SX20 has no video but c40 does

We have a remote office. Recently,  when calling this office with the SX20, its connecting with audio  only.  This had previously worked before but we dont know whats  changed.  Calling the same remote office from a C40 in the same office  as the SX20 works fine.
We have called some test numbers with the SX20 and that works fine too.
below are log extracts showing the call set up for a bad call and a good call. , iv'e replaced sensitive data with xxxx's
Does anyone have an idea of whats causing this from tyeh logs or what can generally be the issue?
Audio only SX20 to remote office
1040452.70 MC I: CallParticipantImpl: calledUri:
1040452.70  H323Call I: h323_call::makeOutgoingCall(p=21): Sending call request to  stack (rate=1920000 srcName='', src uri='' src  e164='xxxxxxxxxxx' dest='')
1040452.70 MC I: Experimental 1080p60 is configured on this box
1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::proposeMode(p=21, ch=1): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x42bab024)
1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::propose60fpsThreshold(p=21, ch=1): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x42bab024)
1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=1) set ref [Audio (1): G.711a  64k ] q= auto, t60=6000
1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-off [email protected]  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000
1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=3) set ref [Video (3): vid-off [email protected]  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000
1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::proposeMode(p=21, ch=4): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x42bd22ec)
1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::propose60fpsThreshold(p=21, ch=4): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x42bd22ec)
1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=4) set ref [Data (4): H.224-HDLC  64k ] q= auto, t60=6000
1040452.71 MC I: MediaServerAction(): InputGate(ig=224) creation took 192 miliseconds
1040452.82 MC !ER TransactionActionStorage::removeAction no match for Modify Mixer   id(5)
1040452.91 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323AlertInd(p=21, s=1): Incoming call alert indication
1040453.06 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting getOutputPortStatus initialized 1
1040453.06 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting localHwCookieHint_ 1 w 1920 h 1080
1040453.07 DATACTRL I: FECCCAPSREQ(): received global controller fecc capabilities
1040453.07 DATACTRL I: fecc_caps(ig=18,og=-1,s=0): updating caps
1040453.07 H224 !ER tx(p=21): pkt while not ready (so far 1 pkts dropped)
1040453.11 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=663/246/4852/158
1040453.57 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=218,p=21) [Audio (1): aud-off stereo  0k ]
1040453.62 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=663/246/4852/158
1040454.13 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=663/246/4852/158
1040457.56 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=663/246/4852/158
1040458.41 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323CapsetInd(p=21, s=1) Received new capset
1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRRate(p=21): Received new remote rate from protocol: 0 (old: -1)
1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=1): ModesController wants to run mode: Audio (1): aud-off  0k
1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=2): ModesController wants to run mode: Video (2): vid-off [email protected]  0k
1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=3): ModesController wants to run mode: Video (3): vid-off [email protected]  0k
1040458.41 MC I: Conference::calcCommonRate(c=17,ch=3) rate=0
1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=4): ModesController wants to run mode: Data (4): data-off  0k
1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRCap(p=21): Received new remote capset from protocol: Capability table:
1: (1) G.711mu rate=64k ptime(ms)=20 2: (1) G.711a rate=64k ptime(ms)=20 3: (2) H.261 maxbr=1920000 fps-qcif=3000 fps-cif=3000 Simcapset:(0) {1,2}{3}
1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=1): ModesController wants to run mode: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k
1040458.41  H323Call I: h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=21): Modes sent to  stack: audio: G.711mu, video: vid-off, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off
1040458.51  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323CallCnf(p=21, s=1) Incoming  call confirm rate=19200 lang='' dest=[h323Id='xxxxxxx' ]
1040458.51 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRRate(p=21): Received new remote rate from protocol: 1920000 (old: 0)
1040458.51  H323Call I: h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=21): Modes sent to  stack: audio: G.711mu, video: vid-off, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off
1040458.51 MC I: setCallState(p=21) InCall
1040458.52 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323TpeStringAvailableInd(p=21, s=1) Tpe string available indication
1040458.54 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-raw [email protected]  0k ] q= motion, t60=921600
1040458.62  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=21, s=1)  Open incoming media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 8: MC channel: 1)
1040458.62 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpDecryptionKeyInd(p=21, s=1) Received decryption key (channel: 8)
1040458.62 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode
1040458.62 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capability table:
7: (1) G.711mu rate=64k ptime(ms)=40  [0]
1040458.65 DATACTRL I: DataGateCfgReq(ig=18) hdlc=yes
1040458.67 MediaStreamController I: SC::PlayReq(og=10) path='/sounds/', tone=2
1040458.68  H323Call I: h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=21) Receive media  is set up for channel 8, sending confirm on open back to stack
1040458.68  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=21, s=1)  Open outgoing media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 1: MC channel: 1)
1040458.68  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpEncryptionKeyInd(p=21, s=1)  Received encryption key (channel: 1, h323.type: 1)
1040458.69  MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=21, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio  (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0)  (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1):  G.711mu  64k )
1040458.71 RTP I: Flux Start FEC Decoder sess: 0
1040458.71 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=102) source unmuted
1040458.72  H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=21) Outgoing media  is set up for channel 1, sending confirm on open back to stack
1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=21) Sending mic mute indication on startup (channel: 1, type: 1)
1040458.72  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1) Mode  changed (mediatype: audio, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0,  activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent:  0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0,  InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Audio (1): G.711mu   0k PT(0) )
1040458.72 MC I:  configureOutgoingChannel(p=21, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1):  G.711mu  0k PT(0)  (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu   64k )
1040458.72 H323Call  I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: video, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
1040458.72  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1)Got  mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 2)
