Testing for mouse hover and setInterval

I am trying to build a drop down menu that gets closed after
a count, rather then directly after roll out.
My button roll over function tells the menu to open. When I
roll out of the button or any of the submenu buttons, I want the
timer to count down for about a second, before closing my sub menu.
How do I do that and how do I reset the count, if the user rolls
back over one of the buttons button?
Thanks a lot for the help!

yeah this could be done with setInterval, and you don't need
to 'reset' a count this way, if a user rolls over again, just make
sure the interval is cleared. it would set up something like this:

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    Revision: 13640
    Revision: 13640
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-01-19 15:07:11 -0800 (Tue, 19 Jan 2010)
    Log Message:
    First checkin of unit tests for FLV tags and their parser
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:
    Property Changed:

    Thanks for posting this!
    I would only mention that your definition is incomplete for this -
    Contextual selector A type of Style Sheet Selector that
    and that it's most often referred to now as a Descendent selector, not a contextual selector.  It's basically the same as the Compound selector that you have already defined....

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    Revision: 4534
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-01-14 16:02:42 -0800 (Wed, 14 Jan 2009)
    Log Message:
    Add configuration tests for flexclient, destination and services
    checkintests: passed
    Added Paths:
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/DuplicateIdTest/erro r.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/DuplicateIdTest/serv ices-config.xml
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    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/InvalidIdTest/servic es-config.xml
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    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelAt trTest/services-config.xml
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    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelTe st/error.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelTe st/services-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/factories/InvalidIdTest/error.tx t
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    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/flexclient/NegativeTimeOutTest/s ervices-config.xml
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    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidDefSecConstraint Test/error.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidDefSecConstraint Test/services-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidIncludeTest/erro r.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidIncludeTest/serv ices-config.xml

    Revision: 4534
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-01-14 16:02:42 -0800 (Wed, 14 Jan 2009)
    Log Message:
    Add configuration tests for flexclient, destination and services
    checkintests: passed
    Added Paths:
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/DuplicateIdTest/erro r.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/DuplicateIdTest/serv ices-config.xml
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    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/IncorrectRootElement Test/dest-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/IncorrectRootElement Test/error.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/IncorrectRootElement Test/services-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/InvalidAdapterRefTes t/
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/InvalidAdapterRefTes t/error.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/InvalidAdapterRefTes t/services-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/InvalidChannelTest/e rror.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/InvalidChannelTest/s ervices-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/InvalidIdTest/error. txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/InvalidIdTest/servic es-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NoAdapterTest/error. txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NoAdapterTest/servic es-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentAdapterTe st/
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentAdapterTe st/error.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentAdapterTe st/services-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelAt trTest/
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelAt trTest/error.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelAt trTest/services-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelTe st/
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelTe st/error.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/destination/NonExistentChannelTe st/services-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/factories/InvalidIdTest/error.tx t
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/factories/InvalidIdTest/services -config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/flexclient/InvalidTimeOutTest/er ror.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/flexclient/InvalidTimeOutTest/se rvices-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/flexclient/NegativeTimeOutTest/e rror.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/flexclient/NegativeTimeOutTest/s ervices-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidDefSecConstraint Test/
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidDefSecConstraint Test/error.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidDefSecConstraint Test/services-config.xml
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidIncludeTest/erro r.txt
    blazeds/trunk/qa/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/config/tests/services/InvalidIncludeTest/serv ices-config.xml

  • As3 / mouse hover and enlarge image code

    Good Evening,
    Would anyone be kind enough to share the as3 code that makes a "movie clip" image enlarge and change opacity with a eased tween on a mouse over, and then go back in reverse when the mouse leaves.
    Thanks as always,
    [email protected]

    For what it is worth, I believe this problem is fixed in Rh10.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Test for System File and Delete System File

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      Example:  0-RMC 80 Timer_Interface_MaxValue_Report.html
    The filename includes the
        Number of Errors
        Product Name
        Build Revision
          and a unique test name.
    I would like to add a step to an existing initialization routine to test for an existing report file name and if it exists, bypass the test sequence.
    The question is, how do I run a system command within TestStand to test for a file, for example:
      If (SystemCommand(dir Locals.ReportPath\0-RMC 80 Timer_Interface_MaxValue*.html) then
        Don't run this test...
    Similarly, I also need to know how to delete a file from within TestStand.
        SystemCommand(Del 9999*.*)

    You can use the FindFile method in the TS API:
    FindFile Method
    Engine.FindFile ( fileToFind, absolutePath, userCancelled, promptOption = FindFile_PromptHonorUserPreference, srchListOption = FindFile_AddDirToSrchList_Ask, isCommand = False, [currentSequenceFile])
    The function itself returns a boolean which indicates if the file exists or not. 
    Then just use a Call Executable step to run command line string to delete the file.
    Hope this helps!
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    A peek in the docs would help- there is a TON of information there.
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    Waiting for you information
    Thanks in advance
    Best regards

