Swf - google analytics

Hola, hace un tiempo atrás comentaron de como hacer para
que los archivos
swf sean "vistos" por los servicios de estadísticas como
el google analytics
en concreto, (ex urchin no?), la forma era algo de crear
páginas html
paralelas a cada botón del swf que queremos
contabilizar, alguien lo
recuerda bien?
Gracias, Matías.

eso mismo!! gracias Juan y saludos a Braulio.
"Juan Muro" <[email protected]> escribió en el
news:[email protected]...
> Ahí va:
> Este truco no es mío, y lamento no recordar a su
autor. Me encanta porque
> demuestra que la calidad de una web se mide por el nivel
del desarrollador
> que la hace y no tanto por la tecnología que use
para hacerla.
> Es muy habitual encontrarse con aplicaciones de Flash
que usan toda la
> pantalla del navegador como un contenedor para mostrar
la película swf, lo
> cual, como todos sabemos, aún es un severo
inconveniente en cuanto a la
> usabilidad del sitio web. Por una parte porque el
contenido de los swf no
> nos lo leen los buscadores (aunque esto está
cambiando mucho); y por otra
> parte porque nuestro cliente, el empresario de
lencería fina "Bragas
> Braulio", no sabe cuántas veces ha sido visitado el
apartado "bragas de
> plomo", con lo que pierde una gran parte de la
interesante información que
> las visitas a su web pueden aportarle para el enfoque de
su negocio.
> Bueno, pues para que este último extremo cambie y
el Braulio pueda
> enterarse de cuáles son las bragas más
visitadas como si su web fuera de
> html, debemos hacer un pequeño truco que resumo a
> Si nos fijamos, veremos que los programas de
estadísticas que nos brindan
> los hospedajes, y aquellos otros gratis o basados en
servicios web, no son
> sino lectores de logs.
> ¿Y éso qué es?. El 'log de visitas' es un
archivo de texto que generan los
> servidores y que registra la actividad de cualquier
visitante de nuestra
> web. Suele hacerlo en un formato pedorro, algo así:
> - - [03/Mar/2002:23:59:20 +0100] "GET
> HTTP/1.1" 304 - "
> "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x
> Aunque cada servidor nos lo da en un tipo de formato
para que no nos
> acostumbremos y nuestramente no se embote. Pero ya digo
> afortunadamente existen muchos lectores de logs que nos
muestran las
> estadísticas de visitas a nuestro sitio con tan
solo poner un contador en
> la página de entrada.
> En nuestro caso, como webmasters de
www.bragasbraulio.com pondremos en
> nuestro swf un botón por cada tipo de braga, y
luego haremos tantas
> páginas htm vacías como botones tengamos:
> bragadeplomo.htm
> bragadefantasia.htm
> Aquéhuelenlasnubes.htm
> Tangadeleopardo.htm
> ..................
> que guardaremos en nuestro sitio web como si no
estuvieran vacías.
> Y en cada uno de los botones, al llamar al frame, o al
texto y las
> imágenes o swf externos añadiremos:
> loadVariables("bragadeplomo.htm?" + getTimer(), "");
> Con lo que se registra una llamada a ésa
página en el lector de
> estadísticas. La interrogación y la
función getTimer() se utiliza para
> evitar que el navegador utilice la versión
almacenada en su memoria cache
> de la página bragadeplomo.htm y para saber el
tiempo de respuesta entre el
> servidor y el usuario.
> Para que veas que no siempre los procesos complejos se
resuelven por las
> sesudas mentes de los programadores, a veces basta con
echarle un poco de
> imaginación al tema.
> Salu2
> `8¬}
> Juan Muro
> "Matias" <[email protected]> escribió en el mensaje
de noticias
> news:[email protected]...
>> Hola, hace un tiempo atrás comentaron de como
hacer para que los archivos
>> swf sean "vistos" por los servicios de
estadísticas como el google
>> analytics en concreto, (ex urchin no?), la forma era
algo de crear
>> páginas html paralelas a cada botón del
swf que queremos contabilizar,
>> alguien lo recuerda bien?
>> Gracias, Matías.

