TC sparse bundle corrupts at a drop of a hat

Every few weeks or so, my TC backup gets stuck at "preparing backup."
The only solution I have found has been to erase the sparse bundle, and start the backup from scratch. I lose ALL of my previous backups every few weeks--and so, this seems to defeat the entire purpose of Time Machine!
Not to mention, I have to have a heart attack every time this happens, because as the new backup is going, I have no safety net for my very precious data... my entire career!!
Does anyone else have this problem? Did you find any good way to revive the sparse bundle?? To make Time Machine and Time Capsule more stable???

Next time, before you wipe your drive again, let's try to determine WHY it "Preparing...".
It may be for a genuinely good reason. How long is 'too long' to wait for Time Machine to finish "Preparing..."? Some times, "Preparing..." is required to perform the normal housekeeping that Time Machine does periodically. Other times, it really is "stuck" and never proceeds after more than 24 hours.
Let's find out what's going on next time.
*_How Do I See Time Machine Console Logs?_*
Before attempting another backup, go into Applications --> Utilities --> and launch Console.
Under “LOG FILES” on the left select "system.log".
In the search field in the upper right, type in backupd. This is the process Time Machine uses to perform backups. By searching just for this process we'll isolate only Time Machine activities.
With the Console open, attempt another backup and note the time it starts and the time it stops. Often, the activities reported will identify the very file or event that caused the attempt to choke.
You can copy and paste the events for this backup attempt from the log into a post here and we may be able to tell you exactly what is happening.
Once you determine which file or event it is, you can decide whether to move, delete, or modify certain things and then attempt another backup.
Next, consider some the reasons why TM might be stuck "Preparing..." with the following:
*_Time Machine May Report "Preparing..." For a Long Time_*
Consider these factors regarding an extended period of "Preparing...". Consider each topic separately and do not attempt to act on all of them at once.
*Recent Crash or Other Major System Event* (Deep Traversal)
The reasons for this process are described in an article by George Schreyer. “During the preparation step it checks the FSEvents log for consistency. If it determines that something isn't quite right it has to rescan the whole disk. This can take quite awhile. A full rescan is always triggered by a crash, an unplanned shut down event or by booting from some other bootable disk between backups…. After a crash, Time Machine must scan the whole disk to determine what it has to do because it cannot trust the information that it left behind. Connected via an Ethernet connection, this phase would typically take 20 minutes on an older PowerBook. Being connected wirelessly stretches this phase out to over 3 hours.” []
According to the following KB article it can sometimes take a very long time if Time Machine begins this “deep traversal” and has to compare data inventories. This may apply to your situation, particularly if many Gigs of data are involved. ( Additionally, if Time Machine has not been able to perform its’ hourly backups for 24 hours or more, then it will perform a “deep traversal” once backups are renewed. This is the case for users who only backup once a week or so.
*Anti-Virus Software*
Running anti-virus software can interfere with the backup process. Either disable it altogether, or try the suggestion outlined here, “If you use third-party anti-virus scanning software and have issues, make sure your Time Machine back up folder (Backups.backupdb on the Time Machine disk) is excluded from virus scanning.” (
*Software Updates* #
Installing new software, upgrading existing software, or updating Mac OS X system software can create major changes in the structure of your Macs directories. Time Machine will backup every file that has changed since the installation.
If you take a look at the Console logs Time Machine may be reporting that your backups need "deep traversal". That's fine. Time Machine knows what is wrong and how to fix it. If you have a great deal of data, it may take quite awhile.
After an OS update (like 10.5.5) Time Machine realizes the system no longer matches what it looked like during the previous backup. So it has determined that it's earlier catalogue of what-should-be-where is 'untrustable'. So it is going to go item-by-item comparing the before and after of your system. If you have just performed an OS Update then Time Machine knows what it's doing - let it do it!
*Spotlight Keeps Indexing Backup Drive* #
It may be that Time Machine can’t proceed or complete a backup due to a Spotlight indexing error. During this period, take a look at the Spotlight icon in the upper right corner of your screen. Is there a tiny dot pulsating in the center of the spyglass? Click on the icon. Is there a progress bar displayed? Generally, Spotlight indexing is a good thing. If it has only been a couple of hours then let the process contiune.
However, at times it may hang and never progress after many hours, preventing further backups from taking place.
Go to System Prefs --> Spotlight --> Privacy Tab.
Drag your Time Machine disk into the window. It should now be among the items to exclude from indexing.
Now quit System Prefs.
Reboot your Mac.
Reopen System Prefs and remove ("-") the Time Machine disk from the window.
Now initiate a backup.
This should clear out Spotlights cache. Naturally, Spotlight should begin indexing again (maybe even for a few hours depending on how much data there is), but it should eventually stop.
*Reboot Time Capsule* #
If, though, none of the options above have helped and it has been 12 hours or more of “Preparing…”, then the Time Capsule may need to be restarted.
Stop the backup from the Time Machine menu. (Give if a few minutes while it says “Stopping backup…”)
When the Time Machine icon stops spinning, unplug the TC from the wall outlet.
Wait 10-15 seconds.
Re-plug it in again.
After it has restarted (30-60 seconds), attempt another backup.
Time Machine will report “Preparing…” again, but it shouldn’t be lasting more than a couple of hours.
Let us know if any of the suggestions above helped in your case.

