T420s - Storage Converter from 1,8" to 2.5", 7mm thickness

Does anybody know a supplier of a Storage Converter from 1,8" to 2.5" which is compatible to the new ThinkPad T420s? We want to use the 1,8" FHD SSD's (Lenovo P/N 43N3417) in the T420s (we used them in our T410s).
Unfortunately the Storage Converter with the IBM FRU P/N 42W7888 is too thick (9,5mm) and doesn't fit. Lenovo won't offer a 7mm Storage Converter so I am desperately looking for a Third-Party-Supplier offering that. Thank you

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    The warning simply means that the file was created in an older version of AE. The other issue is that you did not put your footage in the correct locations and it is missing. Use File --> Replace Footage to point to the proper storage locations.

  • Convert from Managed to Referenced

    I posted this question once before, just wanted to try again.
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    De Colores...

    Hi Michael,
    I don't have time this morning for a thorough (or, apparently, concise) response. See if this is in any way helpful.
    I followed Sierra Dragon's recommendation on upgrading my library (over 300GB in size). I am about to convert from managed to referenced, ...
    Good. Moving your Masters off your system drive (assuming that's where they are) should give you a performance boost as well as allowing you to expand your holdings.
    but I have a specific filing structure in Aperture that I would like to maintain on my FW800 drive.
    Why (I mean that)? What advantages do you get from this unique filing structure? Can those advantages be had with anything simpler, more standard, or easier-to-implement?
    That being said, when I convert, it would appear that Aperture will keep each picture in the project but not do so by folder. I want to maintain the folder structure.
    This is, ime, a waste of your time. Aperture already doesn't store your digital negatives this way. (Right-click your Aperture Library in Finder and select "Show Package Contents to see how Aperture stores your files. Look but don't touch.) When you convert from a Managed Masters to a Referenced Masters Library, your Library structure remains untouched: your Image Folder structure is not altered. All that happens is that digital negatives are moved, and the pointers in your Library are pointed to the new locations outside the LIbrary instead of the current locations inside the Library.
    One of the powerful but odd things which Aperture does is to separate image management from file management. File management structures are fixed (and unwieldy). Aperture frees the user from those confines (and for many users, keeps this secret). You surely know this already, but now as you convert from a Managed Masters Library to a Referenced Masters Library is a good time to examine it again. You want to view your Projects by date? Go to Projects View and sort by date. You can group by year and drill down. With effective Project-naming, your can filter by type (e.g.: family, personal, work, birds). Your tools for image viewing are much more powerful. Want to see all shots of your dog during the first year of its life? No problem (as long as you've keyworded well). You can even set up Smart Albums -- as many as you like -- for this or (almost) any imaginable sub-set of your images. And when your interests change, you can delete the Smart Album (or Album) and not worry at all about losing your images.
    I realize none of that is new to you. The point I'm trying to make is that your Library structure can and should be designed foremost to meet your image retrieval needs (and not your file storage needs). Each digital negative lives in one and only one Project. Beyond that, you are free. In your case, it may make sense to create a structure based on family rather than one based on date. The date structure is hard-coded into Aperture -- you can't lose it, you can always use it, and you don't have to reproduce it in your Library.
    My suggestion is to treat separately your file storage from your image storage (don't use your file storage structure as your image storage structure), and develop an image storage structure which works great for you that is not based on "when shot". (And again, "when shot" is very valuable -- so valuable, it's irremovably hard-coded into your images and into Aperture, which is why you needn't recreate it.)
    Back to your question: if Aperture won't create the Finder folder names you want, use the great Name Mangler to batch rename your Finder folders. At most you'll have to run it through twelve times, once for each month. This would be a one-time change. After that, you'll have to manually create new folders (might as well do them in sets of twelve), and then when you Import point to the storage folder.
    None of that is, respectfully and imho, worth the effort.

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    Hi Raghuveer,
    Thanks for quick reply.  Sorry, I prefer not to share my designs so I cannot send you my sample of Ai file or screenshots.  I hope you understand. 
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    Thank you very much!!

  • Button to Convert from Dynamic to Static form Attach to Email then Convert Back

