server, so even if you were able to open a web page it would open on the server, not the client.
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

  • Can't open Project Server 2013 word documents with office 2010 installed

    hello forum members,
    we having issues opening a word document in a Project Server 2013 . we have Office 2010 on our computers installed. 
    when I click on a document link, i get a message "The webpage cannot be displayed".  the only way to open a document is to right click on link and select "Open". 
    Does Project Server 2013 require Office 2013 installed? If not, is there a way to open documents in Project Server 2013 without right clicking on links?

    Hi Tatiana,
    This is the know issue. I have experienced this issue with one of our client. The cause of issue as below -
    You have 2007 Microsoft Office installed on a computer.
    On the same computer, you also have a Microsoft Office 2013 application installed, such as Microsoft Lync 2013 or Microsoft Word 2013.
    To work around this issue, remove the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support program component from the Office 2013
    installation on the affected computer or computers. To do this, follow the “Install or remove individual Office program components” section of the following Microsoft Office website:
    Install or remove individual Office
    programs and components
    After you complete these steps, repair 2007 Office. For more information about how to repair the installation, click
    the following article number to go to the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    ( )
    How to install the individual 2007 Office features or to repair the installed 2007 Office programs
    Note When
    you follow these steps, set the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support
    component within Office Tools to Not Available.
    This solution doesn't apply to scenarios in which SharePoint Designer 2013 is installed on the affected computer.
    You can find further details here at Microsoft support site -
    Hope this helps you.
    Cheers, Badal

  • How multiple users can open and update it same time in Sharepoint 2010, excel file

    we are using SharePoint 2010, multiple users can open and update the file at same time in SharePoint, I have searched a lot and
    read it, some suggestions were can create the file as share work book and then save on Share point and other were its supported only with Office web Apps, Excel Web App, we don't have office Web apps or excel web app, is there any other suggestion,
    any help will be great, thanks in advance

    You need office web apps for co-authoring, see Software version requirements for co-authoring in SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online section in below link -
    Edit: Link for SP 2010
    Hope this helps!
    Ram - SharePoint Architect
    Blog -
    Please vote or mark your question answered, if my reply helps you

  • Problem opening documents from SharePoint (2013) libraries with Office 2010 and 2013 components installed

    I've been encountering the problem of Office files failing to open from SharePoint 2013 libraries with the prefix of 'ms-excel:ofv|u|' etc. in the url. Following the
    helpful questions and answers in the forum, I've identified the likely cause as the fact that my main Office installation is 2010, but I also have installed OneDrive for Business 2013 (which I need in order to sync document libraries with my local drive).
    The solution I've seen suggested elsewhere of deactivating the SharePoint integration of Office 2013 components fails for two reasons: there is no way (or at least, I can't find one) of deactivating SharePoint integration probably because, deactivating
    SharePoint integration would likely stop the syncing of libraries/folders.
    One thing that I have noticed in my case that I've not seen mentioned elsewhere is that if I right-click a document and select 'open in new tab/window' the required
    document opens directly in the relevant office package. I don't know if this is a useful observation, but it seems to be new information.
    My question is, is there a way I can continue to sync libraries and open Office documents directly in Office 2010? My thoughts are possible changes to registry settings
    (which I can do, but don't know enough to find the correct ones myself) or (re)installation of software in some appropriate order to leave the correct settings.
    I have 'repaired' my Office 2010 installation without any observed affect on behavior.
    (I've just seen a suggestion that Office 2010 SP2 may fix this issue. I've requested to test this, but whilst this may fix my problem, rolling it out to
    other users may be more problematic. In the meantime, other suggestions of solutions are welcome)

    According to your description, it is a good way to do a test about office 2010 SP2, here is an article about this issue- limitations of using the OneDrive for Business sync app with Office 2010 applications , it may help you.
    Paul Shui
    Microsoft Online Community Support
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer?on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer?if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread

  • Not able to open infopath form connected with database in sharepoint 2010

     I have created one infopath form which is connected with sql server database.
    Now when i am trying to open this form from sharepoint,its giving me following error:
    Please help to solve this issue.
    Thanks & Regards

    If i understood you correctly, you have SP list and there are some records. Now you want to open your infopath form when clicks on add new item in the same list. I am still confuse about "from table 'Account'" this line. Are you saying that you are fetching
    records from SQL table to PS list?
    Anyway, you can modify the existing list form infopath so you could be able to open the infopath form instead of default newform.aspx page. Later you can create a new data connection in that customize form to display data in table format from same list.
    You can follow this video for connection:
    Let me know if i misunderstood you
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

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