Symbol  (euro) in a web form

The symbol not apears in a listbox when run form on web, the nls that i use is WE8ISO8859P1.
anybody can help me?
thanks in advanced.

ISO 8859-1 does not appear to include the Euro symbol.
ISO 8859-15 does. However, I think a previous questioner
tried to add HTML syntax to specify that character set and
their browser still didn't know how to handle it. Further
deponent knoweth not, sorry I can't provide a full answer.
-- allan plumb

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    regards Dennis:
    Thanks for the info. Your suggestion of changing the windows registry setting FORMS60_REPFORMAT to 'PDF' worked! I did not have to make any other changes to the form. I left the run_product format as is in the form and it worked like a charm. When we eventually migrate to Oracle Reports/Forms 9i we will look into using run_report_object. But for now we will stick with Oracle Forms6i. There was no need to alter the other registry settings FORMS60_MAPPING and FORMS60_OUTPUT since I followed the instructions of setting the virtual directories (symbolic links) when I installed the forms and reports services.
    Thanks again for your help!

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    (newbie alert)
    I'm just learning BC and it doesn't seem too bad. One problem I have is the shared certificate and I wonder if there are plans to address this shortcoming in the short term?
    Privacy is a growing concern in Australia (in addition to specific new legal requirements). The web forms that we will use are likely to contain personal information. These should be secured by a certificate.
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    Happy to discuss further.

    Hey there,
    It is an integral part of how the system works in terms of the system itself and the business model, So it wont be any way to change it any time soon without a big change from BC on how BC works.
    Web forms in BC can be secured with a certificate. Many systems change domain for secure subdomains etc, most people are not tech savy and they actually do not even notice things like change of domain, most actually do not check the SSL certificate. You can even just put graphics of lock symbols and say your form is secure, even when it is not and people fill it in. (Studies have shown this)
    With many eCommerce sites, booking sites etc under my belt, with good UI Design and site flow and good information about being secure etc to the end user - No issues with clients and clients happy with the sales they get through. The domain thing has never been an issue.
    I seen people complain about it on the forums before but looking at the sites, its the user experience flow of the site itself being the primary problem.
    Yep, nice if it was all under the same domain, but this will not likely change in BC especially any time soon, but a site built well - this really does not matter that much, Google for example even offers anaytlitcs settings to work cross domain so they fully well know things like this work on modern websites.

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    We'd like to see who is working on the applications, and also to send them a reminder that they need to complete and submit the form by the deadline.

    No, there isn't a way for you to see anything about who has saved progress.

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    2. Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    All my forms are in the c:\temp directory. I would like to see web forms.
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    1 Have u started OC4j?
    2 What does below url gives?
    3 Is this ur desktop or u are running from an IAS ?
    Rajesh ALex

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    Thank you in advance


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    thanks in adv.

