The strangest thing has happened

ok, my brother has a 30GB video formatted for windows. he told me today, that his songs show up, but don't play, and when we hook it to the computer, only 500mb is being used, but all the stuff is still showing up. He recently hooked it up to his ibook to add some songs, and only those songs work. what the heck is going on??

It is possible that the screen is too high and that the scroll bar and the find bar and add-on bar fall off at the bottom.
Open the system menu via Alt+Space and see if you can resize that window.<br />
If that works then close Firefox (File > Exit/Quit) to save that setting.
See also:
If the above didn't help then see:
Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
*Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

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    Sounds like dirty heads to me....
    I had a similar problem a few years ago. Weird streaks started showing up in my footage, so I used my friend's camera to figure out if it was a problem with the tape or my camera. I ended up transferring dirt from my camera to my friend's with the tape I was using. The footage was ruined, but I ran a head cleaning tape through both cameras and never had the problem since, although I haven't used MiniDV in a few years now.
    Sounds like you did the same thing as me....meaning you're right twice: 1) the tapes had dirt on them, and 2) both cameras were having the same problem because the tape was dirty
    it seems weird that recording new footage fixed the problem, but its possible that it cleaned the dirt of the heads (temporarily). I'd say buy a couple head cleaning tapes and you'll be fine....and maybe try eating more bananas