1040458.72  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1) Mode  changed (mediatype: duo, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0):  undefined  0k )
1040458.72  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1)Got mode  change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 4)
1040458.72  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1) Mode  changed (mediatype: data, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0):  undefined  0k )
1040458.72  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1)Got mode  change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 3)
1040458.72 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=102) source unmuted
1040458.73 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323MicOn(p=21, s=1) Mic on indication
1040458.73 MC I: ComasListener::recMicStatus(p=21) ON
1040458.73 MC I: RemoteParticipant::remoteMicStatus(p=21) unmuted
1040458.73 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=21) Not sending openSessionCnf upon send mode change
1040458.74 RTP I: validateSSRC(sid=0) registering new ssrc (ea0f8401)
1040458.75 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=218,p=21) [Audio (1): G.711mu  64k ]
1040463.62 DATACTRL I: FECCCAPSREQ(): received global controller fecc capabilities
1040463.62 DATACTRL I: fecc_caps(ig=18,og=-1,s=0): updating caps
1040463.62 H224 !ER tx(p=21): pkt while not ready (so far 2 pkts dropped)
1040463.63 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting getOutputPortStatus initialized 1
1040463.63 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting localHwCookieHint_ 1 w 1920 h 1080
1040491.57  MC I: AudioInputGateImpl::activeSpeaker(ig=218) RemoteParticipant 21 is  the ACTIVE SPEAKER Active Speaker List:  21 1
1040514.20 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040514.39 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040514.55 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=641/246/4852/158
1040514.83 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040514.92 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=641/246/4852/165
1040514.97 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040515.12 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040515.13 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=634/246/4852/165
1040515.26 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040515.41 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040515.42 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=628/246/4852/165
1040515.77 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=628/246/4852/172
1040516.06 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040516.22 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=386/246/4852/172
1040516.57 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=386/246/4852/160
1040516.91 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040517.08 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=386/246/4852/153
1040517.59 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=386/246/4852/153
1040518.01 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
1040518.17 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/153
1040518.53 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/161
1040519.04 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/168
1040519.55 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/153
1040520.06 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/157
1040520.57 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/157
1040521.94 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/157
1040586.53  MC I: AudioInputGateImpl::activeSpeaker(ig=218) RemoteParticipant 21 is  the ACTIVE SPEAKER Active Speaker List:  21 1
1040693.73  MC I: AudioInputGateImpl::activeSpeaker(ig=218) RemoteParticipant 21 is  the ACTIVE SPEAKER Active Speaker List:  21 1
1040784.73  MC I: AudioInputGateImpl::activeSpeaker(ig=218) RemoteParticipant 21 is  the ACTIVE SPEAKER Active Speaker List:  21 1
1040790.01  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpCloseSessionReq(p=21, s=1)  Close incoming media session (CLC/CLC-ACK, channel: 8)
1040790.01 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capset empty
1040790.02  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpCloseSessionReq(p=21, s=1)  Close outgoing media session (CLC/CLC-ACK, channel: 1)
1040790.02  MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=21, ch=1): Configuring mode : iX (1):  undefined  0k  (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): aud-off  0k )
1040790.02 RTP !ER Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=102) invalid remote RTCP address, suppressing report
1040790.02 RTP !ER Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=102) invalid remote RTCP address, suppressing report
1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode
1040790.05 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capset empty
1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=21): Not sending openSessionCnf upon receive mode change
1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode
1040790.05 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capset empty
1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=21): Not sending openSessionCnf upon receive mode change
1040790.05  H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleDiscInd(p=21, s=1) Received  disconnect indication (Cause: 3:21, h323 cause: 31:21)- OtherRemote Q850
1040790.05 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-off [email protected]  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000
1040790.05 ModesController I: ModesController::resetRateLimit(ch=2)
1040790.08 H323Call I: h323_call::affirmIncomingDisconnect(p=21): Incoming disconnect affirmed
1040790.10 IXUser I: iXController teardownIxChannel: Not connected
audio and video to same remote office using a  C40
Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.06 MC I: CallParticipantImpl: calledUri:
Nov  14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.06 H323Call I:  h323_call::makeOutgoingCall(p=129): Sending call request to stack  (rate=1920000 srcName='', src uri='' src  e164='xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' dest='')
Nov  14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.06 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::proposeMode(p=129, ch=1): Did not find mixer ((nil))  or channel (0x499cad9c)
Nov  14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::propose60fpsThreshold(p=129, ch=1): Did not find  mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x499cad9c)
Nov  14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=1) set ref [Audio (1): G.711a  64k ] q= auto, t60=6000
Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-off [email protected]  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000
Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=3) set ref [Video (3): vid-off [email protected]  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000
Nov  14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::proposeMode(p=129, ch=4): Did not find mixer ((nil))  or channel (0x4994357c)
Nov  14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::propose60fpsThreshold(p=129, ch=4): Did not find  mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x4994357c)
Nov  14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=4) set ref [Data (4):  H.224-HDLC  64k ] q= auto, t60=6000
Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: MediaServerAction(): InputGate(ig=49) creation took 228 miliseconds
Nov  14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.28 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323AlertInd(p=129, s=1): Incoming call alert  indication
Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.45 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=400/60/0/4575
