Text messages no longer sending from Address Book

For a long time, I've sent text messages from Address Book, via Bluetooth and my SE phone. However, all of a sudden, the messages are no longer being received by the receipents, despite them appearing to be sent.
Any ideas what's wrong?

I'll just bring this to the top, in case anyone can help...

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    OK, weird that this morning (one day after you posted this question) I had the same question. I just want to print some return address labels for my own company. While I haven't been able to find a software based way to do it, I did think up a workable (if a bit ridiculous) hack. Copy the address you want to fill the sheet of labels with however many times there are labels on the sheet and select those however many copies and click print! I created 30 copies of my own company's address in Address Book, selected them, and printed a sheet of labels without problem. A bit dumb, but it works!
    Hope that helps.

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    It's called iMessage, new in iOS 5.0...these messages are going as iMessages, and as designed, they appear on all of your iOS devices(your Apple ID on your daughter's phone). Either turn iMessage off on your daughter's phone or get her her own Apple ID & wipe her phone & then setup it up again using her own Apple ID. Your daughter having her own Apple ID is recommended if you want to fully take advantage of iCloud, FaceTime, iMessage, etc. She can still use your iTunes account.

  • No longer able to send text message from Address Book

    For a long time, I've sent text messages from Address Book, via Bluetooth and my SE phone. However, all of a sudden, the messages are no longer being received by the receipents, despite them appearing to be sent.
    Any ideas what's wrong?

    I had the same problem. This worked for me:
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   Sony Ericsson k750i

  • I deleted a contact out of my iPhone 4S but when I go to send a message the contact appears although that individual is no longer in my address book. I deleted all text and call history pertaining to the deleted contact but still shows up.

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    dam122577 wrote:
    but wont restoring as new delete all my info on my phone
    Yes. That is why I added...
    it will disappear over time due to non-use.

  • HT1351 My fifth generation nano will no longer sync my address book from my Mac. It gives me an error message that "You have no contacts" and asks me if I want to create some.  My address book is full of contacts. Sync works for everything else.

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    It sounds like all of your contacts on your Mac running Lion are actually stored up in iCloud. 
    Several users running Mac OS X Lion and now ML (and iCloud) have no longer been able to "sync" contacts over to their older iPods models.
    A work around is to export all of your contacts out of Address Book as vCards and them copy these vCards into your iPod's Contacts folder.  You'll need to have the Enable Disk Use option ticked from under the iPod's Summary tab in order to browse out to the iPod's Contacts folder via the Finder.
    Using your iPod as a storage drive
    That's the only "solution" I have been able to use to get contacts to sync/appear on my 5G iPod Video.

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    am using I 6 plus
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    1. Make your iMessage settings.
    2. Change your friends phone number on contacts property of iPhone(not work, home, mobile). if you know his icloud account you can use this too.
    3. Use iMessage while messagging with him.
    When you open chat with him in sms menu there writes iMessage. and messages shows color of blue.

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    Go to Settings/ Messaging/ Send & Receive on each device to set the contact points to be reached at, and to set the "from" address when you start a new message.  It sounds like your iPhone might be sending messages out as one thing (e.g. an iCloud address) but set to not receive replies only to your phone number.  Make sure you review settings on each device since you may, or may not, want to have them common.

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    Since you have confirmed that the maintenance scripts have been used, then you may benefit from the troubleshooting procedures listed in Resolving Disk, Permission, and Cache Corruption.
    I would also suspect .plist corruption with com.apple.mail.plist and/or com.apple.AddressBook.plist.

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    <Email Edited By Host>

    You are only as young as you feel......
    This is an example of how you can select the exact content that you want to sync to your device. You do not have to sync the entire iTunes library. You can pick and choose the music, apps, books and so on that you want to sync. This is using music as an example.
    Connect the iPad to the PC and launch iTunes.
    Click on the iPad name on the left side under devices.
    Click on the Music Tab on the right.
    Click on only the albums or playlists that you want to sync.
    Click on the Sync Music Heading.
    Click on Apply in the lower right corner of iTunes
    You can do this with apps, books, movies .... Whatever .... You have the freedom to sync whatever you want.

  • TS3276 My Mac OS X is sending messages to everyone in my address book.  What is going on?

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    8: Reinstall Just OS X
    Category: OS X and bundled Apple software related
    Description: Replaces only OS X and bundled Apple software programs with a new copy. Small portions of third party software installed in OS X itself is removed in the process, but they can be reinstalled later. Programs in Applications folder or the User account folders are not touched.
    Option A:
    10.6 users - clean and polish the bottom of the 10.6 disk (no other) with a soft clean cloth and a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol.
    • Insert the disk and Hold c or option key down and then boot the computer from the 10.6 installer disk.
    • Second screen, select your boot drive and simply install OS X again.
    • When you get into the machine again, immediately Software Update under the Apple Menu until clear, reboot and repeat until clear. Important!
    Force eject a stuck disk - hold the trackpad or left wired mouse button down while booting, the hardware should force eject the disk, or use Startup Manager #3 and select the disk and then use the eject key on the keyboard.
    Reinstall any third party software that fails to work once the developer has a update that is compatible with the OS X version your using. (see Apple Menu > About this Mac for the OS X version)


    HI, Recently set up my pop3 account on mail. And hit a problem. Mail will receive emails, will send "REPLYS" but will not send fresh emails from address book or even if i type them in manually.
    This is so stupid.
    Help guys, Thanks

    You should set it to Port 465, and select SSL, assuming this is the smtp.gmail.com server. Your ISP is probably blocking use of such a SMTP on Port 25, and that is very common policy.
    Message was edited by: Ernie Stamper

  • I accidentally linked my wife's phone number with mine. Now I am getting MY text messages that I send to her. It even says my texts are from her. How can I fix it?

    I accidentally linked my wife's phone number with mine. Now I am getting MY text messages that I send to her. It even says my texts are from her. How can I fix it?

    You can't "link" phone numbers but you can, and did add her email address to your iMessage send/receive list.  This often happens when you both use the same Apple ID
    Settings > Messages  > Send & Receive > you can be reached by iMessage at >
    Settings > Messages > Send and Receive > start mew conversations from ?
    You are receiving your own messages because the same email address is on both lists

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    Both of yall need to go to settings, meassages, send and recieve, scroll down to start new conversation from, and make sure you have different email addresses with a check mark beside it. Right now sounds like they are the same email addresses.

  • Text messages appearing to be from my number which I did not send

    I have recently had an issue whereby I sent a text message to someone in my phone book but when this was received it looked as if it had been sent by a third, totally unknown number.
    I also experienced the opposite, whereby someone received a text appearing to be from my number which I categorically did not send.
    No-one had access to my phone on either of these occasions (or any other iPhones/iPads I've previously or now own) and it is not a prank of any kind - messages are literally being sent appearing as if they are from a different number than the one that sent it.
    How is this even possible and do I have any privacy whatsoever when sending messages or could these literally be sent to anyone with an iPhone (as I have experienced in both directions)?

    My Apple ID is on my iPad but the message I allegedly 'sent' was received by the other person as an SMS.
    Even if this is the case, I just cannot fathom that this can even be possible. It got to the extent that I was receiving abusive calls from women accusing me of texting their boyfriends when I hadn't! It makes me question how many times this may have happened but gone unnoticed because the recipient had just decided to ignore the message from an unknown number.
    How can I trust that my messages won't be being sent willy nilly to random people across the world?!

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