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    So I want a button that turns the dynamic form into a static form than attach the static PDF to an email, than I want it to change back to dynamic on the original.
    This works in acrobat reader 9, but not in reader 7.
    my code for the submit button is this
    for (var nPageCount = 0; nPageCount < xfa.host.numPages; nPageCount++) {
    var oFields = xfa.layout.pageContent(nPageCount, "field");
    var nNodesLength = oFields.length;
    // Set the field property.
    for (var nNodeCount = 0; nNodeCount < nNodesLength; nNodeCount++) {
    oFields.item(nNodeCount).access = "readonly";
    that code works fine in acrobat reader 7 and later, the problem comes in when I switch it back to dynamic with this code in the postsubmit event
    for (var nPageCount = 0; nPageCount < xfa.host.numPages; nPageCount++) {
    var oFields = xfa.layout.pageContent(nPageCount, "field");
    var nNodesLength = oFields.length;
    // Set the field property.
    for (var nNodeCount = 0; nNodeCount < nNodesLength; nNodeCount++) {
    oFields.item(nNodeCount).access = "open";
    This nets me an error on opening the form in any reader previous to reader 9:
    Invalid enumerated value:postSubmit
    Anyone have any ideas?
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    Well, I don't know, but one might suspect that one of these times when the DNG converter gets upgraded (and it does from time to time) one of the things that might happen is that at some point Nikon might free up all its proprietary stuff in a NEF and that would be available to Adobe to include in an upgrade.
    Hmmmm, in that case it might be worthwhile to reconvert NEFs--but that would mean redeveloping all those digital negatives.... Whoa....maybe I better stop this line of reasoning before I really upset you and others who have converted from NEFs. You are discovering some of the reasons why I don't do that just to save a little space--and be free of sidecars, of course (a noble motive, for sure).
    I do convert for other shooters who are clients, but I always store the NEFs and DINGs and derivatives together in the same folder, which of course raises storage loads, but that is the way they want them.
    Try the DNG UtoU forum. There are some very knowledgeable guys over there.

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    Can anybody give me the ABAP code to convert from 0calmonth2 and 0calyear to 0calmonth.and please suggest me whether i have to write start routine or end routine in transformations.
    Thanks ALL.

    in the transformation map 0calmonth2 and 0calyear to the 0calmonth field, and from drop down choose routine.
    there will be an area where it will be mentioned write your piece of code below this line.
    paste the below code:
    Concatenate source_fields-0calmonth2 source_fields-0calyear into result.
    also delete the line result = .
    save the routine and execute the package.

  • The bullet list, numbered list and the normal text is not converting when I am converting from RH 9 to MS Word 2010

    Hi all,
    Greetings for the day
    I am created a new CSS in Robohelp 9. I have also created a new template in Word 2010. The style sets for different information elements like (Heading, bullets, body text, ) are more or less same between the CSS and the new templates. I am also able to map the .css styles to Word template when I am converting from RH to Word as I am getting the necessary option in the drop-down list.
    However, when the output is generated, the bullet, the numbered list and the body text is not converting at all. The body text works sometimes. However, the numbered list and bullet list is coming out as images.
    If anybody knows the solution, I can share the .css and Word template.
    Thanks in advance.
    Parag Deb

    Create a new project with two or three topics containing lists of both types. Generate a printed output that shows the problem. Then zip it up and send it to me. See the Contact page on my site for instructions.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    you can set the storage location as 'Storage location stock excluded from MRP' value '1' in the field
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    Please if the issue is solved set the thread  as answered and provide the points to the useful replies.
    thanks for your cooperation

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    I would be grateful for any help. This has become just too exhausting. After reinstalling sooooooooo much, then to have to go through this with what is a free application? I say I think not.
    This should NEVER happen with any free application and boy there is NO help to be found. They blow you off the phone fast telling you it's a free application. Then why are you putting in this kind of  stuff that it won't open? This is NOT a shared notebook, it's mine. I am the only user, personal use.
    HP probook, if anyone needs that info.
    Please, will someone help?
    I would be so grateful.

    Gee, Pat, this is a  real big help.
    Nobody could possibly think anyone would ask for help without first trying to fix the issue oneself. Or maybe you do. I have opened the file and looked under security. I have changed it to owner-notebook (which is what the techs called me) and clicked accept but geepers it didn't work.
    Maybe someone else has an idea.
    Take Ownership of a File or Folder
    The above should be a link. At least I copied and pasted the link. I did what was stated in there. It isn't like brain surgery. But it is not working. I ended up being able to open some pdf files after transferring them from one partition category to another. I wish it was that easy as you seem to think.
    Thanks for the help. Have a great year.

  • How do you stop DNG Converter from embedding Adobe's ACR default settings instead of custom settings?

    I notice that the new version of Adobe DNG Converter (8.6, and maybe earlier) appears to place Adobe's ACR defaults in the converted file.  Thus, the converted files open up in Bridge with an indication that they already have settings made, and, hence, ACR does not apply the custom camera settings.  One has to Clear Settings first in Bridge, then open in ACR.
    This behavior is new, perhaps to 8.6.  But it's presence defeats the purpose of having custom Camera Defaults.
    Is there any way to prevent DNG Converter from installing settings?

