The day after  - QuickTime 7.2

Complete disaster Quicktime updater ...
I did a Archive / Install
Toke me the whole afternoon ... thanks Apple, I'm one of your users sins 1986
I'm a little frustrated an disappointed by the latest update release.
Dimaxum ;-((

I did the same thing as you ... but ended up with QT issues like no view in the trailers.
I deleted the QT 7.2 completely to go back before I did the update (via Apple updater). I think I deleted to many files related to the QT application an the resolve was a blue screen an NO menu bar.
I tried running FSCK an a lot more I found in this Discussion Board to find a solution to get back the menu bar.
* So I decided to do a Archive - Install everything is running as normal again, but I will prevent to download the QT 7.2 again where the problems started.
An before you asking, YES I did ALL the disc repair permissions before an after the updates the Apple gave me to update my system again.
Thanks for your interest to help me but I OKAY now.

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    The Glu Customer Care answer my question;
    Hello, and thank you for contacting Glu Mobile Customer Care
    The game you mentioned does not save online. If you have made a backup using "iCloud" or "iTunes backup" then you may be able to restore to that last save point on your device which will include whatever you had for currency at the time when the save was created.
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    We are fellow users here on these forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support. You say that you used the pack that you bought and that it then ran out - does that mean that you used it all up ? If you didn't use it all up but your game lost the purchase then you can try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support :
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    Thank you for the feedback  and apologies you may have missed out on that sale! 
    I would definitely suggest signing up for our newsletter, they will ensure you get all the news everytime! 

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    saslove sap wrote:
    > .i hope every one recieve some bonus(incentive) along with salary.....
    Just let share any (funny) plans
    For me no plans yet.
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    Removing, I have a smaller list of DLLs
    Also: There were no DLLs that were loaded when it was broken that weren't also loaded when it wasn't broken.
    Edited by: Charley on Aug 20, 2010 12:41 PM

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    No body likes spam, so I could see how frustrating this would be. Are the spam emails you are receiving from Verizon or other senders?
    **If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or plan

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    Can you PM me with the serial number?
    - Peter

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    I didn't think, Ok, what have I done!
    Yep its day two and I freakin love everything about this phone. No regretful feeling at all, like I did with my X, and thinking I could just grow to like it.
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