    A sample Form:
    <cfform action="CCARProc.cfm"
    enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="CCAR"
    onsubmit="return verify()">
    <table width="730" border="0" cellpadding="2"
    cellspacing="1" align="center" class="unnamed1">
    <tr valign="top">
    <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#F2F2F2">Name Of
    Requester(<font color="red">*</font>)</td>
    <td width="402" bgcolor="#F2F2F2"><cfinput
    type="text" name="Requestor_Name" size="15" value="#REQNAME#"
    maxlength="25" >
     MTABT Email(<font
    <cfinput name="Req_Email" type="text" size="8"
    maxlength="20" value="#ReqEmail#"
    <td colspan="3">Requester Telephone #(<font
    color="red">*</font>) </td>
    <td><cfinput type="text" VALUE="#REQPHONE#"
    name="RPhone" size="12" maxlength="12" message="Requester Phone
    cannot be blank / Invalid Entry!" required="yes"
    validate="telephone"> [e.g. xxx xxx xxxx or
    <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#F2F2F2">Facility(<font
    <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2">
    <cfselect name="Facil">
    <option value="2B">2B </option>
    <option value="BBT">BBT </option>
    <option value="BW">BW </option>
    <option value="CB">CB </option>
    <option value="HH">HH </option>
    <option value="MP">MP </option>
    <option value="QMT">QMT </option>
    <option value="RI">RI </option>
    <option value="TM">TM </option>
    <option value="TB">TB </option>
    <option value="TN">TN </option>
    <option value="VN">VN </option>
    <td colspan="3">Department(<font
    <td><cfselect name="Dept">
    <option value="Contracts">Contracts </option>
    <option value="Engineering">Engineering
    <option value="Executive Office">Executive
    <option value="Finance">Finance </option>
    <option value="General Counsel">General Counsel
    <option value="HS">HS </option>
    <option value="HR">HR </option>
    <option value="ISD">ISD</option>
    <option value="Legal">Legal </option>
    <option value="Labor Relations">Labor Relations
    <option value="Operations">Operations </option>
    <option value="Payroll">Payroll </option>
    <option value="Planning & Budget">Planning &
    Budget </option>
    <option value="Procurement & Mtrl">Procurement
    & Mtrl </option>
    <option value="Purchasing">Purchasing </option>
    <option value="Revenue Management">Revenue Management
    <option value="Staff Services">Staff Services
    <option value="SD">SD</option>
    <option value="Technology">Technology</option>
    <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#F2F2F2">Division(<font
    <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2"><cfinput name="Div"
    type="text" size="20" maxlength="25" VALUE=""></td>
    <tr valign="top">
    <td height="27" colspan="3" >Justification(<font
    <td bgcolor=""><textarea name="Justi" cols="50"
    rows="3" wrap="VIRTUAL" ></textarea> </td>
    <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#F2F2F2">VP Approval
    By (<font color="red">*</font>)</td>
    <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2"><cfinput name="VPAppFName"
    type="text" size="20" maxlength="25" VALUE="#VPFName#">
    Email(<font color="red">*</font>) 
    <cfinput name="VPE" type="text" size="8" maxlength="20"
    value="#VPEmail#" ></td>
    <td colspan="3" valign="top"
    <td colspan="2" rowspan="2" valign="top"
    bgcolor="#F2F2F2"><div align="left">
    <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="SubmitTheForm"
    Helvetica, sans-serif';" >
    <input name="Reset" type="reset" value="ReSetTheForm"
    Helvetica, sans-serif';">
    <td width="90" valign="top"
    <div align="right"><span class="style4">Revised(
    01.28.05 )</span>
    <input name="submitDate" type="hidden"

  • How do I use the vector web forms??

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    That graphic is for making a wireframe/design. It cannot offer any real form functionality.
    To create a form with that appearance, you will need to wrestle with HTML, CSS, and your choice of scripting languages to process the input.

  • How do I create a dependant drop down in a web form?

    I am trying to add a web form to a web page that includes a dependant drop down menu. For example, I'd like there to be a drop down menu called "Interested Class" with three fields: "Tribe Fit", "Tribe Life" and "Tribe Core". When a user selects one of these fields ("Tribe Fit" for example), I want a new drop down menu to appear with the following choices: "7:00am", "12:30pm", "7:00pm".
    I have attempted this here and as you can see it's not working at the moment. The time drop down fields should be hidden until an "Interested Class" has been selected.
    I've placed my JS code in the HTML view of the actual web page as I noticed when I place it in the actual custom form it doesn't carry through to the page. I don't know if I'm placing my JS in the correct place though.
    Here is a snippet of my code if it helps:
                            <td><label for="CAT_Custom_328771">Interested Class</label><br />
                            <select name="CAT_Custom_328771" id="CAT_Custom_328771" class="cat_dropdown">
                            <option value=" ">-- Please select --</option>
                            <option value="Tribe Fit">Tribe Fit</option>
                            <option value="Tribe Life">Tribe Life</option>
                            <option value="Tribe Core">Tribe Core</option>
                            <div id="fit" class="times">
                            <option value="7:00am">7:00am</option>
                            <option value="12:30pm">12:30pm</option>
                            <option value="7:00pm">7:00pm</option>
                            <div id="life" class="times">
                            <option value="7:00am">7:00am</option>
                            <option value="8:00am">8:00am</option>
                            <option value="11:30am">11:30am</option>
                            <div id="core" class="times">
                            <option value="8:00am">8:00am</option>
                            <option value="11:30am">11:30am</option>
                            <option value="12:30pm">12:30pm</option>
                            <td><input class="cat_button" type="submit" value="Submit" id="catwebformbutton" /></td>
                <script type="text/javascript" src="/CatalystScripts/ValidationFunctions.js"></script>
                <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $('#CAT_Custom_328771').change(function () {
            $('#' + $(this).val()).show();
    var submitcount67919 = 0;function checkWholeForm67919(theForm){var why = "";if (theForm.FirstName) why += isEmpty(theForm.FirstName.value, "First Name"); if (theForm.LastName) why += isEmpty(theForm.LastName.value, "Last Name"); if (theForm.EmailAddress) why += checkEmail(theForm.EmailAddress.value); if (theForm.HomePhone) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomePhone.value, "Home Phone Number"); if (theForm.HomeAddress) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomeAddress.value, "Home Address"); if (theForm.HomeCity) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomeCity.value, "Home City"); if (theForm.HomeState) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomeState.value, "Home State"); if (theForm.HomeZip) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomeZip.value, "Home Zipcode"); if (theForm.HomeCountry) why += checkDropdown(theForm.HomeCountry.value, "Home Country"); if(why != ""){alert(why);return false;}if(submitcount67919 == 0){submitcount67919++;theForm.submit();return false;}else{alert("Form submission is in progress.");return false;}}
    Can anyone please help explain to me how I can make this work? I am only a JS beginner - so please try to explain in simple terms if possible.
    Thank you!