    ssprengel wrote:
    What do you mean by “custom camera settings”?  Do you mean you’ve changed the Camera Raw defaults for a particular camera and those aren’t being seen until you do a Reset?  Or do you mean some sort of Nikon-settings that Adobe never looks at?
    Also at what point in the workflow are you converting these files, just after copying them to your hard-disk and before touching them with any other Adobe software, or after they’ve been adjusted in Nikon software, or after they’ve been adjusted in Bridge/ACR, initially as NEFs?
    I mean my custom camera defaults that are set by the Save New Camera Defaults for a given camera.
    My workflow is to take my original raw files first into Adobe DNG Converter.  I then open the folder in Bridge.  At this point I notice that my original raw files remain unaltered (there is no "settings" icon in the top right corner – circle with two lines and up-arrows – in the image's thumbnail), but the converted dng's (otherwise untouched and unopened in ACR) have a "settings" icon.  When I open the original raw file in ACR, it opens using my custom camera defaults.  When I open the otherwise virgin dng in ACR, it opens using the Adobe defaults (the same defaults that would be employed if no custom camera default had been set).
    This behavior is new.  DNGs formed by earlier versions of the DNG Converter did not apply any settings to the converted file, and when they opened in Bridge, they were given the custom camera settings.
    In order to retain the old (and proper) behavior, I now have to take the just-converted documents into Bridge, select them, and immediately apply Develop Settings/Clear Settings.  That gets rid of the settings that have been installed by the DNG Converter (as well as the "settings" icon on the thumbnail).
    I notice there is a new feature in Adobe DNG Converter 8.6, namely, a panel-specific toggle between the settings and the default settings. This indicates to me the likelihood that Adobe has been making some alterations with the settings that is having unintended consequences.  It clearly is not proper for DNG Converter to be adding (installing) settings, because that prevents the custom camera default settings from being applied, and hence defeats the purpose of the custom camera default settings.

  • How do I move my storage plan from one Apple ID to another

    How do I move my icloud storage plan from one Apple ID to another??

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unfortunately, it is not possible to move your storage plan from one Apple ID to another.

  • Applescript to convert from AW6 spreadsheets to Excel

    I have an iMac (iMac12,2) running OS 10.9.1 with applications of Pages’09 (4.3), Pages (5.0.1), Numbers’09 (2.3) and Numbers (3.0.1) available.
    One of my laptops is a MBA (MacBookAir1,1) that I have kept at 10.6.8 with applications Appleworks (6.2.2) and Appleworks (6.6.9) available.
    Recently, I converted many CWWP documents from AW6 into Pages.  This was done on the iMac with an Applescript that copied a file (AnyDocumentCWWP) to the desktop as a file named AWV6, opened AWV6 with Pages’09, saved the result as AWV6.Pages, applied the creation date and modify dates of the original to AWV6.Pages, moved the new AWV6.Pages to the original directory and moved the original file to the trash, renamed AWV6.Pages to the original filename (excluding extension).  The Pages version of the original document does not preserve the formatting of the CWWP, but the content was now discoverable with Spotlight.  Since I was primarily concerned with the content, I would consider the conversion effort successful enough.
    I performed the same sort of process on the iMac with CWSS documents converting from AW6 into Numbers.  Here the results were less successful.  I discovered that many of the converted spreadsheets had cells where the cell contained the last calculated value in substitute for the formula originally present -or- Numbers was unable to open the CWSS spreadsheet due to size limitations.  Neither problem occurs when the file is converted on the MBA by Appleworks into an Excel format.  For those CWSS files that did not properly convert to Numbers, I would like to perform a conversion to Excel.
    When a given spreadsheet is manually opened on the MBA with either version of Appleworks, one can “Save as” using several formats of Excel.  That operation will preserve the formula which cannot be recognized in Numbers’09. An example of this issue is when a spreadsheet has a cell that contains a formula with the function “ISNUMBER”.  When I manually open a CWSS in Appleworks (either 6.2 version), I can Save As Excel Win 97 … or Excel Mac 98 … creating an XLS file that preserves the formula.
    I have attempted two techniques with Applescript to be able to convert my CWSS documents into XLS format.  Neither seem to work.
    The first technique is very similar to a few lines extracted from a canned script found on http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=8296 the relevant code is:
    set theSprTranslator to "Excel Win 97, 2000, XP 2002 spr"
    tell application "System Events" to set mfpath to get path of disk item ("~/desktop/" as string)
    set newfile to (mfpath & "AWV6" as string)
    set NewFilename to AWV6XLS
    tell application "AppleWorks 6"
        open newFile -- alias reference is ok
        save using translator theSprTranslator with NewFilename and replace
        close front document without saving
    end tell
    When this did not work, I attempted a scripted GUI solution as a second option.  The GUI code I had found at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17348326/applescript-to-save-an-appleworks-do cument-wont-compile-end-tell-vs-end-easy is:
    tell application "System Events"
             tell process "AppleWorks"
                     click menu item "Save As…" of menu "File" of menu bar 1
                     click menu button "File Format" of window "Save : AppleWorks 6"
                     click menu item "Excel Mac 5 spreadsheet" of menu 1 of menu button  "File Format" of window "Save : AppleWorks 6"
                     keystroke return
             end tell
    end tell
    Unfortunately there is no “File Format” menu button, after a bit of further research, I discovered UI Browser and wrote my own Applescript equivalent:
    set mytempwork1 to AWV6
    set theSprTranslator to “Excel Win 97, 2000, XP 2002 spr”
    tell application "Finder" to open file (mytempwork1 as string) of the desktop
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "AppleWorks"
            click menu item "Save As…" of menu "File" of menu bar 1
            tell text field 1 of window "Save : AppleWorks 6"
                set value to "XX" & mytempwork1
            end tell
            click pop up button 1 of group 1 of window "Save : AppleWorks 6"
            click menu item theSprTranslator
            —click radio button 2 of group 1 of window "Save : AppleWorks 6"
            —delay 3
            —click radio button 1 of group 1 of window "Save : AppleWorks 6"
        end tell
    end tell
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "AppleWorks"
            click button "Save" of window "Save : AppleWorks 6"
            delay 1
        end tell
    end tell
    This GUI script behaves almost as I would like.  It seems to ignore the setting of the “pop up button 1” unless I actually intervene while the script is running and I click on the button.  When I do so, the script runs as intended.
    Is there a way to force Appleworks to recognize the Applescripted value of the “clicked” menu item?