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    If a sad iPod icon or an exclamation point and folder icon appears on your iPod’s screen, or with sounds of clicking or HD whirring, it is usually the sign of a hard drive problem and you have the power to do something about it now. Your silver bullet of resolving your iPod issue – is to restore your iPod to factory settings.
    If you're having trouble, try these steps at different levels one at a time until the issue is resolved. These steps will often whip your iPod back into shape.
    Make sure you do all the following “TRYs”
    A. Try to wait 30 minutes while iPod is charging.
    B. Try another FireWire or USB through Dock Connector cable.
    C. Try another FireWire or USB port on your computer .
    D. Try to disconnect all devices from your computer's FireWire and USB ports.
    E. Try to download and install the latest version of iPod software and iTunes
    For old and other versions of iPod updater for window you can get here
    F. Try these five steps (known as the five Rs) and it would conquer most iPod issues.
    G. Try to put the iPod into Disk Mode if it fails to appear on the desktop
    If none of these steps address the issue, you may need to go to Intermediate level listed below in logical order. Check from the top of the lists to see if that is what keeping iPod from appearing on your computer in order for doing the Restore.
    Intermediate Level
    A. Try to connect your iPod with another computer with the iPod updater pre-installed.
    B. Still can’t see your iPod, put it in Disk Mode and connect with a computer, instead of doing a Restore on iPod Updater. Go and format the iPod instead.
    For Mac computer
    1. Open the disk utility, hope your iPod appears there (left hand side), highlight it
    2. Go to Tab “Partition”, click either “Delete” or “Partition”, if fails, skip this step and go to 3
    3. Go to Tab “Erase” , choose Volume Format as “MAC OS Extended (Journaled), and click Erase, again if fails, skip it and go to 4
    4. Same as step 3, but open the “Security Options....” and choose “Zero Out Data” before click Erase. It will take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
    5. Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    6. Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
    For Window computer
    Go to folder “My Computer”
    Hope you can see your iPod there and right click on the iPod
    Choose “Format”. Ensure the settings are at “Default” and that “Quick Format” is not checked
    Now select “Format”
    Eject your iPod and do a Reset
    Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
    In case you do not manage to do a “Format” on a window computer, try to use some 3rd party disk utility software, e.g.“HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool”.
    C. Windows users having trouble with their iPods should locate a Mac user. In many cases when an iPod won't show up on a PC that it will show up on the Mac. Then it can be restored. When the PC user returns to his computer the iPod will be recognized by the PC, reformatted for the PC, and usable again. By the way, it works in reverse too. A Mac user often can get his iPod back by connecting it to a PC and restoring it.
    a. It does not matter whether the format is completed or not, the key is to erase (or partly) the corrupted firmware files on the Hard Drive of the iPod. After that, when the iPod re-connected with a computer, it will be recognized as an fresh external hard drive, it will show up on the iTunes 7.
    b. It is not a difficult issue for a Mac user to find a window base computer, for a PC user, if they can’t find any Mac user, they can go to a nearest Apple Shop for a favor.
    c. You may need to switch around the PC and Mac, try to do several attempts between “Format” and “Restore”
    Advance Level
    A. Diagnostic mode solution
    If you have tried trouble shooting your iPod to no avail after all the steps above, chances are your iPod has a hardware problem. The iPod's built-in Diagnostic Mode is a quick and easy way to determine if you have a "bad" iPod.
    You need to restart your iPod before putting it into Diagnostic Mode. Check that your hold switch is off by sliding the switch away from the headphone jack. Toggle it on and off to be safe.
    Press and hold the following combination of buttons simultaneously for approximately 10 seconds to reset the iPod.
    iPod 1G to 3G: "Menu" and "Play/Pause"
    iPod 4G+ (includes Photo, Nano, Video, and Mini): "Menu" and "Select"
    The Apple logo will appear and you should feel the hard drive spinning up. Press and hold the following sequence of buttons:
    iPod 1G to 3G: "REW", "FFW" and "Select"
    iPod 4G+ (includes Photo, Nano, Video, and Mini): "Back" and "Select"
    You will hear an audible chirp sound (3G models and higher) and the Apple logo should appear backwards. You are now in Diagnostic Mode. Navigate the list of tests using "REW" and "FFW". The scroll wheel will not function while in diagnostic mode. For further details on Diagnostic mode can be found at
    Try to do the 5in1, HDD R/W and HDD scan tests. Some successful cases have been reported after the running the few tests under the Diagnostic mode. In case it does not work in your case, and the scan tests reports show some errors then it proves your iPod has a hardware problem and it needs a repairing service.
    B. Format your iPod with a start disk
    I have not tried this solution myself, I heard that there were few successful cases that the users managed to get their iPod (you must put your iPod in disk mode before connecting with a computer) mounted by the computer, which was booted by a system startup disk. For Mac, you can use the Disk Utility (on the Tiger OS system disk), for PC user, you can use the window OS system disk. Try to find a way to reformat your iPod, again it does not matter which format (FAT32, NTFS or HFS+) you choose, the key is to erase the corrupted system files on the iPod. Then eject your iPod and do a Reset to switch out from Disk Mode. Reboot your computer at the normal way, connect your iPod back with it, open the iPod updater, and hopefully your iPod will appear there for the Restore.
    If none of these steps address the issue, your iPod may need to be repaired.
    Consider setting up a mail-in repair for your iPod
    Or visit your local Apple Retail Store
    In case your iPod is no longer covered by the warranty and you want to find a second repairing company, you can try iPodResQ or ifixit at your own risk
    Just in case that you are at the following situation
    Your iPod warranty is expired
    You don’t want to pay any service charges
    You are prepared to buy a new one
    You can’t accept the re-sell value of your broken iPod
    Rather than leave your iPod as paper-weight or throw it away.
    You can try the following, but again, only do it as your last resort and at your own risk.
    Warning !!!! – It may or may not manage to solve your problem, and with a risk that you may further damage your iPod, which end up as an expensive paper weight or you need to pay more higher repairing cost. Therefore, please re-consider again whether you want to try the next level
    Last Resort Level
    1. . Disconnecting the Hard Drive and battery inside the iPod – Warning !! Your iPod warranty will be waived once you open the iPod.
    In Hong Kong there are some electronic shops offering an iPod service for Sad iPod, the first thing they do is to open up the iPod’s case and disconnecting the battery and the Hard Drive from the main board of the iPod. Wait for 5-10 minutes and reconnecting them back. The reason behind which I can think of is to do a fully reset of a processor of the iPod. In case you want do it itself and you believe that you are good on fixing the electronics devices and have experience to deal with small bits of electronic parts, then you can read the following of how to open the iPod case for battery and HDD replacement (with Quicktimes)
    2.Press the reset button on the Hard Drive inside the iPod – Suggestion from Kill8joy
    Have I tried these myself? No, I am afraid to do it myself as I am squeamish about tinkering inside electronic devices, I have few experiences that either I broke the parts (which are normally tiny or fragile) or failed to put the parts back to the main case. Therefore, I agree with suggestion to have it fixed by a Pro.
    2. Do a search on Google and some topics on this discussion forum about “Sad iPod”
    Exclamation point and folder and nothing else
    Spank your iPod
    Exclamation point and folder and nothing else
    What should I do with my iPod? Send it or keep it?
    Strange error on iPod (probably death)
    Sad Face on iPod for no apparent reason
    Meeting the Sad iPod icon -10519524
    Sad faced iPod, but my computer won’t recognize it?
    iPod Photo: unhappy icon + warranty question
    4th Gen iPod Users - are we all having the same problem?
    Low Battery, and clicking sounds
    Sad faced iPod, but my computer won’t recognize it
    Sad iPod solution
    Re: try to restore ipod and it says "can't mount ipod"
    iPod making clicking noise and is frozen
    Cant put it into disk mode
    I think my iPod just died its final death
    Apple logo & monochrome battery stay
    My iPod ism’t resetting and isn’t being read by my computer
    I am not suggesting that you should follow as well, but just read them as your reference. You are the person to make the call.
    Finally, I read a fair comments from dwb, regarding of slapping the back of the iPod multiple times
    Quote “This has been discussed numerous times as a 'fix'. It does work, at least for a while. In fact I remember using the same basic trick to revive Seagate and Quantam drives back in the mid to late 1980's. Why these tiny hard drives go bad I don't know - could be the actuator gets stuck in place or misaligned. Could be the platter gets stuck or the motor gets stuck. 'Stiction' was a problem for drives back in the 80's. Unfortunately the fix can cause damage to the platter so we temporarily fix one problem by creating another. But I know of two instances where a little slap onto the table revived the iPods and they are still worked a year or more later.”UnQuote

