Testing of SCOT settings

I set up the Email settigns via tcode SCOT.
How can I proove the settings with a test mail?
Thank you very much!

Thank you!
The problem is, if I try to send the mail I get the following error:
Status for Recipient [email protected]:
No delivery to [email protected], as recipient unknown
I also get the following error:
Express document "Cannot be sent: next Test" received from author "author name

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    Here you configure generally the SMTP Settings. In the SMTP Settings you have to give a default domain to whom you are going to send mail. Please make sure the SAP User id to whom you are sending and SAP User id of the Sender has an email address attached in Su01d.
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    For the customizing, just make your changes, put them on a transport and push them thru your landscape. You can create as many transports as needed, just make sure you import them in the right order
    Regards and Groetjes,
    Maurice Hagen

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    Hi Susan1234,
    Any time you are ready to register your printer at ePrintCenter you can run the process.  Keep in mind that once you have the printer code you need to register within 24 hours.
    I am an HP employee

  • What settings  in SCOT to be done to send EMail

    Hi ,
       Iam working on FM which sends email ,which is working fine .
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    Thanks ,

    Hi Vinay,
    Just go theough these thread they have ur answer..
    Re: How to configure SCOT/RFC destination to send email to external addresses
    <b>Reward points to helpful answer</b>

  • SCOT setting problem

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    The same code is working fine in other system.I hope the problem is with the SCOT settings.Here is the configuration in that settings.
    RFC Destination: Z_SMTP(tested the connection working fine)
    Node in use Checked.
    Internet Checked: Set Address Area [email protected]
    All Formats selected
    Dev. type :POSTSCPT
    Any useful pointers will be appreciated with reward points.

    I maintained connection settings now. But this time I am getting a error in my outlook that 'There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient's email server.  Please contact your system administrator'.Status in my SAP outbox for that mail is unknown.
    I tried your idea before.But no effect.
    Any suggestions?
    Message was edited by:
            Jayanthi Jayaraman
    Message was edited by:
            Jayanthi Jayaraman

  • SCOT FAX send message error

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    Hi Krishbasis,
    Sorry for late reply.
    I would request you to do complete verification of SCOT configuration. Below are the steps:
    1. Please check what is the default domain you have mentioned. SCOT--> Settings->Default domain.
    Here you have to maintain the domain name properly. It should be like xyz.local.
    2. Please check SMTP configuration: Double clicking on SMTP node you should check Mail host is proper
    and also mail Port should be 25.
    3. Under "Supported address Types" option "Internet" should be checked. Go to respective Set button
    Here in Address area try giving * or specific to the address you will be sending mail.
    4. Check if you have scheduled the "Send Jobs". Its in "Settings -->Send Jobs". You can schedule the job for
    "All Address Type" and schedule the job with proper user. Check in SM37 if the job is scheduled.
    5. For testing you can use tcode: SBWP. From there you can send test mail to the desired address
    (check your organization policies before sending mail to external mail ID).
    While triggering "New Message" from SBWP, please select recipient type as "Internet Address".
    6. To check the status go to tcode: SOST and check if it is delivered. You can try reprocessing once more.
    But before all these things you have to ensure that your server IP is included in SMTP server. You can check with
    any OS administrator about this.
    Keep us posted.

  • Unable to send mails from SCOT

    Dear Gurus,
    we need to configure outbound mails from SAP to our mail server.
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    Could you please let me know how can i solve this issue.
    Thanks and Regards

    One common missing parameter is the default domain (exemple : johndoe.com)
    SCOT -> settings -> default domain
    check that in your SMTP node :
    - the color is green
    - the box "node in use" is checked
    - SMTP connection is filled with right informations (smtp server address, port)
    - 'support adress type' section -> Internet is checked and in the menu 'SET' in 'adress areas' you have a line with '*' value (this means that email can be sent to anyone)
    Other check :
    - at os level can you reach the SMTP service ?
    telnet <server adress> <port>
    Hope this will help you
    Edited by: Aymeric Douyere on Feb 23, 2010 7:37 PM

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    Hi Gangisetty,
    I guess there is no need to change any settings.
    You just need to change format from OTF to PDF using some FM.
    You can refer following links for conversion of OTF to PDF.
    Re: sending INVOICE as attachment in PDF for  external Mail address
    FM to send an email with a PDF attachment
    Hope this will help you.

