Support Problems from Adobe

I have just phoned the US, and then phoned Australian support - waited on l the line for an hour until my battery went flat.
Left a phone message on the Adobe contact number - to be answered in 2-3 hours - it is now 5 hours later.
Been transferred from another department in ADOBE and left on hold, then the phone went dead.
Posted questions to the forums over the last week.
Spent over 12 hours trying to reslove the problem myself
If Adobe wants these products to be used in a professional environment they need to offer support for bugs and asnwers ot problems in a timely fashion as they arise.
They are not doing this - there is no way to contact them by phone(my phone ran out of battery becasue I was on hold for an hour), live chat(wouldn't answer my question as they needed me to phone support in the US from Australia - expensive solution and this also required being placed on hold for long enough for me to hang up), or email(I haven't been able to find any email address for support) for this type of support.
My problem is a white flash at the head of my edge animation in Safari
Doesn't occur in Chrome or Firefox.  Edge is useless unless it is able to be used on the major platforms.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Is anyone else having trouble getting support for Adobe?

I am currently trying to get support from Adobe - just over a matter as simple as sending me a serial number.  They have the worst customer support system I have ever encountered.  I keep getting referred to online chat help - and then online chat is currently unavailable.  I'm assuming I will have to return the unusable product, and ask for a refund

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    hi Selcuk,
    check what is the cardinality of the node that bound to the interactive form.
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    with regards,
    -Amol Gupta

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    Here you go....This is the offline, put on your desktop Uninstaller, followed by the offline, put on your desktop Installer of the new version .exe
    Happy New Year!

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    Please try the following steps:
    Open the file in Adobe Reader
    Click on File menu - Print
    In the Print Dialog box, select the Printer and then select Advanced button
    In the Advanced print setup, Please check 'Print as Image' (See the Screen shot)
    Click Ok and then Click Print.
    Let me know if this solves the problem.
    ~ Aditya Kalania

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    I also had problems with Adobe Reader 933 on my Mac. I found this info (below).
    I deleted and re-installed the Adobe PDF Viewer plugin several
    times...eventually something connected. Reader now works, even with the Adobe
    plugin installed.
    I don't know why or how, but that's OK with me.
    ...hope this helps,
    Configuring Acrobat to display PDF files in Safari
    Drag the Acrobat application folder from the CD (or disk image) to the
    Applications folder to install Acrobat. The first time you start Acrobat you
    will be prompted to accept the end user licence agreement (EULA) and register
    Acrobat. After you accept the EULA, Acrobat runs a Self-healing procedure which
    checks for any Acrobat components that need to be installed in other
    applications. The self-healing process installs the Adobe PDFViewer plug-in
    file. The AdobePDFViewer.plugin file is the main file used by Acrobat to view
    PDF files in the Safari browser on Mac OS X is the Adobe PDFViewer.plugin; this
    file is installed in the Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder.
    If you updated or reinstalled your copy of Safari in order to view PDF files,
    then do the following:
         1. Completely remove the old version of Safari.
         2. Install the latest version of Safari.
         3. Remove the Adobe PDFViewer.plugin from the Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder.
         4. In Acrobat run Help > Detect And Repair and choose Adobe PDFViewer.
    The first time you start Acrobat or Adobe Reader 8 on Mac OS X, it will
    automatically install itself as the default PDF viewer for Safari. In order to
    turn this off, start Acrobat or Adobe Reader, go to Preferences > Internet and
    uncheck the "Display PDF in Browser" option. This will cause the PDF to display
    inside the Safari window using its native PDF viewer.
    Known issues
    The following issues have been noted:
    When you upgrade from Adobe Reader or Acrobat from 7 to 8 on a Mactel
    machine, PDF files no longer show in the Safari window. Instead a large Acrobat
    or Adobe Reader icon displays in the middle of the Safari window. This is caused
    by running Safari under Rosetta; Acrobat and Adobe Reader 8 will not show PDF
    files in Safari run under Rosetta, whereas Acrobat and Adobe Reader 7 shows PDFs
    in Safari only under Rosetta. To work around this, you have to turn off Rosetta
    for Safari, or start Acrobat or Acrobat Reader and go to Preferences > Internet
    and turn off Display PDF In Browser; PDF files will be viewed in Safari using
    the Mac OS X native PDF viewing engine after this.
    When you upgrade Adobe Reader or Acrobat from 7 to 8, PDF files no longer
    show in other non-Safari browser windows. Instead a large Acrobat or Reader icon
    displays in the middle of the browser window. This is because the PDF viewing is
    not supported for any WebKit-based applications other than Safari. Work around
    this by starting Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and choosing Preferences > Internet
    and turning off Display PDF In Browser.
    If the AdobePDFViewer files are deleted, then they will be self-healed after you
    start Acrobat again after the files were deleted. You can also fix Safari
    manually by choosing Help > Repair Acrobat Installation.

  • Illustrator crashes on startup and little help from Adobe support team

    Hello everyone,
    I would like to share here my frustation trying to install Illustrator on a Windows XP machine and the poor support I got from Adobe.
    After download and installing, the application can be launched, splash screen comes, then the main window, and then it crashes with the message "Adobe illustrator CS5 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience".
    I opened a ticket on the customer support page with detailed information on the error, including the error log. Error signature was:
    "AppName: illustrator.exe AppVer: ModName: sccore.dll
    ModVer: Offset: 0001b2b6"
    The answer to my ticket was given 10 days (!) later was:
    "You can find informations to solve the issue under:"
    Which drives to a big page full of various symptoms and solutions in which I am supposed to dig in order to solve the problem myself.
    If you encountered such crash at launching Illustrator and found a solution, I would be very thankful that you give me some hints.

    I've been having a similar problem recently.  Purchased CS5 Web Premium upgrade last month, loaded it, worked with AI a number of times, then all of a sudden out of the blue, I have the same problem as described above.  Message is Adobe Illustrator CS5 has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We ar sorry for the inconvenience.
    The little window that displays this problem  has two options: Send error report or don't send.  Here is what is odd: If I choose to ignore the window altogether and not choose either option, I am able to do things in Illustrator.  I can open a file, select an object, change it, save the file...  All with this annoying window floating in front of everything.
    I figured something had gone corrupt so I uninstalled the entire CS5 suite, reinstalled the entire suite.  Guess what... same problem.  Very frustrating.  If it is a fonts problem, my question would be why is only Adobe Illustrator having a problem with it and not the CS5 suite components?
    Any insights would be most appreciated...

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