    This wont work, Needs to be a lot more then this and CSS to hide things rather then script hiding them.
    Nicole, The times that are availible I gather differ depending on the type of the dropdown?
    You do not need multiple time dropdowns.
    Steps you need to do first on the form:
    1. Ensure the custom form field dropdown for interested class exists.
    2. Have custom dropdown with all the times that any of them can be. This is CSS hidden by default.
    3. Also CSS hide all the options in the select as well in your CSS.
    Next can you show what classes have what times as an example then can put the code more relevent to your example you can work off.
    The code will follow along the lines of....
    Dropdown On Change
              If selected options is xxx class then
              fade in option times  dropdown 
              Show these otpion times
            if selected option is zzz class then
              fade in option times dropdown
                   show these times
    More control as you need to work properly, only two dropdowns needed.

  • How do I access my Web Form Keychain password?

    I lost the original email containing my password from a web site months ago and need to access the password in the Keychain WEB FORM file.
    I dont' need to CHANGE it, I need to see the old one so I can log into the web site again since they changed the site, and the login page is now different with a new URL the autofill doesn't work.
    I'm in Keychain access and I see the event but how do I edit the form so I can see my password?
    It's my computer, this shouldn't be so hard to do.

    Hey Kappy
    I jsut found out how to do it.
    When I double clicked on the Keychain item, there was a checkbox I didn't see before " show password" I clicked it then entered my system password then it showed it.

  • I have imported a PDF form (created in adobe acrobat XI pro) into FormsCentral.  I now want to convert this document into a web form so I can embed it into my website.  HOW DO I DO THIS?

    I took a word document I had created and added fields to it in Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.  I then imported the PDF in Forms Central and now I am stuck.  All I am able to do with it in FormsCentral is add a submit button.  It will not allow me to edit the document in FormsCentral.  What I ultimately need to do is get this converted to a web form so that I can embed it into our company website.  Additionally, once it's converted, I need to add an option for the user to attach their resume with the file before submitting.  I have looked all over the web and I cannot find an answer as to whether or not I can convert PDFs to web forms in FormsCentral.  This will ultimately determine whether or not the company decides to purchase these programs after the trial version has ended in a few days.

    I tried that first, but FormsCentral does not have the capability to create tables.  The form I need to create is more advanced than what FormsCentral allows.  Do you know if there is a way to create or somehow import a table when creating a web based form on FormsCentral?

  • Web Form - takes extra time to render scroll-bar

    When we open a webform that is relatively small in scale it takes ~ 4-6 seconds to come back from the 'hourglass' but then leaves the user waiting for upto a minute before the scrollbar appears at the side of the rendered web form (which appears after the initial period) and you can actually take any action.
    Smartview does not have this same delay on the same form, and when I monitor server / client activity on both sides it seems to be minimal impact on cpu / memory.
    We are on IE7, though some clients are IE8.
    Has anyone else seen this - is it a known issue - are there any fixes?

