Swapping out HD for a SSD hybrid...

The price of the new range of Seagate SSD hybrids is ridiculously low http://bit.ly/SeagateHybrid500MB and the reviews are good http://www.anandtech.com/show/3734/seagates-momentus-xt-review-finally-a-good-hy brid-hdd
1 -can I just clone (using Carbon Copy Cloner) my current 500GB HD on to one of these hybrid drives, then simply swap the two drives over?
2- and then put my current HD in an external enclosure to be used to boot from if the hybrid should fail?
3 - If I did that, would CCC (or any other cloner) simply see the external drive as a clone of the internal one, and thus allow me to incrementally back-up any changes?
If it uses the 'date modified' of files that could be a prob. However I could always put the clock back by ten years before the clone, then put it right after, and that should fool it. (Did you follow that? )
4 - A quick afterthought: will this drive fit in my MBP...?
Where would I be without you guys? I used to have to go into a computer shop to ask these questions, and they'd just give blank looks half the time!

Heheheh! Excellent!

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    Hi Shawn
    The forums software was upgraded to a new format a while back. The link you are pointing to is one that would have worked in the older FuseTalk forums. It is now broken and not understood by the Jive forums.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

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    If you plug in the drive and run the Lenovo restore, it should partition the drive, install Win 8. and drivers, and have it all perfectly aligned (Win. 8 does that automatically on it's install to a new drive anyway).  Once loaded, just use the Lenovo Update software to bring everytihng up to date and you'll be good to go.
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    Hi ,
      I dont think it is possible to append the data to existing report . Once the data rendered to the report , the data is pretty much static and if you want new data to be shown up you need to refresh and re-render the report. Alteranatively , if your
    report is taking long time to render consider caching the reports
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    Go talk to Bmer over here
    What he did was move the hard drive to the optical bay and then replaced the boot drive with a SSD with a kit, he can walk you though it all as he's good with SSD's and all it's headaches. The kit also makes the Superdrive a external optical drive.
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    Unfortunately, I have found no hard drives that are compatible for your optical bay.  I do believe the reason you can change out your optical drive is to change to a blue-ray or CD, or DVD, maybe a player or burner. But like I said, I have found no hard drive that can fit in your optical drive.  You may be able to find what I could not but I have been looking all over the web. 
    I know how you feel, my computer at home can not have any hard drives in the optical bay as well.
    Best regards,
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    What we Do in Life will Echo through Eternity. -Maximus Aurelius

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    Attention iPod shuffle customers: Service for iPod shuffle is performed by means of an express replacement program, via Online Service Assistant or Apple Technical Support. For more details, please review the Express Replacement Service tab on the left.
    Above from:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Service FAQ
    If it is caused by a hardware problem there is nothing you can do to prevent it from recurring unless it was caused by abuse like from dropping the iPod.
    Otherwise make sure you ask apple how they fixed. it.

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    You'll find everything you need here, swapping them is easy just get the right tools and take it slowly.

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    Yes, its possible.
    Step one: Buy a second, fully working MacBook of the model you want.
    Step two: Sell the first MacBook you bought.

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    or is there some sort of built in protection against this.

    In addition, if you are talking about an older machine like a G4 or earlier with PATA drives, the Mac Pro uses SATA drives, so this is not a simple swap out, but if there's room an adapter like this might work in that situation: 
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