Tabular Report Audit Fields Update

Hi All,
I have a tabular report. And I am Updating Multiple rows on Submit.
I have issue with the Audit Fields. When I make changes and click 'submit' (MRU) , all the columns are updated but my audit fields (Standard report columns) are not being updated.
Please help me fix this.
I am using version 3.1 and 9i db.
Thanks in Advance,

The best approach would be creating an database upate audit trigger on your audit columns and update them with sysdate and app_user. For example see below
END;update_dt and update_sid are audit columns of the sample_tbl table. In this way the before update trigger will fire when ever you update any record within sample_tbl table.

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    I have a tabular report, and I have two fields which I am auto populating, I have currently set them to Display As Text, however, I would prefer to hide them, I have tried setting them to Hidden, but when I do, I get a SQL error when submitting the form, it appears that all the columns in the table have to be displayed in the tabular report for it to work. Does anybody know how I can hide the fields? I am using APEX 4.
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    Have you tried setting the column to not show (using the checkbox) in the report attributes instead (leaving its type as display as text)?
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    There is no easy way to do this without some incredibly lengthy javascript. Tabular forms still do not give much declarative control to the developer.
    If you are looking to click a button and update one column on one row, it's easiest to change your design to two pages using report and form. Make the first page the report with an Edit button, click the button (nothing more than a link) and it goes to a basic form with only one updateable field. After submit, branch back to the first page. Easy.
    For the end user, there are no more mouse clicks involved in this than what you described originally so it's likely it'll be an acceptable application design change.

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    In the report attributes --> column attributes
    I tried already:
    1. Column Formating -- >CSS Style (bgcolor: red)
    2. Tabular Form Element --> Element Attributes (bgcolor: red)
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    thank you in advance.

    in "Report Attributes" select the column to move to the "Column Attributes" page. In the "Element Attributes" field under the "Tabular Form Element" region enter
    I will also check if there is a way to do this via the template and post here again
    in your template definition, above the template, enter the following:
    < STYLE TYPE="text/css" >
    .class INPUT {background-color:red;}
    < /STYLE >
    (remove the spaces after the < and before the >)
    change "class" to the class that the template is calling
    (I'm using theme 9, the table has: class="t9GCCReportsStyle1" so I would enter t9GCCReportsStyle1)
    A side-effect of using this second version is that ALL input types will have a red background color--checkboxes, input boxes, etc.
    Message was edited by:

  • Validation on Date Field in tabular Report

    Hi All,
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    1)Start Date
    2)End Date
    Now i want to put validation on start date as - Start Date Should Be More than sysdate.
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    Manish Jha wrote:
    What is the error you are getting ? Try executing the process in SQL workshop with hard coded values of apex_application.g_f03 and debug the error.
    >What is the error you are getting ? Try executing the process in SQL workshop with hard coded values of apex_application.g_f03 and debug the error.
    Hi manish ,
    I have Used the following code to validate end date should be more less than start date;
    l_error VARCHAR2 (4000);
    IF TO_DATE(apex_application.g_f05 (i), 'DD-MON-YYYY ') > TO_DATE (apex_application.g_f04 (i),'DD-MON-YYYY'
    l_error :=l_error
    || '</br>'
    || 'Row '
    || i
    ||' ,TEST';
    END IF;
    RETURN LTRIM (l_error, '</br>');
    it's giving the error like :
    ORA-06550: line 16, column 6: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "RETURN" when expecting one of the following: begin function pragma procedure The symbol "begin was inserted before "RETURN" to continue. ORA-06550: line 16, column 24: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "BEGIN"
    Error ERR-1024 Unable to run "function body returning text" validation.
    What to change in the code?
    Edited by: N.K on Jun 23, 2009 11:43 PM

