System Preferences Corrupt

My problem is: when I go into system preferences my start up logo is all corrupt looking. a. Why is this? b. How can I fix it/reset it back to original state? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

You solved my issue too, which was that I had this weird lightswitch icon on top of my software update icon in my Preferences. Thanks! Now...where's the star award thing?...

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    Repairing the permissions of a home folder in Lion is a complicated procedure. I don’t know of a simpler one that always works.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the page that opens.
    Drag or copy – do not type – the following line into the Terminal window, then press return:
    chmod -R -N ~
    The command will take a noticeable amount of time to run. When a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) appears below what you entered, it’s done. You may see a few error messages about an “invalid argument” while the command is running. You can ignore those. If you get an error message with the words “Permission denied,” enter this:
    sudo !!
    You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up.
    Next, boot from your recovery partition by holding down the key combination command-R at startup. Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial.
    When the recovery desktop appears, select Utilities ▹ Terminal from the menu bar.
    In the Terminal window, enter “resetpassword” (without the quotes) and press return. A Reset Password window opens.
    Select your boot volume if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
    Select  ▹ Restart from the menu bar.

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    check this out:
    post back if the suggestions there didn't help... but it looks to be precisely the same problem (corrupted cache).... cheers

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    Thanks in advance,

    You're welcome. Pleased to have been of help.
    BTW, cache files help to speed things up after the first time you access the item concerned, but they do tend to get corrupted fairly easily. You can trash any of the items in that folder whenever you have a problem with the relevant item - it may not help, but it can't do any harm. You can even trash all the items in that folder occasionally to 'refresh' them.

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    u need to check if the same issue happens in a new users by going to sys pref>accounts> create new user .
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    Hi Jonas, delete these two files and relaunch SystemPreferences:
    [email protected]

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    Repairing Permissions and/or Resetting the Power Management Unit (PMU) may resolve certain issues. It can’t hurt so perhaps it’s worth a shot.
    Go to: Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility
    Select: your Hard Drive
    Select: the First Aid tab
    Select: Repair Permissions
    Resetting the Power Management Unit (PMU) is known to resolve certain anomalies and may well help with your symptom.
    If the computer is on, turn it off.
    Disconnect the AC Adapter and remove the computer's battery.
    Press and hold down the power button for 5 seconds and then release the button.
    Reconnect the battery and AC Adapter.
    Press the Power button to restart the computer.
    User's Guide: page-95
    MBP-15" / 2.16 / W8612...   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   G4 Tower (OS 9/10), Dell 620 WorkStation (XP Pro), Gateway P4 (XP Home)

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    Hmm.  you can try the dropdown menu
    System Preferences>View>Show all Preferences
    You may be stuck having to reinstall the OS.

  • Unable to open AirPort options sheet in Network System Preference

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    There are several posts (and a Radar bug number, 4273111) reporting a certain difficulty with systems that have been upgraded to Tiger. For some reason: When viewing the AirPort network interface in the Network system preference, certain installations do not allow one to open the "Options" sheet.
    To reproduce:
    1. Open System Preferences.
    2. Click on the Network system preference.
    3. Show -> AirPort.
    4. Click the "Options" button.
    Normally, this should open an options sheet. However, on three separate systems I've encountered that have been upgraded to 10.4.x from earlier versions of Mac OS X (Jaguar to Panther to Tiger), the sheet does not open at all. Console reports the following when the button is clicked:
    2006-11-07 09:55:22.206 System Preferences[379] * Assertion failure in -[PreferencesApp _commonBeginModalSessionForWindow:relativeToWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector :contextInfo:], AppKit.subproj/NSApplication.m:3057
    2006-11-07 09:55:22.229 System Preferences[379] Modal session requires modal window
    I've tried replacing the following items (then repairing permissions after each attempt) with a known-good copy from another 10.4.x system (same OS version/build in each case—as of this post, tested through 10.4.8), without effect:
    I've seen references to a similar error in Safari that was able to be fixed with a reinstall of Safari—apparently, something corrupted in WebKit.framework. I'm presuming something similar would work here (and it's been reported that an Archive and Install will fix the problem, but that's certainly overkill to correct such an issue).
    I've got clients that are not happy about this and the problem has apparently been documented for well over a year now. The following Discussions threads cover it as well:
    "can't open airport options"
    "Network system preferences stuck"
    "Airport Preferred Networks"
    I'm happy to lend whatever troubleshooting assistance I can, so if anyone else out there can similarly recommend files I might try replacing that I've not already mentioned here, or any other information that could be helpful, I'd certainly appreciate it!
    Thanks much,
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   1.0 GHz, 1 GB RAM, AirPort

    I'd also try trashing...

