The "quality" setting

Please allow the user the privilege of overriding the
"quality" setting for all Flash objects.
Can't be too hard to implement, surely?
It would certainly help for those of us with older PC's. A
global "low" setting might
mean the difference of a usable experience Vs. an almost hung
computer, due to the cpu relief.

See, you just answered it yourself, correctly.
If you have a feature request (which this is, there is no global settings manager feature to control quality..  the only current-option is to right-click a swf and adjust quality in the context menu) then you should open a public Flash Player bug and get votes, or find an existing public Flash Player bug and vote on that.
When it's time to plan features the public bugs with the most votes get the most attention.   Forum posts do not, becuase there are too many of them, they're too scattered and most times unspecific, and they're just too darned hard to count.
So, work that public bugbase.  But PLEASE do not vote on bugs that do NOT MATCH YOUR ISSUE/REQUEST.  For example, I frequently see folks commenting on a Windows-based performance bug saying "Oh i have the same problem. I'm on Mac..."   That is not the same thing.  Windows issues and Mac issues are separate (though for a feature request like this one they'd all be one bug..)

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    What scanner format settings dis you use?  Are these color photos? If they are B/W did you scan as grayscale images?  That could be the problem.  
    Are you able to open them with Preview?  If so do a Save As, select full quality and save as a jpeg with a new file name.  See if that file will import and work as intended. 

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    DVDs are LOW resolution by today's standards - only about 0.3 megapixels - so there is no way they your images on a TV set will look "High Definition".  See Preparing images for iDVD slideshows at for recommendations on image sizes to use.  Using larger images won't give you better  quality, andf in some cases, will lower you image quality because  the Quicktime resizing that occurs isn't the best.

  • How does the quality of Previews effect slideshow performance?

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    And another quote from the fine manual:
    Re Slideshow:
    Rendering Preview Images
    Aperture renders preview images in four situations:
    When a library is upgraded—provided that the “Create previews for existing images” checkbox is selected in the Welcome to Aperture dialog
    When an image is imported, or a version is created, rotated, or adjusted—provided that the Maintain Previews item is selected in the Library Action pop-up menu (with a gear icon)
    When you Control-click the library, a project, or an image selection and choose Update Previews from the shortcut menu
    Immediately before a slideshow, if the previews are not up to date, and the slideshow preset uses the Best quality setting
    When rendering a group of preview images, Aperture uses the current application preference settings for compression quality and picture size, not the settings that were specified when preview rendering began. For example, if you have the quality set to 6, and then halfway through rendering you change the setting to 8, the previews that have not yet been rendered will be compressed at setting 8. Previously rendered previews are unaffected.
    So, a high quality slideshow will require high quality previews, and indeed Aperture will render previews before rendering a slideshow, if the preview quality is not sufficient.

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    And another quote from the fine manual:
    Re Slideshow:
    Rendering Preview Images
    Aperture renders preview images in four situations:
    When a library is upgraded—provided that the “Create previews for existing images” checkbox is selected in the Welcome to Aperture dialog
    When an image is imported, or a version is created, rotated, or adjusted—provided that the Maintain Previews item is selected in the Library Action pop-up menu (with a gear icon)
    When you Control-click the library, a project, or an image selection and choose Update Previews from the shortcut menu
    Immediately before a slideshow, if the previews are not up to date, and the slideshow preset uses the Best quality setting
    When rendering a group of preview images, Aperture uses the current application preference settings for compression quality and picture size, not the settings that were specified when preview rendering began. For example, if you have the quality set to 6, and then halfway through rendering you change the setting to 8, the previews that have not yet been rendered will be compressed at setting 8. Previously rendered previews are unaffected.
    So, a high quality slideshow will require high quality previews, and indeed Aperture will render previews before rendering a slideshow, if the preview quality is not sufficient.

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    You should just try it with some different settings for jpeg quality and open up the jpegs or pdfs to see whether they are acceptable quality. If you cannot see problems on your screen, they are not there. Both formats use jpeg compression but the quality setting should be good enough to not give any visible issues. At least that has been my experience. You should have your quality setting for jpeg above 75 or so but higher is typically not necessary. 300ppi is usually enough for printing from the files. sRGB is usually the correct color space to use except when you know your printing service knows what it is doing with regards to color management.