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  • Google Analytics OPT-OUT Browser Add-on 0.9.6 doesn't retain OPT-OUT settings...never did really. Also JAVA now refuses to create updates for WinXP/FireFox.

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    This case is about GOOGLE OPT-OUT. Starting here: http://www.google.com/settings/ads?hl=en&sig=ACi0TCgWymel0CNWxdcnEWPzWNs9wDd7cVQHxHsmtz4w30CAyHk7MqyzzZdGh3m6FpDaJsKmunTLEvJZY5LAm3h6gIdzE30L-Q
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    Google is a participating member of groups that have developed industry privacy standards like the Ad-Choices icon for online advertising.
    Group Location
    Network Advertising Initiative United States
    Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) United States
    European Digital Advertising Alliance Europe
    Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada Canada
    ....I clicked OPTED OUT FOR NAI on their link http://www.networkadvertising.org/
    ...I clicked OPTED OUT FOR DAA on their link http://www.aboutads.info/
    ...I clicked PROTECT MY CHOICES and downloaded the app.
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    NOTE: I was copy/pasting the list of NON-OPT-OUT'S to them and my own document file to try and find trends/problems...now NAI programmers protected the list from being able to be COPIED AND PASTED!!! That's the opposite of being open and interested in making this work, right? Why would they want to allow us to OPT-OUT of their criminal espionage behavior...RIGHT? (lol) FYI: I recorded that the big one that was always retained before this one was...MEDIA MATH INC.
    MANY Opt-outs would drop off while on-line and ALL would drop-off once logged-off. Now it's retaining most once logged off - but it hasn't been long enough to tell if they'll fall back into their bad habits as they've done before...
    This has been going on forever for me - I've been reporting this malfunction since 2013.
    Of course I downloaded PROTECT MY CHOICES FOR FIREFOX via NAI AND DAA'S links ...http://www.aboutads.info/PMC#protect-your-choices-for-firefox ............they both go to the same place???.....PROTECT MY CHOICES http://www.aboutads.info/plugin/install/firefox....that seems odd...it's as if they are the same entity then. ABOUTADS is DAA'S WEBSITE. NAI'S IS NETWORKADVERTISING.ORG so why would NAI use DAA'S PROTECT MY CHOICES app?
    Lastely, I also requested that the COOKIES NAMES BE UNIFORMLY IDENTIFIABLE. All the OPT-OUT COOKIES that are to be forevermore retained on my computer and that I am to trust the EVERY FUNCTION OF - well they all have different COOKIE NAMES!! Most of the names you can not tell that they are OPT-OUT COOKIES!! - SO NOWWW They have created another problem.
    We can no longer just "DELETE ALL COOKIES".
    PLUS, we can no longer go through our cookies and delete individual ones that snuck through.
    Every one of the OPT-OUT COOKIES SHOULD SAY "OPT-OUT" IWITHIN THEIR NAME OF THEIR COOKIE - PERIOD. RIGHT? (LOL) For real. Why was this mess was allowed?
    REALLY IN MY OPINION THESE COMPANIES SHOULD BE BLOCKED AT THE LOCAL PHONE COMPANIES LEVEL - IN OUR SERVERS. We should not have to deal with them. Same thing with viruses, malware and such beasts. But I digress.
    In summary:
    1.)Google Analytics OPT-OUT Browser Add-on 0.9.6 doesn't retain OPT-OUT settings
    2.) JAVA refuses to create updates for WinXP/FireFox/PaleMoon.
    3.) DAA & NAI still don't retain ALL OPT-OUT settings and never completely OPT-OUT all companies.
    4.) OPT-OUT cookies should be uniformly names with the words OPT-OUT in their titles.
    5.) Ad Block Plus 25.6.7 doesn't work for Pale Moon and there is no alternative - (didn't work great in FireFox)
    Right now I'm mainly interested in #1)retaining my GOOGLE OPT-OUTS while on line AND while logged off since it is attacking my computer and steeling all the speed until it freezes my keyboard.
    Currently I am trying to remember to run through 3. OPT-OUTS every time I log on.
    Thanks so much!

