Supporting formats

Can i get a list of video supporting formats in nokia 110

Hi jomonjoseph
Thank you for posting and welcome to Nokia forum! 
For Nokia 110 video formats and other specification of your phone you may refer on this link.
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    Hi, I have problem with importing MOV files from SJCAM 4000. MOV files are in supported formats for Adobe Premiere Elements 11. But if I'm importing MOV file, only audio part is imported, video part is not imported. How can I solve this problem?

    From looking at the specifications of your camera (SJCam 4000), we know already what video compression your camera is using. It is H.264.
    A file should be supported by Premiere Elements 11. On what computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 11 running?
    Do you have the latest version of QuickTime installed on your computer? And, are you running QuickTime and Premiere Elements 11 from a
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    What are the properties of these files - is it 1080p30 (1920 x 1080p30)  or something else? Do you know if this camera is recording with a variable or
    a constant frame rate?
    Please review and consider and then we will decide what next.
    Thank you.

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    I can't provide a solution as I don't understand it all myself, however, to answer your query of what aspect ratio is predominantly used it is still 4:3 NTSC here in the U.S. Until all programming is HD and everyone has purchased an ATSC tv, I think we'll be stuck with this issue.

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    Thanks so much.  I'll check this out.
    Jeff Fairchild,
    Executive Pastor
    New Life Church

  • I can't play the supported formats

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    please help me anyone with the same problem solved or any advice?

    mukese wrote:
    Hi all, I am using on jmf to play audio and video. Unfortunately, I am not able to play the supported formats
    e.g .mpg and .avi.As far as I understand, most video formats are container formats that might have a number of different encodings. JMF will play some but not others. For example, I have had a number of Kodak cameras which can take MOVs. The first camera made MOVs that were compatible with JMF. The second did not.
    In the case of .avi, it can't show the video but I can hear the audio.
    please help me anyone with the same problem solved or any advice?Can you play the MOV & either of the MPGs available under the [video section|] of the media page at Note that I want two answers to that question - the first a yes/no for the MOV, the second a yes/no for either MPG.
    Those files have been seen to work with JMF.

  • JMF with Fobs4jmf:  Problem getting supported formats

    I'm trying to use JMF with fobs4jmf to try stitching together video files into a single file. Fortunately, I found a sample program to do just that in the SDN website (
    I copied and pasted the class in a new Eclipse Java class, set up the classpaths, and tested it. (I've gone through the pain of setting up and resetting classpaths so that the JMF diagnostics is able to detect the correct JMF installation in my machine).
    However, in the tryMatch method of, I am getting an empty array of Format objects, represented by the "supported" variable, during a call to the following:
    {color:#0000ff}TrackControl tc = pInfo[0].tracksByType[type][trackID].tc;
    Format origFmt = tc.getFormat();
    Format newFmt, oldFmt;
    Format supported[] = tc.getSupportedFormats();
    for (int i = 0; i < supported.length; i++) {
    if (supported[i] instanceof AudioFormat) {
    // If it's not the original format, then for audio, we'll
    // only do linear since it's more accurate to compute the
    // audio times.
    if (!supported.matches(tc.getFormat()) &&
    {color:#000000}Here's my problem: While on debug mode, I see that the "supported" variable shows an empty array, when I look deeper in the TrackControl tc variable and look the its supportedFormats instance variable, I can see that it has a value. For my testing, I used a .mov file and the supportedFormats variable contains an {color:#0000ff}AudioFormat{color} with the value {color:#0000ff}mp4a, 32000.0 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo, BigEndian, Signed, FrameSize=32 bits{color}.
    {color:#000000}I can't get past through this hurdle for now. Why am I getting an empty array of Format objects when the TrackControl tc variable actually contains value in its supportedFormats property?
    I'd appreciate any help on this matter.

    I again don't have my code in front of me, but I did take a look at the sample code my code is based on...
    Format format = tracks.getFormat();
    if (tracks[i].isEnabled()) {
    supported = tracks[i].getSupportedFormats();
    Just a shot in the dark, but perhaps getSupportedFormats returns the empty set when the TrackControl object is disabled?
    Try enabling the TrackControl before you try to get its supported formats, and see if that changes the behavior in any sort of meaningful way?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Supported formats

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    You set the format in Aperture prefs on the Export tab.  PSD should work.  Same with TIFF.
    Use the "Edit with PS ... " command. 
    When done in PS, simply close and save the file.
    It should then show in Aperture.
    You do not "Save As" in PS.
    Have you ever been able to us PS as the External Editor specified in Aperture?

