Test Operation Bug?

I am fairly new to FB (been CFer for years). I am working on an app for the desktop that utilizes CFCs remotely (web services). I was testing performance and noticed an issue. My app runs (albeit slowly...the reason for the testing), but when I try to test a CFC method in the Test Operation panel, I get the following...
Since it seems to run ok when I launch the app, this leads me to believe that either this is a bug or something in my config is wrong. Can anyone please educate me?

It just keep producing the same output ... did not notice it crash.
--- snip ---
--- snip ---

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    Hi Leonardo,
    I hope I understood your problem right and I hope that this link will be of help: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/flash/system/Capabilities.html
    With best regards,
    Barna Biro

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    Take a look in the API at java.io.File and you should find your way.

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    Last edited by szebenyib (2013-06-14 12:02:42)

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  • Bridge 5 operational bug Part 2 UPDATED

    This is a follow-up to the note on and may clarify some of the operational observations seen in::
    Bridge 5 is duplicating directories of thumbs and previews.  Here is a small partial list of duplicated directories:
    Volume in drive H is BridgeCache
    Volume Serial Number is F03E-BFBE
    Directory of H:\Bridge5Cache0900\1024
    2011-02-03  19:33    <DIR>          0001-020D4F6EE74
    2011-02-07  02:03    <DIR>          0001-020F29A3CA8
    2011-02-03  19:39    <DIR>          0201-0309711833E
    2011-01-28  02:46    <DIR>          0201-030B17D51E2
    2011-02-03  19:40    <DIR>          0301-0405EF49525
    2011-01-28  03:15    <DIR>          0301-040789847F9
    2011-02-03  19:40    <DIR>          0401-05055F3F60B
    2011-01-28  04:08    <DIR>          0401-050739F24D7
    2011-02-07  21:18    <DIR>          0501-0609B1F48CC
    2011-01-28  01:33    <DIR>          0501-060BD739A10
    2011-02-26  23:06    <DIR>          aura8E42DD55
    2011-01-23  12:49    <DIR>          auraCB12C2D2
    2011-02-03  18:34    <DIR>          auraEdwoABC9C675
    2011-01-23  04:16    <DIR>          auraEdwoFF3C795F
    2011-02-26  23:29    <DIR>          BluesAtJA837BAA1
    2011-01-21  15:42    <DIR>          BluesAtJFCC2058B
    2011-01-21  16:44    <DIR>          danceatn520465E7
    2011-02-19  00:53    <DIR>          danceatn79EC6611
    2011-02-26  23:37    <DIR>          madi2066804A
    2011-02-11  21:51    <DIR>          madi65369FCD
                 795 Dir(s)  317,227,864,064 bytes free
    Many more examples can be provided.
    Each pair of directories contain identical 1024 preview images.  In all cases, the only difference in directory names is the hash code appended to the "primary part" of the directory name.  (In the above, the numeric directory names are of the form nnnn-nnnn)
    The initial rebuild of the cache was massivly constructed during January 2011.  The more recent directories were constructed when the directories were recently accessed.   Please refer to the above mentioned thread for more details.  This data duplication "explains" some of the operational observations in that thread. Unfortunately, I did not notice this at that time.
    The directory duplication shows that Bridge 5 is rebuilding thumbs/previews in a new directory even though it has rebuilt the complete cach "very recently" - in particular, the "madi" directory..
    If I were to interpret this, it seems to me that Bridge computes the hash part of the name in different ways and therefor causes a data duplication and it's associated heavy resource overload when it is least expected.
    I don't know if this manifestation is work-flow dependent:  I have work-in-progress directories on my workstation and have a master cache associated with these directories.  In all cases, the cache system is built with the export option to generate .BridgCache files. At various times, I copy the work-in-progress directories to my networked storage system.  Subsequently, using an appropriate "archival" master cache, I build the cache for the new directories.  I assume that the initial seed of thumbs/previews is copied from the .BridgeCache files.  The above directory samples are from the "appropriate master cache".
    I did a test that just might be reproduceable