    hello, palemoon's support forums are here: http://forum.palemoon.org/

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    Dear Gretsch,
    Thank you for this website, I just registered but unfortunately the problem is still the same ! I think it's due to the redirect company I subscribed to, they use "frames" for the redirection.
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    The asdoc tool allows you to supply your own templates; you could probably include that in there: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/WSd0ded3821e0d52fe1e63e3d11c2f44bc36-7ffa.html

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    I added a code that I created using the tool I found here: General Event Tracking Code for Google Analytics but can't see to be able to make this work. I added this code to the first link called "View it Here" for the top, left house. Here's the code: <a href="http://www.homeaway.com/vacation-rental/p3495538" onClick="ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'clicks', eventAction: 'clicks on homes', eventLabel: 'Clicked'});" target="_blank">View it HERE!</a> 
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    I think you misunderstood what Event Tracking is designed for.  This is from Google Help
    Tracking Code: Event Tracking - Google Analytics — Google Developers
    "Use this to track visitor behavior on your website that is NOT related to a web page visit, such as interaction with a Flash video movie control or any user event that does not trigger a page request."
    Clicks on links are page requests.  I think for your purposes, you may want the Cross Domain Link Tracking plugin.
    Cross Domain Tracking - Web Tracking (analytics.js) - Google Analytics — Google Developers
    Nancy O.

  • Enabling Google Analytics Mountain Lion Server

    Hi everyone,
    I just recently configured my first Mac server for a public school I'm working in. After setting up the Wiki server I was shocked there wasn't a way to enable Google Analytics, or any javascript for that matter. After a little poking around, I found a way to enable Google Analytics across all pages, Wiki, Home, My Page, etc.
    Terminal command in BLUE
    HTML comments in GREEN
    1. Log into your Google Analytics account and copy your embed code.
    2. Open the terminal and type: (I use nano, but you should be able to use your favorite text editor)
    sudo nano /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/coreclient/app/v iews/layouts/application.html.erb
    3. You can add the script anywhere between the <head></head> tags. I chose to add it right below this section:
    <!-- [START] Script plugins -->
    <!-- [END] -->
    4. Create comments to start and end the Google Analytic section (optional) and paste your embed code. It should look something like this:
    <!-- [START] Script plugins -->
    <!-- [END] -->
    <!-- [START] Google Analytics Plugin -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var _gaq = _gaq || [];
      _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X']);
      (function() {
        var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
        ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
        var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
    <!-- [END] -->
    <!-- [START] View additions -->
    <!-- [END] -->
    5. Save and close the file
    6. I restarted the Wiki server, but I'm pretty sure it's not necessary.
    7. Now all your pages should have Google Analytics embedded. Load one of your pages and check the source to make sure.
    P.S. While I was in the application.html.erb file I added my own custom .js to the <!-- [START] Script plugins --> section to look like this:
    <!-- [START] Script plugins -->
    <script src="/wiki/javascripts/custom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!-- [END] -->
    I then included my custom.js file in /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/coreclient/publi c/javascripts
    The js is loaded fine, but right now you can't embed any js events into the wiki. If I add 'onlick' or 'onload' to an HTML element in the Wiki editor, it gets removed when you click "Save". Trying to find a workaround now.

    Well no, Google doesn't solve all problems, but its a great place to start.
    As far as your issue goes, you need to provide more details before anyone could begin to guess, as we're not mind readers here.
    What do you mean by "Windows only sees the router, not the server"?  What does "sees" mean in this context?
    Who / what is Windows proofs?
    How are you trying to access the server?  SMB file sharing?  If so, how are you trying to connect?  What happens when you try?  Do the users trying to authenticate to the server have an account on it and access to the necessary services?