Nov 14 14:27:31 (none) main: 3392266.80 MediaStreamController I: SC::PlayReq(og=12) path='/sounds/', tone=2
Nov  14 14:27:31 (none) main: 3392266.89 MC I:  RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=43,p=129) [Audio (1):  aud-off stereo  0k ]
Nov 14 14:27:31 (none) main: 3392266.98 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=400/60/0/4578
Nov 14 14:27:31 (none) main: 3392267.50 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=400/60/0/4575
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323CapsetInd(p=129, s=1) Received new capset
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::setRRRate(p=129): Received new remote rate from  protocol: 0 (old: -1)
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=1): ModesController wants to  run mode: Audio (1): aud-off  0k
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=2): ModesController wants to  run mode: Video (2): vid-off [email protected]  0k
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=3): ModesController wants to  run mode: Video (3): vid-off [email protected]  0k
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: Conference::calcCommonRate(c=1,ch=3) rate=0
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=4): ModesController wants to  run mode: Data (4): data-off  0k
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::setRRCap(p=129): Received new remote capset from  protocol: Capability table:
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=1): ModesController wants to  run mode: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.48 H323Call I:  h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=129): Modes sent to stack: audio:  G.711mu, video: vid-off, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.57 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323CallCnf(p=129, s=1) Incoming call confirm  rate=19200 lang='' dest=[h323Id='ARVATO' ]
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.57 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::setRRRate(p=129): Received new remote rate from  protocol: 1920000 (old: 0)
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.57 H323Call I:  h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=129): Modes sent to stack: audio:  G.711mu, video: vid-off, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.57 MC I: setCallState(p=129) InCall
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.58 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323TpeStringAvailableInd(p=129, s=1) Tpe  string available indication
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.65 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=129, s=1) Open incoming  media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 8: MC channel: 1)
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.66 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpDecryptionKeyInd(p=129, s=1) Received  decryption key (channel: 8)
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.66 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.66 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capability table:
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 DATACTRL I: DataGateCfgReq(ig=1) hdlc=yes
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=129) Receive media is set up  for channel 8, sending confirm on open back to stack
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=129, s=1) Open incoming  media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 7: MC channel: 2)
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpDecryptionKeyInd(p=129, s=1) Received  decryption key (channel: 7)
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.68 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capability table:
Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.68 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: (proxy,161) maximum number of framestorage slices 2
Nov  14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.70 MC I:  VideoInputGateImpl::inputGateConfigState(ig=46): DecoderConfig[46]:  maxMbps: 9000 maxWidth: 352 maxHeight: 288 memsize: 35348904
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.71 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=129, s=1) Open outgoing  media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 1: MC channel: 1)
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.71 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpEncryptionKeyInd(p=129, s=1) Received  encryption key (channel: 1, h323.type: 1)
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.71 MC I:  configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1):  G.711mu  0k PT(0) (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k  )
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.72 RTP I: Flux Start FEC Decoder sess: 0
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=5) source unmuted
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Outgoing media is set up  for channel 1, sending confirm on open back to stack
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Sending mic mute  indication on startup (channel: 1, type: 1)
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: audio, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0,  activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent:  0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0,  InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Audio (1): G.711mu   0k PT(0) )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 MC I:  configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1):  G.711mu  0k PT(0) (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k  )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: video, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a  channel that is not open (mediatype: 2)
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: duo, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a  channel that is not open (mediatype: 4)
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: data, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a  channel that is not open (mediatype: 3)
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=5) source unmuted
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Not sending openSessionCnf  upon send mode change
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.76 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323MicOn(p=129, s=1) Mic on indication
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.76 MC I: ComasListener::recMicStatus(p=129) ON
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.76 MC I: RemoteParticipant::remoteMicStatus(p=129) unmuted
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.77 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=129) Receive media is set up  for channel 7, sending confirm on open back to stack
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.78 RTP I: validateSSRC(sid=0) registering new ssrc (bbf62201)
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.79 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=43,p=129) [Audio (1): G.711mu  64k ]
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-raw [email protected]  0k ] q= motion, t60=921600
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 MC I:  RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=2): ModesController wants to  run mode: Video (2): H.261 [email protected]  1856k
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 H323Call I:  h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=129): Modes sent to stack: audio:  G.711mu, video: H.261, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: audio, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0,  activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent:  0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0,  InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Audio (1): G.711mu   0k PT(0) )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 MC I:  configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1):  G.711mu  0k PT(0)  (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu   64k )