  • When i send a text in iMessage the person receiving it gets it from my email address... how do i change that. and in message settings the receiving thing has my email and phone number but my phone number is gray and i can't click on it

    when i send a text in iMessage the person receiving it gets it from my email address... how do i change that. and in message settings the receiving thing has my email and phone number but my phone number is gray and i can't click on it help

    Hello Todd:
    I had this very same problem when trying to activate iMessage and Facetime on my iPad. When I signed into my account, I actually wasn't even presented with the option of a phone number - notwithstanding the fact that I was contacting others (and being reached by others) by my phone number on my iPhone. Having both the iPad and the iPhone on, I kept trying to turn off and on both iMessage and Facebook in Settings on both my iPad and iPhone, hoping that that they would eventually sync. But this proposed solution by others was unsuccessful for me.
    Then, I found out what the problem was: When my iPhone was activated, it automatically registered my phone number for contact purposes. I was using iMessage on my iPhone for quite some time without actually being signed into my Apple ID account. When another device - such as an iPad or iPod - is being used for iMessage or Facebook, you are prompted to sign into your Apple account, using your username and password. These two devices will not register your phone number as an option for contact unless your iPhone is signed into your Apple account as well. In other words: your phone number will not be synced.
    Go into your "Settings" on your iPhone and click on "Messages". Scroll down and click on "Send & Receive" (which should be followed by your phone number). On the next page, you will be able to determine whether or not your iPhone is using the Apple ID for messaging purposes. (Note: This information applies for Facetime as well.) If it is using your Apple ID for messaging, than at the top, you will see "Apple ID: <your particular e-mail account>" in Blue text. However, if you are not using your Apple ID for messaging, than you will see the words: "Use your Apple ID for message". Even though below this you will see your phone number checked as the contact source, you will want to click the tab that says, "Use your Apple ID for message". Sign into your account (just as you must sign in for iMessage on your other devices), and just choose your phone number as the "Send & Receive" contact. (The option of the e-mail will be there too, but you don't have to check it. And later on, you can delete it as an option.)
    Now that all of your devices are signed in using your Apple ID, the other devices should register your phone number as a choice. It may take a little while, however. What I did was sign out of iMessage on my iPad, and then sign in again. If the option didn't appear, I just went back and signed in again, and kept doing this until the option for the phone number appeared.
    Again, this will work for Facetime as well. The solution is to sync your iPhone account with the other devices by using your Apple ID for messaging (and Facetime) purposes.
    I hope that this works for you, Todd!   ~ Brian

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        I bought garage band from the app store and downloaded it to my mac mini. When i try to open a screen comes up explaining i need to down load missing files. I do this but when try to open GB again the same thing keeps happening! Can anyone help.
    Hugh Lockwood

    Hi, Hugo,
    In similar cases it helped to remove the GarageBand "Preferences" file from the User Library.
    Open the folder
        your home folder > Library > Preferences
    and move the file "" to the Desktop.
    Then try again to launch GarageBand.