  • How to send datas properly to Google Analytics (ANE-Google-Analytics)

    I meet a problem when I'm using the native extension created by Alessandro Bianco : ANE-Google-Analytics. I tested this code many times, in the context of AIR mobile application, but I tested it without any success to add new datas to Google Analytic history. I'm really connected to internet properly.
    Moreover I think that I've made my functions as required by the author : Can you look at my code below to detect some errors to communicate with Google Analytics ?
        import eu.alebianco.air.extensions.analytics.Analytics;
        import eu.alebianco.air.extensions.analytics.api.ITracker;
        import flash.utils.clearInterval;
        import flash.utils.setInterval;
        import flash.utils.setTimeout;
        public var ganalytics:Analytics;
        public var gtracker:ITracker;
        protected var i:int = 1; // Debug
        protected static const ANALYTICS_ID = "My UA code is here";
        protected function creationCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
            // I launch the tracker :
            ganalytics  = Analytics.getInstance();
            ganalytics.dispatchInterval = 5; // Interval for connecting : 5 seconds
            // I begin to use the tracker :
         * GtrackerConnecting
         * @description : Open connection to Google Analytics, and create instance for a tracker
         * @argument : actionName = "RecordView" or "RecordEvent"
         * @argument : valueName = Name of the view or name of the event to record
        public function GtrackerSessionUsing(actionName:String, valueName:String, createConnection:Boolean=false):void
            gtracker = ganalytics.getTracker(ANALYTICS_ID);
                // Tracking des views :
                var compteur:int = 0;
                var intervalGtrackerCnxOuvrir:uint = setInterval(function():void{
                    trace("gtracker ="+gtracker);
                    if(counter==50){ // Try to connect - only - 50 times
                        trace("GoogleTracker fails to connect !");
                    else if(gtracker!=null){
                        trace("GoogleTracker success to connect !");
                        trace("Trying to connect to GoogleTracker... (itérate #"+counter+")");
                        gtracker = ganalytics.getTracker(ANALYTICS_ID);
                },5000); // All 10 seconds : iterate a new connection test
        protected function GTrackerRecordAction(actionName:String, valueName:String)
         * @description : Use the tracker of the Google Analytics connected account, all of Views can call this function with this model of code: parentApplication.GTrackerRecordAction(...)
         * @argument : actionName = "RecordView" or "RecordEvent"
         * @argument : valueName = Name of the view or name of the event to record
                    case "RecordView":
                    trace("GoogleTracker : gtracker.buildView("+valueName+").track()");
                    case "RecordEvent":
                        case "event1":
                            gtracker.buildEvent("click", "button").withLabel("play").withValue(10).track();
                        case "event2":
                            gtracker.buildEvent("click", "button").withLabel("stop").track();
                        case "event3":
                            gtracker.buildEvent("app", "quit").track();
    Best regards.