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.91 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=5) source unmuted
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.91 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Not sending openSessionCnf  upon send mode change
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.97 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=129, s=1) Open outgoing  media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 2: MC channel: 2)
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.98 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpEncryptionKeyInd(p=129, s=1) Received  encryption key (channel: 2, h323.type: 2)
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.98 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=2): Configuring mode : Video (2): H.261 [email protected] 0k PT(31)  (modescontroller says real is: Video (2): H.261 [email protected]  1856k )
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.98 MediaStreamController I: creating Video Output Gate with diffServ=0
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.99 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq,  (sid=0) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0,  fecIsSupportedLocal=1
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.99 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq,  (sid=0) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0,  fecIsSupportedLocal=1
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.00 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323FlowControl(p=129, s=1) Received flow  control on channel 'video' (rate: 1856000)
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.01 RTP I: TrafficCtrl: Used existing entry (main): id: 2, tcid: 65568
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.02 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323ExtendedFastUpdate(p=129, s=1) Remote  requested extended fast picture update for video
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.02 MediaStreamController !ER MixerVideo::action: wrong state
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.29 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-raw [email protected]  0k ] q= motion, t60=921600
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.36 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Outgoing media is set up  for channel 2, sending confirm on open back to stack
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.36 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: audio, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0,  activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent:  0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0,  InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Audio (1): G.711mu   0k PT(0) )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 MC I:  configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1):  G.711mu  0k PT(0) (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k  )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: video, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0,  activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent:  0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0,  InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0,  RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0,  RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Video (2): H.261 [email protected]  0k PT(31) )
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=2): Configuring mode : Video (2): H.261 [email protected] 0k PT(31)  (modescontroller says real is: Video (2): H.261 [email protected]  1856k )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: duo, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a  channel that is not open (mediatype: 4)
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed  (mediatype: data, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a  channel that is not open (mediatype: 3)
Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=5) source unmuted
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq,  (sid=0) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0,  fecIsSupportedLocal=1
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq,  (sid=2) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0,  fecIsSupportedLocal=1
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Not sending openSessionCnf  upon send mode change
Nov  14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 H323Call I:  h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Not sending openSessionCnf  upon send mode change
Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392271.81 RTP I: validateSSRC(sid=2) registering new ssrc (0b0afb01)
Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392271.82 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband
Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392271.85 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=46,p=129) [Video (2): H.261 [email protected]  0k ]
Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.17 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting getOutputPortStatus initialized 1
Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.17 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting localHwCookieHint_ 0 w 1280 h 720
Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.17 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting getOutputPortStatus initialized 1
Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.17 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting localHwCookieHint_ 8 w 1280 h 720
Nov  14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.58 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323FlowControl(p=129, s=1) Received flow  control on channel 'video' (rate: 1856000)
Nov 14 14:27:37 (none) main: 3392272.90 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=46,p=129) [Video (2): H.261 [email protected]  0k ]
Nov  14 14:27:37 (none) main: 3392273.03 TxRateAdaption I:  VideoOutputGateImpl::updateDownspeed(og=47): reportInital mediarate =  1856000 bit/s
Nov  14 14:27:37 (none) main: 3392273.03 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq,  (sid=0) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0,  fecIsSupportedLocal=1
Nov  14 14:27:37 (none) main: 3392273.03 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq,  (sid=2) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0,  fecIsSupportedLocal=1
Nov  14 14:27:38 (none) main: 3392274.02 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323ExtendedFastUpdate(p=129, s=1) Remote  requested extended fast picture update for video
Nov  14 14:27:38 (none) main: 3392274.12 H323Call I:  h323_call_handler::handleH323ExtendedFastUpdate(p=129, s=1) Remote  requested extended fast picture update for video
Nov 14 14:27:38 (none) main: 3392274.46 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband
Nov 14 14:27:40 (none) main: 3392276.01 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband
Nov 14 14:27:40 (none) main: 3392276.54 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband
Nov 14 14:27:41 (none) main: 3392277.66 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband
Nov 14 14:27:48 (none) main: 3392283.98 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband
Nov 14 14:27:49 (none) main: 3392285.42 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband
Nov 14 14:27:50 (none) main: 3392285.94 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband
Nov 14 14:27:52 (none) main: 3392288.49 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

