Text Bold

having the following code I would like the text is displayed in bold.
can be set for each cell is for the entire row.
select xmlelement("ss:Row",
xmlelement("ss:Cell", xmlelement("ss:Data", XMLAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Hello')),
xmlelement("ss:Cell", xmlelement("ss:Data", XMLAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'World'))
into xml_head
from dual;
anybody knows help me?
Thanks in advanced.
Have a nice day

To make this work do the following...(based on a vanilla 11gR2 database / a bit quick and dirty)
- unlock accounts SCOTT and HR via
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter user scott identified by tiger account unlock;
User altered.
SQL> grant dba, xdbadmin to scott;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> alter user hr identified by hr account unlock;
User altered.
SQL> connect hr/hr
-- don't really need this due to the scott DBA role privileges, but anyway
SQL> grant all on departments to scott;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant all on locations to scott;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant all on countries to scott;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant all on employees to scott;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant all on jobs to scott;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> connect scott/tiger
SQL> create or replace view DEPARTMENT_WORKBOOK_XML of xmltype
  2  with object id
  3  (
  4     substr
  5     (
  6       extractValue
  7       (
  8         object_value,
  9         '/Workbook/Worksheet/Table/Row[@ss:Index="2"]/Cell[@ss:Index="8"]/Data/text()',
10         'xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
11          xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"'
12       ),
13       1,32
14     )
15  )
16  as
17  select xmlroot (
18           xmlConcat(xmlpi ("mso-application", 'progid="Excel.Sheet"'),
19           xmlElement
20           (
21             "Workbook",
22             xmlAttributes
23             (
24                'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet' as "xmlns",
25                'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' as "xmlns:o",
26                'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel' as "xmlns:x",
27                'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet' as "xmlns:ss",
28                'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40' as "xmlns:html"
29             ),
30             xmlElement
31             (
32               "DocumentProperties",
33               xmlAttributes('urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' as "xmlns"),
34               xmlForest
35               (
36                 USER as "Author",
37                 USER as "LastAuthor",
38                 '2002-10-11T15:47:35Z' as "Created",
39                 'Oracle Corporation' as "Company",
40                 '11.5703' as "Version"
41               )
42             ),
43             xmlElement
44             (
45               "OfficeDocumentSettings",
46               xmlAttributes('urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' as "xmlns"),
47               xmlElement("DownloadComponents"),
48               xmlElement
49               (
50   51                 xmlAttributes('file://' as "HRef")
52               )
53             ),
54             xmlElement
55             (
56               "ExcelWorkbook",
57               xmlAttributes('urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel' as "xmlns"),
58               xmlForest
59               (
60                 '8835' as "WindowHeight",
61                 '14220' as "WindowWidth",
62                 '480' as "WindowTopX",
63                 '60' as "WindowTopY",
64                 'False' as "ProtectStructure",
65                 'False' as "ProtectWindows"
66               ),
67               xmlElement("HideHorizontalScrollBar")
68             ),
69             xdburiType('/home/SCOTT/Workbooks/Styles.xml').getXML(),
70             xmlElement
71             (
72               "Worksheet",
73               xmlAttributes(d.DEPARTMENT_NAME as "ss:Name"),
74               xmlElement
75               (
76                 "Table",
77                 xmlAttributes
78                 (
79                   '11' as "ss:ExpandedColumnCount",
80                   ( select '' || 14 + count(*) || '' from HR.EMPLOYEES e where e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID) as "ss:ExpandedRowCount",
81                   '1' as "x:FullColumns",
82                   '1' as "x:FullRows"
83                 ),
84                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('25' as "ss:Width")),
85                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('75' as "ss:Width")),
86                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('60' as "ss:Width", '1' as "ss:Span")),
87                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('5' as "ss:Index", '75' as "ss:Width")),
88                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('100' as "ss:Width", '1' as "ss:Span")),
89                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index", '100' as "ss:Width")),
90                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('60' as "ss:Width")),
91                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('60' as "ss:Width")),
92                 xmlElement("Column",xmlAttributes('75' as "ss:Width")),
93                 xmlElement
94                 (
95                   "Row",
96                   xmlAttributes('2' as "ss:Index"),
97                   xmlElement
98                   (
99                     "Cell",
100                     xmlAttributes('2' as "ss:Index", '3' as "ss:MergeAcross", '2' as "ss:MergeDown",'DepartmentName' as "ss:StyleID"),
101                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Department : ' || DEPARTMENT_NAME )
102                   ),
103                   xmlElement
104                   (
105                     "Cell",
106                     xmlAttributes('7' as "ss:Index", 'Caption' as "ss:StyleID"),
107                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'ID :' )
108                   ),
109                   xmlElement
110                   (
111                     "Cell",
112                     xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index", 'Bold' as "ss:StyleID"),
113                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), d.DEPARTMENT_ID )
114                   )
115                 ),
116                 xmlElement
117                 (
118                   "Row",
119                   xmlAttributes('4' as "ss:Index"),
120                   xmlElement
121  122                     "Cell",
123                     xmlAttributes('7' as "ss:Index", 'Caption' as "ss:StyleID"),
124                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Location :' )
125                   ),
126                   xmlElement
127                   (
128                     "Cell",
129                     xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index", 'Bold' as "ss:StyleID"),
130                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), STREET_ADDRESS )
131                   )
132                 ),
133                 xmlElement
134                 (
135                   "Row",
136                   xmlAttributes('5' as "ss:Index"),
137                   xmlElement
138                   (
139                     "Cell",
140                     xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index", 'Bold' as "ss:StyleID"),
141                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), CITY )
142                   )
143                 ),
144                 xmlElement
145                 (
146                   "Row",
147                   xmlAttributes('6' as "ss:Index"),
148                   xmlElement
149                   (
150                     "Cell",
151                     xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index", 'Bold' as "ss:StyleID"),
152                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), STATE_PROVINCE )
153                   )
154                 ),
155                 xmlElement
156                 (
157                   "Row",
158                   xmlAttributes('7' as "ss:Index"),
159                   xmlElement
160                   (
161                     "Cell",
162                     xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index", 'Bold' as "ss:StyleID"),
163                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), POSTAL_CODE )
164                   )