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    Hi Siggi,
    Thanks for Your Response..
    The infosource/Datamart is displayed in Development system, but its not displayed in Test, so the settings are to be made in Test or need to transport from Development to Test.
    Edited by: Tripurari on May 26, 2008 5:06 PM

  • User settings not syncing in Premiere Pro CC

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    First time posting on the forums, so if I missed something, apologies!

    Alright, that makes sense for the old 5.5 projects. But I'm still having issues syncing across CC projects.
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    Thanks for the help Jim!

  • Send email settings

    I am trying to send an email on a button click event. I do not see any error when the function module to send email is executed but I did not see any email to my personal email address too.
    Can you please guide me step by step that which all settings are required to send an email to any external mail server?

    Hi Saumya,
    I am having a similar problem. Pls let me know what is the mistake i am doing here.
    In the COPY BADI, i have a check whether to create follow on based on the user auth. If the follow is not allowed for a particular user i am raising do_no_copy exception and then sending an email to the user. I dont see any errors while debugging for the send email FM. But i dont see in SOST any email.
    SCOT settings are done perfectly (email notification is working for creation of the documents).
    Thanks for your help,

  • Fallback Settings Not working for Non-Agreement Senders

    I am trying to test the fallback settings for X12 in Biztalk 2010.  I am processing an 837P and have one agreement in place that is processing files correctly when file is from the 'from' party of the agreement.  I am trying to use fallback to
    process files that are from a sender that is not part of the agreement.  I have enabled fallback and configured correctly as far as I can see.  When I send this type of file thru, I get these warning/errors in the event viewer - any thoughts?
    Error encountered during parsing. The X12 transaction set with id '' contained in functional group with id '125482', in interchange with id '000125482', with sender id '      382674344', receiver id '38-6004862    
    ' is being suspended with following errors:
    Error: 1 (Miscellaneous error)
     6: Finding the document specification by message type "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12/2006#X12_00401_837" failed. Verify the schema deployed properly.
     A message received by adapter "FILE" on receive location "837_Receive_Location" with URI "c:\837\*.txt" is suspended.
     Error details: An output message of the component "Unknown " in receive pipeline "Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiReceive, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" is suspended due
    to the following error:
         Error encountered during parsing. The X12 transaction set with id '' contained in functional group with id '125482', in interchange with id '000125482', with sender id '      382674344', receiver id '38-6004862    
    ' is being suspended with following errors:
    Error: 1 (Miscellaneous error)
     6: Finding the document specification by message type "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12/2006#X12_00401_837" failed. Verify the schema deployed properly.
     The sequence number of the suspended message is 1. 
     MessageId:  {D2CC89CA-5080-48E6-A9BF-7ABF6F37E9F2}
     InstanceID: {E2416749-D653-461B-9B7D-54AA47F75D00}
     Agreement Resolution for x12 Protocol based on the context properties DestinationPartySenderQualifier with value "ZZ", DestinationPartySenderIdentifier with value "38-6004862", DestinationPartyReceiverQualifier with value "ZZ" and DestinationPartyReceiverIdentifier
    with value "382674344" has failed.
     There was a failure executing the send pipeline: "Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiSend, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "EDI Assembler" Send Port: "837 Send 997"
    URI: "C:\837\ack\997_%SourceFileName%_%MessageID%.txt" Reason: Agreement Resolution based on the context properties for x12 Protocol has failed.
     Agreement Resolution for x12 Protocol based on the context properties DestinationPartySenderQualifier with value "ZZ", DestinationPartySenderIdentifier with value "38-6004862", DestinationPartyReceiverQualifier with value "ZZ" and DestinationPartyReceiverIdentifier
    with value "382674344" has failed.
     There was a failure executing the send pipeline: "Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiSend, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "EDI Assembler" Send Port: "837 Send TA1"
    URI: "c:\837\ack\TA1_%SourceFileName%_%MessageID%.txt" Reason: Agreement Resolution based on the context properties for x12 Protocol has failed.
     A message sent to adapter "FILE" on send port "837 Send 997" with URI "C:\837\ack\997_%SourceFileName%_%MessageID%.txt" is suspended.
     Error details: There was a failure executing the send pipeline: "Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiSend, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "EDI Assembler" Send Port:
    "837 Send 997" URI: "C:\837\ack\997_%SourceFileName%_%MessageID%.txt" Reason: Agreement Resolution based on the context properties for x12 Protocol has failed. 
     MessageId:  {D053BF43-B315-48C9-9024-842FE53B9906}
     InstanceID: {0732CFD5-A997-4704-9D29-B273E104486A}
     A message sent to adapter "FILE" on send port "837 Send TA1" with URI "c:\837\ack\TA1_%SourceFileName%_%MessageID%.txt" is suspended.
     Error details: There was a failure executing the send pipeline: "Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiSend, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "EDI Assembler" Send Port:
    "837 Send TA1" URI: "c:\837\ack\TA1_%SourceFileName%_%MessageID%.txt" Reason: Agreement Resolution based on the context properties for x12 Protocol has failed. 
     MessageId:  {A5BD0F9D-8AEC-4C33-A194-59EF0C619F87}
     InstanceID: {877126CD-1630-4FC9-9D30-F2EAA4AB09E7}
    Mike Dugan