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    Skip Montanaro

    unfortunately, that's one of the main problems with Time machine - it's not sufficiently reliable for a backup application. there are all kinds of bugs and then you can have issues like your when the sparse bundle with backups can become corrupt. that's why it's a good idea to have a secondary backup using a different backup solution. many people (myself included) use CCCloner or Superduper to create bootable backups in addition to using TM.

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    tgilk wrote:
    I've already done the TC surgery once before and the hardest thing was loosening the adhesive on the rubber pad / gasket on the bottom of the unit. After that, I completed the HD replacement in about 15 minutes... piece of cake. There's actually a good tutorial on AppleFritter. But I digress...
    It's not too much of a digression. Remember that if you are just firing up the Time Capsule with the old hard drive, you don't have to reassemble it. Just swap out the plugs from the old drive to the new and turn it on. A true PC geek never runs with the cover on.
    However, messing around with adhesives and thermal paste introduces a new element of risk. If you know the dates that have good data, and you are comfortable merging the newer photos back in, accessing the data via the Finder on an external enclosure would be faster and safer.
    So, can I turn the TM backups off and still enter 'TM' to browse through the backups on the drive? I've ID'd the specific dates of my missing photo events, so as long as I can get into the backup, I will know just what folders to search for in the 'Originals' folders in the backup.
    Yes. That is probably one of the most important and least known tips about Time Machine. You can still use it even if the backups are turned off. Furthermore, if you ever start to have problems on your machine, you should turn off Time Machine to avoid further corruption of your backups.

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    hdiutil resize -size 300g xyz.sparsebundle
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    budden10, please try this:
    Disconnect the external drive to simulate it not working or having failed
    Open Time Machine on your Mac and wait a few minutes for your backups to load fully
    Go back in time and select a date when you were backing up the external drive
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    Click on your Mac
    What do you see in the window there just to the right?

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    2. I thought of turning FileVault on which would automatically contain the Entourage file. This would mean:
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    b) the backup would only occur during logout (which is fine with me) when Entourage and the MS daemon are not running so that the backup won’t be corrupt.
    3. However I am not hearing good things about the reliability of FileVault (comments?) and don’t want all the data in my Home folders lost – I don’t need that much encryption anyway.
    4. So I thought about setting up a couple of encrypted disk images made of sparse bundles – one for the Entourage data (symbolically linked to the right place for Entourage to pick the folder up) and the other for the other small number of files I need encrypted. This could be auto-mounted at login.
    5. However I think that using disk images rather than FileVault loses the automatic backup by Time Machine at logout. Maybe there is a way to get Time Machine to automatically backup these disk images during logout.
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    So my questions are:
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    B. Can Time Machine be made to backup disk images other than FileVault disk images at logout? (for example is there a particular location / filename format for FileVault images which I could emulate with the other disk images to fool Time Machine into backing them up?)
    C. When Time Machine runs at logout, have MS Entourage and the daemon process already been shut down and the disks unmounted, to prevent corruption?
    D. Is there another way of backing up the sparse image disks at logout?
    C. Is this all going to get magically fixed in Snow Leopard?
    D. Will MS come up with a sensible storage format for Entourage?
    Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

