Sun Connection 1.1.1 job confirmation

I've created a recurring job with a policy that says "yes" to everything except "file confilcts" and a profile that includes a baseline. I've also white listed a baseline for a group of clients the job applies to.
When the job runs in simulation mode, it requires user intervention to confirm the install of the baseline patches and a second confirm to approve the reboot.
We want to run the job after business hours when no one is available to confirm anything and then we will check the status in the morning.
Is this confirmation behavior special to the simulation or will it also require a confirm when the job runs to actually deploy the baseline? Is there a way to "pre-confirm"?

Thanks for the tip. That helped put me on the right track. For some reason, I didn�t associate the term �Notifications� with �Reboot the system�.
Having that new association in my vocabulary, I went back to the documentation for sections dealing with effective management of confirmations and simulations and jobs. I didn�t find much to address my specific needs for unattended automation (i.e. Enterprise 1.0 Users�s Guide section 12 Common Job Operations), but I did discover a nice feature that I haven�t found any documentation for.
If you run a job simulation and answer yes to all simulations, after the job has completed, you can right click on the completed job task in the task window you get a drop down menu with an item "copy policy". That menu item will let you create a new policy that includes all the confirmations you just completed manually. You can then apply the new policy to the scheduled job and the confirmations will be performed by the policy automatically when it is actually deployed.
That helps create a fully automated job that can be scheduled for running unattended after hours. Forgive me if I missed the section of the documentation that describes this, but if not, I hope that feature and technique might be included in the next version. It�s a very handy feature.

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    Kind Regards

    Hi Shen,
    thanks for your reply. I tried this procedure from your thread
    Try re-registering the patch server after running these commands:
    # cacaoadm stop
    # cacaoadm status
    # rm -r /var/sadm/spool/cache/*
    # /usr/lib/cc-ccr/bin/eraseCCRRepository
    # rm /var/scn/persistence/SCN*
    # cacaoadm start
    # /usr/sbin/sconadm register -a -r
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    patchpro.patch.source -
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    It sounds like the printer may have an unstable wireless connection.
    What brand and model is the router?
    Have you tried setting a static IP address?  I recommend setting a static IP address as it can resolve a lot of networking issues with printers in general.
    The steps to do this are located in step 6 of this document from HP.
    ↙-----------How do I give Kudos?| How do I mark a post as Solved? ----------------↓

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    In CWIS go to Properties > General > Printer Defaults and disable the Startup page  As for garbage prints, That sounds like a PS error. And they are almost always due to improperly embedded fonts. Have all your users switch the following in their drivers (Picture is the global driver, but the regular driver will have the same option.) Essentially by default the printer uses its own locally stored fonts on the jobs, but when the fonts are misunderstood, or unknown it winds up printing wingdings.  

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    Sorry the information given doesnt help much to understand the root cause. Anyways something you could do is to set delay validation to true so that actual error you will get at runtime rather than a validation failed message as above. One more thing you
    can try is running packages one at a time and see if error occurs. Also see if multiple packages running in parallel are using same object.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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    Check the date and time and time zone in the clock on your computer: (double) click the clock icon on the Windows Taskbar.
    Check out why the site is untrusted and click "Technical Details" to expand this section.
    If the certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided (sec_error_unknown_issuer) then see if you can install this intermediate certificate from another source.
    You can retrieve the certificate and check details like who issued certificates and expiration dates of certificates.
    *Click the link at the bottom of the error page: "I Understand the Risks"
    Let Firefox retrieve the certificate: "Add Exception" -> "Get Certificate".
    *Click the "View..." button and inspect the certificate and check who is the <u>issuer of the certificate</u>.
    You can see more Details like intermediate certificates that are used in the Details pane.
    If <b>"I Understand the Risks"</b> is missing then this page may be opened in an (i)frame and in that case try the right-click context menu and use "This Frame: Open Frame in New Tab".
    *Note that some firewalls monitor (secure) connections and that programs like Sendori or FiddlerRoot can intercept connections and send their own certificate instead of the website's certificate.
    *Note that it is not recommended to add a permanent exception in cases like this, so only use it to inspect the certificate.

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    Please have a look at the SUN Update Connection Enterprise Users Guide Chapter 5 Local Inventory - at the following URL.
    Specifically the procedure To Fix Local Software Missing Dependencies.
    Hope this helps

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    The only fix for this is to eject any shares and reconnect to them via the wireless connection.
    Please Apple, fix this ASAP.
    Anyone else seeing this?