    Hi Mike,
    For the error " Finding the document specification by message type "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12/2006#X12_00401_837" failed."
    Can you check out the section for X12 Schema Discovery in the following link
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb246089(v=bts.70).aspx. As you are using 4010A1 837_P, your incoming document should have 004010X098A1 at GS08. Or if providing  004010X098A1 at GS08 is not a requirement for your other partners,
    then I would recommend you to deploy 837_P schema by removing `_P` extension at the root node, such that the schema that you have deployed would be "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/X12/2006#X12_00401_837"
    and that is what EDI Receive pipeline would look for.
    Regarding the other error for the 997 and TA1 documents failing with "Agreement Resolution based on the context properties for x12 Protocol has failed.". It is a new constraint that we have imposed on the EDI users in BizTalk 2010 that the 997/TA1
    that gets generated in EDI Receive Pipeline for an incoming document should resolve to an agreement with Sender and Receiver Identities which are the reverse of the Sender and Receiver Identities (ISA 5 6 7 8) in the incoming document. EDI Receive Pipeline
    would promote the following context properties DestinationPartyReceiverIdentifier, DestinationPartyReceiverQualifier, DestinationPartySenderIdentifier, DestinationPartySenderQualifier and EDI Send Pipeline has to do Agreement resolution based on them. Hence,
    there has to be an agreement with those particular identities otherwise the acknowledgements would fail. For your scenario I dont see any other way for you other than writing a custom pipeline component to remove those context properties by nullifying the
    values of the above mentioned context properties for all the messages with MessageType is
    http://schemas.microsoft.com/Edi/X12#X12_TA1_Root or
    http://schemas.microsoft.com/Edi/X12#X12_997_Root such that the messages would resolve to fallback settings. For more details on Agreement Resolution in EDI Send Pipeline please go through
    the link
    Kowshik Palivela

  • SCOT messages hang in 'waiting'

    This is sneak preview ABAP system (700) running on windows.
    I have
    - SMTP host active (SICF)
    - SMICM - SMTP service running
    - SMICM paramters for SMTP configured as per help.sap.com
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    - Server is connected directly to internet and should be able to reach the mail-server
    - User with an email-id defined
    - All OSS notes that I could locate have been taken care of
    When I create a message, it appears in SCOT under waiting. When I execute 'send' it seems to not select any messages and returns with message 'No message sent'. I setup trace and check it but it doesn't show any error.
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    - Message appear in SCOT but not in SOST (even when I have everything selected in SOST)
    - When I delete the messages (SOSC, SO* tables) using SAP supplied program, then it shows up in SOST as 'cancelled'.
    - SCOT 'send' doesn't seem to even try reaching the mail host, in trace it shows it has gone through the nodes and has tried to send '0' messages (apparently it can't identify the 'waiting messages' which do seem to be there in SCOT).
    I have done other settings in SCOT (eg default domain name, receipt setting etc) but nothing works. I am pretty sure it is not related to the mail-server I specified, since it doesn't seem to even try to connect to mail-server - send process stops much before that.
    Any pointers are appreciated.

    Hi Ajay,
    Try applying this note.
    1015628     Documents with status 'Send time is not yet reached'
    We  have to be on SP12 stack.
    SAP_BASIS             700             SAPKB70012.
    or apply the above note. 
    This resolved issue for us.

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