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    using formatting tags(<fo:..>)
    Is it possible to develop this using xsql or
    any xml technologies. Is Oracles supporting Format object processing in their xdk?
    thanks in advance

    Could you further clarify what do you try to achieve?
    ~ Madrid

  • No video with supported formate and mime type found

    I am able to view videos on all but 1 website:
    When I view that page, the video box only shows the x with "no video with supported formate and mime type found" being displayed.
    I have updated to the most recent palemoon (25.3.0) and have the following plugins installed
    Shockwave flash
    Silverlight 5.1.30514.0
    VLC Web Plugin
    Windows media Player Dynamic Link LIbrary
    I have cleared my cache and cookies, and am unable to view the video in question. If I go to, it indicates that I have an operable Webelement player and Web VP8, and all others are exclamation points.
    Does anyone know why I can't watch the (mp4) video(s) in question? I have turned up no viable solutions using the forums or google.

    This happens when there is no support in your Windows XP version to play any of the media file formats that the website offers with the HTML5 media player (i.e. not a Flash player is used, but a video tag).
    That are MP4 files with type="video/mp4"
    *VLC shows: Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (avc1)
    You might be out of luck on Windows XP and your only option would be to use an external media player and paste the links in its location field.

  • Why is Microsoft Publisher not a supported format for creating pdfs?

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    Also, I like to use different fonts in my newsletter, but the conversion process baulks. Is there a list of no-no fonts for conversion?

    The requisite programming / coding to assure PDFMaker can function with the MS Office applications is non-trivial.
    Only MS Word has the "full boat". Historically it was MS that asked Adobe to come up with what is now called "PDFMaker".
    Specifically the request was for MS Word. An overwhelming number of MS clients (enterprise in particular) wanted an easier way to create not only PDF but better, interactive PDF.
    The "success" was announced in a major MS hosted "conclave" back in the day.
    (a good history research project for those who are skeptical)
    Some "outlying" MS applications have never been PDFMaker friendly. MS Publisher and MS Access are two of the more notables.
    As Adobe provides a page layout program of its own (InDesign - and, yes Publisher too is a "page layout" application) I've always found it odd that Adobe's Acrobat team expended resources on MS Publisher.
    I've had MS Publisher with every version of Office I've had. While I do not use it "professionally" (FrameMaker please) I use it enough to know it does not support PDFMaker functionality very well.
    As PDF is an ISO Standard and Microsoft (as well as Adobe) are active participants on the U.S. Committee for PDF-Reference (ISO 32000) the question is better posed to Microsoft's MS Publisher management.
    The questions you need to ask of the MS Publisher development team are:
    "Why are you not providing acceptable support for output of well-formed, ISO 32000 compliant PDF (which by the way would include PDF/UA-1 compliance ablity)?
    The MS Word team is doing it.
    Adobe's InDesign team is doing it.
    So, what is the problem with the MS Publisher team?
    In short the issue rests with the business decisions made by the MS Publisher team's management.
    Again, PDF is an ISO STANDARD not something held captive by Adobe.
    Be well...

  • Quicktime Pro and supported formats

    Looking for confirmation on using Quicktime Pro to create slideshows that can be used for both Mac and PC uses:
    - All other phones. iPhone is a sure thing.
    - As a screen saver (Mac & PC)
    - As DVD (Mac, PC, TV)
    I know this is all about supported formats and have found what Quicktime Pro exports, but there's no admission on all the cross platform compatiblities.
    Thanks in advance for your reply!

    MOV containers with say H.264 are platform agnostic - QT files on Windows and QT on a mac play the same files assuming they have QT installed. You can buy Flip4mac export and even make WMV files using QT. You can export to 3gp for phones, that is a standard for the phone and again nothing to do with Quicktime per se.
    QT does not author DVDs. That requires an MPEG-2 encoder so you can use iDVD which does have a slideshow function, or iPhoto to iDVD or make a slideshow in Quicktime then use that as your video source in a DVD authoring program, e.g. iDVD or more easily, in Toast.
    I use Talaphoto from Talasoft to make slideshows, it writes a nice QT file and times music well to the duration. Then that QT file is used in Toast to make a DVD.
    Your reference to DVD - PC, Mac, TV - again - another platform agnostic standard - DVD (video) is DVD - plays in a DVD player - computer, TV or either, but it has nothing to do with a mac as the source and everything to do with a DVD being written to the DVD standard.
    No idea how you make a screensaver - look at screensaver writing programs and determine what source material is required.