    Doing a process oriented testing will be the right apprach.. i.e. Procure to Pay, Order to cash, Manufacturing scenario and month end process of variances, WIP and settlement, payments, With holding tax filings, excise returns, executing your key reports, etc
    This way you can be more than sure that the up-gradation is doing its job
    Ajay M

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    we have some really horrible SAPScript and SmartForms here, mixing up presentation with business logic and database table selects in the layout (!).
    We want to refactor these objects. We have some test data at hand to continouously reproduce the form. And we have some expectations on the output document. The result could be saved as a PDF document and then scanned by an appropriate tool?
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    Hello Naimash,
    thank you for the answer. I didn't know this menu path. There is a function module SSFDISPLAY_OTF_LIST underlying this menu path.  I will check out wether this module can be called in the background. It can be combined with the usual conversion of ABAP lists to plain text (as used in "System->List->Save to file"). Finally, regular expressions or a common diff tool can be used to check the expectations. All this could equally well be performed in an ABAP program.
    Since all the texts of the smartform appears in the result document, this permits to check at least all the form content. Layout and images get lost. But this could be verified after the redesign in the integration test phase. For the refactoring process, verification of the text content for various processes will be sufficient.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Any methods or interfaces for Mouse Left and Right click actions?

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    I believe you just set up to receive all mouse click events regardless of which mouse button the user clicked. When you get the MouseEvent object, call its getModifiers method to get an indication of which mouse button was pressed. Check the javadocs for MouseEvent, paying particular attention to "the button mask in the modifer field"

  • Test for URL exist and redirect if not

    Hi people,
    Ive never done any java programming in the past, so i've done a few tutorials and a lot of google searching, but I dont know where to start and would really appreciate someone either pointing me in the right direction, or actually putting the code in their post that I can copy and paste please. I dont even know if its possible.
    What I need to do is check a URL on a local webserver to see if the website exists, or is running and if it is then goto that local url. If it doesnt then to redirect to another local webserver and url.
    Something along the lines of
    Check url servername/path/logon.aspx
    if that exists the go to servername/path/logon.aspx
    if it doesnt exist go to servername2/path/logon.aspx
    Really appreciate your help

    This should do what you want..
    String[] urlPaths = {"Non working path", "http://www.sun.com", "Another path"};
    URL url = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < urlPaths.length; i++) {
         try {
              url = new URL(urlPaths);
              InputStream is = url.openStream();
              break;//Stops the forloop
         } catch(Exception e) {
              //If you get an exception you can be rather certain that you don't have a
              //connection established.
    EDIT: A bit to slow..
    Edited by: prigas on Nov 25, 2008 6:41 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    I have been a long time user of PMB and PH and want to get involved, I have extensive experience and I am very active with these products, where can I go, there are iussues I want to get to the bottom of and also updates I want to see implemented. Sean. 

    Hi seanoz,
    For further assistance regarding your concern, please contact the Sony offices/Sony representative offices nearest to your place of residence in Asia Pacific region http://www.sony-asia.com/countryselector.html?hpid=countryselector:AsiaPacific. Due to proximity, they are in a better position to respond to your questions or concerns.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accept as Solution"

  • Mouse Hover in some browsers displayed...

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    Since this is not consistent between browsers, it would be preferable if the mouse didn't hover over pages at all (unless you can let us set where and do this for all browsers).
    edit: actually this stopped and then reappeared, so it seems to be inconsistent even within the same browser. It's hard to tell if I messed up a css rule when the displayed page might be different in browserlab between refreshes (but without a change in my code).

    Hi Travis,
    Thanks for letting us know about this, we'll look into it. If your page is public, can you please post the url so we have a test case that demonstrates the behvavior?

  • Strange behaviour of Mouse-Events and Range size

    i found a strange behaviour of the Paragraph-Ranges in Word and can't explain this myself.
    I have a add-in with a Custom Task Pane "UserControl1" and a button "Button1":
    This is the Code for the user control:
    public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl
    public UserControl1()
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void button1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void showRanges()
    foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Paragraph para in Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs)
    Debug.WriteLine(para.Range.Start.ToString() + " - " + para.Range.End.ToString() + " | " + para.Range.Text.ToString());
    The mouse-enter and mouse-click events of the button, prints out the ranges of the current paragraphs. In this example it outputs:
    0 - 15 | The first line
    15 - 32 | And a second one
    Thats fine!
    And now the strange stuff starts: When i change something in the first line in the document like "The VERY first line" and use the button again, i got different range outputs for mouse-enter and mouse-click events.
    mouse-enter event (wrong ranges):
    -------------------------------------0 - 143 | The VERY first line
    143 - 160 | And a second one
    mouse-click event (correct ranges):
    0 - 20 | The VERY first line
    20 - 37 | And a second one
    Why the hell I get wrong Ranges when I use the mouse-enter event??? (When I enter the button with mouse a second time, it shows the correct ranges again).