  • 'Maximum' Quality Setting for Previews

    Dear Adobe,
    Aside from 'Low', 'Medium', and 'High' settings for standard-size previews, please add a 'Maximum' quality setting (equivalent to 10-12 quality setting for JPEGs in Photoshop).
    As standard previews are generated for imported images or for new edits on images already in Lightroom, sometimes low quality JPEG previews are generated. These previews exhibit color banding & macroblocking artifacts typical of JPEG files (especially in dark areas). Since these previews are used in the Library, Slideshow, Print, and Web modules, it's pretty darn annoying & distracting to stare at low-quality renditions of our images. Switch to Develop module, and a fresh new image is rendered on screen; therefore, these JPEG preview artifacts are not visible in the 'Develop' module.
    Two fixes to this problem:
    1.) Add a 'Maximum' quality setting for previews that Lightroom generates
    2.) Fix it the Aperture, Bridge, iPhoto, 'every-other-software', and your own 'Develop' module way: display the precached preview first, while rending a fresh view of the image in the background... display that when it's ready.
    Here's a forum where I've discussed this previously:
    Here are examples of the low-quality previews generated by Lightroom (when 1680 'High' setting is used for previews):
    And if you are using a well calibrated monitor, then look at the macroblocking in the black wool coat in this image (please use a color managed viewer, else the coat will just look black and you won't see the blocking):
    We photographers have discerning eyes. It's painful to see this terrible renditions of our precious images... and to have to switch over to the 'Develop' module *just* to get a high-quality rendition of our image? And meanwhile watch slideshows with low-quality versions (previews) of our images?
    Sounds pretty unacceptable to me.

    So, I'm pretty much convinced now that the problem with low-quality LR previews seems to be mostly isolated to the previews that LR generates after you make edits in the 'Develop' module.
    Upon first import, this image looked fine in the 'Library' & 'Slideshow' modules. After making some edits (color, tone, etc.) in the 'Develop' module, I ended up getting this hideous preview in the 'Library' & 'Slideshow' modules:
    You people with LCDs will be able to see the JPEG artifacts better than those with CRTs, since LCDs tend to be sharper.
    So, the obvious question is this:
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    Thank you!
    "Last Minute Video Productions"
    [email protected]

    Here's a look at PrE 4, and I would anticipate that similar will be available in PrE 7:
    Hope that this helps,

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    If you need to save 24 bit files for use after you have finished editing them then you choose 24 bit from the Options drop down in the Save As panel when you save the file.
    See further explanation 24-bit hardware with "32-bit float" recording in 3.0

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    then with Canopus HQ, same quality but a little bit lighter (6 gb),
    I've tried with all of codecs and settings but I haven't found what I want.
    Who can help me for the best settings for the best shades?
    Thanks so much.
    P.S: Sorry for my english!

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    gobbybird40 wrote:
    Also once CD is downloaded do i need to change the setting to sync with my ipod?
    I'm not sure what settings you are referring to. If you mean the import CD settings, there would be no point in changing them after importing the CD, would there?
    As for the best setting for audio quality, it's down to your preference. Many people will not hear the difference bewteen one setting and another. The best thing to do is import the same song several times using different import setttings (and change the song title so you know which one is which) and then listen to them on your iPod. Then decide.
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  • How to burn a video produced in iMovie in iDVD: with gratitude for the advice received I used the "professional quality" setting in iDVD for a video which in iMovie is 1h 20min long.  however this also failled. where did I go wrong, please?

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    the message sked me to alter the quality of the DVD as the content was too large for the quality sellected.
    PLEASE HELP again,

    Check the Advanced ➙ Project Information menu option to make sure the playing time of the entire project, movie plus menu is below the 120 minute limit.

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    Thank you very much.

    Thanks for reply !
    I used until now quicktime in H264 codec was that OK ?
    two more questions :
    what are the export settings for 4k files for web/you tube ?
    to play on my PC using  windows media player or Quicktime player and getting the best quality ?
    Thanks in advance.

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    (my footage were filmed with a 4 chip camera)

    If you have the camera to import into iMovie I don't understand why you can't send it back to tape. That will be the best quality and the fastest time.
    If your PowerBook doesn't have a DVD burner you could take the tape and camera to a friend that has a Mac and a DVD burner. Send the file to iMovie and then iDVD for burning.
    Once you export to a lower quality QuickTime file some of the quality will be lost forever. The tape would be identical to the iMovie version.
    There is no "best" export method because every file is different. I would use Movie to QuickTime movie, sized at 640X480 and select the H.264 video codec and Apple Loseless audio codec set at 48kHz stereo. Use the same frame rate as your source and a bit rate about 2,000.

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