    1. A test directory on the worstation hard drives was created with three image sub-directories using a master cache directory on the workstation.  The caches were build and .BridgeCache files exported.  All viewing was perfectly fine.
    2. The test directory was copied to a network archive drive.
    3. The workstation master cache was deleted and a new master cache created.  A single small directory was added to visually acertain that the cache was properly functioning.
    4. Using the windows "drag and drop" feature, the test directory on the networked archive drive was dropped onto the Bridge 5 desk top icon.  Bridge started immediately with the three sub-directories properly displayed in the "content" panel.
    5. The bridge "tools/cache/Build and Export Cache was selected to 'Build Cache For Folder "9999-today" and All Enclosed Folders".  The "Export Cache To Folders" was unchecked (since there are already .BridgeCache files in each directory and they are the basis for seeding the master cache).  The cache was constructed with the following results in the 1024 directory:
    2011-02-27  21:04    <DIR>          20110219BED18138
    2011-02-27  21:03    <DIR>          20110224EB4DAE46
    2011-02-27  21:02    <DIR>          barasmal0B44C410
    2011-02-27  20:57    <DIR>          empty1E10B2FB
    6.  Clicking on each directory resulted in immediately visible thumbs with no rebuild.
    7. Each directory was open by an external process with a using ShellExecute() that has the bridge programme and image file reference, for example
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS5\Bridge.exe \\P2\Volume_1\ImageArchive\9999-today\barasmall\tf603683.cr2
    Two such directories were so opened.  Those directoies has duplicated master cache entries.
    8. The computer was shut down and restarted.  Bridge was restarted alone (not by another process).  The third directory was open and immediately the cache was rebuilt and a duplicate entry resulted.
    9. The final content of the 1024 directory in all accessed directorys being duplicated:
    Volume in drive D is extra
    Volume Serial Number is 6CEE-8402
    Directory of D:\Bridge5Cache\1024
    2011-02-27  21:23    <DIR>          .
    2011-02-27  21:23    <DIR>          ..
    2011-02-27  21:04    <DIR>          20110219BED18138
    2011-02-27  21:11    <DIR>          20110219FB819EBF
    2011-02-27  21:23    <DIR>          20110224AE1DB1C1
    2011-02-27  21:03    <DIR>          20110224EB4DAE46
    2011-02-27  21:02    <DIR>          barasmal0B44C410
    2011-02-27  21:09    <DIR>          barasmal78DD828C
    2011-02-27  20:57    <DIR>          empty1E10B2FB
                   0 File(s)              0 bytes
                   9 Dir(s)  313,629,155,328 bytes free
    This seems rather strange - even though Bridgie created a set of .BridgeCache directories "within the last hour", simply moving the image directories to a new location for archival purposes (and building the master cache) causes Bridge to reconstruct the master caches a second time.  It does not even have the courtesy of removing the now-obsolete thumbs/previews although it does seem to update the modified time of the .BridgeCache files in the image directoies.
    When the "Compact Cache" option is used, only two of the three duplicated directories were removed - a third remained with all images duplicated.
    IMHO, this is defeats a significant reason for creating the .BridgeCache files in the image folders.  There is a resource overhead of creating the .BridgeCache files in the first place.  Then, when those files are needed, the image previews and thumbs are copied from the .Bridgecache to the master and  effectively ignored when Bridge 5 completely rebuilds the cache anyway.  I now have a master cache that took weeks of 24 hr per day processing to construct and it is now corrupted with duplicate and useless data - inpinging upon the 500,000 file "limit" for the Bridge master cache.  It also is causing a major time waste while waiting for the rebuild when I need to browse many directories for a number of books I will be publishing over the next year.
    Thank you

    It really would be nice if Adobe could provide a "fixit tool" that would update the cache structure to flag the various constructed cache directories as current and up to date in such a way that a rebuild and data duplication would not be done.  This would go a long way to making cache rebuilds from the .BridgeCache files a useful tool.
    P.S.  This file processing problem did not happen when CS5 was released and I migrated from Bridge CS4 to CS5.  Hopefully a fix can be provided.