    I think both Planning and Essbase are done sending the required data/metadata to client and from that point on it's up to the client to generate the form. Like you are suggesting, although you see the form with cells and numbers, it takes time to generate the scroll bars (i.e. complete the form generation). My hunch is that this could be related to a security setting or an antivirus setting that could be slowing down the java script. Essentially, it's a hefty java script that generates the form and in some cases (such as with McAfee) there are certain settings to enable scanning java scripts on web pages before running them. You can make sure by tracking the process in task manager on the client when opening the form. If this is the case, disabling this option might improve the performance.

  • Time to open Web forms too long for the first connexion !!

    When we first open a web form in the day, the time to open it, is greater than 10 minuts ( the CPU time used to retrieve the webform is measured at about 20 seconds)
    When we do open the webform a second time it takes about 20 seconds to open it!!
    Have someone meet this case?
    What do we have to change in order to enhance the openning duration of the webforms?
    Serveur IBM, OS Windows 2003 server
    Hyperion planning 11.1.1
    Edited by: RYAG on 26 avr. 2010 14:56

    Does it take 10 minutes to open on the server, if it takes 10 minutes on the server and only 20 seconds of that is CPU processing then are you saying for over 9 minutes it is rendering the form in your browser, you can check the browser process on the machine.
    If you do want to check or increase the maximum heap size then have a read of :- Re: Heap sizes with Planning11.1.1.3 & Weblogic help
    I would also check how much memory the JVM is using when opening the form, you can check using task manager on the server or better still use something like process explorer.

  • My web form is not working with PayPal

    Only seamless gateways such as the "Pro" version of PayPal, eWay or will work with form payments. Gateways that have the user leave BC, such as PayPal Standard, Google Checkout or Realex, only work with the online store.

    I did further testing:
    1. I turned off the IPN and I still received the Error page.
    2. Than I went and turned off the Payment Data Transfer, and now I got the blank page... /PaymentProcess.aspx?paypal=success. However, I still got the paypal transaction ID attached to the orders.
    3. I turned on the IPN and still got the blank  /PaymentProcess.aspx?paypal=success and I still got the paypal transaction ID attached to the orders.So the conclusion is that IPN has no bearing on payments made with PayPal Standard when it is used with custom forms.
    4. I chaged the URL in the Return URL to go to the secure home page instea of to /PaymentProcess.aspx. still sent me to the PaymentProcess.aspx and I still got the paypal transaction ID attached to the orders.
    5. I made the purchase using shoping cart to ensure it works too and this time I even received the receipt on the /PaymentProcess.aspx. The Ref# and Auth Code were "Not Applicable" but it still worked and it was recorded in the orders with the paypal transaction ID
    So my conclusions are:
    1. IPN has no bearing on PayPal payments made from the custom web form
    2. Payment Data Transfer being on sends to the pafe that can't be processesd and it renders Error message
    3. Return URL always send you to the PaymentProcess/aspx regardless what secure url you put in there.
    4. Transcation ID is always passed to the orders as long as it can connect to PayPal. I guess ur will do it as long as the Payment Gateway has the proper informration in there.
    5. It works the same from the custom web form and from checkout form.
    I hope this sheds some light and serves some purpose to whoever is completely confused by this as I am.
    Mario and Liam, thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

  • Web Forms Not working on Client Machines with Separate Win

    Hi friends,
    We deployed all our Forms on web and we are using Developer
    Server 6.0 ,OAS 4.07, Oracle Jinitator ,Netscape 4.7
    My problem is we configured forms to open in a separate window
    this is giving problems on Client Machines they are getting a
    blank screen ,previously we used to open forms in the same window
    (browser ) at that time we didn't get any problem.
    We are using Oracle Jinitiator & Netscape 4.7 as
    browser on Client Machines.
    Thanks in Advance...!
    Smita T

    JInitiator will be downloaded only once - the first time when u connect to a web-forms application. After that - no problem. It is true that the first time it takes a little bit longer, but I think forms are working better using JInitiator. However - it is just a matter of settings how u will make your application to run. Oracle did great improvement of the speed introducing the forms servlet listener. I would expect even better performance with Forms9i. And Win2000 is not a problem, but combination between Win2000 and Pentium4 is. There is a way to avoid your (installation) problems however.

Maybe you are looking for