The best glitch that should have been a feature on BB10

What do you see that is common on these screen shots, that you would not normally see while switching screens, switching apps, etc..
Yes, Date and Carrier info. I was a glitch, and was stuck in my screen. Until I went into settings by a full swipe from top, then it never came back.
I wish there was an option to enable that to be on all the time.. along with name of the SSID connected to.

I guess BlackBerry figures as long as you're the owner of the phone and you see power bars in the top right, you probably already know what carrier you're with.  As for the date, I have my calendar icon on my front page and it always shows the current date.
I'm just makin' conversation here.  Your points are valid ones.
- If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

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    Carver Smith

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    Go to Solution.

    yigit wrote:
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    Message was edited by: seventy one

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    In Epson Scan, click Configuation at the bottom of the main window, and try these settings.
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    Edit: You can set PS to convert to sRGB automatically under Color Settings > Color Management  Policies > RGB.
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    I am not the computer expert too, try to share some of the experience.
    1: When the Time machine is working with Time Capsule, the "Backup drive" appear and it will disappear after the Time machine finished it job. You do not need to brother that
    2: Once you connected to Time Capsule, you should see a network drive in your Finder under "Shared". That's the one you can access to drag and drop thing into. However I think you better wait until the initial Time machine backup finished before you put else things into the Time Capsule.
    3: Are you refer to the Time Machine back up file in your Time Capsule? To use that backed up files you need to open Time Machine to reveal back your old file, not to access that directly.
    4: I can't help that.
    I do agree that the Time Capsule user manuel is very bad in it information.

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    Hi, sad isn't it!
    Is this a PPC iMac, or an Inel iMac?
    If PPC...
    TenFourFox is the most up to date browser for our PPCs, they even have G4 & G5 optimized versions...
    In fact, it will run on Imtel Macs upto 10.6.8 also.

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    If I were you I would first make sure CS6 was deactivated or signed-out. Then download Adobe's cleaner and remove cc, CS6 and any other creative  application installed including Creative Cloud desktop application.  Then install CS6 and use your CS6  serial number during the install to activate CS6 standard or extended which ever the serial number is for.   CS6 Version 13.0 should the be activated. That level of CS6 is extremely bug ridden so be sure to the use CS6 menu Help>Updates to get CS6 updates.  Windows should update to version Mac to version 13.0.6.  Not Subscription CS6 version 13.1.2...
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

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