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    Hi, gna88.
    1. First, try the following:1. Quit (Command-Q) System Preferences if it is open.
    2. Trash the following two files in your Home > Library > Preferences folder:
    3. Trash the following files in your Home > Library > Preferences > ByHost folder:
    where• xxx is an alphanumeric string, and
    • screensaver_name is the name of a screen saver you have used.Whether preferences files of the type shown in (c) exist depends upon the screen saver and if you have changed its options, if any.
    4. Open your Home > Library > Caches folder, then trash the following two files therein:
    5. Empty the Trash.
    6. Launch System Preferences and see if all is well. If so, reset Desktop & Screen Saver preferences accordingly.2. If that doesn't work, then immediately after the problem occurs, check the ends of these Console logs for clues. Do not post the entire logs, but rather just copy/paste into a reply any messages at the ends of the logs referring to System Preferences or either of the Desktop or Screen Saver preference panes. One of those preference panes may be corrupted: if so, they can be reinstalled, but let's see if that's the problem first by what Console may tell us.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    Thanks! I hope I explained this clear enough.

    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, (+s), then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
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    The 5 things it does are...
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    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
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  • System Preferences not detecting intel high definition audio

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    I have a 2.4GHz Intel Core i7 Macbook Pro late 2011 running Mavericks 10.9.4 (13E28) on 8 GB RAM and Intel HD Graphincs 3000 512 MB, and my audio devices are not identified in audio MIDI setup or system preferences. Looking at system information the audio hardware is recognized (but there is no "built-in" beside 'audio' in the navigation pane).
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    I've tried installing the combo pack for 10.9.4
    After each install I've reset the PRAM and SMC for each reinstall.
    I know my speakers work because I hear the chime when i start up. My internal microphone and line-in are also part of this problem with the audio devices. They don't show up in sound preferences either. To my knowledge the only issue seems to be with the audio.
    My direct question is: How do i make my system preferences recognize my internal microphone, my internal speakers, and my built-in line?
    I'd appreciate any input, this is my first posting to the community. Thank you all for viewing.

    I looked into the community and saw that someone had the exact same problem. Their solution was to backup valuable data and clean install the operating system. I have followed through on this and have sound =). Just waiting now for my backups to complete.
    I'm being cautious what I put back into the settings because I believe that's where some files my have been corrupted. Not sure. For the most part, thanks for viewing to those who did.

  • Spotlight (still) not working in System Preferences

    Hi there,
    As soon as I enter a single letter in the search box of the System Preferences window, the entire System Preferences window dims, and no Preference Pane icon is highlighted.
    I've tried:
    1) Running Disk Utility and reparing disk -- no repairs required
    2) Running Disk Utility and repairing permissions -- no repairs required
    3) Booting into Single User Mode (Command-S at boot), and running AppleJack 1.4.3 and removing all caches and checking all plist files for corruption
    4) Deleting the Spotlight index: sudo mdutil -E / and re-indexing
    5) manually deleting just ~/Library/ and
    Except for the search field in the System Prefernences window not working, Spotlight seems fine.
    Any other suggestions appreciated.

    Thank you Daniel,
    I omitted posting that the Search box in my Systems Preferences Window used to work, so that I do know what to look for: as I type letters the preference panes whose description contains the (partial) word I am typing should be highlighted by an undimmed circle.
    Unfortunately, in my case, the behavior I have is that regardless of what I type in the Search box in my Systems Prefernces Window, no icons are ever highlighted. Indeed, I can type the complete name of a preference pane, for example 'bluetooth', and while my entire Systems Preferences Window is dimmed, neither my Bluetooth preference pane icon nor any other preference pane icon is highlighted through the use of an undimmed circle about it.
    This failure of the Search box in the Systems Preferences Window has been experienced by other people. For example in this forum, viz:
    Reindexed my HD but no Spotlight preference in Preferences
    Unfortunately the solution posted in the above thread was to manually delete the ~/Library/Caches/ and ~/Library/Caches/ files. And as I posted I've tried not only manually deleting the above two files in, but also deleting all of my cache files through the use AppleJack 1.4.3. Neither steps have returned the Search box in my Systems Preferences Window to working order.
    Alas, I'm still looking for suggestions...

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