    While very interesting, this is a forum for Snow Leopard Server, not regular client SL. So I don't think you'll get much response here.
    Cool stuff, though.

  • Connecting spool to a job

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    Is there any way of determining the background job which generated a spool.
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    Also any way to determine how much time it took for the spool list to generate from spool information.
    Please advice.

    GOTO sm37 or SM36 Press execute or scheduled job.
    U will get the list of job scheduled and also the spool created, time taken for that job etc.
    Thanks & Regardsm,

  • Unable to connect to Web Services. Confirm Internet Access and Try again

    I have tried the other troubleshooting steps listed with logging into the ehp center and looking at the manual dns settings. It is still not working

    Hello @Chris90803,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums! I see you are getting an error message on your HP Photosmart 7520 'Unable to connect to Web Services.'  I see you have done the basic troubleshooting with no success.
    Please call HP’s Cloud Services at 855-785-2777. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region.
    Thank you,
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to the left of the reply button to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Unable to connect to web services. Confirm internet access and try again HP 7520

    Every Friday for the last 6 months I have scanned my time sheets from my HP7520 to my email and the forwarded to the  office. All of a sudden Last Friday I get the message above in the subject line. ALL other features work just fine!!!!!!! I can print, I can scan (just not to email) I can print (wirelessly) from my phone or even my laptop. But the only thing that does not work is the scan to email function, UGHHHHHHHH I read tons of forum user have gotten help with this issue from Garytech1. Please help!!!!!! I have to resort to using my S3 phone to scan and email and the quality is sub par for payroll needs. Thanks so much!

    Hi amenhilady,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums. I understand the scan to email feature of your Photosmart 7520 printer is not functioning.
    If you are still experiencing the same issue, please try the following steps.
    Please turn off your printer. 
    Please turn off your router.  If your router doesn’t have an on/off switch, please unplug the power cord from the router.
    After waiting a full 60 seconds please turn on your router (or plug it back in). 
    After the router has completed its startup routine please turn on your printer.
    After the printer has completed its startup routine, please test the scan to email feature.  If it works there no need to continue with any further trouble shooting steps.
    Please set a manual IP address and manual DNS servers for the printer. I have included a link to another post with the steps, including screen shots on how to do this.   Don’t worry that the screen shots show a Photosmart 7510 printer, the steps are the same.
    Please test the scan to email feature.  If it works there is no need to continue with any further trouble shooting steps.
    Please call HP’s Cloud Services at 1-855-785-2777 if you live in the USA/Canada region. If you live outside the USA/Canada region please click here to find the Technical Support number for your country/region.
    Please let me know how it goes. Thank you.
    Please click on the Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Sun UCE - security check job failed

    I am working on the Sun Connection console to install latest updates for SLES9 images. I ran a security check job on one of the SLES9 images but it failed with the following message:
    Failed to download blob 27004905 , Aborting task !
    Download Phase - Download Failed. Check server logs for more details.
    Task Finished with a failure ! ( JobID = 773 )
    It's the same with the bug fixes job. Any help?

    The log is from the agent, correct? I would suggest enabling debug mode on the server to troubleshoot the cause as the information from the agent is not enough. What version of UCE are you running and what OS is the server so we can provide debug options?

