Text Clippings

Highlighting text and dragging it anywhere creates a nice Text Clipping. Great. Except it always adds this totally non-traditional extension ".textClipping" at the end. (Traditional would be a simple three letter extension, like .txt or .rtf, right?) It's a problem because it eats up the very text I want to be able to see.
For example, I created a text clipping of the line "I want to see all of this text." What I get is this: I want to see all of this te.textClipping
I tried TextEdit Help but it does not have anything on the topic of text clippings, not that I can find.
I tried changing my Finder Preferences by unchecking Show all file extensions but that did not help. I only end up with the same truncated line, without the added ".textClipping" Like so: I want to see all of this te.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
nÔÔdle--hëad Per-rrr-plexed

The reason you can +"click on it and edit out the words "textClipping" and even add the actual characters it was obscuring"+ is because you can manually edit the filename. Filenames are limited to 255 characters, so even with the .textClipping extension the filename +could be+ 242 characters long (although the Finder would not display all of that in any case; you'd end up with something like "this file has a really really re...ly long name" displayed in Finder, which limits the displayed portion of the filename to ~39 characters).
The Mac OS is still able to deal with files lacking extensions, for the most part - especially those files the OS creates - .textClipping, pictClipping, etc. Historically, Macs didn't use extensions at all and instead wrote files with two forks, a data fork for the data and a resource fork for the metadata (including the creator application). In fact, the actual contents of that text clipping file reside in the resource fork, not the data fork (which is why if you open the file in anything other than Finder it's empty).
Note that double-clicking it does not open it in TextEdit, it opens in Finder. It's a clipping - did you notice that when you double click it and it "opens" you can't select text within that window? You can copy the whole thing and paste it, or just drop it into another file, but not edit it (unless you use 3rd party software like ClipEdit, which allows you to edit the data stored in the resource fork of the file).
So, once the .textClipping file is created by the OS, you can rename it. But it's the OS that sets the filename to be the first 28 characters of the clipped text. Some Apple developer (or a committee of them, knowing how these things work) decided that was enough to give an idea of what's in the clipping without being excessively long.
So, is there a solution? Of course. But what you're really asking is "is there a solution that you can implement?" and the answer to that, I expect, is no. This is not a user-settable parameter.
You might try submitting feedback to Apple (but since there likely won't be that many users with this request, I wouldn't recommend holding your breath):
By the way, your name, I like it. Sounds like a brain-body health spray.
Thanks! Actually, it's not neuro-anato-mist, but neuro-anatomist, as in one who studies the anatomy of the nervous system. But I wouldn't mind a brain/body health spray!

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    You can set up multiple signatures and select the appropriate one. Or use stationery where the signature and disclaimer are part of the template document. Or use a text clippings tool to insert ready-to-go frequently used snippets such as your disclaimer text. Many users make use of such a tool in lieu of a prepared signature.

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    You could have just typed out the main part of the message.
    Or you can read this article for a complete description of the process of getting text out of a clipping:
    √http://www.betalogue.com/2006/02/26/copying-text-from-text-clippings-can-you-or- can-you-not/

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    You might consider using Text Clippings. In general, you can drag and drop a text selection in almost any application that deals with text. Of course, you can drag text within the same window, into another window, into another application -- or you can drop it into the Finder. It is this last option that you might find useful. When you drop a text selection into the Finder -- on the Desktop or into a folder -- it creates a file called a Text Clipping. The name is the beginning of the contents (this is where it might work in your current situation). A text clipping can be opened to read its contents.
    Even if text clippings don't work out for this application, they are useful to know about. They can be dropped into any text-editing window. Think of it as an interrupted drag and drop. Instead of dragging from window A to window B, drop it on the Desktop, then open window B and drag it in. But you can save the clipping. If you have some text you need to enter often, keep a clipping handy. Address? Account number? just grab a clipping.
    Note that sometimes dragging a selection can be a little fussy. Make the selection; release the mouse; mouse down on the selection; pause a fraction of a second; then drag. It is that slight pause that is sometimes tricky: if you move too soon, it will start a new selection instead of dragging.

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    Since I upgraded Safari to 3.1 on my G4 MDD (10.4.11), I'm seeing a couple of spell check anomalies I've not encountered with previous versions. These are nearly all when using Apple Discussions:
    1) In a single text input window, some misspelled words are underlined and others not. The ones not underlined are not strange words but ones whose common misspellings should reasonably be detected.
    2) After closing Safari, I occasionally find text clippings of some of the misspelled words I corrected on the Desktop.
    Has anyone else found this with AD and Safari 3.1?

    I am beyond furious at Apple lately. Safari is SO slow I thought I had spyware or that my computer was dying, but as it turns out in reading this thread, it is yet another software screw up!
    It simply stalls and stalls and stalls. Even hitting the back button stalls.
    I really miss the days of my 17 inch 1.33 GHZ Power PC that actually went to sleep RIGHT AWAY when I closed the lid and everything worked.
    I'm sorry but as a long time Mac user, this laptop and ALL it's bugs, the new 10.5 OS and now Safari simply not working, Well this is the least impressed I have ever been with Apple products and I have used them professionally for decades.
    Lets get this fixed gents and FAAAAST!
    And lets get that next rev of the MacBook Pro out so I can get rid of this lemon.
    Thank you SO much!

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    Mine is just done using some fairly simple html. I find with the new forum software I have to use standard web color names rather than color number codes. I did a Google search for web colors. I can't find my link right now. Then I saved the code as text clippings to drag & drop into posts. You can use Level4 by Volker Runkel (one of our Level 4 users - hence the name) for formatting. I find it a great way to check how my html will appear.
    Replace ( with < & ) with >.
    (b)(i style="color: royalblue; text-shadow: 3px 3px 2px #666")Peggy(/i)(/b)

Maybe you are looking for