  • Set value for textarea field in tabular report

    Hi all,
    I need some help setting textarea values in a tabular report. The tabular report is for users to be able to build their own ad hoc report, by specifying which columns should be included and filtered. Here are the example tables:
    -- Table that holds all of the data for the report.
    create table vehicle (
      make varchar2(50),
      model varchar2(50),
      type varchar2(50),
      year number);
    insert into vehicle values ('Toyota','Camry','Sedan','2008');
    insert into vehicle values ('Toyota','4Runner','SUV','2008');
    insert into vehicle values ('Honda','Civic','Compact','2011');
    insert into vehicle values ('Honda','Accord','Sedan','2010');
    insert into vehicle values ('Ford','F150','Truck','2011');
    -- Table that holds the columns that are available to be filtered in report.
    create table vehicle_cols (
      col_id varchar2(50),
      col_label varchar2(50));
    insert into vehicle_cols values ('make','Vehicle Make');
    insert into vehicle_cols values ('model','Vehicle Model');
    insert into vehicle_cols values ('type','Vehicle Type');
    insert into vehicle_cols values ('year','Vehicle Year');
    -- Table that holds filters saved by user.
    create table vehicle_user_saved (
      saved_rpt_name varchar2(50),
      col_id varchar2(50),
      col_value varchar2(50));
    insert into vehicle_user_saved values ('Saved Report One','make','Toyota');
    insert into vehicle_user_saved values ('Saved Report One','make','Honda');
    insert into vehicle_user_saved values ('Saved Report One','model','Sedan');
    insert into vehicle_user_saved values ('Saved Report Two','make','Honda');
    insert into vehicle_user_saved values ('Saved Report Two','year',2010);And below is the source query for the region. The textarea value is initially set to null.
    -- Region Source for specifying query parameters.
      apex_item.checkbox(1,'#ROWNUM#','CHECKED') as include_cols,
      || apex_item.textarea(3,null,2,100) as filter_cols
      vehicle_cols;When a user clicks the button to load the parameters for a report they have previously saved, I'd like to change the values in the textarea field from null to the saved values from the vehicle_user_saved table so the user can see the parameters and run the report, or modify the parameters if necessary.
    I thought I could run a PL/SQL process (After Footer) when the button is clicked to populate these textarea fields, but the test below doesn't do anything:
      apex_application.g_f03(1) := 'Hello';
    end;For example, when a user selects to load "Saved Report One," the following parameters should be loaded into the textarea fields:
    Column >> Filtered Columns
    Vehicle Make >> Honda, Toyota
    Vehicle Model >> Sedan
    Vehicle Year >> Null
    Vehicle Type >> NullCan someone help me out? I wouldn't think I need Ajax for this since it's ok to be processed after the button click. But if I do need to use Ajax, I definitely could use some help with it, as I've never used Ajax before. I've setup this example in my hosted account to help.
    Workspace: MYHOSTACCT
    Username: DEVUSER1
    Password: MYDEVACCT
    Application: report parameters
    Thanks in advance!
    APEX 4.1, Oracle 11g

    Hi, thanks for your response.
    I'm not adding any new rows, I'm just trying to change the values of the textarea fields in the tabular report when the user chooses to load his/her saved parameters. The default for the textarea field in all rows is null, because I assume users will want to start building the report from scratch. However, when the user clicks the button to load his/her saved values, I want to overwrite the null values with new values. How can I do that?

  • Radio button column in the tabular report

    Hi everyone,
    I have a tabular report. I wanted to have radio button and check box some of the field. Please take a look at my sample application.
    Workspace ==> SHYIN
    username ==> SHY
    password ==> shy
    Application ID : 29879 - TabularForm
    On page 2, of the detail form, I want to have radio button in Primary Contact column and check box in status column. I would appreciate any suggession. Thanks.