165                 ),
166                 xmlElement
167                 (
168                   "Row",
169                   xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index"),
170                   xmlElement
171                   (
172                     "Cell",
173                     xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index", 'Bold' as "ss:StyleID"),
174                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), COUNTRY_NAME )
175                   )
176                 ),
177                 xmlElement
178                 (
179                   "Row",
180                   xmlAttributes('10' as "ss:Index"),
181                   xmlElement
182  183                     "Cell",
                   xmlAttributes('7' as "ss:Index", 'Caption' as "ss:StyleID"),
184  185                   xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Manager :' )
186              ),
187                   xmlElement
188                   (
189                     "Cell",
190                     xmlAttributes('8' as "ss:Index", 'Bold' as "ss:StyleID"),
191                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), m.FIRST_NAME || ' ' || m.LAST_NAME )
192                   )
193                 ),
194                 xmlElement
195                 (
196                   "Row",
197                   xmlAttributes('12' as "ss:Index"),
198                   xmlElement
199                   (
200                     "Cell",
201                     xmlAttributes('2' as "ss:Index", 'BoldRight' as "ss:StyleID"),
202                     xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Employee ID')
203                   ),
204                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BoldLeft' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'First Name')),
205                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BoldLeft' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Last Name')),
206                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BoldLeft' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Email Address' )),
207                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BoldCentered' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Phone Number' )),
208                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BoldRight' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Hire Date')),
209                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BoldRight' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Job Title')),
210                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BoldRight' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Salary')),
211                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BoldRight' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"), 'Commission'))
212                 ),
213                 xmlElement
214  215                   "Row",
216                   xmlElement("Cell",xmlAttributes('2' as "ss:Index", 'BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID")),
217                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID")),
218                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID")),
219                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID")),
220                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID")),
221                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID")),
222                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID")),
223                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID")),
224                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID"))
225                 ),
226                 ( select xmlAgg
227                          (
228                            xmlElement
229                            (
230                              "Row",
231                              xmlElement
232                              (
233                                "Cell",
234                                xmlAttributes('2' as "ss:Index", 'BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID"),
235                                xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('Number' as "ss:Type"),  e.EMPLOYEE_ID)
236                              ),
237                              xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"),  e.FIRST_NAME)),
238                              xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"),  e.LAST_NAME)),
239                              xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyDefault' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"),  e.EMAIL )),
240                              xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyRight' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"),  e.PHONE_NUMBER )),
241                              xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('HireDate' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('DateTime' as "ss:Type"),  to_char(to_char(e.HIRE_DATE,'YYYY-MM-DD"T00:00:00.000"')))),
242                              xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('BodyRight' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('String' as "ss:Type"),  j.JOB_TITLE)),
243                              xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('Currency' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('Number' as "ss:Type"),  e.SALARY)),
244                              xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('Percent' as "ss:StyleID"), xmlElement("Data", xmlAttributes('Number' as "ss:Type"),  e.COMMISSION_PCT))
245                            )
246                          )
247                     from HR.EMPLOYEES e, HR.JOBS j
248                    where e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID
249                      and e.JOB_ID = j.JOB_ID
250                 ),
251                 xmlElement
252                 (
253                   "Row",
254                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('2' as "ss:Index", 'TableBottom' as "ss:StyleID")),
255                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('TableBottom' as "ss:StyleID")),
256                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('TableBottom' as "ss:StyleID")),
257                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('TableBottom' as "ss:StyleID")),
258                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('TableBottom' as "ss:StyleID")),
259                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('TableBottom' as "ss:StyleID")),
260                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('TableBottom' as "ss:StyleID")),
261                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes
262                                      (
263                                        'SalaryTotal' as "ss:StyleID",
264                                        'SUM(R[-' || ( select '' || count(*) || '' from HR.EMPLOYEES e where e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID) || ']C:R[-1]C)' as "ss:Formula")
265                                      ),
266                   xmlElement("Cell", xmlAttributes('TableBottom' as "ss:StyleID"))
267                 )
268  269               xmlElement
270               (
271                 "WorksheetOptions",
272                 xmlAttributes('urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel' as "xmlns"),
273                 xmlElement
274                 (
275                   "Print",
276                   xmlElement("ValidPrintInfo"),
277                   xmlElement("HorizontalResolution",96),
278                   xmlElement("VerticalResolution",96),
279                   xmlElement("NumberOfCopies",0)
280                 ),
281            xmlElement("DoNotDisplayGridlines"),
282                 xmlElement("Selected"),
283                 xmlElement
284                 (
285                   "Panes",
286                   xmlElement
287                   (
288                     "Pane",
289                     xmlElement("Number",1),
290                     xmlElement("ActiveRow",1),
291                     xmlElement("ActiveCol",1)
292                   )
293                 ),
294                 xmlElement("ProectedObjects",'False'),
295                 xmlElement("ProectedSecenarios",'False')
296               )
297             )
298            )
299           ),
300           version '1.0'
301         )
303   where d.LOCATION_ID = l.LOCATION_ID
304     and l.COUNTRY_ID = c.COUNTRY_ID
305     and d.MANAGER_ID = m.EMPLOYEE_ID
306  /
View created.

