Syncing any device crashes iTunes

Syncing either my iPhone or my iPad crashes iTunes. Any suggestions?
I sent 3 crash reports to Apple. I restarted the Mac, I've restarted the iPhone & the iPad all to no avail.
Thanks in advance for any help.

No problems with ePub files. I put >90 on my 4GB iPad. More than likely its a problem with the ePub files themselves.
All I did was...
placed all my .epub files in a directory, went into iTunes, File->Add to Library, pointed to directory containing epubs, select the files... Done. Sync and they appear in iBooks.
Its worked with purchased epubs and a few docs I converted from other formats.
Ty Hoeffer
HS/CS Network Group
UVa Health System.

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    See Here  >
    You may need to try this More than Once...
    Some users have reported as many as 8 or 9 attempts were necessary before success.
    Be sure to Follow ALL the Steps...
    But... if the Device has been Modified... this will Not necessarily work.

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    Where did you get the iPhone?

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    You should be able to log into your account on a computer's iTunes via the Store > View Account menu option and 'deauthorise all' (deauthorising all is done via your account, not the Store drop-down menu).
    Deauthorising : Deauthorize your computer using iTunes

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    i need help!
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    Not sure if you have found a suitable workflow. The best option in my view would be the COMMAND EDITOR option.
    1. Launch COMMAND --> CUSTOMIZE from Apeture Menue.
    2. If you are doing the custom command for the first time you'll have to duplicate the Custom Command menu, this can be done by selecting DUPLICATE on the menue which would by default display DEFAULT.
    3. When you duplicate, you ll be asked to save the duplicated Custom Editor.
    4. The duplicated custom editor basically will have all the DEFAULT short cut keys and you are now ready to customise it.
    5. To customise it, select the Menu action from COMMAND GROUP and simply press the desired short cut for the action on you physical key board.
    6. If the SHORT CUT is already used by Apeture, it will prompt whether or not you want to override the DEFAULT, hit yes.
    7. As a last step dont forget to hit SAVE on KEY DETAILS tab.

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    What exactly happens when you try to sync? Does it go through the steps?
    Does any media sync to the iPod
    Was the iPod previous synced to another iTunes library/computer?
    Have you successfully synced from this iTunes library/computer before?
    Do the songs play in iTunes?           
    Do you have the right boxes checked to sync?
    iTunes: Syncing media content to iOS devices and iPod        
    Try syncing using the manual method

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    That's consistent with trouble with the Segoe UI fonts on your system.
    If you're using Windows XP or Windows Vista, try Vortical's technique from the following post:
    Re: iTunes 10.1 Missing Text
    But if you're using Windows 7, try itunesTRK's suggestion from the following post:
    menu bar invisible

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    I appreciate any help someone can give me
    Thanks a lot.

    Try Andrei Cerbu's post here or see TS1538: iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows, in particular section 5, forcing a driver update.

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