         I'm not sure exactly what your issue is, but I was unable to connect and looked at your code, modifying it for my purposes and it fixed my code. Hopefully it can help fix yours.
         I did notice one thing as I went through, however:
    You use
       var compteur:int = 0;
                var intervalGtrackerCnxOuvrir:uint = setInterval(function():void{
    The compteur does not match the counter variable. It appears a problem with Franglais is the issue here.
    In the event it may help, here is the code I used:
    In my creationComplete function:
    Here is the code in my app.xml
    And here is the class I created to use the ANE:
    package ANE.NativeGATracker{
         import flash.utils.clearInterval;
         import flash.utils.setInterval;
         import eu.alebianco.air.extensions.analytics.Analytics;
         import eu.alebianco.air.extensions.analytics.api.ITracker;
         public class GoogleAnalytics{
              static private var _analytics:Analytics;
              static private var _tracker:ITracker;
              static private var _supported:Boolean;
               * There is no need to instantiate this class
              public function GoogleAnalytics(){
              * Initialize the GoogleAnalytics object.. or return false, if Analytics isn't supported
              static public function initialize(ANALYTICS_ID:String):Boolean{
                        _analytics  = Analytics.getInstance();
                        _analytics.dispatchInterval  = 5;
                        _supported   = true;
                         _supported  = false;
                   return _supported;
              * Establish the tracker connection
              * @description: establishes the tracker connection... reattempt every 10 seconds, up to 50 times
              static private function establishTracker(ANALYTICS_ID:String):void{
                   _tracker  = _analytics.getTracker(ANALYTICS_ID);
                   var counter:int    = 0;
                   var establishInterval:uint  = setInterval(function():void{
                        trace("Google Analytics tracker = " + _tracker);
                        if(_tracker != null){
                             trace("GoogleAnalytics tracker connected!");
                       }else if(counter == 50){
                             trace("GoogleAnalytics failed to connect.");
                             trace("Trying to connect to Google Analytics... attempt #" + counter);
                             _tracker  = _analytics.getTracker(ANALYTICS_ID);
                   }, 5000);
             * Analytics object
              static public function get analytics():Analytics{
                   return GoogleAnalytics._analytics;
              * Tracker object
              static public function get tracker():ITracker{
                   return GoogleAnalytics._tracker;
              * Returns true if analytics are supported, but false if they are not. Check this before any use of the tracker or analytics objects
              static public function get supported():Boolean{
                   return GoogleAnalytics._supported;

  • Google Analytics in iWeb (continued thread from 'Anchor Tabs in iWeb')

    Cyclosaurus wrote:
    --it's more precise than widget placement (if you add text the y-axis placemnt will change of course screwing up the entire alignment, which is why this royally screwed up without built-in anchor tags)
    I'm glad you got it.
    I have a precise method for within page anchors but it is too abstract for people here, so I toned it down with javascript scroll function... and yet, people still don't understand it.
    The method dynamically set/changes both source and destination of the anchors during the page load. The trick is how to set the anchors in iWeb Inspector.
    Yes, I was impressed with the utlization of the array and for loop to create the references for xyz number of links. The code could've been more bloated, but yours was efficient. I have reverence for your code's efficiency and functionality.
    That said, as of iweb3... I can build my own widgets to deal with common things like this. I'd built much more complicated widgets than just within page anchors. Have a look at my page:
    I've tinkered wtih C, Java, and Javascript enough to appreciate good code. I am not interested in devoting more time to coding (my emphasis is NLP now), so I can't go into more depth with this, but needless to say, I was impressed with how concise, functional (non-buggy), and intuitive your javacript snippet was.
    the "_anchors" variable seems to be handled really well and you set it up for cross-browser platforms (// http:/ == Safari , http:/// == EI7 and FF).
    I may scrutinze this more to further my understanding of arrays. This is an article I wrote on arrays during a computer science class in college.
    In any case. Clean codekid. quality!
    Lastly, I have total control over every widget that I add on my page... I don't have to guess which widget# iweb assigned.
    Yes, control definitely is the ultimate result to clean, efficient, functional (non-buggy code). I'm working on a set of principles for social, outside, phone, email, physiology, inside, etc that is "Code" for success. It's very complex and needs to have efficiency, functionality, and cleanliness and concision. OKay. cheers.
    "Big Brother (aka apple)" HHAHAAH!!!! I love apple! apple computer isn't THAT controlling, but it's true, some things it's hard to have control of with apple (photo booth save folder is the most recent lol). I'll never use microsfot product again (enormous waste of time and moving backwards in life). so long live apple.
    GOOGLE ANALYTICS and your STATCOUNTER code. !!!!!!! I'm in the process of needing to set those up on my site. Did you do that efficiently? Do you recommended any widgets??? I have numerous statcounter projects, but need to get it up on my main site. Do you put statcounter html on every page of your site? is that necessary? Do you need to put a google analytics on every page of your site?? Thanks heaps. (this is probably a seperate thread now). Should we start this as a new thread?
    I've bookmarked Cyclo's and Toadie's site for thei helpfulness in the future working with iweb.
    Message was edited by: johntkucz
    Message was edited by: johntkucz
    Macbook 2.16 (White) Mac OS X (10.5.5) 8gb 1st Gen iPhone; 3.06ghz 24" iMac.
    Posts: 90
    From: Los Angeles
    Registered: Jun 29, 2008
    Re: Anchor Tags in iWeb
    Posted: Jun 6, 2009 5:46 PM in response to: johntkucz
    Reply Email
    Should this be another thread? I think so. The subject has now evolved from anchor tags to analytics and other widgets! lol
    Do you host your site on mobileme or 3rd-party? I'm currently using godaddy and everyone has their preference. Regardless of which 3rd-party used, the '09 iweb ability to auto publish to ftp server is extremely handy for quickly checking to see if code/updates/changes made in iweb look and behave the way they're supposed to behave in browsers.

