SystemDuring Prepare for the Upgrade

Hi there,
During the Input for PREPARE for upgrade I get the error message:
SEREVE ERROR: unable to determine DB and SAP version.
in the Log file DBINFO.LOG I found this:
Warning: unknown parameter WITH_TACOB in parameter file (line 19).
Warning: unknown parameter WITH_TACOB in parameter file (line 19).
ERROR: SAP-System not installed properly.
       Systems name (PLT) is different from name in TADIR (GCP)
HALT 20080913122633
ERROR: SAP-System not installed properly. Systems name (PLT) is different from name in TADIR (GCP)
ERROR: EXIT(16) -> process ID is: 1704
Process with ID 1704 terminated with status 233
The system is a copy from the production system. The problem is that the Old SAPSID still in the target system.
Anyone know how I clean this?

sorry my problem has been solved. I needed to do post installation after system copy to overwrite7delete the old SAPSID

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    Hi Ramon,
    I ran into the same error ... (but it was very late night and therefore I don't know if I did something wrong and I forgot to talk to SAP on this)
    - For the 7.00 Upgrade you NEED sidofr and not sidadm!
    - I used the following workaround - run with sidofr -:
    SAPUP UPGDIR('/usr/sap/put') PARMLIST('check')
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    What upgrade are you trying to install? Your profile shows iOS 5.1.1, which is the current max iOS.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hey Mighty Duck x,
    Thanks for the question. After reviewing your post, it sounds like you need to authorize the computer. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you resolve or isolate the issue.
    Authorize your computer using iTunes
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

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    Event ID 6463
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    Environment is
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    Hereby the Process Monitor output. Hence i filtered it on NOT SUCCESS and Path contains the word UPGRADE
    11:37:57,4244851 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\UpgradeLogLevelOverride
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144
    11:37:57,6632057 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegOpenKey
    NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
    11:37:57,6632889 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegOpenKey
    NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
    11:37:57,7140763 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegOpenKey
    NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
    11:37:57,7141089 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegOpenKey
    NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
    11:37:57,7313089 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegOpenKey
    NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
    11:37:57,7313403 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegOpenKey
    NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read
    11:37:59,2026527 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\MS_InternalUse_Only_UpgradeableVersion
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144
    11:37:59,2109400 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\MS_InternalUse_Only_UpgradeableVersion
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144
    11:38:05,3534303 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\MS_InternalUse_Only_UpgradeableVersion
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144
    11:38:05,3537846 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\MS_InternalUse_Only_UpgradeableVersion
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144
    11:38:05,3594290 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\MS_InternalUse_Only_UpgradeableVersion
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144
    11:38:05,3597316 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\MS_InternalUse_Only_UpgradeableVersion
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144
    11:38:05,3653094 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\MS_InternalUse_Only_UpgradeableVersion
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144
    11:38:05,3656118 OWSTIMER.EXE
    6272 RegQueryValue
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\15.0\WSS\MS_InternalUse_Only_UpgradeableVersion
    NAME NOT FOUND Length: 144

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    I have NO idea where you should ask that question, but THIS forum is about help with installing Cloud programs
    If you will start at the Forums Index
    You MAY be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe question you have
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

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    If you want to do a refresh for the os update by Factory reset. Then.
    1. Make sure you know all your passwords to any app services. game services, music services ect.
    2. SD is unaffected, most apps should be installed there anyway. IF developers did it right, all that is needed is a app redownload and a small file restore to games ect. THe gamedata, main files should already be on the SD. Very helpful for large games like order and Chaos online which is a very large MMO RPG. Instead of downloadign over a gig of data, it will patch 108mb, and check exsisting files only.
    3. Backup contacts to verizon if you want, that is good for switching to any phone such as a non android phone. OR emergency back-up. COntacts backup to SD will only contain the name and number.
    4. Programs or data that are installed on the main storage and not SD can be backed up with Backup pro or a similiar app. Then restored as it was with any related data.
    5. Android has smart updating when it is OTA or from SD. Because it maintains file structures, it doesn't need to alter other exsisting stuff while it overwrites the OS kernal, Radio data, ect...
    The only real issue you may run into are older apps no longer compatible with gingerbread. Same applies to ICecream testing. Icecream uses the basics of gingerbread but is scalable. The interface has been simplified and adjusted so it can run on an drid and android device. At teh core its still gingerbread modfied to run basic or run with full effects. SO if leaks or official ICecream hits all phones which is what google wants eventually, it is very adaptable across all phones and tablets.

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