  • Canon Powershot S100V Supported Format?

    Does anyone know if the Canon S100V is a supported format? I have installed the Camera Raw 6.6 plug-in to CS5 but I cannot open the S100V images as I still get the 'camera model not supported' error message. The Adobe documentation says that Camera Raw 6.6 supports the S100 but there is no mention of the S100V (Chinese version of the camera).

    madjohn1 wrote:
    … Adobe documentation says that Camera Raw 6.6 supports the S100 but there is no mention of the S100V (Chinese version of the camera).
    That would be enough to make that model not supported.  If it's not mentioned, it's not supported.

  • Can't get add ons, addons video won't run 'no video support format'

    I was trying to download a coupon printer add on, but it didn't download. Trouble shooting video wouldn't play because it said 'no video support format'.

    Note that an 'no video support format' error is usually caused by web pages that use the HTML5 media player to play a video and either no suitable format is available or the server isn't configured properly and doesn't send the file with a supported MIME type.
    You could try to see if you can open the video in a new tab via the right-click context menu (View Video).

  • Final Cut supported formats...

    As I was unable to find a solution to my problem at Final Cut Pro help page , I have decided to post this here .
    I bought my PB with FC Express 2 preinstalled .
    Now , I shoot my "videos" with a Sony Cybershot photo camera . When I copy the footage onto my PB's HDD it comes in .mpg format .
    I can watch that just fine with Quick Time (both video & audio). When I import the footage into FC and place in the trim window or the timeline , it doesn't have any sound anymore . This is quite annoing because the Final Cut help documentation says mpg is a supported format , and there is no bundled software within the Mac OS X to convert the footage into another supported format (like avi or mov) .
    iMovie doesn't even import the files at all , Graphic Converter does open the files but doesn't export the sound .
    I even tried to rip the sound from the footage with QT Pro in order to import it separately onto the audio timeline , but amazingly the option in Quick Time disappears from the export dialog box options ( though it works with divx and xvid ) .
    I'm out of ideas , and I really need to make this work .
    And I'm not gonna go back to Windows just for that .
    Sorry if this is not the place to post this but I'm a bit desperate as I have some deadlines for some projects .
    Thanx in advance for any sugestions .

    .mpg format
    ObSig: I don't benefit from the link.

  • Trying to embed a video file in HTML5: ERROR=No video with supported format and MIME type found?

    Hello all!
    I am desparate for a solution. I am testing my site on Firefox and Explorer and still no sign of a functional video yet.
    Firefox: I get the error: No video with supported format and MIME type found.
    Explorer: I just get a distorted layout.
    Here is the code I am working on:
    <table id="Table_01" width="480" height="801" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td colspan="6">
                <img src="images/Video_01.jpg" width="480" height="114" alt=""></td>
            <td rowspan="3">
                <img src="images/Video_02.jpg" width="52" height="486" alt=""></td>
            <td colspan="4">
               <video controls width="376" height="221">
                 <source src="C:\Users\aalmeida\Videos\AEMC PEL 103 6 Channel, Power & Energy Logger - with Display (Part 1).mp4" type="Video/Mp4"/>
                 <source src="C:\Users\aalmeida\Videos\AEMC PEL 103 6 Channel, Power & Energy Logger - with Display (Part 1).webm" type="Video/WebM"/>
                 <source src="C:\Users\aalmeida\Videos\AEMC PEL 103 6 Channel, Power & Energy Logger - with Display (Part 1).oggtheora.ogv" type="Video/Ogg"/>
    Please tell me that there is something missing in the code. I have spent a lot of time uninstalling-updating Firefox plugins, added MIME types in the Internet Information Manager (I'm on Windows 7)
    and  seriuously hit a dead end with this!
    Any advice would be muchly appreciated!!!

    As Jon said, you must declare the page as HTML5.
    And your server may not be set up to deliver video as a binary file if it is an .OGG file. I have not seen this problem with .MP4 or .M4V in the past, but every server is a little different.
    To add a MIME type, you need to change your .htaccess file on an Apache server thusly:
    AddType audio/ogg .oga
    AddType video/ogg .ogv
    AddType application/ogg .ogg
    AddHandler application-ogg .ogg .ogv .oga
    Additionally, MIME types can usually be changed on a server's Control Panel. One can also ask one's hosting provider to do this as well.
    Firefox makes it necessary to use OGG files. Webkit-based browsers will deal with .M4V or .MP4 and I understand Internet Exploder will work with the latter two as well.

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