Tabs & InDesign CS5 Problem!

Having issues with text shifting on a multi tabbed line of text. Tabs are left align to right align with a leader. first set of tabs works fine, however the two sets of tabs after pushes the left tabbed text into right.

Bob, I am having the same issue. There are no hidden characters except for TABS inbetween words.
Make new IDCS5 document.
Draw a text frame.
Type some text like this, use tabs between item and price points:
text     11.95     stuff     13.11     junk     99.99
more     99.11     crap     12.21     garbage     00.55
Put tabs to align the column of price points to be right align and have a leader of a period
Insert left aligned tabs to line up the text items, with no leader character.
Export document as PDF.
Some of the words are pushed over to the right, on top of the leader characters.
Whether the words are piled up or show up completely correct, seems to depend on how small the space between the right tab and left tab is.
If the tab character (>>) is changed to any other font, then the spacing shows up correctly on PDF.
Seems like a bug, I am going to bug report it soon. Major Adobe Fail, to use the hip vernacular.

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    P6: 4bad03d3
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    It's the PDF.
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    WIe sind Deine Farbeinstellungen: Bearbeiten > Farbeinstellungen? Vor allem was sind die verwendeten CMYK-Richtlinien.
    Das Problem ist dann gegeben, wenn Dein Dokument in einem CMYK-Farbprofil angelegt ist (und Deine Grafiken) und die Ausgabe erfolgt auf ein anderes Farbprofil.
    Damit der Farbeindruck gleich bleibt, werden die Farben in ein anderes Farbprofil konvertiert, damit die Farbwerte gleich bleiben, wird die Einstellung Werte erhalten verwendet. Das ist eben in den Farbeinstellungen generell festgelegt, kann jedoch spezifisch beim PDF-Export abweichend gewählt werden.
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    Has anyone else come across this problem?  Is there a work around or a quick fix.  We would hate to have to upgrade to CS6 for all of our in house copies of InDesign and then ask our outside editors what do have inCopy cs5.5 to upgrade to CS6. 
    If this is the case, when CS7 comes out, and we hire additional outside editors, will we continuously have to go through the process of upgrades again?  This is too costly for use and our existing contracted editors.
    Any thoughts are assistance would be appreciated.
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    Hi Ruffus,
    Unfortunately different versions of InDesign and InCopy do not work well with each other. Newer versions of the program should be able to open older files, but they cannot save backwards. I am not sure what is causing the errors with the newer versions of InCopy however.
    Are you able to open the CS6 InCopy files on your computers?   

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