    I don't know if there is a complete solution, but here are some things you could consider.
    1. TM does not run automatically at logout unless FileVault is enabled.
    2. You can change the backup period using third-party utilities like TimeMachineEditor - VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
    3. You can exclude the Microsoft User Data folder from the TM backup and back it up separately using third-party backup software.
    4. You can use third-party backup software instead of TM, such as:
    1. Retrospect Desktop (Commercial - not yet universal binary)
    2. Synchronize! Pro X (Commercial)
    3. Synk (Backup, Standard, or Pro)
    4. Deja Vu (Shareware)
    5. Carbon Copy Cloner (Donationware)
    6. SuperDuper! (Commercial)
    7. Intego Personal Backup (Commercial)
    8. Data Backup (Commercial)
    9. SilverKeeper 2.0 (Freeware)
    10. Tri-Backup (Commercial)
    11. Apple Backup (requires a .Mac account with Apple both to get the software and to use it.)
    Apple's Backup is a full backup tool capable of backing up across multiple media such as CD/DVD. However, it cannot create bootable backups. It is primarily an "archiving" utility.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on backup and restore. Also read How to Back Up and Restore Your Files.
    Third-party backup utilities can run backups on schedules you set up. Thus, you can schedule your backups to occur at a time when you do not use the machine such as early in the AM for example.

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    will not mount. My Time Machine for this computer is totally worthless and must be rebooted so I can start a new one. Help

    There is a bug that is killing spotlight and TM in latest Lion update.. 10.7.5
    Try turning this off and see what happens.
    Otherwise copy the sparsebundles of the other computers to a usb drive or do an archive to USB drive.. although the corruption of the sparsebundle might cause that to fail.
    You can just copy them to USB drive plugged into your computer.. then erase the TC and copy them back.. painful.. yes, Tme consuming.. absolutely.. but that is the only way to fix it if the TC goes nuts and you really want to keep those other backups..
    Aint Apple just great how they test their updates so throughly.

  • Cannot change case-sensitivity of Time Machine sparse bundle (10.7.2)

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    The site suggests that I make my TM backup case INsensitive, so after the network sparse bundle has been initially created on my Lion 10.7.2 TM backup, I cancelled the backup, then opened up the sparse bundle in Disk Utility as per the instructions provided.
    I double clicked the sparse bundle to open the Time Machine Backups volume, and then in the Erase tab I changed the format from Mac OS Extended (Case-sensitive, Journaled), to Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    Then I clicked on "Erase" but it returned an error and said it could not do it. Sorry I don't have the exact error message on hand at the moment but it happened again with the same error message when I tried again.
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    Has something changed in 10.7 Lion or is there another reason I'm getting this problem? The HDD is connected as an AirDisk on an AirPort Extreme Base Station (yes I realise this is an unsupported/not recommended Time Machine solution). I haven't yet tried directly plugging the drive in via USB which will be my next step when I regain access to my computer later.
    Any help or advice would be appreciated. Many thanks.

    owngoal wrote:
    You say your "backups still turn up corrupted now and then" - how do you know? Is it only when you try to access them that you will know this?
    Sometimes a backup will fail, sometimes you can't access them, sometimes you'll get this message:
    See #C13 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting for details.
    And by this stage is it too late to recover anything?
    Sometimes.    Sometimes they can be repaired by Disk Utility.  Sometimes only a heavy-duty 3rd-party disk repair app like DiskWarrior ($100) can fix them.  Sometimes nothing can.  Sometimes you can restore some individual items, sometimes not.  Sometimes you can do a full system restore from some backups, other times not.
    does it help that I am using a Gigabit WIRED connection between iMac - 10/100/1000 switch - Airport Extreme Base Station?
    Probably -- you won't have WIFI interference.
    But if you have an iMac, why not just connect the external HD directly to your Mac?  That's much faster and more reliable (and supported).
    You'd need to erase the disk in that case, since Time Machine won't bother with a sparse bundle at all on a direct backup.  Just format the disk as GUID, with Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and let 'er rip!

  • Sparse Bundle Image Unmounts from External Drive (NTFS)

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    madhusudhan wrote:
    Thanks for response V.K
    Not sure what you mean what sparsebundle?
    I want to know what sparse bundle you are talking about.
    the sparse bundle with your filevaulted home directory which was originally located in /users/yourusername? or some other sparse bundle?
    I was using FileVault. Probably I may have put the trailing slash (can't remember as it was almost two weeks back).
    The External HDD is FAT formatted drive. I haven't done any changes to permissions.
    you should not be using a FAT drive for this. move everything over to an HFS+ formatted drive. and don't use a FAT drive for backing up OS X. FAT is an old file system which does not support many features needed by OS X.
    so what you need to do is put all the stuff you listed (token, Info.plist, Info.bckup and the bands folder) into a folder and give that folder the name username.sparsebundle where username is your old username. then you need to add a bundle flag to that folder. you need setFile command for that. it's not a part of the basix OS X install. you can install XCode (it's on the SL install DVD) or use Pacifist to install just the setFile command. then run the command
    setFile -a -B /path/to/unsername.sparsebundle
    This will restore the bundle bit to it and it will look like an actual sparse bundle. you can then try mounting it by double-clicking it. you'll have to enter your old user password. if it works you are in luck and can reuse it. if it doesn't work it's most likely corrupt beyond repair and you should trash it. you can try fixing it first but it's almost never possible with corrupt encrypted sparse bundles. but try mounting it first and see if it simply mounts. post back with the results.
    Advance thanks for assistance.

