Sync calendar using Groupwise Server?

I have Outlook on my computer, but we use Groupwise server for the Company. Whenever I post an appointment to my iphone it creates an error during sync and will not put the appointment on my calendar in Outlook. Anyone else have this issue?

I use Touchdown for my work email exchange server. You can set up to see the exchange sent emails with it. Yes it is a little pricey, but it works real well, and the setup was pretty easy ( they have a automatic setup that you can use that is pretty good). They have a 30 day trial version that they insist you try to make sure it works for you before you buy. You can find Touchdown in the market, by searching for Touchdown, or NitroDesk.
The only requirement is that your work has OWA (Outlook Web Access) enabled. If you can check your emails from outside the company through a browser, then OWA is enabled.

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    That is never going to work if you are looking for 2-way sync with iCal server. You need a 3rd party application to do that, like ical4ol or the open source Outlook sync plugin available here:
    Or alternatively, use another mail client like eMClient for mail and calendaring.

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    The first thing you need to do is set up WebDAV on the Server and share a directory. If you need instructions on how to that just follow this thread.
    Once you've set up a shared directory you just publish the calendar to it from within iCal.
    To do that, set up a calendar, select it and then select 'Publish' under the 'Calendar' menu. In the dialog box that opens up give the calendar a name without spaces. Select 'Publish on: a Private Server'.
    In the field for 'Base URL:' fill-in the complete url to the server directory you set up previously using the WebDAV instructions. For example, if you set up a directory on the server called 'calendars' and the URL of the server is you would put in 'Base URL:'.
    Now enter the 'Login' name and 'Password' for an account that has access to the shared directory as you've set it up using the WebDAV instructions.
    Select the other options you want to enable in the dialog box and then click on 'Publish'. Now the calendar is published and available for others to subscribe to.
    Now to subscribe to the calendar, just select 'Subscribe' under the 'Calendar' menu in iCal and enter the URL for the calendar. Using the example from above you would enter 'webcal://' for a calendar that was named 'StudioWork'.
    You can also email the URL for the published calendar by selecting it in iCal and selecting 'Send Publish Email...' under the 'Calendar' menu in iCal.

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    Thanks cryhavok, I've already looked at it.
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    Message Edited by steph33560 on 22-Apr-2009 02:29 PM

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
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    I appreciate your perseverance , but that way doesn't work for me. iCal and Mail are giving me two sets of calendars - there is a set associated with my email account, and a separate set associated with the "on my mac" account. I cannot assign calendars associated with the emails to my on-my-mac to-dos, and vice versa, even using the pull-down menu you describe.
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     Cheers, Tom

  • Can I sync my iPhone calendar with exchange server AND ical on my mac ?

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    I really like this set up.
    However, I just changed jobs to a firm where they have a hosted outlook exchange set up and I need to use the exchange calendar for work appointments and showing my availability.
    I have managed to setup my iPhone to work with the Exchange server for email as well as in apple Mail on my mac. This has all worked fine. However, I hesitated when iPhone asked if i wanted to sync my contacts and calendar. I said no as I was unsure if my private calendar/contacts would be uploaded to the public work area.
    In fact it seems that this is the least of my worries:
    As I have read on apple support for iPhone:
    "Note that after configuring an Exchange ActiveSync account, all existing contact and calendar information on the iPhone or iPod touch is overwritten. Additionally, iTunes no longer syncs contacts and calendars with your desktop computer. You can still sync your iPhone or iPod touch wirelessly with MobileMe services."
    So I am really pleased that I didn't let it sync those and wipe out my personal data if that is really true.
    But now I am unsure how best to enable myself to view and update the work calendar on exchange.
    Also it would be nice to see work contacts on my iPhone.
    - although i have said no to sync contacts with Exchange in fact it looks like I can get contacts ok - when i send email from the Exchange account on the phone , it searches Exchange contacts on the server as i type in the TO box.
    - also in Contacts on the iPhone I have a new group that has been created with the name of my Exchange account. The group appears to be blank when you go into it on the phone, but you can type in the search box and get contact details from the server just fine.
    This seems workable for now for my purposes, although updating contacts is not going to be possible that way.
    I'd like more info on that if poss but more importantly..
    - Unlike Contacts, no Calendar has been auto created for Exchange
    - Unlike contacts, I can't see how I can view or search or create an appointment in my Exchange calendar on the iPhone
    What is the best solution to this problem - I presume lots of people face the same dilemma. My initial research suggests that there are multiple ways round this but all of them look like workarounds with various disavantages.
    Questions are
    - Can't I just set up Exchange as one of my calendars in ical?
    - Is it really true that I have to choose between syncing Exchange with work server OR syncing iCal with personal Macbook?
    - What is the best work around for this?
    At the moment I am seriously considering getting a separate iPhone for work and have that sync with Exchange fully although that seems a bit drastic and does not solve the problem of seeing work and home appointments on the same calendar.

