SVG on safari

i know that since the macs are intel powered it isnt possible to view svg pictures with safari.
This problem is known since now 1 year. Isnt there a possibility to improve safari to show svg graphics?
Will safari in leopard support svg graphics?
Best regards

I agree that this is needed. ADOBE says that because so many browsers include an SVG viewer they are sun-setting their viewer plug-in as of January 2008.
Will Safari be able to display SVG in the future?

Similar Messages

  • Problem with "Scroll to" SVG on Safari Yosemite

    I have recently released my new portfolio:
    We have used some svgs, and "scroll to" on buttons to navigate on my website.
    When we click on a button "works" from the homepage or "read more" from the page "Who am I", the "scroll to" have some lag... And the header pop directly with no transition...
    Have you an idea to fix it?
    (You can view on Chrome or Firefox, to see the right comportment)
    PS : We haven't problem with the previous version of safari
    Best regards

    Click here and run Adware Medic.

  • Safari and adobe SVG viewer

    Anytime I try to open a SVG document Safari Crashes. It doesn't only happen with safari either it also happens with firefox and netscape. It started when I updated to Tiger. Anyone having a similar problem or now how to fix it. I have already tried to re install the plug in.

    Anyone have any ideas about this...still haven't found a solution.

  • Muse 2014.2 : when I copy and paste svg from Illustrator to Muse, i have no transparency.

    Hello. Muse 2014.2 : when I copy and paste svg from Illustrator to Muse, i have no transparency. Only by importing saved svg file I have transparency.
    In official Adobe (promo) Tutorial  in the same operation - svg is transparent, link: Import SVG | Adobe Muse CC tutorials
    Please help me!. It would be very usefull copy&paste svg with transparency.
    Andrew Maola

    Thank you for explaining the theory about rendering in Muse but something doesn't work.
    I'm running on Win7 - CC2014.2. on 2 different computers. Efe Of course the transparency displays correctly when I preview my page in the browsers (All browsers - also IE11).
    Also in preview mode svg is very good but in design mode
    In order to render the SVG at design time, Muse hands the SVG to Safari on the Mac and Internet Explorer on Windows and asks it for a bitmap. This bitmap is only used at design time and when viewing the site in a browser that does not support SVG. Unfortunately, the bitmap returned by Internet Explorer strips out partial transparency. Fully transparent pixels should be preserved at design time and all transparency should be preserved when you actually view your site in the browser.
    We have not seen or heard of differences in the handling of transparent pixels between copy/pasting and save/import. Hence, I'm wondering if the copy/paste issue is only with partially transparent pixels and if the case that succeeds in a save/import workflow is for fully transparent pixels. To be clear, this transparency issue should only be during design time on Windows. There shouldn't be any issues on the Mac or in the browser.
    Muse 2014.2 : when I copy and paste svg from Illustrator to Muse, i have no transparency. 