    "Big Brother (aka apple)" HHAHAAH!!!! I love apple! apple computer isn't THAT controlling, but it's true, some things it's hard to have control of with apple (photo booth save folder is the most recent lol). I'll never use microsfot product again (enormous waste of time and moving backwards in life). so long live apple.
    I did not mean to be a joke, I'm serious about it.
    apple have poked at my site for some of the stuff that I'm doing.
    Not just a controlling big brother... but thieves, they'd ripped off my works.
    GOOGLE ANALYTICS and your STATCOUNTER code. !!!!!!! I'm in the process of needing to set those up on my site. Did you do that efficiently?
    AFAIK I'm the only one (as now) build widgets that *actually work* with iweb3.
    So there is nothing for me to compare with, to know if I do efficient works (in iweb3 context).
    Do you recommended any widgets???
    No. I do look at other widgets to see how they work and how efficient they are...
    But I don't use them, I build my own iweb widgets.
    I have numerous statcounter projects, but need to get it up on my main site. Do you put statcounter html on every page of your site? is that necessary? Do you need to put a google analytics on every page of your site?? Thanks heaps. (this is probably a seperate thread now).
    It's all depend.
    As far as I see so far, people (most of iweb users) add GA and Statcounter thru HTML Snippet...
    But they don't realize that by doing so the codes don't track correctly.

  • IWeb with Google Analytics

    I spent all morning setting up Google Analytics. Looked at dozens of posts here with loads of misinformation. iWeb 09 does work with Google Analytics. Here's what worked for me. They key was to make sure my URL ended with a /. That is, it didn't work when I pointed to www.testsite.com but it did with www.testsite.com/
    Go to Google Analytics to set up your site and get your code
    (something like this:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
    document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
    <script type="text/javascript">
    try {
    var pageTracker = gat.getTracker("UA-xxxxx-1");
    } catch(err) {}</script>
    Add an HTML snippet (Show Media, click on Widgets). I dragged the HTML widget to the footer (as you drag, the bottom inch illuminates so you know you're in the footer.) Paste in the code you got from Google. Re-size as desired and then post the same HTML snippet into each page in your web. Just click on each page and paste. It will go to the same place on each page.
    Oh, one other odd thing: in the Google Analytics display, the current day is not shown. Click on the date range to choose today and you should see results fairly quickly.

    Hello ruralart,
    After saving the automator workflow as a Finder Plugin,
    mount you iDisk in the finder (ex. click on the iDisk icon in the left pane of a Finder window),
    goto the folder iDisk / Web / Sites , select this folder "sites",
    control-click on the folder to run the “Add Google Analytics” workflow.
    Note : when you have iDisk Sync = ON, you'll see that the folder "web" is an alias so Automator will not work in this situation. You'll have to turn iDisk Sync OFF.
    Kind regards,