    Can't I just set up Exchange as one of my calendars in ical?
    Only if you're running Snow Leopard and your employer will allow access (different than iPhone/mobile device access, so most likely not), but not needed - keep reading.
    Is it really true that I have to choose between syncing Exchange with work server OR syncing iCal with personal Macbook?
    No. It was true, but with the v3.0 software that changed - you can now sync your Exchange contacts and calendar over the air, and your Address Book and iCal via iTunes over the docking cable.
    What is the best work around for this?
    None needed. When you set up the exchange account, and choose to turn on syncing of contacts and calendars, you will be prompted to remove all other data, or keep it on the iPhone. Choose the keep option. Note that in that case, your personal data will not be uploaded to the Exchange server - the iPhone keeps them separate (although you can choose to view them in a merged fashion).
    I have this set up on my phone (Exchange calendar along side personal and other calendars from iCal). Same for contacts. Works great.

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    This is the error message that I recieve when I try to sync:
    Itunes could not sync calendars to the iPhone "TheButler's Phone" because the sync server failed to sync the iPhone, anyone?
    Everything has worked perfectly for over 1 year, this is an all of a sudden event.
    Thank you,

    If using Outlook, follow the directions here:

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    thanks for the reply, but the troubleshooting tips seemed to concentrate on 'Lion"," Snow Leopard" and the like, I haven't a clue what any of that is. I am using Windows 7 Pro with Service Pack 1 on my desktop and my iPhone is using iOS 8.1.2, as is my iPad mini.  As I said on my previous post, syncing on my iPad mini works fine, It is just the iPhone that fails to sync the calendars. Hopefully a solution can be found as it is difficult to keep things synced on my iPad  and then have to add everything manually onto my iPhone.

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    I suggest extreme caution and a long discussion with Apple before doing anything. No one at Apple warned me that Apple automatically syncs with Outlook 2007 via iCloud (I do NOT use MS Exchange Server). I synchronized once using the cable between my iPhone 4S and my pc running Windows 7. Both Contacts and Calendars have relocated within Outlook and calendars does not sync properly, neither with nor without iCloud on of off. 1-800-APL-CARE has said this is an Outlook problem and absolved themselves of further assistance.
    I rely on calendar and contact syncing for my business and both files are currently totally messed up with many duplicates, and some missing items, plus sync does not work consistently and most often gives error messages which Apple cannot locate or help fix.
    I tell you all this to emphasize the importance of NOT trying anything yourself until Apple gives you all the facts and guides you through the maze. Techs in the Apple Store set up all my initial connections and I had not altered them unless told to do so by Apple. It may be to late to rescue me and my business, but not too late for you.

  • Syncing Calendars and Contacts without the complete home folder on the server

    I've been trying to set up syncing of calendars and contacts using Mavericks server. I've read a lot of posts on various ways of doing this but am at a loss as to the how the various parts of the solutions work which may be why I haven't been able to get things to work.
    I've installed and got Open Directory set up. I want to sync the calendars for two users on a couple of client machines (both running Snow Leopard at the moment) and three mobile devices. The clients were set up before the server and so the user accounts are local. Putting the home folders and all the files they contain on the server is not an option as there's not enough disk space. Ideally I'd like to have all the user files on the local machines and only the data I need to sync on the server. Is this possible? All of the information I've read on migrating local users to network users suggests that their complete home folder needs to be put on the server and I've not found any way to set up the syncing successfully without making them network users.

    Thanks for the answer Simon. That seems simple enough but there are some things which aren't clear.
    If I create accounts on the server for the users independently (ie not ownership of the home folder) they're going to have different UID's. Surely this means that even with the same account name and password, they're going to be treated as unique users. Does that not affect who has write access? I don't know how the Calendar and Contact servers work so this may be irrelevant.
    How do you "have the server host their calendar and contact details"? Copying the files for the existing local users to the new users on the server will leave them with invalid permissions.
    I have read that using the Calendar and Contact components of is not a supported way of syncing across machines and that they're intended to be used for shared information rather than syncing. But maybe there is no way to avoid an "unsupported method" without moving the home folder. Is this a method you're using?
    I'll do a bit of testing with this but would also be grateful for any additional hints.

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