  • Bridge 5 operational bug?

    BACKGROUND:  I have reconstructed the file arrangement of my 8 tera-byte, 630,00 image photographic archive.  All directories had BridgeCache files fully created.  The two master caches (to address the 500,000 image "limit") were constructed on an external esata/usb drive.  The option choses for the "Build Cache for Folders" had the "Export Cache to Folders" disabled under the assumption that it was not necessary since the master cache was being rebuilt from the folder BridgeCache files.   The reconstruction was done on a laptop running Bridge 5 under the Win XP operating system.  This multiple week operation completed successfully and the generated master casche systems work on both the WinXP lap-top as well as my main Win7 64bit workstation - with one excpetion.  This exception (I think) is a bug in Bridge.
    DESCRIPTION of OPERATION:  I invoke Bridge in multiple ways.
    1. Start bridge initiated from the desk-top icon.
    2. Start bridge by drag-and-drop of the .BridgeCacheT file onto the desk-top icon.
    3. Start bridge by double clicking on the .BridgeCacheT file (associated with Bridge5)
    4. Start bridge by drag-and-drop of an image file onto the desk-top icon.
    5. Start bridge from another programme using the Win API function "ShellExecute" using the Bridge.exe path name and a path to a selected image (or .BridgeCachet) file as arguments.
    6. Start bridge from the Command Prompt using the Bridge.exe path name and a path to a selected image  (or .BridgeCachet) file as arguments.
    If Bridge is started using 1,2,3 or 4 above, the operation is as expected for all rebuilt directories - thumbs are shown "very fast" and are properly constructed with whatever crop and other correction was made in Adobe Camera Raw.  This action is noted on both the Win7 workstation as well as the WinXP laptop.
    If bridge is started by method 5 or 6, the operation is varied but identical on both computers.  If I access a directory that was created AFTER the cache rebuild described above (i.e. a new photography project), operation is fast and works rapidly with all thumbs and preview images being displayed properly.
    If I access a directory (using 5 or 6) that was created by by the rebuild but has not yet been re-processed the following is noted:
    a. The Build Criteria stage of Bridge takes a long time searching all files in the directory.
    b. Thumnail and preview extraction start immediately after the Build Criteria stage is completed  (in spite of having the images already an properly in the master cache and in the .BridgeCache file);  Initial thumb display seems to be embedded thumbs in the image file - which is "fixed" during the processing.
    Both of the above are very noticeable when I view the network activity with Windows Task Manager.
    If I terminate Bridge at this point with the caches not reconstructed, I can restart Bridge by methods 1, 2, 3, or 4 above and the fully built thumbs and preview images are "instantly" available.  If I then restart Bridge using methods 5 or 6 above, the thumb/preview images rebuild takes place again - from where it left off in the previous attempt.
    If I allow this rebuild for the directory to go to completion, I can restart bridge by any of the above 6 methods and the "reconstructed" images are immediately available.  The only network activity noted is a very low level doing what I assume to be a consistency/currency check for "unexpected" image file changes.
    Browsing the master cache 256 and 1024 directories with the FastStone viewer before and after the rebuild yield no identifiable changes to the thumb nor preview files.
    THE BUG:  It seems that, if bridge is started from the command prompt or by another programme, it may reprocess the images in a directory unexpectedly - in spite of the fact that starting bridge with normal desk-top icon or drag and drop do not cause the directory to be reprocessed.
    My assumption is that ANY of the above 6 methods of invoking Bridge 5 SHOULD BE identical in operation.
    I also notice that, if I start Bridge with the WinAPI ShellExecute function with ONLY the path the Bridge.exe (no file is specified), Bridge will start cleanly without an attempt to build any thumb/preview images.
    It seems to me that the problem is associated with having a file name passed as an argument when using the Command Prompt or the WinAPI functions.
    Thank you,

    It really would be nice if Adobe could provide a "fixit tool" that would update the cache structure to flag the various constructed cache directories as current and up to date in such a way that a rebuild and data duplication would not be done.  This would go a long way to making cache rebuilds from the .BridgeCache files a useful tool.
    P.S.  This file processing problem did not happen when CS5 was released and I migrated from Bridge CS4 to CS5.  Hopefully a fix can be provided.