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    You can do that by editing the template of the document.
    Open the document, go to Edit->Template. A dialog will launch which will have element types on the left and it's properties on the right.
    Select Scene Heading(or Character name) on the left. On the right, go to 'Text' tab and click on Bold checkbox.
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    Hope this helps.

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    Nothing to do with CSS.
    On windows I have AdobeArabic-Regular and AdobeArabic-Bold installed.
    This markup gives me bold text.  I use the textLine.dump() method to see what font player has actually chosen.
    <span fontFamily="Adobe Arabic" fontWeight="bold">
    If I remove AdobeArabic-Bold and render the same markup FlashPlayer does a fallback looking for some appropriate bold font that has Arabic.  If it can't find it bold text is not rendered.
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    Hello amir,
    In the amount field, create a conditional formating, in there you will put the code to change the text attributes, found the following example from the Report Builder Help Topics, under SRW:
       if :sal = 2000 then
          srw.attr.mask     := SRW.BORDERWIDTH_ATTR +
                               SRW.FBCOLOR_ATTR     +
                               SRW.BBCOLOR_ATTR     +
                               SRW.BORDPATT_ATTR    +
                               SRW.FFCOLOR_ATTR     +
                               SRW.BFCOLOR_ATTR     +
          srw.attr.borderwidth := 1;
          srw.attr.fbcolor     := 'red';
          srw.attr.bbcolor     := 'blue';
          srw.attr.bordpatt    := 'checker';
          srw.attr.ffcolor     := 'yellow';
          srw.attr.bfcolor     := 'green';
          srw.attr.fillpatt    := 'crisscross';
          srw.set_attr (0, srw.attr);
       end if;
    end;Hope this helps..

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    Last Fall, Apple released Pages v5. I tend to shorthand, and refer to this version and its subsequent minor revisions, as Pages v5+. Currently, it is at v5.2.2. Prior to Pages v5, Apple offered Pages ’09 v4.3, a more capable word processor.
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    In Pages v5, with the side Format panel set to Text and Style, click the globe adjacent to the text color well. Once the color chooser is open, select the second color panel from the toolbar. See images below. By default, Pages v5 has brightness set to zero, or really black text. I suggest you set this to 21%, and see if this produces more tasteful black text on export. You would need to select any text in your Pages document for this to take effect.