    Hi Andy,
    I surely come back with new question!
    Now, I am trying to change the status column to check box. I can see the correct status the check box in the form. But when I tried to add new rows or update anything, I am getting "No data found" error.
    here is my query
    APEX_ITEM.HIDDEN(1, SEQ_ID) || APEX_ITEM.HIDDEN(2, C001) || APEX_ITEM.RADIOGROUP(3, C001, NULL, NULL, 'onclick="javascript:$x(''P2_SELECTED_ID'').value=' || C001 || '"') PRIMARY_CONTACT,
    apex_item.text(4,C002) name,
    apex_item.text(5,C004) phone,
    APEX_ITEM.HIDDEN(6, C006) || apex_item.checkbox(7,C001, null, C005) INACTIVE
    from apex_collections
    where collection_name = 'C_CONTACT_INFO'
    this is the updated Contact_Collection
    apex_collection.create_or_truncate_collection(p_collection_name => 'C_CONTACT_INFO');
    for y in (select ID,
    decode(STATUS, 'I', ID, null) status,
    from CONTACTS
    p_collection_name => 'C_CONTACT_INFO',
    p_c001 => y.ID,
    p_c002 => y.NAME,
    p_c003 => y.PRIMARY_CONTACT,
    p_c004 => y.PHONE,
    p_c005 => y.STATUS,
    p_c006 => y.CUSTOMER_ID);
    end loop;
    END IF;
    here is my updated Update_Collection process
    V_C003 CHAR(1);
    V_C001 NUMBER;
    V_C005 CHAR(1);
    V_C001 := APEX_APPLICATION.G_F02(X);
    V_C003 := 'Y';
    V_C003 := 'N';
    END IF;
    V_C005 := 'I';
    V_C005 := 'A';
    END IF;
    P_C001 => APEX_APPLICATION.G_F02(X),
    P_C002 => APEX_APPLICATION.G_F04(X),
    P_C003 => V_C003,
    P_C004 => APEX_APPLICATION.G_F05(X),
    P_C005 => V_C005,
    P_C006 => APEX_APPLICATION.G_F06(X));
    I did not make any changes to Save_Contacts process.

  • How to assign a default value on a Tabular Report?

    version 3.2.1
    I have a column in a Tabular Report (SQL Query (updateable report) ) that I would like to default to a value every time that the Add Rows button is clicked. This column needs to have the same value for every row.
    How do I set a default value on the column?

    I've run into the same problem. The 'Default' value isn't even appearing in the form, let alone getting stored.
    I'm not 100% certain (I'm still new to Apex too), but I think that the 'Default Type' and 'Default' value fields of the 'Tabular Form Element' might only apply to new records, ie when using the Tabular Form to create new records.
    In my case, I'm displaying existing records and I've been trying to enter a default new value for a particular field, ie change the value in the field for existing records from null to today's date. I couldn't get it to work and the more I think about it the more I realise that it is probably not the right way to do it.
    One alternative would be to put the SYSDATE into the source SQL (noting that changing an existing tabular form definition would cause an error, so I would have to create a new tabular form). But another (and I think preferable for me) option is to create a trigger that will put the SYSDATE into the field as each record is updated.

  • Tabular report, how to split row into two lines per record

    Hi, I have a tabular report based on a collection. The collection has 15 fields and appears horizontally across the screen. I would like to have a break after the 5th column so that each row is on two lines instead of one. Is this possible...any information would be helpful.
    a shortened query is: and I would like the break to be between c028 and c029.
    Select apex_item.select_list_from_lov_xl
    'style="width:200px;background-color:#FBEC5D; "'
    || 'onchange="f_set_casc_gear(this,f29_'
    || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0')
    || ')"',
    '- Select Gear -',
    'f28_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),
    ) gear_code,
    'select lma_desc e, lma_code r
    from lobster_mgmt_area
    where 1 in (select 1 from gears where gear_code = '
    ||' AND (type_code in (''005'') and category_code in (''160'')) OR ('
    ||' in (''130'')) ) order by lma_code ',
    '- Select -',
    'f29_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),
    'NO') lma_code,
    ) gear_quantity
    from collections where collection_name = 'EFFORT_C'

    Hello Karen,
    >> and each field needs to be updateble ( concatenating two fields does not allow for that).
    Did you notice the ‘&lt;br />’ component, as part of the columns concatenations?
    The following example is using the same principle – every two updatable column, from the employees table, are sharing the same tabular form row - . The report query is:
    select apex_item.text(10,first_name)||'<br />'||apex_item.text(11,last_name) col01,
    apex_item.text(12,phone_number)||'<br />'||apex_item.text(13,email) col02,
    apex_item.text(14,salary)||'<br />'||apex_item.text(15,commission) col03
    from employeesThe same principle is being used to define custom headings.
    Hope this time it will be more clear.