  • What size to make sparse bundle?

    I want to back up my Users folder to an encrypted sparse bundle, for archiving purposes. If the Users folder is, say, 40 GB, what size should I make the sparse bundle? The same size, or larger? If so, how much larger?
    Also, if I make the sparse image much larger, say, 150 GB, I understand that only 40 GB will be allocated to it, but if the drive it is on only has, say, only 50 GB of free space, will I still be able to open it?
    Thank you,

      if the runmode <> "Author" then
        (the stage).rect =  (the desktopRectList)[1]
        (the stage).drawRect = (the desktopRectList)[1]
      end if
    Is the quick & dirty way, but the rescale drops the fps.

  • Sparse bundle access

    I have a Mac with an external drive that I use as a backup target for another Mac. Everything works OK with Time Machine and the networked computer but I cannot gain access to the sparse bundle from the Mac that the drive is attached to. The sparse bundle folder has a red minus sign on it and any attempts to open the folder are met with a dialog that says I do not have enough access privileges to open the folder. The account has administrator access, is there for me to gain access to the folder?

    No, you do not want to enable root access as that is a major security risk, and with root access you could easily render the system unusable by a simple mistake or doing something you should not do.
    Does this other account belong to you or to another user? It would be improper for us to help you gain access to another user's data without knowing there is no objection from that user.
    If you need only occasional access then have the other user drop the files and/or folders to which you need access into the /Users/Shared/ folder. Anyone can access files that have been placed in the Shared folder.

  • A sparse image or sparse bundle question in relation to a NAS

    Hi all,
    I want to create a sparse image or bundle on my Synology DS713+ NAS to store my iPhoto and Aperture libraries.
    The reason for a sparse image or bundle lies in the fact that both iPhoto and Aperture very much like a solid Mac Journal formatted drive to operate on.
    Because I use an iMac and a MacBookPro I want these libraries available for both computers, and while they reside on a NAS they are 'automatically' backed up, and acessible to both computers.
    I've tried storing the iPhoto library on the NAS directly (not Mac formatted but some Linux format, nót FAT32 anyway), but this was performing very poor (copying the library took hours and hours), and I've read on many NAS and Synology forums that this is not the way to go. The best solution I've read from these forums is to create a Sparse Image or Bundle on the NAS to benefit fully form an iPhoto or Aperture Library.
    Now I have created a Sparse Image, and mounted it, and moving (copying) an iPhoto Library to it is done in a snap (amazing).
    But having the Sparse Image mounted on my iMac, I cannot acess it on my MacBookPro unless I first umount it on the iMac, and then mount it on the MacBook.
    Is there a way that such a Sparse Image can be mounted on more than one computer at the same time. In my case, mounted on both the iMac and the MacBook?
    Or must it specifically be a Sparse Bundle to accomplish this, or maybe some Terminal wizzardry to get this done?

    I'm a little confused here, but what you did answer did help quite a bit. Thanks for that. Anyway, I'm having problems adding to the array. It keeps telling me 'cannot find symbol - method add (double). I'm assuming that this method should be defined in the AuditRecord class, which has been given to me but there seems to exist no method in that class called 'add'. I suppose I could make one, but my professor said that we shouldn't be modifying the AuditRecord class at all, which leads me to believe I'm on the wrong track again. Anyway, here's my updated code in the hopes that it's a simple mistake that I'm making once again:
    public class AuditTrail
        private ArrayList<AuditRecord> auditTrail;
        //ArrayList<AuditRecord> auditTrail = new ArrayList<AuditRecord>();
        //private double amount;
    public AuditTrail()
       auditTrail = new ArrayList<AuditRecord>();
    * Add a record
    public boolean add(double amount)
           if (amount > 0)
           //create auditrecord and add to audit trail (array list)      
           AuditRecord auditTrail = new AuditRecord(amount);
           System.out.println("Amount of "+amount+" added.");
           return true;// similar behavior to a collection
            System.out.println("Invalid deposit amount.");
            return false;

  • Safari won't open. Firefox disappeared, only question mark. Mail doesn't have content. Time Machine won't turn on because sparse bundle is in use. Please help.