  • SVG saved in Illustrator won't show up on Chrome and is blowing up on Safari

    Hello. First time here, so bear with me in case I'm doing something wrong.
    So, I have to create almost 500 maps for this wine store website. They want the maps to be SVG files, because their website is responsive, so SVG would be the format that goes along with every platform without losing quality.
    I was saving all the directly from Illustrator, but when I opened up those SVGs, the objects were completely out of the artboard. So I exported all the artboards in EPS format and used a batch action script to open each one and save as SVG.
    That seemed to work. But when I took the files for them to upload in their website using Magento, the images weren't showing in Chrome and were blown up in Safari, completely oversized in relation to the original artboard size. This all happened in iOS, if it's of any importance.
    Now, I don't understand nothing about coding or anything, so I was wondering if there's something I could do in Illustrator to prevent this from happening.
    Here's the entire code for one of the files as an example, in case anyone wanna take a look:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 17.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "" [
    <!ENTITY ns_extend "">
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    <!ENTITY ns_adobe_xpath "">
    <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns:x="&ns_extend;" xmlns:i="&ns_ai;" xmlns:graph="&ns_graphs;"
    xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="-6910.8 -7404 215 165"
    enable-background="new -6910.8 -7404 215 165" xml:space="preserve">
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    <sliceSourceBounds height="149.6" width="197.6" bottomLeftOrigin="true" x="-6904.6" y="8324.7"></sliceSourceBounds>
    <circle fill="#A5E32A" fill-opacity="0.2" cx="-6866.1" cy="-7283.2" r="38"/>
    <polygon fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#A5E32A" stroke-width="0.5" points="-6891.1,-7281.1 -6889.5,-7281.1 -6887.2,-7282.8
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    <path fill="#A5E32A" d="M-6814.9-7277.7c-0.1-1-0.6-1.3-1.1-1.3c-0.7,0-1,0.4-1,1.2c0,2,4.2,3,4.2,6.2c0,2-1.3,3-3.2,3
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    -6756.6,-7310.6 -6757.1,-7310.8 -6757.4,-7311.1 -6757.9,-7311.5 -6757.2,-7311.5 -6756.4,-7311.7 -6755.7,-7312.1 -6755,-7312.6
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    -6750.7,-7303.3 -6750.3,-7302.4 -6749.5,-7301.3 -6749.1,-7300.6 -6748.1,-7300.3 -6747.5,-7300.2 -6747.5,-7342.7
    -6784.8,-7342.9 "/>
    <circle fill="none" stroke="#C0F90D" cx="-6866.1" cy="-7283.2" r="38"/>
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    Thanks in advance.

    Homer...this very same thing has happened to me today. Have you found a solution yet?

  • Does safari 6.0.4 need and svg viewer?

    I am visiting a website and part of the site provides graphics. The graphics do not show up but the area where they should be tells me I need to download adobe's svg viewer. The website it takes me to is within Adobe but has no downloads for MACs plus it states that Adobe no longer supports SVG viewers. The information I have found is all dated years ago. What kind of questions should I ask the web site developer to find out why their site does not work in Safari?

    Quit Safari.
      Hold the shift key down and relaunch Safari.
    Reset Safari.
    Click Safari in the menu bar.
    From the drop down select "Reset Safari".
    Uncheck the box next to  " Remove saved names and passwords".
    Click "Reset".

  • Imported SVG from Edge Animate not rendering properly in Safari

    We are having problems with an animation we created in Edge Animate, when we import it into Adobe Muse and then view it in Safari it becomes jagged and doesn't render properly.
    It works perfectly on Chrome, Firefox and when using a retina screen.
    We are using CC 2014 version now, previously when we used the old version of CC it worked on all browsers.
    Is there any settings we need to change when exporting from Edge or importing into Muse?
    Here is the link to the Animated SVG: Spining Wheel

    Thanks vivekuma that seems to work now using the below steps.
    1. In "Position and Size" subsection of the property panel, note down somewhere, the values of "X", "Y", "W" & "H" of an svg file used on stage.
    2. In "Transform" subsection of the property panel, change the CSS Transform ScaleX and ScaleY from 10% to 100%.
    3. The above change will change the values for "X", "Y", "W" & "H". So, you have to set their values as you have noted down in the first step.
    4. Repeat the first 3 steps for every svg file used on stage.

  • Svg file crashes Safari

    I tried to view a svg file from wiki by clicking on it the normal way using Safari 4.0.2. Safari didn't just crash, it literally disappeared - no crash notice, no crashreporter entry - just an immediate poof.
    I downloaded the file and tried to view it using Safari with same result.
    Fifrefox will view it ok.
    Anyone experience this? Is there a fix?
    I submitted a bug report to Apple

    Post to the Safari for Mac forum.

  • Why does safari not show my websites SVG images and every other browser it is fine ?