  • Multiple Select Lists on Tabular Report

    I am trying to build a tabular report to allow users to edit records within a table. This tabular report has several non-editable columns on it as well as two select list boxes. Theh user would select a value from the first list box. That value would then become part of the where clause of the next select list box. However I have not been able to pass the new value to second list box.
    My application deals with metadata, so here's how the screen looks: (Field names in {} are select lists)
    Select File to Edit: {this list works fine}
    [Field Name] [Derived] {Parent file} {*Parent Field*}
    The Parent Field drop down is never getting populated. Parent file dropdown works fine.
    I don't think the problem is with my select statement. I think the variable I am using in my select statement is never having it's value set.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Hope this makes sense.

    there's currently no easy way to handle your request in html db. it might be doable using a few hacks here and there, but it's almost not worth getting into because of the complexity of the approach. my recommendations are that you...
    a) consider setting your form up as a single-row update rather than a multi-row one. with a single-row form, it's a much simpler matter to have your {Parent Field} lov be driven by your {Parent File} one.
    b) if the values in your Parent File lov aren't too great in number, you might consider handling this with javascript added to your tabular form page. i don't know that exact javascript, but you should be able to find it pretty easily on the web.
    hope this helps,

  • How to pass tabular report col reference in the onChange event of Txtfield

    Hi there
    I need to have Onchange event on Textfield Item.
    Whenever i change the text field value, the new value should go to particular column in my
    tabular report.
    So in the onchange event, i have to pass the tabular report column (target field) along with textfield value (this.value)
    something like this:
    I have no clue how to pass row id / particular column of tabular report in textfield.
    Any pointers on this would be of great help.

    Hi Andy
    Thanks a ton for your reply.
    The above solution would work fine when we refer Text field within that tabular report.
    but if we refer text field Item from separate HTML region?
    I'm sorry, its my mistake for not providing OTN application for reference.
    I've come up with dummy application which shows you exact requirement.
    Please follow url:
    login credentials:
    workspace: vsanthanam
    user: vijay
    pswd: apex_demo
    Application highlights the row whenever we move up/down or click the row.
    Here, i've NOTES in tabular report and Comments "text field" in separate HTML region.
    Whenever i type/update comments in textfeild, it should goto Notes column in Tabular report.
    so that when we move up/down the tabular report rows, it should show corresponding Notes in Comments text field.
    Approach i've took:
    1) Created a function hiliterow, that highlights the row clicked/move up or down and
    also displays the Notes Column of Tabular report into Comments Textfield.
    (this is to display Notes if already avail to that particular row, otherwise Null)
    2) Function passValues would assign the value we type in Comments Text field to
    Notes column of Tabular Report. (as of now, this is happening only when we click on that particular row after key-in the value in Comments txtfield,
    but this should happen when onChange event on comment textfield)
    3) In MoveupDown function, i'm refering the current row in var r. so i tought to have global var to hold current row, so that i can
    refer the same row in Onchange Event of Textfield. But this fails (please refer NotesToRow function)
    My requirement is to pass the Comments text field value to Tabular report when onChange event on Comments Text feild happens.
    I'm helpless in passing row reference to onChange function.
    Any pointer on this would be of immense help.

  • Automatic UserName for Audit Field

    Hello Everyone,
    I have a Form with various fields,including the AUDIT field.I need to get the user name(logged in user) automatically to this field.How to do it??????????????

    Hi Scott,
    I assume you just want to record in the table the username that updated that field? Is this correct.
    I would possibly by pass the forms and just use a trigger on insert or update of the table.
    Add two columns to the table
    updated_by varchar2(50)
    last_update date
    Create a trigger that looks like this
    create or replace TRIGGER lu_my_table BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON my_table
    :new.updated_by := nvl(v('APP_USER'),'DB_USER');
    :new.last_updated := sysdate;
    That won't give you a history, just the user who last updated the data. You can just add these two columns into your report.