thanks for reply.
there are no  VCS/MCU or gatekeepers involved. Just using H323 to make direct external calls using ip address.
The other end is a either a Polycom VSX 7000 or HDX 7000.
Should have said we have two SX20 and two C40's and both the SX20's connect with audio only whereas the C40's connect correctly with audio and video.  Obviously something has changed since they were working before. Its unlikely that a configuration change has been made on the local SX20 ( would any config changes be in a log file?), so i dont know if the remote endpoint has changed anything  ( ie, would changing something like the h323 id or e164 possiby cause an issue on an SX20 but not on a C40).
So i was hoping someone might know if the SX20 behaves differently to the C40 in someway that might cause this or does the log file show the reason why no video is being sent/received?

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:itunes="" version="2.0">
    <title>New World Kirtan</title>
    <copyright>℗ & © 2008-2009 ProVoice</copyright>
    <itunes:subtitle>Calming chants for a crazy world</itunes:subtitle>
    <itunes:author>Kitzie Stern</itunes:author>
    <itunes:summary>Kirtan, one of the oldest sacred music traditions of the world, helps the mind to become quiet and open to the experience of peace. Watch for a new 60-minute satsang session each week, featuring music by talented new western kirtan artists.</itunes:summary>
    <description>Kirtan, one of the oldest sacred music traditions of the world, helps the mind to become quiet and open to the experience of peace. Watch for a new 60-minute satsang session each week, featuring music by talented new western kirtan artists.</description>
    <itunes:name>Kitzie Stern</itunes:name>
    <itunes:email>[email protected]</itunes:email>
    <itunes:image href=" ges/kirtan_300.jpg" />
    <itunes:category text="Music">
    <itunes:category text="Religion & Spirituality: Other"/>
    <itunes:category text="Religion & Spirituality: Buddhism"/>
    <title>Introduction to Kirtan</title>
    <itunes:author>Kitzie Stern</itunes:author>
    <itunes:subtitle>Learn about kirtan and our weekly kirtan satsang sessions.</itunes:subtitle>
    <itunes:summary>Learn about kirtan and our weekly kirtan satsang sessions.</itunes:summary>
    <enclosure url="" length="2060525" type="audio/mpeg" />
    <pubDate>Sun, 14 Dec 2008 19:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
    <itunes:keywords>kirtan,chant,chanting,meditative,meditation,satsang</itunes:key words>
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    <itunes:author>Kitzie Stern</itunes:author>
    <itunes:subtitle>Calming Chants for A Crazy World.</itunes:subtitle>
    <itunes:summary>Kirtan helps the mind to become quiet and open to the experience of peace. We feature music by talented new western kirtan artists.</itunes:summary>
    <enclosure url=" .mp3" length="54260168" type="audio/mpeg" />
    <pubDate>Sun, 21 Dec 2008 19:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
    <itunes:keywords>kirtan,chant,chanting,meditative,meditation,satsang</itunes:key words>

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    What can I do to solve an issue with my iPod touch gen. 5 32 gb on connecting to iTunes on my computer? iTunes says there is an error with my iPod touch, which this was a result of deleting my songs and videos. I was only transferring more songs, videos and editing my playlists. I don't have that much of the songs left. What is the best solution?