    I am a web developer and the way apple has developed there safari is driving everyone mad
    SVG images will work on every other web browser but wont show up in safari
    it is a html website and need to sort this issue out asap have anyone else had the same issue with safari

    I wanted to make it clear that I am not talking about the publically accessible Amazon Store but the Amazon Web Store which is used for those who have an online shop or set up e-commerce.
    The fact that Amazon is a large company does not protect it from making a crappy site. If its e-commerce pages don't work in Safari, that's laziness on the part of their web developers, pure and simple. There's no reason for a modern web site to fail to work in any standards-compliant web browser. This is something you'll need to address with Amazon.

  • My Mozilla is unable to run/view a SVG file successfully, 3D.svg from batik whereas its running on Opera and Safari

    Its a SVG file from Batik , an apache java svg tool. Its seems that mozilla is not able run it as expected. I have tried it over opera and safari where it works. I am giving below the SVG script. As a developer I would like to know the status of SVG implementation on Mozilla firefox and its limitations. Thanks
    *O o it seems I can't post more than 10,000 words, if you can give the way how could I post the script I will do it.

    Are you trying to migrate your application from an older release to a newer one ?
    Always provide details of which version of Jdeveloper you are using and what technologies your application uses besides what you were trying to do at a high level.
    Since you donot provide much info at this point , all I could suggest would be to see if one of these results help -[]&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

  • SVG and Mobile Safari?

    Does anyone have the display of SVG graphics working on their iPhone? Please tell us how you accomplished this!?
    I'd LOVE to be able to check on my servers etc with mobile Safari. But, the graphics my stats package displays are all in SVG format.
    So much for a full-featured internet experience. C'mon Apple!

    I'm not having a problem with SVG. How are the graphics being presented (object tags or are they expecting a plugin?)

  • Safari .svg text truncation bug

    I hope that this picture will make the problem clear. I'm using exactly the same .svg image in both cases - it's created by Archi.
    As you can see, the text in the boxes is truncated in the case of Safari - but not with Firefox.
    Any suggestions as to how to fix this?

    This appears to be fixed in the latest nightly build. You can check those out here.
    Find out more info regarding Safari's development on the blog.

  • The SVG code inside the Stage element doesn't render the image as expected in safari and Chrome

    Hi All,
    I tried include this simple SVG (as a Code "<svg>...</svg>") in stage OR into a rectangle(div) in side the stage. It comes up good in Firefox ONLY, not in other browsers.
    sym.$("Stage").append('<svg xmlns:dc=" </svg>');
    Demo URL -
    Download Link -
    Observations -
    1. If I inculde SVG as a image, for instance - <img src="example.svg"/> OR background image, it comes out fine in all browsers.
    2. If I try to add it "Body" or "Div" OUTSIDE of "Stage" Div. It works consistenetly.
    Why do I need to put it as SVG Code ?? -
    1. I am trying to create actions for each path (<path/>) in SVG. I think I can get access to the "Path" tag by ID only if I have included it as code.. not as image.
    Thanks in advance.
    - Vinay

    The problem was `xcompmgr` which caused "freezing" view. I switched it to `unagi` and all of the problems have gone.

  • Svg line not showing in safari (ok in Chrome)

    On Isabelle Tonnel's website that was put online lately, we are having a problem with the display of the line in the background of the first page : it doesn't show at all.
    It is supposed to be the very same line on the right and the left of the document :
    And it appears as expected on the 2nd page (click on the green/white words)
    And it's working perfectly fine in Chrome and Firefox (although FFox has issue in skipping frames, but i guess that's a different story)

    I may be confused as to what you're experiencing.
    Are you missing the 'To' field in the Message viewer window (as shown in the screenshot I posted) or the 'To' field in the header of an email message (where you would write the recipients name)?
    If the former, I thought you said the 'From' field was showing in the window, isn't that right? But in any case, it doesn't have to be the 'From' field. Hold down 'control' and click on the name of any field in the message viewer window and you'll get the same menu.

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    Can you attach a sample composition so that we can check out the issue.

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