  • Unit test and bug fixing

    hai i m an abap devoloper i need to know how to fix a bug and how unit test is evaluated or how its done can u briefly explain me ,i know errors detactin thru debuggger then whats for unit test can u explain me this concept

    Unit (Functional) TestingSAP Component or Feature Available      
       1. Unit (functional) testing
    Unit Testing
       1. A process for verifying that software, a system, or a system component performs its intended functions.
       2. Unit transactions are tested against their own specifications and design documents.
    Unit testing is done in bit and pieces. Like e.g. in SD standard order cycle; we do have 1-create order, then 2-delivery, then 3-transfer order, then 4-PGI and then 5-Invoice.  So we will be testing 1,2,3,4 and 5 separately alone one by one using test cases and test data. We will not be looking and checking/testing any integration between order and delivery; delivery and TO; TO and PGI and then invoice.
    Integration Testing
       1. An orderly progression of testing in which software elements, hardware elements or both are combined and tested until the entire system has been integrated.
       2. Integration tests deal mainly with the testing of cross-application process chains in addition to transactions and business processes. The process models and the test cases derived from these form the basis of these tests.

  • Unit Test Framework Bug: Removing a test vector file causes LV to crash

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    1. Start Labview and open a new project.
    2. Save the project.
    3. Right-click My Computer and select New -> Test Vectors
    4. Right-click the new file (Untitled.lvvect) and select Remove From Project
    I've tried various combinations of renaming the test vector file, trying multiple vector files, etc., but the end result is the same.  LV always crashes when I try to remove the vector file from the project.  LV crashes when I try to remove it even if I delete the vector file from disk before loading it from disk.  The only way I can remove a vector file from a project once the project has been saved is by editing the .lvproj file directly.

    Update:  I believe the last error is a different issue.  I was able to narrow the error down to a specific library and generate some error logs.  That library hasn't had any code changes in over a month.  The error logs point to something in the f2 patch, which I installed last Thursday.  Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any way to uninstall the patch.
    I can send the guilty code via email or ftp if you need them.
    lvlog2010-11-03-11-12-03.txt ‏6 KB
    lvlog2010-11-03-12-00-02.txt ‏4 KB

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    Click the lock button to turn off the screen.
    Double click the Home button in order to turn on the screen and bring up the track controls.
    Skip to the next track.
    Click on the Lock button to turn the screen off.
    Let the current track finish playing, and allow the next track to start.
    Approximately 10 seconds into that next track, the Lock screen will turn on by itself.
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    Can anyone else confirm this behavior?

    My 5800 does not ever vibrate, any condition, any usage...with or without head phone...not even when an incoming call or msg is there and vibration alert is on..it does not ever vibrate. I'll have it checked with Nokia care. Looks like either the vibration motor is not there  or not working...or possibly a software bug.
    This issue has persisted since the day I bought it - till today when I have updated to firmware version V21.0.025 (Custom version 21.0.025.C01.01)...so,no resolution with latest update either.
    Message Edited by sha76 on 13-May-2009 01:03 PM

  • When will the Firefox team actually test for bugs before realsing a newer version ?

    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [[/questions/884894]]</blockquote>
    Every time a new version comes out, things don't work. Which inidicates to me that the team have no testing policy. I am not feeling like Firefox is the way to go any more.

    Duplicate Thread LOCK please
    * Continue here - https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/884894

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    Aarrgghh. I know part of the problem is that I don't quite grok Aperture's model yet. But, still, something is not right.
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    That can't be right. If I can put photos from any project into an album, I should be able to do it from anywhere. If I can't, I shouldn't be able to do it from "All Photos." If anyone knows which is right, let me know. Also, if anyone knows how to file a bug, let me know -- I will file this one with a good use case description.

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