    I had this issue about a month in a half ago and it was fixed by a local technician. I no longer have access to him and I really need some help. The issues are as follows:
    Safari will not open.
    Firefox disappeared. No icon, just a question mark in it's place.
    When I open mail it shows I have new messages but the content is blank.
    Time Machine cannot turn on because sparse bundle is in use.
    New files that were made are no longer available. It's almost as if the computer jumped back in time.
    The Mac Mini is running Mavericks 10.9.5

    I'll assume that you have some way of connecting to this website from the affected machine. If not, ask for other instructions.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try to launch Safari. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Time Capsule won't back up due to "sparse bundle" how do I fix this?

    I recently updated to IOS6 now my time machine will not back up... due to some "sparse bundle" issue.  Can anyone help me fix this?

    I do not see how the two are related..
    iOS does not use a sparsebundle. That is used by Time Machine in a Mac.
    Reboot the TC .. does the issue go away.
    I have heard there are some wireless issues with the new iOS release.. perhaps check in the iphone area.

  • Word documents located in a sparse bundle will not open after update to Lion

    I have several files of Word documents created by Office for Mac 2008. These files are located in two different sparse bundles for security. One sparse bundle is the original. The second sparse bundle is a larger maximum size that I copied the original Word documents into.  My plan was to delete the original after I confirmed that the second larger one worked.   After updating to Lion, I also uninstalled Office for Mac 2008, and installed Office for Mac 2011.  Now when I try to open these Word documents, I get a message saying that Word cannot not open these documents because they may be in use or may have unacceptable symbols in the file name.  If I control click on the documents, I can see the document in Preview but still cannot open in Word.  In addition, I am able to open Word documents that are on my desktop. I tried moving my folders out of the sparse bundles by copying them to the desktop but this did not work either.
    Help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    ok i created a hello world app to try a nail down this issue.
    i created the app with version 1.0.0
    uploaded it to my server on the net.
    hit the web address from my phone, downloaded and installed
    then changed the version number to 1.0.1
    uploaded this apk
    downloaded and installed to phone
    app would then open for sec then close
    only fixable by clearing application cache.
    I can't believe the answer to this problem is not available by googling it.
    has no one else encountered this?
    please help, i am scared to release any updates to my programs - massive influx of email from mad users who can not open there apps.

  • Why won't my MacBook Pro backup to Time Machine (on my 1TB Time Capsule) when I'm running Lion OSX 10.7.5.? What does it mean when this error pops up: MacBook Pro.sparse bundle could not be assessed (error - 1).???? Please help me fix this!

    Apparently I am not the only person having this problem as I have seen many threads about it. If ANYONE OUT THERE CAN HELP ME, I WOULD SINCERELY APPRECIATE IT.
    I try and run my backup as I always have, but it HAS NEVER COMPLETED SINCE I UPGRADED TO LION. As many mentions, I updated from 10.7.4 to 10.7.5 hoping that would fix my issue and it didn't help at all. I also unistalled WD SmartWare to no avail. It's really starting to annoy me since I have as much money invested in my MacBook Pro and Time Capsule as I do in my car....
    I have more than enough space on the Time Capsule, but Time Machine is still failing and coming up with an error message: MacBook Pro.sparsebundle could not be assessed (error - 1).
    Someone, anyone, please help!

    . . . sparse bundle could not be accessed (error -1)

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    Hi, I am running into a wierd problem. I have a small BPEL process with input schema as shown below. <element name="testIssuesProcessRequest"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="boolValue" type="boolean"/> <element name="dateValue" type="date"/>

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    I have read articles such as that indicate which performance counters to watch in the Guest.  An article is fine but the day-to-day network Admin needs better than that. They need a tool

  • String to UTF8

    Hi! I need convert any string to UTF8 forma. Who? Thanks!

  • What's the difference between the Core 2 Duo and the Core Duo

    I recently bought a new Macbook (Original) with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor. I gave my old one to my younger cousin. It has just an Intel Core Duo processor. What does that "2" mean? Does it mean the processor is faster? I was guessing it means tha

  • To move an image behind a part of our "first picture", as if two layers are overlapped !

    Hello, I'm french, and I already posted a question a few times ago, on this forum and I was very satisfied with your quick answers, so I come ask again a little question... It's about Photoshop CS6 and I would like to know if it's possible to move an