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    Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings
    Also, if this only happens with one Wi-Fi network, power cycle that Wi-Fi router.
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    Check this out: I bought parallels 5 and Win 7 home edition, in order to put on my mac. Parallels installation was nice and smooth, i created virtual machine and insterted Win 7CD. (official)
    And here came the strangest thing: my mac doesnt see it! I ejected the cd, and put in other cd (in this case Starcraft 2), and voila it works, the install image pops up and i see the cd in finder. I put in this very Win 7 cd in the other mac...and it works, finder sees it and i can access it.
    However when I put it back in my macbook pro, it keeps spinning it and seems to think its blank, cause iDVD pops up after 2-3 minutes. Parallels 5 doesnt see it, Finder doesnt see it either. What could be the problem? Any ideas welcome
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    Mac OS X 10.6.4/ Mac Book Pro 2.66 Intel Core DUo/ 4GB
    this Mac was bought in October 2009 from official store

    Actually, it's not that strange at all.
    Apparently due to the type of media Microsoft burns the disks on, some drives just don't like it. I had to make a copy of a Windows 7 DVD on my Mac Pro because the drive in a PC refused to read it even though it had no scratches or damage and the drive would read every other disk fine. When making the copy of the disk in my Mac I found that the Apple-shipped SuperDrive would read the disk but my aftermarket DVD burner in the second drive bay would not.
    So, your options are to image the drive on another computer and burn a copy, or track down a USB DVD drive and install it from that.
    Parallels will install from an ISO so if you can image it on your G5 and then just copy it over the network it will work. You can also enable CD drive sharing somehow, but I've never done that before.
    EDIT: I wanted to comment that all the drives I have encountered that would not read the disk were TSSTcorp drives.

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    Because GPS has nothing to do with WiFi, cellular signals, or data of any sort. GPS is implemented by signals sent by satellites that are received by GPS receivers. The receivers process the information from the GPS satellites and calculate your location. GPS never sends data anywhere; GPS functionality is receive only.
    If you have WiFi or cellular data turned on this can improve the accuracy of GPS, because the GPS receiver can then use the known location of cell towers and WiFi networks to refine the GPS location. GPS by itself has an accuracy of 10 meters, or about 34 feet. Using the additional information from WiFi and cellular data this can be brought down to 3 meters (10 feet). This mode is called Augmented GPS, or A-GPS.

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    Maybe these will help:

  • My external hard drive is 'seen' by my iMac and I can go into the Finder and open files and folders. I am using the hard drive for Time Machine back up. However Time Machine says it can't find the drive. Same thing has happened with Final Cut Express.

    My new LaCie external hard drive is 'seen' by my iMac and I can go into the Finder and open files and folders. I am using the hard drive for Time Machine back up. However Time Machine says it can't find the drive.
    The same thing happened recently between Final Cut Express and my other LaCie external hard drive used as the Scratch disk. It fixed itself.
    I've run out of ideas. Help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

    have you done some searches on FCPx and time machine? Is there a known issue with using a TM drive with FCPx? dunno but ...wait...I'll take 60 sec for you cause I'm just that kind of guy....   google...." fcpx time machine problem"  Frist page link drives-and-final-cut-pro-x/
           You cannot have time machine backups on your hard drive if you intend to use it in FCPX.

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    I have a site that i am on all the time and have never had a problem at all using it, but the other day all the sudden i could log into the site but when i go to use the chat room feature in the site i get kicked back out to the sign in area. I have used on other comp to make sure not site and have been able use w Internet Explorer... So i am at a loss as to what has happened all the sudden. Please help me...very frustrated w this... Jared

    Original problem I noticed was that regular websites I go to (such as msn) were only partially downloading.  I could see the text on the site but no pictures or videos.  All web surfing was extremely slow.  When I would go to a site such as man I would see another address in the lower left corner for "" or "" that is was trying to connect to. I tried using all three of my browsers (firefox, safari, chrome) and got the same response on all browsers.  After I spent some time researching the issue I decided I probably had a adware/malware problem so I decided to try  I could also not access that site along with or  I was also getting the same response on my other devices (iPhone, iPad, and a mac air).  I could not access any of these sites on any of my devices although I could get to almost any other site although it was very slow.  At that point I decided to unplug the router.  I also did a number of other things before then to try and manually get rid of any adware.  Eventually I got msn back working,, and the speed was much faster.  But, I still can not access adwaremedic and  I could access these on my phone with 3G but not on my wifi.  This is where the problem still stands.  I am sure I still have some adware on my computer and need to find a way to remove it.  I am no techie so the complicated manual fixes are difficult for me to do.

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