Thank (GOD) Steve Jobs for Safari 5.0!

It fixed all the problems I was having with Safari 4.0.5.
No more issues,
I am in heaven.
It works perfectly & lickity-split fast.
I have no more questions to ask.

i guess the kinks are being worked out.

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    Why should you feel robbed?? You made the mistake of not spending a 100 more for twice the storage space! There is nothing wrong your phone, you made the decision at the counter to save yourself some dough and these are the repercussions . I believe that this by far the best pr contol that i've seen in a long time. The only unfortunate incident that i see is that now all you crybabies are going to expect apple to compensate you for every price drop in the future, causing them lose even more money. Why do you feel robbed? Are you going to expect a price difference when apple inevitably updates your laptops (probably the least expensive macbooks at that)?? If you do than you should not be a consumer of any sort.

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    Very Sincerely,
    Janet Woodville

    You are not talking to Apple here. We are users like you who help each other with technical problems. If you would like to say something to Apple, click here.

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    Here it is in question form
    How can logitec and google sell something so affordable That is not so futuristic ? From the first to the fourth the Iphone has been my companion
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    If it does the job for you and you are happy with it then that's all that matters. I assume you are unaware that you are one of a very small minority as google Tv actually had negative sales last quarter, yes that's right more people returned them for their money back than were sold.
    Did you have a question.

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    USMC --  I found this for you.  I was pretty sure it was YoYo Ma.
    This is from the NYTimes. lects-its-founder-again/
    On most days, is like any other corporate home page — a billboard, a news hub for corporate goings-on and a launching pad for an online store where people can buy stuff. Every once in a while, though, it turns into something unlike any other big company’s home page.
    Friday was one such day, when Apple’s home page featured a video tribute to Steven P. Jobs, the company’s co-founder and former chief executive who died a year ago to the day. The 105-second video consisted of still black-and-white images of Mr. Jobs with audio of him announcing Apple products like the iPhone and describing Apple’s corporate philosophy. The music on the soundtrack is Bach’s Prelude No. 1 in G Major for Cello, played by Yo-Yo Ma, who was a friend of Mr. Jobs.
    You can find it on iTunes, under Suite for Solo Cello, No. 1.
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    Mary I agree with you he brought us a new way of working for the better and the worse,
    it is amazing to me how many people he has given a career to who otherwise would not have the opportunity to be able to have a profession.
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    I am glad that you have done so. Bravo.

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    I know that this is a new product and glitches will happen. But Apple created the hype and they should have been prepared.
    In the meantime, I will be charged an activation fee even though I cannot activate and I have wasted my weekend with Apple.
    I have a feeling this will become a bigger story on Monday when more stories get out to the press and Mr. Jobs returns from celebrating his "succesful" launch. This is a very frustrating experience and this will probably be my last Apple purchase (I own numerous Apple items).
    Good luck to everyone else.
    I h

    Sorry to hear about all your issues. I am about in the same boat. But, I think mines kinda worse..
    Got my phone last night, got the typical Your activation requires additional time. Spoke with an AT&T rep about 4pm this afternoon. He said he would push the activation and give it up to 2 hours more.. Great! 5 hours later and nothing. So I call the 877 number, option 3 to check activation status.... Your phone is activated and you should be able to use all features.. WHAT?! I look at my phone.. I still have a globe telling me to activate iphone, connect to iTunes.. Im 45 mins on hold waiting for a rep again and im more mad then it would have been if it said it was still processing! I understand glitches, and I expected a few issues, but nothing like this..
    And as i am typing i just got a customer service agent...
    They've done everything they can and i need to wait, since it hasn't been 24 hours yet.. ok, now *** is that?! Im just laughing at how absurd that call was. The customer service rep didn't even understand that i was still at the activate screen, she was asking if i had a dial tone? and if i could get into mail or ipod at the bottom.. oh my.. I really hope I dont have to call AT&T support again for my life with this phone, cause its not starting out good..
    Best to all.. lets hope this gets resolved soon!!

  • I object to the obligatory display of the Steve Jobs memorial on Safari.  An option to view would have been more appropriate.  Anyone else agree?

    Highly irritating not to be able to access Safari directly because of the insertion of the memorial video.  Steve Jobs may be a hero to a lot of people at Apple and elsewhere, but some to not hold him in as high esteem.  To impose this presentation on (I assume) all Apple users is unacceptable.

    The video appears on the Apple web site at If you don't want to view that video change your home page to something else. It has nothing to do with Safari and there is nothing obligatory about it. Nobody is imposing this on you or anyone else. You can voice your objections here:

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    kesanidps wrote:
    Will wait for the official release in Singapore. -:)
    which might never happen.  As with any other book you cannot find at the iBookstore, you should try one of the other free ereader apps  for other stores, like Kindle, Nook, Kobo, or Googebooks.

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    In Settings/General, scroll down to find iBooks in the left-hand side. You can turn off Full Justification in the options area (as well as Auto-hyphenation).

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