    Hi Torben,
    What is Word version?
    According to my test in Word 2013, the code you provided works fine for me.
    I changed the code as below:
    private void showRanges(string eventname)
    Debug.WriteLine(eventname + "-------------------------------------");
    foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Paragraph para in Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs)
    Debug.WriteLine(para.Range.Start.ToString() + " - " + para.Range.End.ToString() + " | " + para.Range.Text.ToString());
    private void button1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
    showRanges("Button MouseEnter");
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    showRanges("Button Click");
    The document:
    The output:
    The result is same.
    There might be something else at the end of the first line.
    If you change current document to .zip and find document.xml, what does it look like?
    Here is my document.xml:
    <w:p w:rsidR="001347D9" w:rsidRPr="001511D8" w:rsidRDefault="001511D8">
    <w:sz w:val="72"/><w:szCs w:val="72"/>
    <w:r w:rsidRPr="001511D8">
    <w:sz w:val="72"/>
    <w:szCs w:val="72"/>
    <w:t>The VERY first line</w:t>
    <w:p w:rsidR="001511D8" w:rsidRPr="001511D8" w:rsidRDefault="001511D8" w:rsidP="001511D8">
    <w:sz w:val="72"/><w:szCs w:val="72"/>
    <w:r w:rsidRPr="001511D8">
    <w:sz w:val="72"/>
    <w:szCs w:val="72"/>
    <w:t>And a second one</w:t>
    <w:bookmarkStart w:id="0" w:name="_GoBack"/>
    <w:bookmarkEnd w:id="0"/>
    <w:sectPr w:rsidR="001511D8" w:rsidRPr="001511D8">
    <w:pgSz w:w="12240" w:h="15840"/>
    <w:pgMar w:top="1440" w:right="1440" w:bottom="1440" w:left="1440" w:header="720" w:footer="720" w:gutter="0"/>
    <w:cols w:space="720"/>
    <w:docGrid w:linePitch="360"/>
    Is there anything different?
    I have uploaded the sample document for your test, please check:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • XI testing for two SAP R/3 systems with same system id/logical system

    We are currently in the process of upgrading our R/3 4.7 to ECC 6.0 and plan to maintain dual landscape for DEV & QA (4.7 & ECC 6.0) for a period  for testing and maintaining existing applications for fixes etc. The second DEV & QA (upgraded to ECC 6.0) are copy of respective systems and these systems are created automatically under technical systems in SLD by auto update (RZ70).
    The question is, can we use the same XI system for testing inbound/outbound interfaces for both the systems i.e 4.7 & ECC 6.0 at the same time.  I am aware of the fact that XI Technical/Business sytems dependent on unique logical systems, so we cannot create new business system for the upgraded DEV-II ECC 6.0 system. 
    For your information, we have two slds (one for XID/XIQ and second one for XIP).
    What are the options without disturbing & maintaining the current XI system set up?
    1) Can we change current Business systems e.g DEV010 to use new technical system i.e DEV-II ECC 6.0 for testing for a period and switch it back to DEV-I 4.7 technical system?
    2) or change logitical system name of DEV-II ECC 6.0 and create new business sytem in SLD without interfering the existing setup and modify/create interfaces to use this new business system?
    3) Do we need to refresh cache from time to time in XI ?
    4) Any other implications
    We will be upgrading XI to PI 7.1 after ECC 6. 0 Upgrade.
    Any views on this would be highly appreciated.

    Technical System was created in the SLD automatically after RZ70 configuration in the new DEV-II system. We then modified Business System to use the new Technical system and carried out following steps:
    1)     Original Idoc metadata was deleted from XID
    2)     The port definition  was deleted
    3)     A new port definition was created for new system
    4)     The metadata for each idoc type used was re-created in IDX2 , using METADATA -> CREATE
    5)     This brought in all known versions of the idoc segments, including the 7.1 version.
    I have already checked the guides suggested for our upgrade and we are thinking of going ahead with fresh installation and migrating the interfaces.

  • Unit test for object types

    In the current version ( I can perform only unit test for packages, function and procedures. But we use a lot of object types in the database and would like to test them. Is there any support for object types scheduled?

    You can also use the original UT PLSQL package from sourceforge.
    I have used this in the past for testing with file comparisons, table object output from procedures, etc.
    We've also used the same setup for Oracle Forms code testing.

Maybe you are looking for