  • Google Analytics site no longer works in Safari 5

    I just updated to Safari 5 last week and have been having the same kind of issues that other people are posting here about slowness and inability to find servers and crashes etc.
    My biggest issue now is that Google Analytics website no longer works. It worked just fine in Safari 4x and works fine in every other browser I've used on a Mac or PC. In Safari 5 part of the page loads and then a pink rectangle appears at the top center of the page that says:
    "This page has encountered an error that may prevent it from working correctly."
    The box has an X to close it but that's it. I have never seen this type of error appear on any other website, either using Safari 4 or 5.
    I really need this site for my business. And I'm not interested in changing to Firefox or some other browser.
    I have also just purchased the upgrade to Snow Leopard but have not installed it yet.
    Has anyone else found this error message in Safari 5 and have any advice?

    Here is another update, I have tried the following:
    Removed all internet plugins
    Reset Permissions
    Deleted all Google cookies
    After resetting permissions, S5 is running faster and seems normal again but Google Analytics site still will not work! Still getting the same pink error message.

  • Why does DW CC 2014.1 Fluid Grid load HTML file that contains Google Analytics Tracking Code script so slowly?

    I exclusively work in Fluid Grid since my site is a Responsive Web Design.  I'm having trouble with slow load time in DW CC 2014.1, when my file, as they all do of course, has the Google Analytics Tracking Code script.
    I'm on a Windows 8.1 using a Dell Precision M3800 Laptop with Memory 16GB (2x8GB) 1600MHz DDR3 . Each of our site's 180 or so web pages, of course, has its Google Analytics Tracking Code script. It is placed, following Google instructions, as the last entry in the <head>.  Google Analytics does not instruct to place the script in the JS Folder with an scr to it, but rather in the <head>.  It takes up to one and a half or two minutes for DW CC 2014.1 to load the Google Analytics Tracking Code script .  That is, the grid does not show in Live View until finally analytics.js shows up in the Document Toolbar. A minute or two can add up when every page you load takes this long.  And, making new Fluid Grid pages, as is done, through the Save As command; every new page made you have to deal with the minute or two wait time since all those pages have the Google Analytics Tracking Code script.  Therefore, this time component alone, assuming I'm accessing and/or making 20 pages per week (and in our business this is easily the case) the math is that I'm wasting between 17 and 35 hours per year just with DW CC 2014.1 loading the much needed Google Analytics Tracking Code script.
    I have loaded HTML files that do not have the Google Analytics Tracking Code script as a test and those files load at the normal quick speed.
    Therefore, the new Chromium Embedded Framework browser engine has a serious load problem when it confronts an HTML5 file with a Google Analytics Tracking Code script.  Oddly, the prior DW CC 2014 version, with the old browser engine did not have this slow-load problem since I was loading these same files in that DW CC version up until October 8th or so.
    I think this new browser engine is a Google platform that apparently has a problem rendering or loading a Google Analytics Tracking Code script.  That makes no sense.
    Anyone else had this particular slow-load problem with DW CC 2014.1?

