Syncing photos onto iPod

Just got 80G iPod Classic and wondering if there is any way that I can sync photos from a DVD right onto the iPod. It seems that the only way to sync the photos is to transfer them from the DVD to my iPhoto library. I'd like to be able to do this so that I don't have to load up iPhoto with the photos from the DVD which I created to clear iPhoto and hard drive in the first place.

Open Finder, go to your user's folder. Right click in Pictures and selec Get Info. Check the permissions and activate read-write permission to your account. You can also repair permissions in Disk Utility

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    Try deleting the iPod Photos Cache folder. There may be more than one. For its location see:
    iTunes: Photo sync creates iPod Photo Cache folder
    Also, go to the Photos pane for the iPod in iTunes and make sure syncing photos is unchecked.

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    Hello . I have the exact same problem . After playing with reset - reinstall and speaking to apple directly for over 2hrs. I have found that there is no simple solution . It must be an Xp problem . Customer support suggested that the problem may be remedied if I create a new Xp user and reinstall to that user . It did not work . However - if you want to get pictures on your ipod and you can get videos on your ipod then do as follows - use microsoft movie maker - free with Xp - to make a slideshow of your photos . Then convert the .avi slideshow into ipod format . Put the video slideshow on your ipod and enjoy . You can pause during the slideshow to show people individual pictures . Just a note I can now no longer get podcasts on my 30g video ipod . Starting to wish I kept my hassle free , itunes free flash usb mp3 player .

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    Hi, ktchinagirl. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    There are a couple reason this issue could be happening.  I have included a couple troubleshooting resources below that may help resolve this issue.  Some of the articles are missing the steps for Windows 8, try the steps for Windows 7 as an alternative. 
    iTunes: May become unresponsive when connecting iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Error 13, 14, 35 and 50 (or -50)
    These errors are typically resolved by performing one or more of the steps listed below:
    Perform USB isolation troubleshooting, including trying a different USB port directly on the computer. See the advanced steps below for USB troubleshooting.
    Put a USB 2.0 hub between the device and the computer.
    Try a different Dock Connector or Lightning Connector to USB cable.
    Eliminate third-party security software conflicts.
    There may be third-party software installed that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting one or more TcpWindowSize entries into your registry. An incorrectly set default packet size can cause this error. Contact the software manufacturer that installed the packet-size modification for assistance. Or, follow this article by Microsoft to reset the packet size back to the default for Windows:How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
    Connect your computer directly to your Internet source, bypassing any routers, hubs, or switches. You may need to restart your computer and modem to get online.
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    This could be related to security software conflicts.  If the steps above have not resolved the issue, I would recommend going through the troubleshooting steps in the article below.
    iTunes: Troubleshooting security software issues
    Jason H. 

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    Any help would be much appreciated; thank-you!

    Hey AlanaRama:
    It could be that one of the photos that you are trying to sync is corrupted (or something).
    Try dividing the photos in half and try to sync each half to see if that helps to find the problem photo.
    This may help also:

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    No carsh, and less than 1 minutes. (2MB only)
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    And anyone has the same issue i get, please reply.

  • HT1678 Having trouble syncing photos to ipod touch nano.

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    No problem.  Glad to have helped.   There was an issue with iTunes version 10.6 freezing while trying to sync an iPod Nano 6G.

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    You shouldn't be trying to copy Photos from the Folder Pictures, but from either the iPhoto or the Photos Library.

  • IPhoto 2.0.x - sync photo to iPod

    How do I upgrade my iPhoto so I can sync photos to the ipod?

    In order to sync through iPhoto, it says I need iPhoto 4.0.3 or later.
    Yes. But in order to copy photos to your iPod, you don't have to sync through iPhoto. The only reason to go through iPhoto at all is to be able to use an iPhoto album as the direct source for a group of photos to be copied to the iPod. If you don't have iPhoto 4, just select and Export (from iPhoto 2) whatever photos you want to sync to your iPod; put them in a folder on your desktop, and later move it to wherever you choose to store it. Quit iPhoto, open iTunes, and follow the instructions in "Copying photos to an iPod or iPod nano" from iPod Help. Instead of choosing an iPhoto album, choose the folder on the desktop as the source. No need for iPhoto 4.
    This method does leave you with a folder full of pictures on your desktop (or wherever else you store it) that are duplicates of some of the ones in your iPhoto Library. So for the most economical use of hard drive space, you may want to upgrade to iPhoto 4 and sync directly with an iPhoto album through it. But you're not required to do so.

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    Of course I can always transfer photos on my computer onto a flash drive and upload it onto his computer.  But I want to know if there is a way where I can sync photos from multiple computers onto his ipad without replacing his original pictures.. (and without using a flash drive or emailing pictures)

    Only the contents of the most recent photo sync remains on the iPad, and not including photos in a sync is how you delete them from the iPad - so you need to sync all the photos that you want on the iPad in one go. There are third-party apps for the iPad such as Simple Transfer that allow you to transfer photos to the iPad via your wifi network, but they will just go into the Saved Photo/Camera Roll album on the iPad - though with iOS 5 in the Autumn you will then be able to move photos between albums on the iPad

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