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    VeeJay wrote:
    I get that the String indicator will show string or information in BOLD.
    Which is because the Bol;d property is set for the string indicator, or are you using a Rich Text Box?
    VeeJay wrote:
    What if I want to send that string to a file or a balloonTip as BOLD characters?
    To a file?  Well... if it's a text file, you won't be able to set the bold property.  If a RTF or DOC or other formatted file, then you would have to deal with how it requires to be done.  The quick answer would be ActiveX.
    What do you mean by baloonTip?  (I know what it is, but are you referring to one from LV {tooltip} or another app?)
    VeeJay wrote:
    In essence, how to make the String Value completely in Bold font?
    You would set it's property to bold.  Again, are you referring to an indicator in LabVIEW or something else?

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    I have tried downgrading to Firefox 16, 17, and 18 (as this problem has only come up in the last couple of weeks, and Firefox 19 was release I believe on 2/13), but this did not solve the problem either.

    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > History > Clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is shown) go to Tools > Clear recent history.
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • Why is text bold? - See html page

    Hi, thank you for reading this....
    Why do you think the text is bolding on this page?
    i searched for bold and strong and found nothing. Also asked DW to clean up Word text (it was not from Word) and asked to clean up  xhtml.
    Still it is bolding.
    Why oh why....
    As you can see have attached the styling to the td tag, for inline styling
    (This is a page that will be for mobile phone to read so have limited the table width to 250px)
    Thanks for your kind consideration.
    Warmly, Hope
    ps. scope tag is showing up...why is that happening...it is necessary?

    Ken...thanks so much...wow...good to know...I will do as you say and change that tag to td...great
    thanks again so much
    I have no idea how that th tab and the scope tags got in there...
    DW adds them automatically?
    OK, now i see, I had the 3ed option 'top' choosen when adding the table.
    have now changed it back to the 1st option 'None'
    Thanks so much...really appreciate

  • Header Text Bold?

    How to make the header and item texts in PO to be bold in printing.

    Dear Vijay,
    You may try this:
    Click the text column:
    a)Line editor:
    <H>test bold</>
    b)SAP Script Editor:
    -> Highligted the test
    -> Choose: Formatting
    H Character string, higlighted
    Save changes in
    text first? Yes
    Best Regards,
    Ian Wong
    Edited by: Ian Wong on Jan 20, 2009 5:54 PM

  • Inserting PNG images in my document makes text bolder

    I created a simple InDesign file using text and JPG images. So far all fine.
    But on pages where I use PNG images instead of JPG images all text on the page is slightly bolder as if some sort of overprint would apply to all text boxes, even the once placed on the Master Page.
    I checked all overprint settings, it's not it.
    Any idea?

    That is indeed the problem.
    Any ohter workaround than flattening the images in Photoshop?

  • To Make the text BOLD in 'SO10'

    I gave <H> tag in SO10, when seeing a print preview in SO10 it comes as bold. But it is not coming in BOLD when printing the form. Please give your suggestion in this issue.

    Hi Kavitha,
    Please check the link,
    Standard text editor SO10
    Reward points if it is useful.

  • How to make the text bold in tablix

    Hi All,
    In a SSRS report I have one table
    one of the field value is like "MLA 2008 : Bandeppa Khashemp JDS " ,"MLA 2013 : Ashok Kheny KMP".
    My requirement is to display the value like "MLA 2008 : BANDEPPA
    Can anyone help me on this
    Thanks in Advance...

    If you can modify the field value, you can set it to "<b>MLA 2006 :</b> BANDEPPA ..." and then set the placeholder/textbox Markup Type to HTML.
    If you always have a fixed number of characters that will be bold, you can have a placeholder with the expression for example:
    =Left( Fields!MyValue.Value, 10 )
    and make that placeholder bold. Then have another placeholder to display the rest of the text.
    As a 3rd option, you can perhaps make a VB.net function in the report code, that takes the value and adds the <b> html tags to it based on some logic, but you need to determine yourself how and where to place the tags.
    Andrew Borg Cardona

  • Text Bold in One Site

    Something weird happened in Safari (the latest update). I was bored and on Mac Rumors.com and I just dragged some text to the Font Book icon in the dock. Suddenly all of the text on the page changed to bold. I tried restarting Safari and resetting it, but it didn't work. It is only on that one site but I visit it very frequently. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    I went through a bunch of font problems today, finally found out what was wrong. But with all the deleting, adding etc. I might have made a mistake. lost track: suddenly a bunch Safari pages come up only in bold (if not heavy or extrabold). For a short while I even had all the light fonts coming up as italics. What's wrong? — All the system fonts are correct.

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