Tethering my Canon PowerShot S5 IS

I tried to tether my Canon PowerShot S5 IS to my MacBook today. I could connect and click capture and it would take a photo, but there was no way for me to aim as my camera display would not work while tethered. Neither was there a preview pane in aperture.
So I was having to click capture without being able to focus or anything. It took the picture, but it looked terrible as you might expect.
Am I missing something here?

I don't know that the S5 IS is supported for tethering?
Might be via Automator workflow; I can't say that I've set this one up personally.

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    You might try reapplying the Mac OS X 10.5.2 Combo Update.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    Please remove the battery from the camera for a few minutes.  Then, put the battery back in the camera and power it on again.  If the lens is still stuck in the extended position, the camera is going to need service.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
    To start your repair process, you'll need to complete a Repair Request on our website.
    If the camera is more than a year old, you may participate in the Canon Loyalty Program instead.  The Canon Loyalty Program option allows you to replace your current camera for a discounted fee, plus shipping.  The unit offered through this program carries a 90 day warranty.  The original non-functioning camera would then be returned to Canon USA for recycling using a prepaid shipping label that would be provided.
    If you would like to take part in this option, please call our Sales Department at (800) OK CANON (800-652-2666) seven days a week, 8am to Midnight.  Let them know you have been working with online support and the Canon Loyalty Program was offered.  Be sure to have your serial number for your camera at the time of your call.
    If this is a time sensitive-matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

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    Leesha wrote:
    I just upgraded my iMac to 10.6.8. Now my Microsoft office applications,(word, excel, ppt) and my camera software to transfer picts from my camera will not launch. (Separate apps but all stopped working as soon as I upgraded from 10.5.8).
    Actually, Microsoft Office 2004 works fine with Snow Lepoard OS 10.6.x. However, it does require Rosetta, Apple's app for Classic apps. In your upgrade from Lepoard 10.5.8, Rosetta may not have installed but you can manually install it with the instructions here.
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    One more note, there was an issue with Rosetta crashing with OS 10.6.8 in February 2012. Apple released a security update that fixed it. You can see if Software Update (launch from the Apple menu) shows it or manually download Security Update 2012-001 v1.1 and install it. Software Update will also show other applicable apps available for updating for your upgraded system.
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    It requires the Canon Hacker's Developement Kit (CHDK). It runs off of your SD card and does not harm your camera. Download a program called Stick-
    Follow the directions and you will be able to shoot in RAW along with some other deatures not available on your camera previously.

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    T.W. Gasby

    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    With Elements 11 you cannot.
    The SX60 HS was first supported in  Camera Raw 8.7 which is only compatible with Elements 13 and later.
    Pay to upgrade to Elements 13
    Free option: download the Adobe DNG converter, convert all SX60 HS Raw files to DNG format then edit the DNGs in Elements 11
    Photoshop Help | Digital Negative (DNG)

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    It is on our radar and hoping to add it in an upcoming update.
    As soon as it is available, it will be update in the below article.
    ~ Arpit

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    1. you need cr 8.3+ for the Canon PowerShot S120
    2. ps cs5 can only update to cr 6.7
    free solution: use the dng converter: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5694
    integrated solution: upgrade to ps cc.  here are the options (but especially note the photographer plan for 9.99/mo) - http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/buying-guide.html

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    I was reading another post yesterday about a Canon PowerShot S40 owner who previously used Image Capture to bring the images into the computer. They reached out to Canon and were returned a response stating that the drivers weren't compatible for OS X Yosemite. The best bet would be a card reader. The JPEG files are still going to be the same, but connecting with a USB cable directly to the camera isn't feasible any more. Head to the nearest Best Buy and pick up a USB card reader and you'll be able to see your pictures in Finder and can then import them to iPhoto or wherever you keep your pictures.

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    Thank you.
    email:  [email protected]

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    I would guess it depends on how dark the room really is. The SX60 has a very small sensor in it and starts to get noisy if the lighting is too low. That camera does not have a real fast lens and quickly loses light catching ability as you zoom in. Can you add some additional lighting to help your situation? I realize that may not be a possibility. Is there any way you can increase the ISO setting just a bit, or make sure the aperture is as close to f3.4 when shooting? These may not be available in video modes, but if they are, it could help you.
    Cameras with larger sensors and brighter lenses will generally do better in lower light situations. If you are doing a lot of shooting in the dark you might need to consider a second camera with these traits.
    Steve M.

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    It finds my iMac and it connects: software starts, transfer of images starts, but then the camera is disconnected suddenly, message:
    "The camera has been disconnected. The software will now close."
    I don't know why it gets disconnected.

    I have recieved a responce from Canon, they asked me to download and install this version:
    Setup instruction
    1. Download "ibxm-inst-1-1-0-17-u01-9l.dmg.gz" from the download page.
    Save "ibxm-inst-1-1-0-17-u01-9l.dmg.gz" to a folder of your choice on your computer.
    2. Double-click "ibxm-inst-1-1-0-17-u01-9l.dmg.gz".
    After decompressing the file, "ibxm-inst-1-1-0-17-u01-9l.dmg" will be created.
    3. Double-click "ibxm-inst-1-1-0-17-u01-9l.dmg". A drive named "IBXM_INST_11" will be automatically generated on the desktop.
    4. Double-click the "IBX11INST" inside the "IBXM_INST_11" drive.
    5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
    But it did nor change anything, I then disabled my firewall, and after that I could download pictures.
    I have to run wirh firewall so there have to be a differen solution.

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