  • Anyconnect cannot confirm it is connected to your secure gateway

    I have configured cisco 1941 with anyconnect VPN. I have installed the anyconnect-win-3.1.07021-k9.pkg on the flash memory but it seems something is missing. When i access the router and download the anyconnect, the following message appears on the browser "Failed to get configuration because Anyconnect cannot confirm it is connected to your secure gateway". therefore, i have downloaded manually the anyconnect and tried to access my network. Unfortunately, the application does not connect and the "Anyconnect cannot confirm it is connected to your secure gateway" message appears.
    it can be noticed that i have an android phone which successfuly connects to my network without any problems.
    Please see below my configuration and i will appreciate if someone helps with this....
    crypto pki trustpoint test_trustpoint_config_created_for_sdm
     subject-name [email protected]
     revocation-check crl
    crypto pki trustpoint CRXX
     enrollment selfsigned
     serial-number none
     ip-address none
     revocation-check crl
     rsakeypair CRXX_RSAKey 512
    crypto pki trustpoint euro.lan
     revocation-check crl
     rsakeypair CRXX
    crypto pki certificate chain test_trustpoint_config_created_for_sdm
    crypto pki certificate chain CRXX
     certificate self-signed 01
      3082017A 30820124 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
      1B311930 1706092A 864886F7 0D010902 160A4352 4575726F 73757265 301E170D
      31353033 30373139 32383530 5A170D32 30303130 31303030 3030305A 301B3119
      30170609 2A864886 F70D0109 02160A43 52457572 6F737572 65305C30 0D06092A
      864886F7 0D010101 0500034B 00304802 4100896A 9A2F5ADB 6E1615AA 61ABC513
      2770253F 24F17DC4 A16D8ACD 5C9042C1 476AAAE9 D0E1EDDE 520D3A13 AD895518
      ED63C68E C734628D A6855FFA F9F3B099 AA230203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355
      1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603 551D2304 18301680 1467308D 8F138842
      4110A886 779CC1D5 D9302A5F FD301D06 03551D0E 04160414 67308D8F 13884241
      10A88677 9CC1D5D9 302A5FFD 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 4100376B
      789B83C7 D8F20FEC CFAC75B4 B71518EE 90078812 D86B5F35 23D54DB0 28C678E1
      BCB33BF5 81D47EE8 7392D4E8 1433CFA9 7157EC64 C9EA2357 EAADCB02 E789
    crypto pki certificate chain CRXX
     certificate ca 01
      3082030D 30820276 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
      81993133 30310609 2A864886 F70D0109 01162463 68726973 746F666F 726F732E
      70616E61 79694061 74686C6F 697A6F75 2E636F6D 2E637931 10300E06 03550408
      13076E69 636F7369 61310B30 09060355 04061302 63793115 30130603 55040313
      0C657572 6F737572 652E6C61 6E311530 13060355 040B130C 6575726F 73757265
      2E6C616E 31153013 06035504 0A130C65 75726F73 7572652E 6C616E30 1E170D31
      35303330 38303830 3532355A 170D3138 30333037 30383035 32355A30 81993133
      30310609 2A864886 F70D0109 01162463 68726973 746F666F 726F732E 70616E61
      79694061 74686C6F 697A6F75 2E636F6D 2E637931 10300E06 03550408 13076E69
      636F7369 61310B30 09060355 04061302 63793115 30130603 55040313 0C657572
      6F737572 652E6C61 6E311530 13060355 040B130C 6575726F 73757265 2E6C616E
      31153013 06035504 0A130C65 75726F73 7572652E 6C616E30 819F300D 06092A86
      4886F70D 01010105 0003818D 00308189 02818100 C7DFF639 00AAD60E DE260ED6
      87BEF428 A49386A2 5A4A6137 12811855 A8582E12 58ADAB6E 796E97EF 7A67309B
      F8F782BA 4BC027BB E751C271 DB81246E 8B975F40 648E0594 12C6162B 8B85ABB8
      E97732A9 0914C6A4 1AB99A3B 7676FBB7 74D9E2C0 0D5EDF59 CC705BD5 ADE10227
      48EDE22A DA782E6E CE813B71 63327693 2B8A3BA3 02030100 01A36330 61300F06
      03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF300E 0603551D 0F0101FF 04040302 0186301F
      0603551D 23041830 168014D6 85F27FA8 59599438 BD252971 0BD29665 4E2F1930
      1D060355 1D0E0416 0414D685 F27FA859 599438BD 2529710B D296654E 2F19300D
      06092A86 4886F70D 01010405 00038181 00BAD0D8 41D25EE0 8546C804 05B82812
      28AA37A0 93247B1B A405622A 4553E897 B099DAF9 04F818A7 D1BB21D0 0343C186
      8B933B61 E6319A9C F73BD27E 61E90A9A FDD94EF9 0AE82CDA 12BC2D5B C1122649
      59236893 C5A1F5F1 D45C5471 01C87F98 1D
    crypto vpn anyconnect flash0:/webvpn/anyconnect-win-3.1.07021-k9.pkg sequence 2
    interface Virtual-Template3
     mtu 1406
     ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0.1
    ip local pool SSL_admin_pool
    ip nat inside source list 100 interface GigabitEthernet0/1 overload
    access-list 100 deny   ip
    access-list 100 permit ip any any
    webvpn gateway gateway_1
     hostname CRXX
     ip address 213.X.X.X port 443
     http-redirect port 80
     ssl trustpoint CRXX
    webvpn context ADMINS_Policy
     secondary-color white
     title-color #CCCC66
     text-color black
     virtual-template 3
     aaa authentication list ciscocp_vpn_xauth_ml_1
     gateway gateway_1
     ssl authenticate verify all
     policy group policy_1
       functions svc-enabled
       svc address-pool "SSL_admin_pool" netmask
       svc default-domain "eurosure.lan"
       svc keep-client-installed
       svc dns-server primary
       svc dns-server secondary
     default-group-policy policy_1