  • Error: Show Details cannot be executed when multiple items are selected in a report filter field or in a slicer

    I have connected TABULAR Model to Excel, and in the pivot the filter is on multiple dimensions. When doing the drillthrough action it gives error - Error: Show Details cannot be executed when multiple items are selected in a report filter field or in a slicer
    Is there any workaround to this error?  so that drillthrough can be done even with multiple selection.

    Hi Vikas,
    The reason behind the error message requires the knowledge on what happens at the backend. When you perform a drill-through action, a query is sent to Analysis Services. This query is expressed in a query language called Multi-Dimensional Expression (MDX).
    Since the MDX language doesnot support drill-through command against a set (collection of tuples) an error is persisted. 
    For now, there is no workaround as it is a limitation of the underlying language that is generating the query.
    When multiple items are selected you lose the ability to drill-down on individual metrics. To resolve you must either:
    1. Select a single Item.
    2. Select all items.
    Hope this helps!
    Please mark as Answer if this helps! Thanks, Rajasekhar.

  • Creating a tabular report comparing two measures based on accounts

    I'm trying to create a simple GL report but i'm getting stuck. Using BIP with OBIEE
    What i have is some GL data: debit amount (De), credit amount (Cr) and account number (acc). I would like to create a simple tabular report, comparing debit and credit transactions based on accounts, like this:
    ___________LabelA____________LabelB______________ LabelC_______________ Difference(LabelA - LabelB - LabelC)
    Label1___Cr if acc=760___De if acc=400 and 401___De if acc like 30_____________________Calculated value (A-B-C)
    Label2___Cr if acc=750___De if acc=410,411,412___De if acc between 31 and 35__________Calculated value (A-B-C)
    Total (SUM) for A, B, C and Diff
    Sample XML file:
    Is that possible? I would appreciate any tips.
    Thank you,

    Hi Luis,
    According to your description, you create a Reporting Services report using Analysis Service Tabular Model as the datasource, now what you want is sum the months value on year level, right?
    In your scenario, you can add the Month field to column group, add a parent group using Year Field and then add a Total on Month group. In this case, Reporting Services will sum the months value on Year level. I have tested it on my local environment, the
    screenshot below is for you reference.
    Reference:Lesson 6: Adding Grouping and Totals (Reporting Services)
    If this is not what you want, please describe your dataset structure, so that we can make further analysis.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Custom report #value.FIELD# issue

    I've created a report using the custom report layout option. This type of report has field tags #column_name.LABEL# in the heading section and #value.FIELD# in the Body section.
    The layout of my report requires that some of the values, #value.FIELD# , be in the heading HOWEVER when I place them there they are returned literally. Values are only substitued when I place them in the Body section.
    If I place #column_name.LABEL#'s in the BODY section they are repeated for every row returned. How can I get the #value.FIELD# to return values in the HEADER section?

    Dear All,
    I have checked that for the company code which has COPA value field as zero there is no settlement posted in c088.
    For other company codes there are postings on date 30.11.2010 but for this company code there is no poating on date 31.12.2010.
    When I am executing co88 in test run its says:
    Invalid posting period (please check your entry)
    Message no. CK122
    You are attempting to update in a period that is locked against posting. This error can occur when you attempt to post to a period that is in the past.
    You can allow posting to the prior period in Materials Management. Choose Logistics -> Materials management -> Material master -> Other -> Post to previous period and activate this function for your company code.
    If the posting is to be neither in the current period nor in the previous period, then you cannot change any stock data (such as goods movements, purchasing postings, invoice entries, or settlement to materials) because stock data can only be updated in two periods. Possible entries:
    the current period in the material master record
    the previous period
    the last period of the previous fiscal year
    Please suggest on the reason ofl error in order settlement how can I rectify

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