    And what is the wording of the error message?

  • Album has "No photos", but it does.

    I have created an album which I could view. Now when I select it the main window is blank except for "No photos" at the top. However when I try to import the photos again it flags every one up as a duplicate. *** is going on?
    I had problems under iPhoto 9. After running a slideshow the photos were no longer visible in the album, but at least I could run the slideshow. With this new album and iPhoto 11 I can't find a slideshow that contains the pictures.

    Backup the library and try the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache files that are located in the User/Library/Application Support/Caches/ folder.
    3 - reboot, launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding the the Option key. You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    Fix #2
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys depressed and follow the instructions to rebuild the library. Select options #1, #2 and #6.
    Click to view full size

  • I'm trying to play an .mp4 video, but it does not display smoothly; image is jumpy.  The sound is fine, but the image starts and stops.  When I play the same file in WMV, displays just fine.

    Any suggestions on what I can try to clear this up?  Videos that I have downloaded through iTunes work just fine.  I don't know how to troubleshoot this file to see what is causing the issue.

    bertjones00 wrote:
    It reads other DVD's just fine.  I've tried playing commercial DVD's and homemade movies and they all work just fine.  I'm also able to create and read data discs with no problem.   I'm only having trouble playing this one particular DVD movie.   I'm able to play the movie in my PS3 with no problem and can play it in a regular HDMI DVD player.   I'm not sure if my computer doesn't recognize the encoding for the movie or if I need to download another type of software to play the movie.  Someone suggested that i try using PowerDVD to see if it could play the movie. 
    Ok then tell me this what is that DVD your having problem watching then? And what Region Code are you from like Euro is Region 2 and so on??? Could be the Region problem on the DVD doesn't match your drive Region as well?
    I am a Volunteer to help others on here-not a HP employee.
    Replies aren't online 24/7 because of Time Zone differences.
    Remember in this Day and Age of Computing the Internet is Knowledge at your fingertips if you choose understand it. -2015-

  • Ipod nano has duplicate songs but itunes does not

    I have been routinely deleting the duplicate songs from the music folder in itunes however, when I have synchronized my ipod nano second generation with itunes I am seeing many duplicate song titles on the ipod song list. Would it help if I deleted the songs from the ipod and downloaded them again from itunes? The only other reason for this is that when I am asked to delete certain songs I have chosen to send them to a recycle bin somewhere
    Dell 8100   Windows XP  

    A spelling or punctuation mistake, or sometimes a trailing space usually causes this after the artists and/or song name, which fools the iPod into thinking that there are two different artists or songs. The trailing space is the hardest to spot.

Best way to cure this is to go into iTunes, highlight that artist and/or songs, right click on them and select "get info".

This brings up the multiple song info window. In the artist or song box retype the name, as you would like it, and then click ok. Do this even if no mistakes are immediately visible.

Re sync this new artist/song info to your iPod.

  • I just got an iTouch first generation. The manual online says there should be a volume bar along the bottom under the play/fast forward/rewind buttons when you're looking at a youtube video, but there's no volume bar there! How do I change volume?

    Also there is no sound coming from videos but sound does come when I type words in and such. Is there a mute button on? At one point I saw a speaker icon show up in the middle of the youtube page but it only stayed for a second and I never was able to get it to show up again. So frustrated!

    OK. Following instructions, I've uninstalled the old Flash Player and installed the right one, and videos are now playing. Thanks for pointing me to the other posts on this site. YouTube and other videos are now playing
    Some of the videos still play jerkily (they don't stream evenly). A few stream evenly once they've been allowed to buffer fully. (I think I'm using these terrms correctly.) Is this solely caused by low bandwidth, or is there something—an adjustment of some kind—that I can do with Flash Player to have online videos stream evenly, even from the moment I start them?
    As I mentioned, to bypass this uneven streaming while watching online, I download the videos and watch them usually using Quicktime Player 7.6.4. Still, they don't always play evenly, but for the most part do.
    I've just tested bandwidth and I'm told:
    5.63 Bbps Download speed
    0.63 Mbps Upload speep

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