Thank You, Congratulations, and the Apple TV

Dear Mr. Jobs,
Thank you for creating the MacBook Air. It’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for in an ultra portable. The weight, battery life, SSD, multi-touch with CoverFlow, iChat with iSight, and full size keyboard make this the best ultra portable laptop in the market in my view.
Thank you for taking another swing at success with the Apple TV and considering the consumer while you were up at the plate. While I think it’ll be a homerun, I want to offer my view of what’s still needed to transform the Apple TV into a grand slam. The iEvery. Everything, everywhere, anytime. Or better yet, the iFreedom.
The top two factors in my view that propelled the iPod to reach critical mass were freedom and status. I believe these factors can be applied to creating the same success for the Apple TV.
As consumers, we embraced the opportunity to transform the hundreds of CDs sitting on our shelves into a single, portable library in our pocket. The freedom to enjoy all of our music anywhere anytime, provided the motivation to digitize our music libraries, and consequently, purchase new digital music legally through iTunes.
For the Apple TV to succeed, I believe Apple TV or iTunes must facilitate the same legal digitization of our existing DVD film library as is presently provided with our CD music library. That will spark sales for movies in iTunes the same way propelled sales for digital music. Does Congress need to pass a similar law as AHRA for films first or can licensing with the majors sanction this?
Second, syncing vs. streaming. Once a consumer digitizes the media, the most freedom would be found by storing the digital film on a central home TerraServer that can stream content wirelessly. This seems like a slam dunk at home, but I believe what could propel Apple TV into the stratosphere is the ability for a consumer to stream from his home TerraServer to any location, via the iPhone.
The next-gen iPhone could stream any file; music, film, documents, etc.., at 3G speeds. The iPhone could facilitate a wireless connection to the MacBook, and thus provide remote access to any file, including a film viewed on the gorgeous Mac screens. The iPhone could be placed into an iDash in your car to provide access to your home TerraServer, and stream music and films into your car’s entertainment system, as well as hands-free, voice powered phone and email communication.
That is freedom, the iFreedom.
The white earphones of the iPod. For the Apple TV/iFreedom, how about wireless headphones with simulated 5.1 when appropriate. Perhaps in the web 2.0 color, lime green. Also close in color to the Granny Smith. =^)
Thank you again for the MacBook Air. Thank you for listening and considering the consumer. Congratulations on another remarkable year of innovation. I look forward to the next 50 weeks.
John McMillion
San Diego, CA

Works fine on 60" here...
What do you mean cut-off? Letterboxed? One side only?
HDMI should sync up without an issue.

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