    As far as I know, there's no need to resort to GUI scripting. The problem in exporting in AppleScript is that AppleWorks 6 only accepts typeChar (TEXT) data as translator name while AppleScript string has become always being represented as typeUnicodeText (utxt) since OS X 10.5. This makes passing translator name to save command difficult but there's a workaround method as shown in the sample code below. The |TEXT|() handler does the job. Tested with AppleWorks 6.2.4 under 10.6.8.
    on main()
        set export_translator to "Excel Mac 98, 2001 spreadsheet"
            "Excel Mac 5 spreadsheet"
            "Excel Mac 98, 2001 spreadsheet"
            "Excel Win 5 spreadsheet"
            "Excel Win 97, 2000, XP 2002 spr"
        set export_translator_TEXT to my |TEXT|(export_translator)
        set src to (path to desktop)'s POSIX path & "in.cwk"
        set dst to (path to desktop)'s POSIX path & "out.xls"
        set srca to src as POSIX file as alias
        set dsta to touch(dst) as POSIX file as alias
        tell application "AppleWorks 6"
            --return export translators
            open srca
            tell document 1
                if document kind = spreadsheet document then
                    save in dsta using translator export_translator_TEXT
                end if
                close saving no
            end tell
        end tell
    end main
    on touch(f)
        do shell script "touch " & f's quoted form
        return f
    end touch
    on |TEXT|(u)
            string u : source text
            return data : «data TEXT...» representing u converted to MACROMAN encoding
        do shell script "u=" & u's quoted form & "; printf '%s' \"$u\" | iconv -f UTF-8 -t MACROMAN | xxd -p"
        run (run script "
        «data TEXT" & result & "»
    end script")
    end |TEXT|
    Hope this helps,

  • How do I convert from PAL to NTSC in compressor?

    I have a project I converted from mp4 file to Apple Pro Res to edit it in FCP.  I exported using Compressor and tried to import the files to DVD Studio Pro.  It said it can't put PAL files into an NTSC project.  I didn't even realize it was filmed in PAL (yes, I have the rights to use the footage).  How do I convert the files from PAL to put it into FCP...in Compressor?  If so, how?  Thanks for any help!

    To  convert the 25fps PAL file to a 29.97fps file staying within the ProRes codec:
    • Open up compressor. In the Settings window select: Apple>Formats>Quicktime>ProRes 422
    • Select the "Duplicate Selected Setting" icon in the upper left of the Settings window
    • This creates duplicate of the preset that you can edit
    • Select the preset copy and, in Inspector, give it a new name (something like ProRes PAL>NTSC)
    • In Encoder>Video Settings>Frame rate - and change the frame rate to 29.97
    • In Frame Controls> turn them on and set Resize Filter and Rate Conversion to BETTER.  (If so set them to BEST, be prepared for a long wait)
    • In the Geometry tab, set the Frame Size to 720x480 (you don't say if the file is 16:9 or 4:3)
    • Submit the file and go have dinner. Depending on the length of the file, it may take hours.
    Have fun.

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    I have CR 2008 report with SP1. The report has a sub report. The main report is based off of a BV but the sub report is using an ODBC connection. When I try to update the ODBC connection I recieve an error message telling me that:
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    I am do not want to update the BusinessView just the ODBC connection for the subreport.

    Hi Michael,
    When you try to update both the Business views and ODBC connection you will be  prompted for  those errors.
    You need to break the link  in the report and update the connections individually.

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