    Also, after update windows 8.1, I think, it is no longer work with ssl encryption rc4-sha1 !
    When my config contain the ssl encryption rc4-sha1
    I get the error:
    "Failed to get configuration because AnyConnect cannot confirm it is connected to your secure gateway. Contact your system administrator".
    After I change it to: ssl encryption aes128-sha1, AnyConnect client can connect to ASA."

  • DeskI Job Server Hangs with Connection timed out error in trace file

    Hi, in these days I have a problem with Desktop Intelligence Job Server. After some hours after its starting (it's restarted every day in the morning to allow db backup) in the trace file I can see errors like this:
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:40 2009]      28116   1457753008      (../iinfoprocessing_implmixedproc.cpp:607): trace message: Failed to send message to child: 28527, err 0, PipeListener: timed out reading from pipe: Connection timed out
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:43 2009]      28116   1457753008      (csipipe.cpp:242): trace message: PipeListener: ReadString(1) timed out: Connection timed out
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:43 2009]      28116   1457753008      (../iinfoprocessing_implmixedproc.cpp:607): trace message: Failed to send message to child: 28529, err 0, PipeListener: timed out reading from pipe: Connection timed out
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:46 2009]      28116   1457753008      (csipipe.cpp:242): trace message: PipeListener: ReadString(1) timed out: Connection timed out
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:46 2009]      28116   1457753008      (../iinfoprocessing_implmixedproc.cpp:607): trace message: Failed to send message to child: 28553, err 0, PipeListener: timed out reading from pipe: Connection timed out
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:49 2009]      28116   1457753008      (csipipe.cpp:242): trace message: PipeListener: ReadString(1) timed out: Connection timed out
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:49 2009]      28116   1457753008      (../iinfoprocessing_implmixedproc.cpp:607): trace message: Failed to send message to child: 28555, err 0, PipeListener: timed out reading from pipe: Connection timed out
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:52 2009]      28116   1457753008      (csipipe.cpp:242): trace message: PipeListener: ReadString(1) timed out: Connection timed out
    [Wed Apr  8 09:58:52 2009]      28116   1457753008      (../iinfoprocessing_implmixedproc.cpp:607): trace message: Failed to send message to child: 28591, err 0, PipeListener: timed out reading from pipe: Connection timed out
    All job submitted remains in "Suspend" mode and never pass in "Executing".
    To solve the problem I've to manually stop and restart the DeskIjob server, but after some hours the problem reappear.
    How to solve it?
    I've installed Business Objects XI R2 SP5 on Linux SLES 10

    Checking the jobcd trace of child process in connection timeout, I can see, at the time in which in jobsd process the error occurs, the following error:
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      (../ijob_implmixedproc.cpp:143): trace message: MixedProcMgr: msg = GetLoad
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      (../ijob_implmixedproc.cpp:128): trace message: MixedProcMgr: timed out wating for new jobs, shutting down.
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      (pp_procFC.cpp:3716): trace message: IJobDllUnInitialize
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      (pp_procFC.cpp:951): trace message: ReleaseStaticSubsystem()
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      (pp_procFC.cpp:168): trace message: t_shutdown_ptr::reset()
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      (pp_procFC.cpp:172): trace message: Shutting down INTERFACE
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      trace message: TraceLog: [ENTER] BOLApp::ExitInstance
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      trace message: TraceLog: [ENTER] ~_BOUserUniverseManager
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      trace message: TraceLog: [ENTER] ReleaseUniverseCache
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      trace message: TraceLog: [EXIT]  ReleaseUniverseCache: 0
    [Thu Apr  9 09:14:08 2009]      8940    1452690272      trace message: TraceLog: [EXIT]  ~_BOUserUniverseManager: 0
    The error occurs exaclty 2 hours after the starting of the child ... I don't think it's a coincidence ....
    Edited by: David Loreto on Apr 9, 2009 11:41 AM

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