    Wow.  That sure solved the slow-load problem, at least using your suggested snippet in a simple test HTML file.
    Per Google's instructions, I pasted the snippet before the closing </head> tag.  And, even in that positioning in the file; the file loaded at the speed (about one second) that it did prior to DW 2014.1.
    Two questions.
    Will this snippet provide the same tracking data as my current GA snippet?
    Because my current GA snippet is in about 200 web pages, can I retain the old snippet in most of them and place the new snippet in my approximately 5 main web pages as well as my templates so my new pages, as well as my main pages, have the new snippet.  That is, can I have both snippets (i.e. old snippet in earlier pages and new snippet in main pages and new pages to be made going forward) in my website at the same time?
    Of course I would not have both the old and new snippet in a web page at the same time.
    I greatly appreciate any assistance anyone can provide me on this issue and thank all of you in advance.
    I've provided code for both simple test files below.
    Code for Asynchronous Syntax of GA script:
    <!doctype html>
    <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="ie6 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="ie7 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="ie8 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
    <html class="">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Test Asynchronous GA Tracking Code In Head</title>
    <link href="css/boilerplate.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    To learn more about the conditional comments around the html tags at the top of the file:
    Do the following if you're using your customized build of modernizr (http://www.modernizr.com/):
    * insert the link to your js here
    * remove the link below to the html5shiv
    * add the "no-js" class to the html tags at the top
    * you can also remove the link to respond.min.js if you included the MQ Polyfill in your modernizr build
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
    <script src="js/respond.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var _gaq = _gaq || [];
      _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-73425000-1']);
      (function() {
        var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
        ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
        var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
    <div class="gridContainer clearfix">
      <div id="div1" class="fluid">
        <div id="test1" class="fluid ">This is the content for Layout Div Tag "test1"</div>
       <div id="test2" class="fluid ">This is the content for Layout Div Tag "test2"</div> 
    Code for older GA script snippet:
    <!doctype html>
    <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="ie6 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="ie7 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="ie8 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
    <html class="">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Test GA Tracking Code In Head</title>
    <link href="css/boilerplate.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    To learn more about the conditional comments around the html tags at the top of the file:
    Do the following if you're using your customized build of modernizr (http://www.modernizr.com/):
    * insert the link to your js here
    * remove the link below to the html5shiv
    * add the "no-js" class to the html tags at the top
    * you can also remove the link to respond.min.js if you included the MQ Polyfill in your modernizr build
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
    <script src="js/respond.min.js"></script>
      (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
      ga('create', 'UA-73425000-1', 'auto');
      ga('send', 'pageview');
    <div class="gridContainer clearfix">
      <div id="div1" class="fluid">
        <div id="test1" class="fluid ">This is the content for Layout Div Tag "test1"</div>
       <div id="test2" class="fluid ">This is the content for Layout Div Tag "test2"</div> 

  • Getting href from button to third party cart to show correctly in Google Analytics

    Is there a trick to getting the button linked to third party shopping cart to appear correctly in Google Analytics? I need a special  href with an onclick attribute.  My third party gave the onclick code to me but it is more complicated than just sticking it into the hyperlink field provided.  Will the link still work? Is there a trick to this?
    For example:
    attribute: onclick="_gaq.push(['_link', 'https://secure.thinkreservations.com/mycompany/reservations']); return false;"
    I am currently using the Upload to FTP feature and do NOT touch the actual code. That would sound like a nightmare to edit the HTML every time I want to upload again. Is there a trick I am missing?
    I am also wanting to track the click-to-call or click-to-email buttons I have on mobile.

    I am also wondering if this can be done now that we have layers.....maybe object>insert HTML grouping with a button..... I tried layering over a button with the href and onclick magic but nothing happened. 
    Any help would be great!

  • On Firefox 3.6.x on Mac and Windows, Google Analytics tracking code leads to an Error 400 page

    Our business sent out an email campaign that has several links containing Google Analytics tracking code in the URL.
    In the tracking code, which is automatically generated via the email campaign software, is an em-dash. The URLs works in every browser (Google Chrome, Safari, Windows) and in older versions of FireFox. They do not work in 3.6.x versions of FireFox in both Mac and Windows.
    As a result, when customers click on a link in the email, they get a page that says "HTTP Error 400 - request is badly formed" because FireFox interprets the em-dash as garbage.
    Once this error occurs none of the pages in the site can be accessed unless a specific cookie is removed.
    Seeing how many people do not know how to clear cookies - it is especially cryptic in the Windows version of FF 3.6.10 - what are the chances that there will be a release of Firefox to remedy this problem? And is there anything else that could be done?

    Weird. We are having this same problem as well. Ours happens in Chrome as well. What I have figured out is -at least for us - is its somethign to do with the Google Analytics tracking cookie on our site. If I go to cookies and then delete the _umtz cookie, the site will load fine. In the time being I have set "pageTracker._setCampaignTrack(false); " in our tracking code to keep the script from dropping the cookie in users browsers.

Maybe you are looking for

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